dorje phurba putri rekphung daily practice

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BERO JEYDREN PUBLICATIONS DORJE PHURBA PUTRI REKPHUNG DAILY PRACTICE BY KYABJE DUDJOM RINPOCHE, JIGDRAL YESHE DORJE © 2015 Bero Jeydren Publications Vajrayana Foundation 2013 Eureka Canyon Road Corralitos, CA 95076 Cover Illustration by Lama Pema Dorje Please do not reproduce any part of this book in any form, print or electronic, without prior permission in writing from the publisher.

The Profound Accomplishment of the Lama taken from the terma of Lama Sang Dü by Guru Chö Wang

Homage to the yidam deities! Fortunate noble ones of future generations: if you seek refuge in me, Orgyen, remain in a secluded place and give rise to the sorrow of impermanence and the weariness of cyclic existence. This is very important. Entrust yourself entirely to me: body, heart, and spirit. Moreover, reflect that all the sources of hope and refuge are perfectly complete within me, Orgyen. Know that I am fully aware of all your joys, sorrows, and hopes. Don’t beseech me with offerings and praises. Give up accumulating. With devoted body, speech, and mind, pray with this seven line supplication:
HUNG OR GYEN YUL GYI NUB JANG TSHAM Hung On the northwest border of the country of Orgyen,

PEMA GÉ SAR DONG PO LA In the pollen heart of a stemmed lotus,
YA TSHEN CHHOK GI NGÖ DRUB NYEY You attained marvelous, most excellent accomplishment.
PEMA JUNG NAY ZHEY SU DRAK Renowned as the Lotus Born,
KHOR DU KHAN DRO MANG PÖ KOR You are surrounded by a vast retinue of dakinis.
KHYÉ KYI JEY SU DAK DRUB KYI As I practice, following in your footsteps,
JIN GYIY LOB CHHIR SHEK SU SOL Pray approach and confer your blessings.

Seven Line Prayer

Reciting this, supplicate again and again. Engender a strong heartfelt longing, bringing tears to your eyes. If you become overwhelmed by faith, [push the air out from your lungs with the sound of] “hak” and settle with clarity, gazing lucidly and openly without distraction. Is there any need to say that I will protect a child who prays like this? You will become an heir of the victorious ones of the three times. Your mind will receive the great empowerment of self-existing awareness. Your contemplation will become powerful and stable and your wisdom will expand. You will be ripened by great self-arisen blessings and your actions for others will dispel suffering. When you are transformed, your perceptions of others will change at the same time and you will accomplish enlightened activities. All good qualities will be perfected within you. In the great identity of dharmakaya, may my heart-sons and heart-daughters encounter this supreme method of ripening and liberation. In particular, because this seven line supplication that accomplishes my blessings is most profound, I advise you to keep this rediscovered treasure of my mind secret. May it meet with the intelligent and compassionate Chökyi Wangchuk. Thus he spoke. Source: Dudjom Sung Bum, Vol. TSHA (18), pp. 113-114. Translated by Lama Dechen Yeshé Wangmo, 2007.

KHYAB DAK DANG PÖ SANG GYAY KÜN TU ZANG Kuntuzangpo, sovereign lord, original Buddha;
ZUNG JUK GYU T’HRUL YÉ SHEY DOR JÉ SEM Vajrasattva, magical display of union, aspect of pristine awareness;
BAR WAY KUR NANG BENZAR KU MA RA Vajra Kumara, of radiant form: I supplicate you.
SOL WA DEB SO T’HRIN LAY T’HAR CHHIN SHOK Bring your activity to perfection.
SANG WAY DZÖ DZIN DÉ WAY KHOR LO CHHÉ Majestic Deway Khorlo, holder of a treasury of secrets;
T’HRIN LAY YONG DRUB Ö ZER LANG PÖ ZHAB Özer Langpo, siddha of completely accomplished activity;
HÉ RU KA PAL DOR JÉ T’HÖ T’HRENG TSAL Pema Tötrengtsal, glorious heruka: I supplicate you.

