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New York 3 Fo.rier I947


J 1 ai 1 1 honneur de voua accuser reception de votre lettre

du 27 Janvier adressee A N. Parodi et relative l M. Marko Jurincie.

L 1 Ambassadeur, actuellaent l Paril, sera abeent des Eta ta-t

Unis j usqu 1 A la mi Fe.ri er. J e ne aanquerai pae de lui cOIIIIIUDiquer

votre lettre d~s son retour.

Veuillez agreer, Madame, mes hommages tr~s respectueux.

G. de la Tournelle


OBJECTIVES The T own H all .AUOCllUOn of Norwalk. lnc., as :a non-profit, non .. snrtinn,

non . political, non-sectarian, educarion.d organ iza [ion, founded in 1942 by :a .smaU group of forward-lookins, public -,;piritcd Norw:alkers. It :aims to promote 2 n in­tdligcnt and well-informed public opinion by bringing to iu spc;~.kcr's pl:uform, nation;d experts to deblltt :wd discuu up-to-the-minute viully important n:ation:al 2nd inttrmation:al topic~ of the day.

1942 T o 1947



I) Nfl'.u., C..uJu

l"'ltn ..,..·, m~h co «<I h fu~ u fl"'..ey dutls• hJppm. h«:n1!1f che-re Wtrt f'COPI• Whe bd_.,td itl i:t and ,..ho wet\' wollutj co wotli (or U

O.,r ~u.ch ptnon wn C."l <ioodw•n. AI'IOth« wu Evft'f'tt fl.akt" Tlwy dto,·t out Ul '«'ihol'l tO * me ont rveni.nJ r.uly ol'l AuJJ,Ut.l, lt,.l, Thty w~ont<d to ult.. 1.0 me aboln n.ucinJ

........... ' -..... J CUtftl ll cvtnH COUfte tl '"" YMCA. c,.t Goodwin W»

1 • .:-~~·: :"~~;:, .. , ~nu.ry of the- "Y" H tk•t citnt, atld Evenu &krr w-u ' ' ··~ .,,.. ,. ' '"'' a hor,h .chool c..-cher uu«ftttd '" comm~.rnity .~~ctivhfn, l"htr

~rol-f ~bowl cht rul llftd ( Ot" inlonruuo ft on 1ftd d toevmon of •mpc.unt 1--. "1"'wv u tef "Wit' peopk ( ,ft rN:.oMd.,.n roll, •ff'Ct~ ..,. dw new• few dw line ,_ '" chN lot-b. a.ftd •nr l~.n.c (• •k-1 Catt Coodwm e.JW ... !uadk -...... ,., .... ,...,...., ..

• ........,. cJ. w11 A"'3~• lfU ~"t' Wit .. ~ ol dw e.­,_.., •-' ,._J ,,~ deep .. ~ a......_ V•t't ·~ ~,.,.., cvaywlwn- • 1-'- A-.~o.~o• lK!Op' h..d:-- XI- fll1: Jftllit- w-u much~· tiOft """"'' • •·W(_..,..t ftont- Uld w-hnlwr .,.., rnlly ~ dw pqwer to end. .-w wn· oiUO ful"'lppr. h w.u GI'IC' ol the tcr.nt poutu '" eN wu (or-. ..nd ~ ~ co bt 1f<11n\•11$ ' lot mot"C' d«ply 1h1n tvtr btfort on wh.u wn u ·,ultt.

n., tholoijl.ht •bout '"'''''"'ion• thAt cooL ;n"'Y h\l.ndr.W f)( yurt to b\lild up. •bowl "''lilt' w cMr Jl"rt(Joul livn. ""'""In rh. commwntty. u lua '" ~'t<d'IIINfl t.

I .,.,_ h l ltll AJI ,11 chit over '" my muwl Jl Cui Goodwin 1polf. I wu tblllk• "'K• tno. whu ~n fmpty c-.b I "'·ould bt i( I d.dn't -sr« tO htlp, I lud ju.u Wflllfl\ ' ltuk 1-oolo. ~ ckmoc-ncy '-" lht '-OUtW o( whl'h I htd 3libly nld th•t unlru flt'OI'k •nt •bit 10 nult dnnocr.Ky wor\ ;,. cht.c own commu.nltla., un· ku clwy •trt .,.,u,_... co put~fl'•ct "' ~t•Wnhl"& .. wt nuit~u.mi.nJ lhar public (ONm. .10'\d to•n haU' a.nd ducu.tioft ,ctOU,., thty couldft'a nptct to h-Ive • flu l dnw!o.rny.,. • N t-..1 .a.k. AM,... Cut Coodwo~t •ad L""'"' a.l.a wen 1d.o1tl till t llft. t , •htth.rr I rp Qw !"lf'.nt wfut I u.&.

.. ""'- U... kft dur ~. W"a.l •'-1• "'"'&trOlly t.m ciea*d; wt _,.,

ro"'c: •• • •~Mtla "- J&a _ ,.., .,. tw .... ,....,.., .... ~,,. J~PJ;t; we

"'""' /!~""$ • npu..wnc ..-.c.h p.blic 4dt.t.n .avtll.,..l ...-y 1pulcn ..,ccM: .t II'Ul loft( It • ~tlltt ,..,. ; ..., wmr PI' I .. ...... .1 ,.ti•~ IIIN'Cml til "f"• Wt'IUIIH'• M N« w•JL\ •snuu~ uwl Ult"'f"' to utry" ltOM ~heft.

II\ flf'..in 10 4. ..II tlw. • .1 few .. ,. ~ .,.,_ Mfdtd, ~ who coald c . ..rdl th, tf'IH\ tnJ r•" •l on to 01-bnt. Cu i COocf.,,., ~NI Evtrnc lldtH wf".nc our •nd founJ : htm 'nwy found HoW<1rd W Corium. who b«.1m. our lim PrcMdttu; l n~m I • (iJIId, who ~.111\t' Vitf"•Ptft'Cffl'll tnJ --~ IJifr UICC'ftdtd Mr. Corfl•ll'l: \f., oOfl l l lltllu, who WJI 1ft~ O!trt"IUr of our lluWI~ilyl H enry L. Mc)iffl, ""lltl 'hffnlttd H Trul\ltft t"'d Ch,irnun o( lht Mt'lnbttdup Cocnm:ittcotl Eric

(Coati.nucd"" f»~c U)

.... ..


