drools planner chtijug 2010

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Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG

Jboss Drools&

Drools Planner

21 janvier 2010

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG ● Editeur de logiciels exclusivement dédiés aux enseignes du Retail

● Création en 1986

● 35 M€ de CA en 2008 (+20 %/an en moyenne depuis 5 ans)

● 34 % à l’International

● 5 sites en France dont le siège à Roubaix. (Paris, Belfort,

Antibes, Vannes)

● 5 filiales hors hexagone : Shanghai, Portugal, Espagne, Tunisie, Pologne en cours

● Une expérience éprouvée dans 60 pays

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG


Effectifs : 430 collaborateurs dans le monde, 360 en France, 300 ressources basées à Roubaix













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Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG Storeland pilote l’ensemble de votre supply chain étendue

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Cylande a accompagné l’équipe de France

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Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG

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Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG

Automated planningwith Drools Planner

Geoffrey De SmetDrools Planner lead

"Do more with less."

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG Agenda

Use cases of automated planning• N queens• Bin packaging• Employee shift rostering• Examination timetabling

Find the best solution• With Drools Planner

Calculate the score of a solution• With Drools

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG Agenda

Use cases of automated planning• N queens• Bin packaging• Employee shift rostering• Examination timetabling

Find the best solution• With Drools Planner

Calculate the score of a solution• With Drools

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG N Queens: use case

Place n queens on a n-sized chess board No 2 queens can attack each other

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG N queens: partially solved

Score -1 for every 2 queens that can attack each other

Score = -2

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG N queens: an optimal solution

Score = 0

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG N queens: demo

Not optimized!• Hello world example

Not a realplanning problem• I can make an

optimal solutionfor any n queenswithout a computer

• See Wikipedia

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG NP complete

Yellow item goes in first (or last)• Why?• Not the largest size• Not the largest side• So why?

NP complete• A given solution can be verified fast• No efficient way to find a solution

• Is there even a solution?

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG Real world bin packaging

Not just 5 items• 1000+ items

Not just 1 container• 100+ containers• Different container types

More constraints...• Distribute weight evenly• Not all fireworks in the same container• ...

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG Hard constraints

Hard constraints must be fulfilled For example:

• Ensure continuous service• At least 1 emergency nurse at any given time

• Labor laws• Every 24 hours: at least 11 hours rest• Every 7 days: at least 35 hours rest

• No shifts during approved vacation

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG Soft constraints

Soft constraints should be fulfilled as much as possible• Only after the hard constraints are fulfilled

Each soft constraint is weighted For example:

• Fair night work assignment: weight 5• Forward rotation: weight 10• Nurse preferences: weight 1

• Ann dislikes Saturday night shifts• Beth dislikes Wednesday afternoon shifts

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG Hard and soft score

Solution A B C Hard constraints

• 11 hours rest 1 0 0 Soft constraints

• Fair night workassignment 0 1000 1

• Weight 5• Nurse preferences 0 0 4000

• Weight 1 Total score -1H/0S 0H/-5000S 0H/-4005S

• A < B < C• C is the best solution

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG Hard constraints

Exam conflict: 2 exams that share students should not occur in the same period.

Room capacity: A room's seating capacity should suffice at all times.

Period duration: A period's duration should suffice for all of its exams.

Period related hard constraints should be fulfilled:

• Coincidence: 2 exams should use the same period (but possibly another room).

• Exclusion: 2 exams should not use the same period.

• After: 1 exam should occur in a period after another exam's period.

Room related hard constraints should be fulfilled:

• Exclusive: 1 exam should not have to share its room with any other exam.

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG Soft constraints

2 exams in a row.

2 exams in a day.

Period spread: 2 exams that share studentsshould be a number of periods apart.

Mixed durations: 2 exams that share a roomshould not have different durations.

Front load: Large exams should be scheduledearlier in the schedule.

Period penalty: Some periods have a penalty when used.

Room penalty: Some rooms have a penalty when used.

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG Examination demo

International timetabling competition 2007• Finished 4th (back then)

7 minutes• CPU depended

Real word test data 14 constraints

• 7 hard constraints• 7 soft constraints

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG Other use cases

Vehicle routing• Freight routing

Scheduling• Course, meeting, conference scheduling• Appointment and resource scheduling• Sport scheduling

Storage organizing Machine queue planning ...

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG Why use Drools Planner?