SOL WA DEB SO T’HRIN LAY T’HAR CHHIN SHOK Bring your activity to perfection.
KA BAB T’HUK KYI ZUNG MA KHAR CHHEN ZA Bride of Karchen, heart consort who received the transmission;
ZAB SANG GYA DROL TER JIN TRUL PAY KU Incarnate ones who open the seals of profound secrets and reveal termas;
KAL DEN CHHÖ DAK TSA GYÜ LA MA LA fortunate dharma heirs and root and lineage lamas: I supplicate you.
SOL WA DEB SO T’HRIN LAY T’HAR CHHIN SHOK Bring your activity to perfection.
NANG DRAK RIK PA KYIL KHOR SUM DU DAK Appearances, sounds, and intrinsic awareness are pure as the three mandalas.
T’HAL JIN NAM ZHI DRUB T’HA TSHAY DU KHYOL The view of the four penetrations reaches culmination.

TSOL MÉ T’HRIN LAY CHHAK T’HOK MI NGA WAY Through enlightened activity, effortless and free of attachment and hindrance,
DÜ LAY NAM GYAL GO P’HANG CHHOK T’HOB SHOK may we attain the excellent state of complete victory over the maras.
Written by Jigdral Yéshé Dorjé. Virtue! Source: Dudjom Sung Bum, Vol. BA (15), p. 521.

The Razor That Destroys at a Touch

DOR JÉ LOB PÖN SANG GYAY PAL To the vajra master and glorious buddhas
DU SUM ZHUK LA CHHAK TSHAL LO of the three times, homage!
CHHOK SUM TEN PAY ZHING GYUR LA Respectfully approaching the field of the Three Jewels,
NYIY MÉ YI KYIY KYAB SU CHHI with our minds free of duality, we take refuge.
NGÖ JOR YI KYIY NAM TRUL PAY Riches, actual and visualized –
DAK PAY CHHÖ PA ZHEY SU SOL please accept these pure offerings.

NGÖ DRUB CHHU WO CHÖ PAY GEK The dualistic forces of obstruction impeding the river of attainment,
NYEY JAY MA LÜ SHAK PAR GYI and all downfalls – we confess them without exception.
CHHOK CHU KHOR SUM DAK PAY CHHÖ Throughout the ten directions, in the Dharma purified of the three spheres,
MA CHHAK CHÖ LA JEY YI RANG with conduct free of attachment, we rejoice.
DAK PAY T’HA ZHI DRI MA MÉ Unstained by the four extreme views, we arouse
DZOK PAY JANG CHHUB SEM KYÉ DO the complete and perfect bodhicitta spirit of awakening,
DÉ SHEK JANG CHHUB SEM PA LA To the Sugata and bodhisattvas,

DAK PA SUM GYI LÜ BUL LO free from the three spheres of conceptualization, we offer ourselves.
TSHÉ RAB DRANG PAY GÉ WA NAM Having gathered all virtues accomplished in past lifetimes,
DÜ NAY JANG CHHUB CHHOK TU NGO To sublime awakening, we dedicate them.
After the eight branches of daily confession, then:
HUNG DOR JÉ T’HRÖ PAY ZHÉ DANG CHÖ Hung Vajra wrath cuts through anger;
TSHÖN CHHEN NGÖN PO BAR WA YIY the great blue weapon blazes;
NAM KHAY KYIL NAY T’HIK PA SHAR in the center of space, a sphere
BAR WA CHHEN PÖ Ö ZER GYIY blazes with rays of flaming light.

NÖ CHÜ NGÖ DZIN YING SU JANG Fixation on the solidity of the vessel and its contents is purified into space.
YÉ SHEY ROL PAY CHHO T’HRUL GYI The magical display of pristine awareness appears:
JUNG WA RIM TSEK RI RAB TENG the pyramid of the natural elements, Mount Meru, and above,
T’HAR PA CHHEN PÖ ZHAL MÉ KHANG the immeasurable palace “Great Liberation”
DUR T’HRÖ DRAK PÖ KÖ PA DZOK with the wrathful charnel grounds perfectly arranged.
DÉ Ü TSATRA BAR WAY TENG In the center, on a blazing wheel
NA TSHOK PEMA DA NYI DANG is a multicolored lotus, a moon-seat, a sun-seat,
LHA CHHEN P’HO MO NOL WAY TENG and the sprawling figures of Lhachen, male and female.
Daily Practice of Phurba Putri Rekphung

RIK PA HUNG GI T’HRO DU LAY The Hung of pure awareness radiates and reabsorbs light.
DAK NYI MA CHÖ DZOK PAY LHA Without contrivance, self-nature now appears as the perfect deity,
PAL CHHEN DOR JÉ ZHÖN NU NI the Great Glorious Dorjé Zhönnu,
T’HING NAK U SUM CHHAK DRUK PA blue-black, three heads, and six arms.
YAY KAR YÖN MAR ZHAY SHÉ NGAM The faces are laughing, reviling, and rapacious; the right one white, left one red.
CHHAK DRUK YAY KYI DANG PO NYIY The first two arms on the right
DOR JÉ TSÉ GU TSÉ NGA DANG hold a nine-spoked vajra and a five-pronged vajra;
YÖN NYIY MÉ PUNG KHA TRANG DENG on the left, two arms brandish a mass of fire and a trident;