17 Ctw1.r V . 0,.;~~~), Jr .,""'· Tlltt T_.. HJI.I_.. At d.. c:r.c-"1 IIIIW. Y'ur II ol the AI!Omalt AJ«• dw

T--a H..ll Mo"'~' olfu• .-\IYI(f'IC:l • (ormuh th.tl will hffp fincf tht nr,hc .trttwc" to 1~ u.r,:tnt prvbkmt of c.od:ay, J.uc " t~ nr y Nrw £.,&,•nd TGw~t M«t!IIJ hdptd our lor,.. btJn to ''"~~' costt~r 11'1 j)fiCf •nd tre\lrity thru hundred yun •so.

• • -'·1 1'- 1 L- ·.nd o- ' · ,,.,. .. ,, •" · Tile aty 10 '"" rr~tm oct n nyw we llM' our tn• •· , ...... ,., . ...... , t<IJ.,-i.n,~t uwd our m.nif, 1.0 k-.1m 1he .c:ru a4 bow co ck1tto) ,., .... ,. •• • ,.. .. ., tlv hu~n~n n«, Wfl ~••nd trrmbllnJ brlort Ol.lt OWfl handi-. "'""'"" "' ,.,_ ·"' woc-k, ,,..,V'11)' '"'f*C1ll co prtwrnt tbc cotnlfiJ nudytm. lnttrJJ el Mlu.n.l: hor.MI1 (Ott 111!111\'«fllll ~·pie tn dw rca1m ol humJ..n tC'U'-*'1.11!,~ t<ifftllj.O

.edt tO ditawa- _,..,.1 h••- ._.,1ft tM..d by 1fttlall ~.-• olut~o•u1un. txJim, ,,_,.,... • ...~ C~ •'*" kJd _...-.tM)' CO WU 1JWf ... ttiCCOOII "'Mw __, • • ""7 4oca. , • .._,....,.,.,.at W"f" h..., .. ~ct.d. lob• t•.udy ...,...,.., ch.at .._ .. lw •• -. .. brl....- U• tlll ..,, un &ru• to - ...- _.. •• dw ru1 .. ol ~a rc-l.luo .. ,..,, .. dw ~- , .. ,_.,. .. ,,.ncr dut tlw K-l•h hi••..,. dw..n iA the .....W e/ phf'IUI ,.,Ur,.U..P'o d.en- • 'ulc 1lop.: C~C •e .Nil 'eel pnct « wcv:nry.

k'llK dw Town H.dl Mowlllf'ICnl offtn l r« "'"' •.ht opportur~•tr •o lind the riJ}u ;utt•cn (Ot tbf-Mwhu, tl h.u nude- ' widetptnd tPPfJI to ll"lfrl •nd wonwn tkrou.ahocJ• tho 1uuon TO'Wtl tbll'1 lorunu llwi. di.cwtMOn I"""P'· •1

H•r.tm•J huiiiMIIQ.fll, '" ~tithlns cocby In thit ~Icy " ,.,..~, bt(ort.

A lew w«kt 1,110 l n<:('!vtd J lnrfr from • fortntf I'IW!'IIbct (j( out Town Hdl 1tdl" w-ilh our OCf"wpu ... IOtt.~ ,,. Japan <kknbitiJI .. ,he motl u clt•".ll i own Hall MC'C'"IinJI I''~ cw" tttn • , .. 4,000 japtMH Jammtd i.aco T okyo'• U.W.y• Ptrk l"hescn 10 ~put¢ fr«<y. nptttMflS c.h6t opihion 0111 a rruttft of 1,(, •.nd denla. food." tout )Oil ap •• teuind •ord ola ,._" M«t.rll ~" 01i1"1~lllJ-­La.n wed! .. ~ r«a,·ed II TGWII H.a.U kttrn ~~ radio IUUNII "" Crnau.•y .... liolbnd .Wq I• kip .. wee__, up Towa tWJ P"'S'...., Y-. t1w T ... ,. tua .)low-C'me!llt .. ~ .,......., dw ...w. coo.

'IT•. d! ct. T ..... H.tl """'""""""'· cl.t .... pm.-d co ~-- dw ,,........ hut •• .._.,..e aA ,....._,1m'-._ 0. 4"11WftCUl dccmcy .aad .ceodr- el--.. ,., b.tt ...d thould - "«'1 __ , fli .,._,,,,... ....._ pbyWa.l C'WrJJ' •• ua ...._ cowa.rd

twmpaa dw ucevNb"l l.teb el dw Ato.me A~ co U... •Ckl!lll!M ol dw wKirb-c romblor .vc~Mau .,, "''" (Otlfi.JiMt dut dwa. ,r ...- ••II He_.,..,"' mlfldt ,Jtd hr.trtt a ~h.a.nu to (u .. n!OI' ..,,,,. c), iti~.JI'rr of the f"li'W" ltCotfltlt:l, ..,., taft .~ Will 61'1(1 fht riJhl ll'ltWI"'

l u thu llm« uttt~.l thor huttl.lt tOnJ~ntu.UtiOn• to tM N'~>r••1~ Tow~t Hall whkh i• holdtBI hi .. h thtt bHII'Ift o( ttl. · rown H.~U Movrm.nc In anothrr srnc C"ritl, In Llw hlttot)' ol 1M /I"Mtk ifl peoplot ,

..... .....


87 Nt.h~ D. S,Jt t'Jtn

T1w tcf111f» ol cbal'f ~t Nal •• ... , ~- '0 * p!td. IIC''rl ~·~td kfon Ull all ,...,w h.ttery. TMy nwn'• 1rutht IM!fd ·~ ab.1tcy 16 •d.apc tw""""lf •r••chlr to tJo. '"''"Ah .. ,,h •""'" h. ,, conftol'>tcd - t.l• ~tntnt cb.~ts« rlut ton "''"l of tH ( 111 to do "4-

,., "'''fl befort, the mM( impott .. m t thtnjt t tl tht wQotld 11 for ''til hum,an bnnx to lurn how lo l(.tl •*• w ith hit

:·.~~~~-.~~··:; ~at.bor• - for now tlw wholl!' world It OM JIC'U Mt&hbor· t~att ,...,., hood In •hieh ""' m.an ~ M,J.bor to cwtty odwr nun.

~orwall't Towa Hdl .fllm to hcf' dw comm•nity k.atn lww wt <Jn bat ,crt '""'' t~hu m ti.R 1.,.._..""~11\J, ,wife~"'~ w.,W.