Open source• ASL (business-friendly)

Maven-ready (JBoss repository) Documentation

• Reference manual• Examples

JBoss Drools community support• User mailing list, issue tracking, …• Blog & twitter (#droolsplanner)

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG Agenda

Use cases of automated planning• N queens• Bin packaging• Employee shift rostering• Examination timetabling

Find the best solution• With Drools Planner

Calculate the score of a solution• With Drools

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUGBrute force

for (periodOfExam1 : periodList) { exam1.setPeriod(periodOfExam1); for (roomOfExam1 : roomList) { exam1.setRoom(roomOfExam1);

for (periodOfExam2 : periodList) { exam2.setPeriod(periodOfExam2); for (roomOfExam2 : roomList) { exam2.setRoom(roomOfExam2); ... for (periodOfExamN : periodList) { examN.setPeriod(periodOfExamN); for (roomOfExamN : roomList) { examN.setRoom(roomOfExamN);

Score score = calculateScore(solution); cloneIfScoreIsBetter(solution, score);

} } } }…} }

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG Needle in a haystack

How many possible solutions?• 1096 exams• 80 periods• 28 rooms

> habitants in Lille per km²?• 6 483 hab./km²

Source: wikipedia

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG Needle in a haystack

How many possible solutions?• 1096 exams• 80 periods• 28 rooms

> humans?• humans

Source: NASA (wikipedia)

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG Needle in a haystack

How many possible solutions?• 1096 exams• 80 periods• 28 rooms

> minimum atoms in the observable universe?• 10^80 atoms

Source: NASA and ESA (wikipedia)

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG Needle in a haystack

How many possible solutions?• 1096 exams• 80 periods• 28 rooms

> atoms in the universeif every atom is a universe of atoms?• (10^80)^80 = 10^6400

Source: NASA and ESA (wikipedia)

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG Do the math

1 exam• 80 periods and 28 rooms• 80 * 28 = 2240 ways to schedule 1 exam

2 exams• 2240 * 2240 = 5.017.600

3 exams• 2240 * 2240 * 2240 = 11.239.424.000

1096 exams• 2240 * 2240 * … * 2240• 2240^1096 = a little over 10^3671

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG A little over10^3671


Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG A little over10^3671


Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG A little over10^3671


Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG A little over10^3671


Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG A little over10^3671


The search space is big!• Compare with WWW size

• 22 020 000 000 pages

Each possible solution• 1096+ exams scheduled into

• 80 periods• 28 rooms

• Still need to calculate the score

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG Throw hardware at it?

If 10^9 scores calculated per ms• Not possible today!• 31.579.200.000 ms in 1 year

• < 10^11 ms in 1 year

• 10^9 * 10^11 scores per year• = 10^20 scores per year

How many years? 10^3671 / 10^20• = 10^3651 years

CPU 1000 times faster• It becomes 10^3648 years

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG A dose of reality

Find the optimal solution?• Of a real world planning problem?

Not in our lifetimes! Who cares?

• Beat the human planner(s) (=easy)• Spend less resources

• Save more money• Save the environment

• Make more people happy

• Never ending competition

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG Smarter brute force?

Eliminate subtrees• Branch and bound• Still too many for loops• Still takes forever

for (periodOfExam2 : periodList) { exam2.setPeriod(periodOfExam2); if (exam1.shareStudentWith(exam2) && periodOfExam1.equals(periodOfExam2)) { continue; // bug: best solution might break a hard constraint } ...

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG Imperfect algorithms(mimic a human)

Deterministic• First in, first assigned, never changed• Easy to implement

• Drools Planner score support

• Fixed time (for example 18 seconds)

Metaheuristic• Move things around

• Start from result of deterministic algorithm

• Drools Planner implementations• More time = better score

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG Deterministic: N queens

Demo Not feasible

• Not optimal

Good initialization• Jump 10 meter into the pool

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG Deterministic: examination

List<Exam> sortedExamList = sortExamsOnDifficulty(examList);for (exam : sortedExamList) { // Determine best remaining spot Score bestScoreOfExam = - INFINITY; for (period : periodList) { exam.setPeriod(period); for (room : roomList) { exam.setRoom(room);

Score score = calculateScore(solution); if (score > bestScoreOfExam) { bestScoreOfExam = score; ... store bestPeriod, bestRoom } } } … assign exam to bestPeriod, bestRoom}

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG Metaheuristic algorithms

Local search: 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th in ITC 2007• Simple local search (Hill climbing)• Tabu search

• Local search ++

• Simulated annealing• Great deluge• ...

Genetic algorithms: 5th in ITC 2007 Ant colony optimization ...

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG Move things around

Move = from solution A to solution B• Change the row of 1 queen

• Give 2 queens each others rows• ...

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG All moves from one solution

Number of moves < number of solutions• N queens

• n*n < n^n

• 4 queens• 16 < 256

• 8 queens• 64 < 16777216

• 64 queens• 4096 < 10^116

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG Metaheuristic: local search

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG Local optima

1) Deterministic StartingSolutionInitializer 2) Simple local search 3) Stuck in local optimum!