T’HA NYIY RI RAB P’HUR PA DRIL the last two roll a Mount Meru phurba.
ZHAB ZHI GYAY KYI DOR TAB CHEN Four legs widespread in heroic stance,
MA HA RU DRAY CHI NAY DZIY stomp on the head of Great Rudra,
T’HRO TUM MI ZAY GAR GUR DEN wrathful, fierce, and overpowering, performing the nine dances.
HUNG HUNG DOR JEI SUNG DANG CHEN Vajra voice sounding Hung Hung;
T’HAB DANG SHEY RAB SHOK PA DENG wings of skillful means and transcendent knowledge spread open;
PAL DANG DUR T’HRÖ CHHAY KYIY GYEN adorned with the ornaments of glory and the ornaments of the charnel grounds;
NYI T’HRI CHHIK TONG GYEN DU KHYIL twenty-one thousand hairs swirled upwards;
Daily Practice of Phurba Putri Rekphung

JÉ WA T’HER BUM DOR JEY TAM and ten million billion pores filled with vajras.
YUM CHHOK KHOR LO GYAY DEB MA Khorlo Gyay Debma, sublime consort,
T’HING KYA UT PAL DUNG MAR TOB light blue, offers an utpala flower and a blood-filled skullcup;
CHHAK GYA NGA YI GYEN CHHANG ZHING wearing the ornaments of the five mudras,
YAY KYANG YÖN KUM YAB DANG JOR right leg stretched and left one bent while in union with the male consort;
DOR JÉ PEMA NYAM PAR ROL vajra and lotus enjoying in perfect equanimity.
CHI WOR RIK KYI KHYUNG CHHEN DING Above is the soaring great garuda of noble family.
YÉ SHEY MÉ PUNG BAR WAY LONG Everything is within a vast mass of blazing wisdom fire.

DAM YÉ NYIY MÉ NGO WOR SAL Visualize this as the essence of the inseparable commitment and wisdom aspects.
T’HUK KAR YÉ SHEY SEM PA NI At the heart, the wisdom being,
BENZAR SATO KAR SAL TSHER Vajrasattva, white, luminous and brilliant;
DOR JÉ DRIL DZIN LONG KÜ CHHAY holding vajra and bell, wearing the sambhogakaya adornments,
ZHAB ZUNG CHHÉ KYIL PAY DAR ZHUK and seated on a lotus and moon with legs half-crossed.
DÉ YI TSITTAY GUR KHANG Ü In the center of a heart-pavilion of light,
NYI TENG DOR JÉ TSÉ NGAY TER on a sun disc and a five-spoked vajra;
SOK GI NYING PO HUNG T’HING T’HAR in the center is the blue life-essence Hung

BAR WAY NGAK KYI T’HRENG WAY KOR surrounded by a blazing and circling mantra garland.
DAY PAY Ö ZER KHA KHYAB T’HRÖ With the mantra repetition, all-pervasive rays of light radiate,
GYAL CHHÖ JIN LAB T’HAM CHAY DÜ making offerings to the Victorious Ones and gathering all their blessings.
DRO WAY DRIB JANG LHA RU GYUR Defilements are purified and all beings manifest as deities.
NANG SI P’HUR BÜ CHHAK GYAR SAY Phenomenal existence awakens as the mudra of Kilaya.
DAM CHEN SUNG MA LAY LA KUL All oath-bound guardians are called to duty
DÉ GYAY DUK PA TSHAR T’HAK CHAY and annihilate the eight classes of malevolent ones.
BAR CHHAY GEK PUNG T’HAL WAR LAK The armies of obstacles and forces of hindrance are crushed to dust.

NANG SI ZHIR ZHENG PAL CHHEN PÖ Phenomenal existence emerges in the ground of the Great Glorious One,
KU SUNG T’HUK SU LHÜN DRUB GYUR and is spontaneously present as the body, speech, and mind of wisdom.

At the conclusion of the session:
NANG SI P’HUR BÜ KYIL KHOR NAM The mandalas of the phurba of phenomenal appearance
T’HUK KYI T’HIK LÉ CHHEN POR T’HIM dissolve into the great bindu of enlightened mind.