'" cit. df•r "' -. noc ~ u .., fonfadwn &.r,dr ~ .oldy ...,.. lo,;,l kaoden tcw ,....,-.,,. ... ~til cftc:or .W umt ,..,.. ~ live: •t df •• t upoa nprm .,. thbt ..,-,....,1 £dck, ~('I' tlwy IINIY he , .....

lhthc-r du:~t tlml..ch dw '-'c:tart at 1a cduaacrut dntC.to, T .. n lbll t11a dtht It J IWf dttelolUIOil

Tht •otl. oi d~< TI'!Oo.ktuor dtwnn •Pfd•l un.ph:uit. llr m~on t Al•,ayt tNi",· Ul'l tl~ III'IOphtrt of optn-tnln6cdntt,,

In •dd,lion ro pro.-idinsJrt n tpt.a"ffl .and .a modc:r·uor T own I hll provM!a opfl(lnunuy (or the ln.![t 1 •tl'ff' 10 plnie ipale i.n tbto qVti llon a'ltod tmwa ,wr!llll T'hn (onor.-, Jn lmporu.n1 put o( uch ll'l«'ti:llJ.

•~ the mJ tbf. llUn-, ~' •' wb.ctiber. ·~ m..r •l.d ~''-' • ,ondvde tk.a orw 19rAer lud dw Wttn ol dw dd.u. or co 1ht11 .,_., tlw..t -• at•cn to dw ~ pronud.. ~- '~>til ""-ued., .U "''.,....._ "'•lu m:md­JIIIh Jl>fl - L.,ow~ .... "'"'"' j ... .-1 about ~ ~, Ylrwd ,.._ If- ol 'Uffnll "*10"' ..f ""'POfiUtC.if.o

S...bt«u Oft 1-hr a.&1JCIIfW) • tfttotmlt.IOAal k.-d an """'-lly MH«.fd (~ ddocw­...,lt\ I onl ~kim INf -omt cl'' bt •ddtclfM ...- '"~"""')'f)!( t~ wMch ue l•,.l•h rrm;oru,\'c: and 1101 .a ltw ol dwm a.te I'IOf <wdl u~rttoo4.

' ' '") pcop&t •·Otl~ " '«f'hy our Norwalk T own I IIII dOli 1'101 .. n~ubrty lm,.,dun, T~ .a1uwcr J,,_, in tt~hn~•l d tlfituhit1: u n l'l&lll,ll ,;mo: t nd con. PtrtuP\ ltchnn:al .ad~u~o m.a, .ome lht make pouiblot .a purdy local bf'Olckutins lUI""' ""ould dl~r~ tTtr hApptfl •• m•Jht rt.~h out 10 •hot wMit cemmu.n.ity u U\ '"Jifi'ICt f(ll" tile. pnwt~l. pu.ortAI aneNL..c:e " twenury In otdrf to wcvn T-" u.n·, bmorfi,,

1'11'" •t "' thor '--" el 1"'w T .. ,. Hill lu.t«ut..,.. ttl Nerw.aD... 1111L. &Oo c~.,.,,... c...,a..c-UIC, ,.. tlw ~f)"; lll ,...._ u .,.c~. _..., _,..,._.,._ .~ ,.yt)~ ............ ,.,, o4 .,., .......... nt f"klllt'al * ..... h t.. .. alrud.- ftUdc: • ....,... t~ wc-wrc- pi..Ke lae tocff 1n td.ttOfl •• «<mnnluflity rh • .,t, l'lt fu pcKM1$.11 II!IJIOfU*• fiW tht lutvre d iftc•kultbk

,. ' r ••

• • • . .. . •

11:-•·h ' .... . ... llool4

I .... ,...~ ....... . ......... . ·-. ~ .. .. <I .... ...

·~-- ~--· ·--



-_,_ .... , ... -... -·· ·--.. -.. ___ _


1'"2 Alfr'l!MN '"l'N Sh:Ofld Front"- 1 Spr..\c.. ''Tlw l ndoJ.n Problem,.- Otb.llc, l Sfltlk.,n " fO\Ind.niOtu (CK l•lhn& Pu<<t" - l ScwJiur ''J.Iow Should Govcrn~l'll Rc-3\ll.tM ~hnpowtrl"' l .$pe&kcn,

IJ.U SPRING ,.Pou-~'.n Puu 11robknu"- Otbouc,l Spt'k"'" " '«1tll Col1«11VC' Sfcu.tlt)' 'Wor\ Thl• Tttfld .. - l)cbJ!f,

2 Spc.;~kn-• ''(.;'" IXn'IOCttC)' Survive Thi• Wu" - Dd»tt, 2 $j)f"1kcn ' h the '111orld llnd,- (or lNmocnc-yl" - I $pakt'f"

U•J AUTUMN ' I k..tJOon lnun'"- l.ohl •·c_.,. Ruuu Go ~rJhC IJ~ .SuloaP" -Otbut, ...........

h ~,. I.~~CUnblt1" .. - Dd»tt, J Spal.n '''l'lltAfOIIn'.OD DahnJ .. - 1 Spn\tt

\C'"t Afllft.a l.fMik dw Yorid~ .. - S,....~ ,........, " .... SP•uxc

, ....._., T• Do '"'".ch GttM-~P'"- ~''• l $fw.;~Lf'n , ...._, T• o., W'nh j.lpmr-Drhuc, SJ'I'I'I,_...,.,

' s,...>.n. -nw r •• ., n, ln..-.Q~Qn .. -S,..,..._..) Spn~,., A• • .,,n.JI .uutr- of MJotuy Scuun. N.o~ut &lid ,.,_ Pownt

()or. I11:M""-" N«d :a Fowt:h Tt:rm?"- Orbat•. 2 Speil.n,

19H AUTUMN •·t ... llifodut~ Mn:ton3'' Sc~tc, Natton.d., ··p,~'""''Y or Drptfl,ion /\her dw w .. r~··- S)nlf'041U:tno

1 Spn.lt"' 'Wh" Docs R,.,.,,._. 'tlantl'' Orbur, 4 Sptd.ttJ, "W,III·~t~.brn Lud tO W',r 1n tbe Amtrkltl'' - IXbnc,

4 SPt.llicl'l "h tN Emn"jttnn o( Labor u :a Pol1~tt•l Poru • 11tthhy

l.>.: ... dopm.-nt in Amrnun l.l(c~"- Dt:lutc. 1 Sptd,cn

.............. ., •••• J .. . •• 14 ........ ... I •'- ' ... ... -· '"·­·-·-I "• 0.0-'-•t.­_,.__ .. _ -no-... .. .._ ..... ... , .