Source: Wikipedia

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG Tabu search = local search++

Solution tabu (high tabu size)• Been there, no need to go there again

Move tabu (low tabu size)• Done that recently, no need to do that again

Property tabu (low tabu size)• Changed that recently,

no need to change that again

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG Drool planner configuration

<selector> <selector> <moveFactoryClass>...PeriodChangeMoveFactory</...> <relativeSelection>0.002</relativeSelection> </selector> ... <selector> <moveFactoryClass>...ExamSwitchMoveFactory</...> <relativeSelection>0.002</relativeSelection> </selector> </selector> <accepter> <completeSolutionTabuSize>1000</completeSolutionTabuSize> <completeMoveTabuSize>7</completeMoveTabuSize> </accepter> <forager> <foragerType>MAX_SCORE_OF_ALL</foragerType> </forager>

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG Termination

Synchronous (configured)• Max timeMillis/seconds/minutes/hours spend• Score attained• Max step count• Max unimproved step count

Asynchronous (from another thread)• planner.terminateEarly();

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG Double time !=> double score


Time (hours:minutes)

Examination test data 7

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG Benchmarker utility

Battle of different planner configurations• Different algorithms (tabu search, ...)• Different moves• Different settings

On multiple datasets Results are ranked:

• Best one wins

Coming soon:• Graph: best score over time

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG Agenda

Use cases of automated planning• N queens• Bin packaging• Employee shift rostering• Examination timetabling

Find the best solution• With Drools Planner

Calculate the score of a solution• With Drools

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG JAVA vs SQL vs DRL

for (q1 : queenList) { for (q2 : queenList) { if (q1.getId() < q2.getId() && q1.getY() == q2.getY()) { ... } }}

select *from Queen q1, Queen q2where q1.id < q2.id and q1.y = q2.y;

rule "multipleQueensHorizontal" when $q1 : Queen($id : id, $y : y); $q2 : Queen(id > $id, y == $y);

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG N queens: score rule

rule "multipleQueensHorizontal" when $q1 : Queen($id : id, $y : y); $q2 : Queen(id > $id, y == $y); then insertLogical(new IntConstraintOccurrence( "multipleQueensHorizontal", ConstraintType.NEGATIVE_HARD, 1, $q1, $q2));end

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG Score rule isolation

rule "multipleQueensHorizontal" when $q1 : Queen($id : id, $y : y); $q2 : Queen(id > $id, y == $y); then ...endrule "multipleQueensAscendingDiagonal" when $q1 : Queen($id : id, $ascendingD : ascendingD); $q2 : Queen(id > $id, ascendingD == $ascendingD); then ...endrule "multipleQueensDescendingDiagonal" when $q1 : Queen($id : id, $descendingD : descendingD); $q2 : Queen(id > $id, descendingD == $descendingD); then ...end

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG Examination: period spread

2 exams that share students should be a number of periods apart

rule "periodSpread" when $iw : InstitutionalWeighting(periodSpreadPenality != 0); // For any 2 conflicting exams in the same period ... $topicConflict : TopicConflict($leftT : leftTopic, $rightT : rightTopic); $leftExam : Exam(topic == $leftT, $leftPeriod : period); $rightExam : Exam(topic == $rightT, $rightPeriod : period); // … which are in within the periodSpread eval(Math.abs($leftPeriod.getPeriodIndex() - $rightPeriod.getPeriodIndex()) < ($iw.getPeriodSpreadLength() + 1)); then insertLogical(new IntConstraintOccurrence(... NEGATIVE_SOFT, $topicConflict.getStudentSize() * $iw.getPeriodSpreadPenality(), $leftExam, $rightExam));end

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG Summary

Drools Planner solves planning problems Adding constraints is easy and scalable Switching/combining algorithms is easy

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUGQ&A


Home page• http://www.jboss.org/drools/drools-planner.html

Reference manual• http://www.jboss.org/drools/documentation.html

Blog• http://blog.athico.com/search/label/planner

Twitter• #droolsplanner

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUGThanks for your attention!


Home page• http://www.jboss.org/drools/drools-planner.html

Reference manual• http://www.jboss.org/drools/documentation.html

Blog• http://blog.athico.com/search/label/planner

Twitter• #droolsplanner

Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG Licence

Les photos et logos appartiennent à leurs auteurs respectifs

Le contenu de la présentation est sous licence Creative Commons 2.0 France• Contrat Paternité• Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale• Partage des Conditions Initiales à l'Identique



Ch’ti JUGCh’ti JUG Cocktail

Merci pour votre attention Merci à Cylande pour son sponsoring


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