PAL CHHEN PO YI YING NYI LAY From the basic space of the majestic one

KU SUNG T’HUK KYI KYIL KHOR SAL appear the mandalas of body, speech, and mind.


Thus, gather and arise.
MI NAY YÉ SHEY KYIL KHOR DU In the mandala of nondwelling pristine awareness,
KU SUNG T’HUK SU LHUN DRUB NAY spontaneously present as enlightened body, speech, and mind,
DOR JÉ ZHÖN NÜ GO P’HANG T’HOB may we attain the state of Dorjé Zhönnu
DRO WA KÜN GYI PAL DU SHOK and be of splendid benefit to all beings.
Daily Practice of Phurba Putri Rekphung

End with dedication prayers and then enter into the path of activity. This was written by Jigdral Yeshé Dorjé for the benefit of some practitioners.

JIN LAB CHHOK TSOL TSA GYÜ LA MA DANG May there be the auspicious presence of the root and lineage lamas who bestow sublime blessings;
NGÖ DRUB CHHAR BEB YI DAM KI LA YA Of Yidam Kilaya, who brings down a rain of siddhis;
T’HRIN LAY T’HOK MÉ KHAN DRO CHHÖ KYONG SOK And of the dakinis and dharma protectors, whose enlightened activity is without impediment;
RAB JAM KYIL KHOR KOR LÖ TRA SHIY SHOK The auspicious presence of the entire vast circle of the mandala!
This was written spontaneously by Jigdral Yeshé Dorjé at the request of one named Pema.
Source: Dudjom Sung Bum, Vol. BA (15), pp. 523-525; Lineage Prayer p.521; Eight Branches Prayer pp.482-483.
…the offering-torma is cleansed and purified.
…it is consecrated.

RANG GI NYING GAY Ö KYIY P’HUR SUNG DAM CHEN CHAM DRAL KHOR CHAY BENZAR SAMAYZA One’s own heart-center light invites the male and female oath- bound Kilaya guardians and their retinues.
…the sense qualities are offered.
Men and rakta are offered.
Concise Prayer Offering to the Vajrakilaya Guardians

…with three repetitions, the torma is offered.
HUNG T’HRAK T’HUNG BENZAR KU MA RAY Hung The Heruka Vajra Kumara,
KA YI TEN KYONG YAR DAM CHEN You, his doctrine protectors who are at his command –
SHO NA DAK NYI SA DAK MA Shona, daknyi, sadakma,
KYEY BU GING CHHEN KHOR CHAY NAM Kyebu ging, and retinues –
T’HÜN DZAY CHHÖ TOR DI ZHEY LA Accept this torma of worthy substances.
GAL KYEN KÜN SOL T’HÜN KYEN PEL Please eliminate obstructive conditions and enhance supportive circumstances.
Concise Prayer Offering to the Vajrakilaya Guardians

DÖ PAY DÖN LA NYER TAY PAY Whatever our objectives,
LAY KYI DRAY BU CHHIY PAR DZÖ Manifest your activities and their results so that they will be accomplished.

Having commissioned the activities, meditate with no reference to the guests. Written by Jigdral Yeshé Dorjé. Sarwa Da Mangalam.
Source: Dudjom Sung Bum, Vol. BA (15), p.531.

FULFILLMENT OFFERING To be Performed in Conjunction with theFeast of the Great and
Glorious Kilaya

Arrange amrita, rakta, lamps, dza-gay, mamsa, tsé, dagyay, bam tsangma, surchen, and various foods. They are held up while the following is sung with musical accompaniment:
HUNG NANG SI P’HUR BÜ DAB PAY CHHIR Hung! So that the Phurba may pierce phenomenal appearance,
DOR JÉ ZHÖN NÜ T’HUK DAM KANG I fulfill the sacred bond with Dorjé Zhönnu.
KHAM SUM KHOR WA GYAY DEB CHHIR So that the seal may be applied to the three realms of samsara,
KHOR LO GYAY DEB T’HUK DAM KANG I fulfill the sacred bond with Khorlo Gyay-deb.