..t..l•• n-,. .. , .......... oiU- Hu.i.• ...,._ --·· .._, "- " .. ,.,.....J_.,_ ltw-~ ....... , ....... --· ..uu.o.-.. ... _

, '

lf4f SPkiNC "'Wlut Cu• We bpen From tht $.1" rr.....c.o Conlcrtncd ..

1 Speak«. P.o~n.tf ol • • Spccltl Report olrhlt Metlt!!'ll .,,If bt t01t.IWI Oft rht wick or luck covn,

.. How Can ~'c Crnu,O,OOO,OOO Pou.w~, Jobtl .. l Sp..:.kct", Panel of 'I

"Ho.,. Can Wf! Ot.-iw 1\n 1\ckq~o~.uc Mtdkal Proat~m For AlU" - Oeb;let, 2 Spukcrt

"Ho.,. U.n 1\mc:tic-t Procr.t l ltr Mu'or'' '''~ .. ))mpot.hlm-4 Spc~ Mar<"h frl Ti.IIW MovlnJ l'ouwe " An\frtUnt Atl"­o'-'>.

lt4' AU'TUMN "'C.&dod.att'f M«tm, .. - Local flKt• 1...-.

1 s. .... nw Bomb:a5 ol Nac•uk"''" ~ Spota\tt "'~C.a W'f!c-ctOJ[)rutwtoYt A~ f~Wtl'~'"

l Spai.a--, Pa.nd ol ) "'h 1.- U. S:.dl A..na A,.,_., Te'JM U..t..l

Suta~ .. I Sped«. P:alld e( 4 '"SIWI ~~ lauuv In ltquloohOM C>rff I...._

U.._,. .. Orbltt.. l Spr:alcn. I ..... k.n (ot dw ,..._,

""'' 5P .. JNC n.. ,.,.,. ol Od.ta., s,~ Mid f..-... W".I.J .........

lor "'" ol dw. £....«~.,, Gclmmot(ft .t dw T...,.. Hj_ll ol No.-.n.tJ.. AuocubOno. fM., trh.oCh h.u IU Allttii...J \1«w11 •• Fcbnu.fJ' • .a.nd mcrtJ wttUt 0t foru~o,htl)' from AIIIJtllU t• Jooly.

"_ ..... ~ ..... . .. ·-·--- ..... .. ,...,., ........ , ......... _ lAt ,._ .....,_,.._,, ,_ ... _ ,.. __ _ -·-......... _ .... _ ---·-

""··••t•• ,.__ .., ...... tr.-·­.. ._. .. c... ..... I II••,., J, T•rt•• ., .. _ ........ , .

llrl"\ ..... .t •• -........ ·-· "'g._. ................ ,., ,_ .._,. ~·-.,_ ... ..,_ -~~·~· "' .... I Tv-... ._ .. .,..._ '--'" ... v.-... .,..._ .... ..... ···- .... . ...... --


I)' f.ri(' M.!.q•nt ""'htn 1lw To•n H1ll omr to Norw:alk. tht Sot"! Sc~

l)trmn~otn1 of 1~ NOt• 1lk H1.gh Scl:tool J!_r.uptd thr Of'1IOI' 1\.lnlt, hl "'"' c ' " n~u wt a.nd !xu 1n r,.....on the ,t.Hitn uf 1\tl'ln'l<oJI• •hooJ!-ht and ltdon. The JCuh y h•d lona w,uuro.l cht Qpron un•tY to ltl''t nuJc:nb lint hand ltno.,.lc.;ls• (rom thf ''~"' of thow p:opk • ho 1rc ~lupln3 cl•• (ucur• o( ~~ "~~~'IJ '" wh1ch •·c ~~'•'(', h w.u obv•o•uly •mpomblc to hnc WQtld (Jm0\11 figuro come co 1 l~oetr c:Luroc>~m Town

;o~ .. ,..,ll T "" 11·11 IIIII ,.,,\k 11 IXI'"bk co u\.c t.hc clu~ co the tpuknt. Thr llo.rJ Cll r d""'JCIDI'I Wit qutclt: 10 Jppt'tclltt tht h cc thu thu oppot•

hm1ty ~~~~ bt I•U" co 1ht uUtktlu. T o bc-'p in btin5~"J the 1pr:~krn 10 N<'n .. tlo: , O\lf &wr..t of td~aeahofl mJdt tM iSC~~~rtnlt.. H•Jtfl SChool A\Kiltonum n .uhbl&o u tht "''"'~~'~"'" rtnul. ' oc on.Jy dw .Kuden.u but tiM .,...,. •l Nor­••lk ur kfwhud ~. the. (J.nm.~tjl: polky H~ }c.._. St""*"111u •rc ,,., ... fr« tid.rtl to c..hot T-n Hall Set.. Tht

a.un.;u•n pu· tlwM .- ...t c.a.-k • tlrlcu .._ In 1t. -.~, - ....._ tAu .., ot...hu .mnd 1lw ..,..... oalu,.- 11...._,

St-.b Llt c. ,.,...._ tht pc:llfl.U nudr br •'- ~ken.. Put ol the c"•• ,...... 011 clw ikJ t6••c dw t- • dt.-occd co •he- cLoru....._ h • .,..,..., tir..1 ,.._, ,...,.,. P'f'Of'k '* •h ~ppc«Uu 1lw •J...nc-cc Gl •fw ~u U,., -- ""' ,...,. .... (.,1 tt..r tn~y lot Jtoo.wlcdp: ol •htnl- n- ~,.. ku·-.,: Cthfmlihop '" • .....,., pr..noctl WJ:l' - dw .,,,.. ,, ..,. .. .,.t.fflfd •" dw urlv .,,, cl OOolf ~•n -tht To• n HaD •·•r-

r ••• .. _..,.


F• a pn'IOif ol • tult how- twf en uch N'lv'u Tow-n H .. U m«Cins . • pre-lon~m k c:ond .. ,tud, •••h • rnadn-..1or ~n~.