MI GÉ CHU PO TSHAR CHÖ CHHIR So that the ten nonvirtuous acts may be annihilated,
T’HRO GYAL YAB CHÜ T’HUK DAM KANG I fulfill the sacred bond with the ten fathers, the kings of wrath.
GÉ CHU DANG DU LANG WAY CHHIR So that the ten virtuous acts may be taken up,
T’HRO MO CHU YI T’HUK DAM KANG I fulfill the sacred bond with the ten feminine wrathful deities.
CHHOK CHUR TRUL PA GYÉ PAY CHHIR So that emanations may spread in the ten directions,
T’HRA T’HAB NYI SHÜ T’HUK DAM KANG I fulfill the sacred bond with the twenty tra-tab deities.
DUK PAY DRA GEK DROL WAY CHHIR So that malevolence and hindrance may be liberated,
SAY CHHOK NYER CHIK T’HUK DAM KANG I fulfill the sacred bond with the twenty-one excellent sons.

ZHI GYAY WANG DRAK LAY DRUB CHHIR So that pacifying, enriching, magnetizing and wrathful activities may be accomplished,
T’HRIN LAY ZHI YI T’HUK DAM KANG I fulfill the sacred bond with these four kinds of enlightened activity.
LOB PÖN KU DRA DROL WAY CHHIR So that forces harmful to the teachers may be liberated,
SHO NA CHHÉ ZHI T’HUK DAM KANG I fulfill the sacred bond with the four shona sisters.
TEN PAY CHI DRA DROL WAY CHHIR So that general harmdoers to the teachings may be liberated,
RÉ TI CHHÉ ZHI T’HUK DAM KANG I fulfill the sacred bond with the four reti sisters.
NAL JOR GÖ DRA DROL WAY CHHIR So that forces harmful to practitioners may be liberated,
SÉ MO ZHI YI T’HUK DAM KANG I fulfill the sacred bond with the four semo goddesses.

NYUR GYOK DRAK PÖ LAY DZAY CHHIR So that wrathful activity may be swift and sure,
SÉ CHAK DUNG SUM T’HUK DAM KANG I fulfill the sacred bond with those three born of precious metals, iron and conch shell.
GUK DREN CHHING DOM NYÖ JAY CHHIR So that the forces of harm may be summoned, tied, bound and rendered mad,
GO MA ZHI YI T’HUK DAM KANG I fulfill the sacred bond with the four gatekeepers.
RU DRA DÉ SUM DUL WAY CHHIR So that the three classes of rudra may be subdued,
GING CHHEN CHO GYAY T’HUK DAM KANG I fulfill the sacred bond with the eighteen ging chen.
CHHOK CHUR MAK PUNG WAB PAY CHHIR So that armies may be sent in the ten directions,
MA DÜN SING ZHI T’HUK DAM KANG I fulfill the sacred bond with the seven mamo and the four sisters.

T’HRIN LAY GYA TSHO DRUB PAY CHHIR So that an ocean of enlightened activity may be accomplished,
WANG CHHUK NYER GYAY T’HUK DAM KANG I fulfill the sacred bond with the twenty-eight wang-chuk.
In addition:
KANG NGO KAL PAY T’HUK DAM KANG Fulfill the sacred bond for eons.
KYIL KHOR LHA TSHOK T’HUK DAM KANG Fulfill the sacred bond with the deities of the mandala.
DÜ TSI MEN GYIY T’HUK DAM KANG Fulfill the sacred bond with amrita medicine.
BA LING TOR MAY T’HUK DAM KANG Fulfill the sacred bond with the offering of the ba-ling torma.
RAKTA MAR GYIY T’HUK DAM KANG Fulfill the sacred bond with red rakta.

ZHAL ZAY TSOK KYIY T’HUK DAM KANG Fulfill the sacred bond with assembled foods.
KYIL KHOR ZHAL GYIY T’HUK DAM KANG Fulfill the sacred bond with the opening of the mandala.
DZA GAY P’HÜ KYIY T’HUK DAM KANG Fulfill the sacred bond with the first portion of dza-gay.
ZHÜN CHHEN MAR MEY T’HUK DAM KANG Fulfill the sacred bond with lamps of burning fat.
SOK UK DANG KYIY T’HUK DAM KANG Fulfill the sacred bond with life, breath and healthy luster.
SUR CHHEN DRI YIY T’HUK DAM KANG Fulfill the sacred bond with the scent of burnt offerings.
ROL MO DRA YIY T’HUK DAM KANG Fulfill the sacred bond with musical sounds.
KANG GYUR WANG DANG NGÖ DRUB TSOL Be fulfilled and grant me empowerment and siddhi.

YAR DAM NYEN PO SOR TSOL CHIK Restore the solemn oaths.
Thus, perform the fulfillment.