Dunns tlm penod. memiKn ln ti'W ,u.,cfttnc• u c .:ntOw•· aged to ~:n up and I'"' thtu- optnMWU 4Ift tlw IOf!k 10 lw ditcuiM'II by tht R;sulu1y rn;st~H •pt•krr•, l.ttr '" tht '""" nins. Any one rn the audwnu Wtlh •he \ltltf 10 tpu'- un do tO, up to d'ltn ®nultt, bf,n,. l ut~ncd tn lifl'lt 10 ch11 at .._... r . CWlo!l mtnv 11 wtnl co c•n t4'11 rlwir Ml.ow IOWn•)*Cik wlu1 tlwy .... ,...._ nu ,._ thin, • . \-bny imtrfllin,t~ and tplr,ctcf dt.cw.•lont and dtbna • ~· Jl.-11 ravlt whm tJw cope ll 1 putkubrfy «<ftlto'·cnul one, """' ..... _ n•• .u!d n« m£nqvcndy tomt hv1 " Jtt'ltrutd. whkh nu.l!n for • 1ivcly prr--lorum.

'1'hc rnockntot. at tht be~tiJlnu.a of dw prc-forwna, 1M lfcu • briJ illU9-d~~c:~ • .a.Jiu u I'(!Mif ~"'18 q•t•n• u trw ~,.,. lO prompt che &nt r«· 'II"'* lt'Oftl the u•cilllMt. •I'MII ahtr tlul (~ l<W tlw ~~ of thow pramt. tlw rmurlu ol J ~kft' A1 c.."'"_..._., th.et. ••'c 'll«ftP:tT· u our N~m hut botJ.. SUOGI ~YK~ J .. rod ... ,. .cJ .. I 111da1 .twa Ia ......, b dtaffy ~Will .and W~ 6.nd IU..J .,...., ..... o/ d.o.P,t the ..odc:n• fnqott'dy douWoel u. llkmomtnc.r ol ~ ... ol ~

n.,... ........ ..., ...................... ._,......., <Jwrpw opponoilllty c. U.. • '- tun 4ec:..., .......,.. co ,......., dwm.d•a ol ay .,_ ol «<~orical ( rvnrn•"' tNf ....,_ d• ...-v-r u • dulftlf co tlw dUty ol N•· ..-aU.cn co ~ Jbrnu J CWTMt llll .. tiOIM. '1'\.t they tu ... , ._ 10 • •nnu" by &Jw £act tlut, - miOf tYftW!.jlt ~--~~ o/ OUf llftlprOmjMU Jpubn Jwivc Mud their o-·a ida. amply .d•..w.td lfl arntn- ~a ~ •rukn 411 ~blc: re­OOWI'I. latn m U. tYC.Mfl5•

~r ptt'-(OC'U"D luvc unf•lltt.fl l)' ll'lfll'lt d,. dtvrlopnownt of YU"f ml.i•min~ '"'mi1131o• and wr conlickrttlr nfN!(t tho. '" the lu1ure ta folloow t.1x n :m:r putun.


•'Thr mercins •u c.lkd 10 orckr by. G.l'lrul Clutrnun, Howard w. Gorh•m. '11loM ptetmt u chc mcottitlll •tttl ~lmon H Oillno, (i,-1(, V. Go.-ham, M. D .. <ina K Sut:or. Rv.th S. Mco\U._.,, MttJ'"' " 8ttndUnp, R•\W ~jJit'llft H. Tunu:m. Ahc:t K. CoW. Htlt• L Pmrnoflo Robttt M G.Odmat~. joM W. Du.n, H. " WIW.. Enc: M.tttnc.IIIH, IIVIIIJ f ...... L P. (;dlft_, y _ L Grindro:l.. Lou·• t..m.a&rC. Hai'\'IW bd.•rll. E•ttrtt Lin, Hcmy Mcynt., H. Tnam~." HotlOn, HorW Gcwfu«t.. ~Of'ft'lol~~ c...... c. H Goodwa ..




., u ••• ,, ... Glt6.· ~ OUt ~uy w-n fWI\f JIIJII

_,. co•mnmn~ <wfft' 1nurl. tl.c puc­"'" of Otmotr"~Y WH • comp.u11•,.. ll "mpk procc:,.. h«•ww ..-lw,. a em• ''" w,~ f!Omtnuc:d f<W oft!"'• hu qu~l•· fi.; H l(JI'II Jl!d !IIIC:lnt)' ... Crt WtiJ

kno••n '" JtdiJtnrc by h!. rc:uo-· t(IWIU~ft,

.,.,,.,..,. ,_ 1.,,.. TodJ,-, '" thr (Omplr-. ~otty •c t'&tl 11• (-••• ; , m"'' m .tf"t41 h•~t Ollf bt101.11, It Ofi M ..... -.~ T 11 A

"' " I' 1 ~l'f'C"M dut :a ptnon dot• noa f'<rm ,. • C". Jo ....,. ,._ 11 kno• hro. ~WXI door ftnJ,hbor •~ urn .,.-.,.. ,,.., ---•

k. •'-r hoi ewochbor't ~ ,~,a. ...._h 1 CMdth .. n"na.-: .c d imporunt tklt th. da-toutt tu~t m Clpflott•uty to .t.tnc: &ltd l.ur dw aadidu.- .. "" ~ •• 4 .... ... ret.- .. --.ukd "$ Rq..t ..

,.., •• J~'t 1'o>•• Htll =-.:-.Puc.. ~ r1 .. ...,._ b.t what d.w o.111 ....,., .. .! "*'""Jt' d.> •- dt..n. l'ool•t"',. \tftt·ft~' hnc llftn of tM·

fOt ' ""'.....,, 1 f 'uo It M ,,.w,tcod mrJ•wuWtr bmdir 1-0 d~~e YOitn .,.

,11 ''"'' J 110 to pr~NN rk.r ptrty'• ,..._.,"• IUUOIUI. mv.tbap.al u.d ''-U"

r .nlt•r-on 1"1..1 ti.UII' lhcJr ... .,, (IM per· llifl.un ~t li:ttfd tO """ Jtnd who Cl•l(nl •lll~l"..l\\ llfKt1t1g tlw ~til ~ Wllh lt'Mf.tl publte 1pptOY;JJ.

f''-'blt~. •flf1r.- Tlw IT!Itfun,st IUvf .1l- fhrl 051•n-.in, ont cf W foundcn WI~'' b«n rw.mottd by '"' Town of Town Hall ..... tlw Auotimon'• l l1ll ""'''' tlw t<IOp("r-lhOll of tbc Nor· liut S«teuty. • potc lw ccmtil'lutd to •1ll. I UJ(I.If fJ( Wolhfi\ Voc(n. No lill until llo(' wtnt wuh R.~d Cron o~ff• •dm.u,on n th.&.rJ:~<h •he: TO"a·n H.&.IJ ""' 1n ttu, SiliCc: hit dtath in Cu· A~ .... +J i lt>" f'.t) '"S ~tl uptn~ artd Mll'lf• 111 tlw lal'lt o ( duty. hit wa(t. 1 I11U huw ... hu ~lw•r• btm Hlit'fl'lblcd t.t ,.., l>otlb'-~ GoocfwtA. lu_, Wn kt· for the- u'ld.JJtn tO tJIIt to. "'I ,. Sc'C'rrt.aty.

~ JU-"o. ~an. ~ durc.tf ~ oi c1w Eunto.,.t C:O....uor ol r ..,. H.ll lu• actfd u Minty Darcc-cor for dw At<IIK~o~t• ....c. ..... lpnli<J el ., .. ,

Htltf}' ~lc)·« .. rhmn membtr of tbe- E.:c<uuort Conu,btlte of To ... n H~ll . hJ, Ktfd u Mtm.btnhip O.••r· '"'" lot rhc IU.tc)futl()n, Jnd u pr.,... tnt hold' the ollic-e of 'rNJntrtr of

.... ,.._ 11 , ... 1., tlw Town Hall AttO(i..hGn of Nor-"'""'.,,,. walk, IlK'.

·-~... ., ., . '''"" "-ottn ... ,_ M..._to.r1-0¥M ._...

HOW NORWALK'S TOWN HAll STARTED tc..r ...... ,_ Jill-' 1)

M.Jtmqain, w-ho.-_., tit uk.t- clurJt.t tlw Anu.s-u c--u .. , a.J T.--u Honoa. who wu to wOr\ ... IN1"tbtnh.p. and othcn.

11tcn. one ~"~•Jh' In ():cobrr, "'u, .on. ._,'>' J1C09f.- kprN'I'Itftl Norwalk'• drurchtf.. bu doric, .ocl.tl 1tld ~JU'IaJ or&•niubOM cuow tot(tthtor. 'l1w quet­tion wu put to rMm d:rr~dy, tYtl'l bl .. mly. Would tl!ty be wtltln• w '"PJIO'' • Town H~IU WO\Ild cbtiy lwtp l.n the nwmbtnhip dnvd Woold thty 1M wtllms

to hc-Jp .,., ,scl nJtiMall)' kfiOwl\ tpn.lt:col

To och oJ thtwt qll<"IIOiu, tht a.rwp rtpl.icd with •n emplut;c ")t•." Once that wu ltao.-1'1, lt wu ro-bat to ~'f. dw Norratlt "'"oW'I'I Hall AtiO(IUtOrl IOf· m;aUy orpniud. '""'t our olft<:tn. .tftd plln our meru:np.

"rdl. aU 1:ht1 ••• ~~ W!tlft tnd ;about «"mlJ' tpulm 1,ce.. h'• ._. 1 lot .t 'WOr'lt but I k,._ I .,,\ f.- .dl tJ \It -t.M t P)' dut we n•'c tlwAic e/ uay -': .. , ... ,. -~ ...... ,...,. H•U ~ • .,.....:they II)'._ .... , '*-'w the ........ n:r pobhc f-&,_P ffl .t•)' c.t)' .., .u • Ne-w £aat-L f• .tl e/ wh.d. ._. an: pn<pa"ly dw.alful. 0.. ft« ..... CTft', .,, (lOft~ to......_ Cui (ioodw...,,

wM f&dwnd Towft BtiJ 1M w'-t .,_ oi ,.._. mpc~~~~~~oob.ltty wu ,. .. •• iafPtf'atioe co all ol -. llllfd • ft-.A(• .t.o<nly bJOft •~nory _. t~ wl».lc illl

tJw. ""ic:" o( chc A"'"IC"I'! ltd Crott.


and !tit rlw- horrwt of th~t •ar. Molt.om bow thn the al(lft\ic 1ttd Other •etporu ..-lid. our 10mu.u dtYiwcl tltmt .. nun.lurtd"t .utTivJt Sa-writy • wh~r tky ...,. ..

h ..,, br .....,... ~ ~~- dut .. , c-... *"d.p ..n~n.-y • 1 .....,., .,.,.

tult d our Lfrt.._ h .....W bt "'"'"'"""' aoc • m-.. ._ ......_ (., ..._ At lornp ~u ... uw d. ,.._ el .._,,... ~ t~.H,... ,.,.

Jf.d -.! co f~ Y.W Yu II • •"" ...rt..p.uud c....,..IM>.,... ltd ·- riC'fd ol ,.W.c ...... ~.~~~.,,.,d ....... - .tttOn,l)' ........... t:.lrut .....:h of the fa<l 6ncl!n1 1N1 il "ulty NC_,- (or any :1"""" tt ~. vp • btttu pace Qn h. doiW 111 puhloo~;, i.n our"'" own HJ.ll rft«firas• wh.rft wr u" III«C~I)' UpoN clw profeuion•l rniOhO«t-'IIHJ or p.-nicl'l'oCII'Ir-"- and whf"R we C"Jt" do con· ttJ'YCtin work by chrowl1'18 Itt cw.r klc .-ich chow .. ho .how dw wnderulln.dll'll dtinitr. nwt&)'• ,.;.wo., ll'ld 1br j.oyo111 •iulity wbi<:h rmclt I he minclf. <If Anwr· iu pott.ble.

..... __



\i,,-.. ~u, fv•" I IJIL 1,., lud thto iuun.:ul md lfk.V.al •wrpuu ·•I .a !up

11''""11 .,, "' ui•U•U •••~ """ nonuobuttd xrft4r(h,nly. Amunx thoo~ .,.."-• nuJf

th. 19411 1111 "'''" f'll""t>k ut dtot fvll..•m,~: •I» ,ut.Krohn.l tc• •rnulmu•''-•·


II i!f!lit K AJie~ Ht ,J .. Ij\ l'l\olflo ~ f.,J,,, ( •u•••r.b ,,~,Jft Ch ..... ..,.,,,.

'""" k ( .. ll,ll1"

'--~-~~~ lit .......... . ld•t• A t-st lir (,, .... t-Iw. ...... ., .... ,......._ ' It '••-""a ~~' H.t-... .._,,, __ """" \ .'\.,....:.« \h.. H ,\,.W...ot ,, .. ,.,,. """' lr..J tl A·hbu k • .o~ ... ,, ' ,,,., ,. ... ,," ' l\wo.k kwli1 Kour \lu""' II llollft \It"'"" I , ! h...,. I \lr. \1 I ll,n.,ll J,hf)lt \ito,.iof k f .tUjiU

f,.,.,, I tr-t" I. ••• I ' ,,,un \hr•l••lf (urn J..ht- (,,..,,,

\lou ''"'-' I hh \C,,.,, l d•nd J_ Jr.dk\ J>~dKr I t« ""-" l u;ln lttdrt .. &. lou~, Jr c ... f'tf ,....,.,,.,tua ltm•7 ' \li•C't l \ ._ .. tr- \J~ l-,CC' \tq"" J&nw, \l.,un '-•....t \k)cn 1'-tlM ,, ... u ...... l , .... l ... ,..,.,

(, f.,.,._.~ t.nv llr t1 u.,.,,.J <.rem ( )u,ln H.u' lJ'"'" lftrn• I u..,. l l.lrr,, leo>btn I 1-to;>~•ud l••h•• 'r.hrrrrun l in\ I ~ hvon11 l·f\lb~ll K .. h,,j If. le rl1nd llr l'h'l'l' A ).tLob llr 'A I I S lvhnoon ''"'I\ 1\t"llt.

( .. lhrt ... Ill:;

I ~l.rl I #OI(Wt

Rulonl fl Ul1'« \H"fiQd Roc.Jntr \In HfJ•, ~; ~ l•ulu .\hdud \c~r• ~fUIOJr \ ""ctMfulmo. \"..:HW J t; ...... ., ..

'"' .... I> ''''"""" 'tiJ.-.1 T•-t' OJ_ [ J Tn~' ~J'•II .. ... ,,.,_ u.,not; .. " '.,.

't;'",JI,.-m lt-•"" l-MII S O,CJc., I ton 1\ Pm, 1>1'. J rr.J A. P-'Ufr_.. I , .. "''"' to. J•ud "thtrw(IOcl Prt•lhn4 Jo.rpb Rob•n• H rrbrtc Rot!w-thlC'In l.<11rl B Jla.., lucM'I 'i.IM<kl ~ .. u •• a. Hou,;t \t''"""" Dr. I C ~Mon \bbd "Thttmu J • .t. .. v.~~-

Tiw Tuvm H-tll A'-Vleloilllon of Norv.~lk. Inc. ,._,. """- r o_ .... :•.

'-Uk'& "h., , (\)VIr0:[CTIC:.\1T'

Geor.:te Denney 11 t aki ng Tovm Hall on a tour ot Eut-ope th11 au.mmer .

They want you to CAke & 30 eecond recording wh1eh will be ueed on

Aa~ oa~wten nov and When they leave . •tat1~ you thlnk th1a

A contrlbut1nn to t he nro~otlon ot democrAcy or anyth1n, you

l l.r..e . They wl ll arr.?.nge tor a atudlo , or rou ccm d o 1 t when

you tio otht~r J•ecorcilnge .

Y.tAI ~ood - Tovn Hall


.h,~.,_ / · y)

_{~ I ---


, I of

Caonlaiftlat The Bwln ... School loumal aacl Tbe Joumal ol Commaci&l Bducatioa


- -.__- -- ------1947 FEBRUARY

-~~ \ 1947 . )

" "'"' I . .... I I• :"-\ 11 ES In 'I'IIH 111l l'fll lt l lo " ' "'' W,.,.,.,. o o II .,.., l lo .. lt+IO!oo l•o olo . ' otoo o I

C,I<J'fiCJSM, CtJMMHN I ANi l ('I IAII FNr:l1 olhlo•t••~ '''"lnot t •1•holo• ... , •.. ,.H .. '· \ ..... ,. r i'ob\X' L;H. C:ONCUfl l S IN IIASIC' Ill tSINI•SS lilll K.:A l lllN Uo.ruooU.Oio lb·oo .... 1 t•o..,ooli.•M-'1 lt~lu.. '"••• t:•••dl

C:O~IMlJNI I '\: UI!I.A 1101'-.SI I II~ IN Ill lSI NESS H>l iCA t ION

RI£SJ•tJNSIIULIIJI:S 01: tllh PMIVAfb Ut~t:'>o.ESS SCHOOl. r ... ,.,.,....._.,. .. ,.,~ \ b u,._,, ,.,,. -\IMS Of COII.J:.(oE n l'lf« Mill"(' I it .. • • .....,.,_..., 1-• \n•"• I J, "I'~• ,. • .J I•••· ,.,_,, t.lVI:"MI..AI1Pl"f• IN B ''"l'>J'.OMI("$ A"l) Af)VANO!Il Bl "SI,...ESS ......... ... ~ ... ,.,... ,,. .. ,,. ·• u .. , ..... ,_ ... ~ ........ , n ....... _. , .. ,..,.~,, '••••

Slll)W. I I IAN I) JOC.>W. l'bJ.tS'-_lNAI. ' lSI! ,,,.,, ,.,, llot 1'1.,• ,u.J I •·II• ,,f tloo• J'u.tolooli

HQl lii11\IHN'I AI"U H ~o.loi.:W I I.ANS I U lt Ill lSI NESS HI.H JC,A I ION ... ,.,. U;.- f,.t >. ht~ut~ Uool•o.,u•

I~ I I .M caru>H Hllt lltiSINES~ I H1\ C I IHI<S \ I h"ft" tf I .,., 011 \ ••w,tl \lol·

I l>Oir\ ING A I I) IS I Kflll ' II \ '13 Ul H ICA liON

,~ ... ,._.,,, \.,,. ... 1//l,ol I ' """

\\'~ ,, .. ,, jiC.-. . ....... ;,. jiC,, .. u .. lt n ... J.I ;., lt .. tht

"-"'C'tol ( h,ou.,:.--W.r. .. hin~l"n 1'/4",.,. l t•Un- lhn .. ,,( lntl"rl'll Th.c (kl(ll. Slwii-A<>.t~~OCI;atl..\u ,.., .. .,~

Dill• • + · I 1 el'l'lll,__.fl...._......._ _ ........... _ .. ___ _ _.n.,......,c .,...,... ......... ,..

l I I I


I ,. \ I



FE8RU'-RY, 1947



\Vhcnc:v.:r dltUrQI1u1 ! ~':\~hen in liHlt(.r cilies ••w.l in 1Uu.ny smalh.-r om.-. 100, gel to­t:~thc-r, lh~ir firllt lopic of ronve-rs~lllou is whlll lo do with the: "kids." l~n.nldy iu nl~ll)' cmnml!nilics lo.-aehiug h:1s I.IC'OOulc a tlisusadul profcuion ·~ m1ly bttause of p:10r S:•l· ary, l•ul evc.:u uiVI\: bc:Qulle wurldng tonditiuwt a rc so unplc:as~ml. lu t he fl~utlme col·· lege lc:td,-:nl ;:md 10Cht)C)I tufn1iu i~t ~lort rouliuut to 11"»n ~r:tn• l iost id~oat of pc•(:bgogk;al thcmy.

We to.'(cll tly lw:.r.l ll )c-OII'Ih.'ll ~-thiC~t iOiliS I ll"Cl urc: a r .. cu lty 011 whnt is .. goc:M.I te:ld l· iug." TI1is f:&C'uhy IJ)CnciJ its limt J)nl'pOun iling wh:ll i.s gnod teachiu.;, ami presumallly (.:Ill n'ild and h:ts «;•d hooks llealing with j)rinoeij)lct C)f gc>C'XI teaching - to~ne o f tht.m h:wc wrincn such t.:M1ks. Whlll il. bc.:autiful case o f hringinK c:ool$ 10 Ncwca.sdcl Yet u~v.:r once in this tolk did the proff'titlor u1cution classes of 4S taud ula re with scats lor 37 ; teachers with five different ~ubj«t Jlr('piU'O\Ii<MUI; eompulsory pa,ssing of ;~II pudenh: ft~ut'l'll e.ucs o f ns:ayhc1U apinu t~chc:l"f by overgrown 6tud;:nts; tho u sa nds "' t10y1J whl) jus t yearn to 1.~~: thrown OUI I'J( ~hoot ~ml tnjoy the id('<J Q( " k$$iOil ;,, tdl•rm 5eht.ouls: an~l J)rincip<~Js \loho hnc: dcvclos>cd tu :. fi ne :lrt the techni(JUC oi bc:iug d :;c.-. whcre whc:u t ro,,blc is brewi11~:, ·rhis s:itu:lli.on prevaib in fa r' too sn:tny schools in tlu: c;urnnumity ir1 whi.th the 1.:-ilrl l\!tl cloc:tor wlkc:c l-ycl uevc:r once ditl he lll(lllion it.

Te;~chc:rs woul(l love co do who'll lhc t h~o•orls.t tlc.•n .. 'lmls. <~h·c the: Uli\l;tl teachrr d:t~S•:S of lS IU 18 student:.;,. rnoen iu whiclt tile)• can co!l« l lhe te:ae.bing lll:l terials so urgce•tly d.,-m,,mll:d; a lil tlc free time to J)l<tn for t~,-<J~(tling; j ust a bit of 11Ut'I'>'Jr1 ftam the :ub11in• lstrntion a nll lh..- home: ano_l a d~~c:Jll living Wilgt', :ulll you will lind mimcle~ pcd•lnUI.'\1 iat ll\o'l ll)' diiSSRIOntS. P reeisdy the opposite prevails in the usu~l Khool or today, (."hillln·ll h;a\'C l'":1mcd to be iuJOI(!ut ;md i rn'$fM)n$it.fe lo the home, 01nd yo:t t~::. chc.rs are supposed tu gct perlce<t working c:ondi1lons with kind W()rd$ 1 111e littlt' darling who i$ u an~cl w)wea he is re«:iviug eoustant :tlle.Uio•l ( tom mother and dad and irom his s is ters :md his cousins .n11d his ~1111 ts hcco•u~ a demon when he is une of ffJr1)'. \.ivc hi.n indi­vidu~l ~ttt:n t ion says the case worker who has a J)ll·aS.'\nt JtU • o • W tt wilh I he probl~n dtilll in lu;.r welt or.lrrcll offi«. N:.Hn'lllly he i ~ :. tla rling- hc's getting au~:aukln. SlsiC'r, you do it with ;~ d a.ss of Iori)' impati(•rat nnintt:N.:SH:d indivillualisu.. S is t.:t , you know hcttcr-th~!'S Why )'OU IUt: preaching im.tcad of l1.'at'hing,

h is tiule we ph a;ll the l'l"SJ)tttl.iibility \'.here it prirmrily helougs-fitst, with th~· 1:1.11'• 1.'111 w'ho Ids her lillh.: '"agar olnmpling 1hir~k h~ is the CR'.1ture o£ lhc ngcs inStl'lUI or jus t :mother morl.;a) : second, with the ;~~dmini11trator who siu in his office: .1nd igPQn•s 1he l>l"oblcm of the: t<·ac:hc.r: thh'I.J, with the c11llcgc lc:ath<r who fa lsely liJ)plics tachim; th..'f1ry thtu e:u1 wc.rk with •owll ctrl,.-nuiu·d d :.s.scs of IS 10 iii··J)b•lnc..'tl mass schooliuf wilh I )' J)ic~l (;1-UM":II of 40; 1111d hn;~lly with the publit (or (ailing to provill~ lhc h.cili­t i..-.s for taking care: o ( "Kh;u we 1111 r~'COI;ni xc: ns the only impm1<tnt posst'Uion we havc­uur dtildrc:u.

Fo1 hua:.tely ulany :ttbuini~t rntll rs, a few Cl•lh.-ge l~oac.her&, ami cwn •nt.'l'nhcn of the: lay puiJi<: now ;:ami tbeu. rt."O)J;Ui:-:c: lh.: proLkm. \Vc were ddight<tJ 10 1lOh: thnt l.1 o Roosevelt is ~twan: llf the: n•lu.1it1n~i1) 1x•twc: ... n juvenil~ lldinquc:ncy llnd fC~nhy oou~~'P tions or progr1.'Siiivc: t'ducation. Sl1.: give11 ..:vi•ll.'lttc. uf awal"c:m"SS that bcucr teaching ton• fllticms must pre'llll l l>cfol"e we a u1 put irllo practice: the .. ,~te:nd i 1 l t c'o~.l.'lhiugs or l )cwey. Aa it now i$, wil la poor tlllrc:nt.al control a.ud bad sdlool conditions, the applkation of pro­gressive mdhod• is a farce. C reate good worldng conditions and then apply your lhC'Or-y­it will v.•ork l Apply )'OUr lhc..'Ory iu the Pope, that it will itn)ltove a b.1d school aitu:alion - the r~ult i!l ehaos. Mor~ powc:t tn )'Ou. El~:.1nur- kccp <>n J)ftkt\t.ing lh1! facts-we WAnt mort: of theu'-111d mnro,:: like )'n.l 10 J)rtst' U I

top related