HO LA MÉ SANG WA CHHOK GI KYIL KHOR DIR Ho! I dedicate without concepts any mass of virtuous acts I’ve accumulated
DÜ SUM SAK PAY GÉ TSHOK JI NYÉ KUN In the past, present, and future within this highest, secret, sublime sacred circle
MI MIK DÉ CHHEN JANG CHHUB SEM KYI LONG To great bliss, awakened mind’s expanse –
SI PA DOR JÉ P’HUR BU DRUB CHHIR NGO The accomplishment of Vajra Dagger of existence.
WANG GI CHHU WÖ DAK GYÜ RAB TU MIN May the river of empowerment fully ripen my stream of being.
ZHUNG SHAY CHHU WÖ GOM JYA TEN LA P’HEB May the river of explanatory texts define the subject of meditation.
DAM PAY CHHU WÖ NYAM LEN RANG JYEN TSHÜ May the river of instructions bring me mastery in experiential cultivation.

MEN NGAK CHHU WO NAY KYI ZER T’HEB SHOK May the river of pith instructions strike the nails of the vital points.
T’HAB KYI CHÖ PAY LAM GYI BOK CHHEN JONG May skillful conduct lead me to great enrichment on the path.
T’HAL JIN GONG PAY WANG GI DING TSHAY NYEY May the intent of unobstructed penetration bring me the confidence of empowerment.
NYING JEY DRAL WAY DAM TSHIK TSHAY DU KHYOL May I accomplish the tantric vow of compassionate liberation.
BAR WAY T’HRIN LAY DRAY BÜ T’HAR CHHIN SHOK May I reach the final result of blazing [wisdom’s] enlightened activity.
T’HUK JEI P’HUR BU GYÜ DRUK YUL LA T’HEB May compassion’s dagger strike the six types of beings’ domains.
KYÉ PAY RIM PAY T’HA MAL NANG ZHEN JANG May creation stage meditation purify attachment to ordinary appearances.

DEN SUM MI SHIK DOR JÉ KHOR LÖ TAM May the three seats fill with indestructible vajra wheels.
SI CHÜ YÉ SHEY T’HRO WOR YONG DRUB SHOK May existence’s contents and beings be fully established in wrathful wisdom.
TSHEN MAY P’HUR BU DRA DANG GEK LA T’HEB May I use the material dagger to strike enemies and obstructors,
TSHÉ MÉ NYING JEI CHAK KYÜ NYER DRANG PAY To draw them with immeasurable compassion’s hook, and to
MAY JUNG TSHÉ T’HRÜ DRAL DREN JOR WA YIY Apply the finest [techniques] of [absorbing] life-force, washing, liberation, and leading [to pure realms],
MA DAK ZHING CHÜ NAY NGEN GYUN CHAY SHOK Thereby ending the ten impure domains’ evil existences.
JANG SEM P’HUR BU YUM GYI KHA LA T’HEB May my mind of awakening's dagger strike the female consort’s space.

P’HO NYAY LAM LAY TSA LUNG T’HIK LEI DRÖ On the messenger’s path, may the movement of channels, winds, and vital essence
P’HO MÉ DU TI BUB SU RAB CHING TÉ Be bound without transference inside my central channel:
CHU DRUK GA WAY YÉ SHEY T’HAR SÖN SHOK May I reach the limits of the sixteen joys’ wisdom.
RIK PAY P’HUR BU CHHÖ YING LHUM SU T’HEB May the dagger of my awareness strike the basic space of phenomena’s womb.
NAY PA ZHI YI DOR JÉ P’HUR BU NYI May I join Vajra Dagger as the abiding basis
DRÖ PA LAM GYI P’HUR BÜ TSHAM JAR NAY With Vajra Dagger as the traversed path,
DRUB PA DRAY BÜ P’HUR BUR NGÖN DZOK SHOK That I gain manifest perfection as the accomplished result, Vajra Dagger.

NANG WAY NGO WO BENZAR KU MA RA Appearances’ essence is Vajra Kumara.
TONG PAY RANG ZHIN DIPTRA TSAKTRAY YING Emptiness’ nature is Diptachakra’s basic space.
ZUNG JUK T’HUK JÉ TAK KHYAB T’HRIN LAY KYIY May their integral union – eternal compassion’s pervasive activity –
DRO KHAM T’HIK LÉ CHIK TU DUM GYUR CHIK Gather beings’ realms into a single vital sphere.
Thus, intently recite this prayer of aspiration.
zung juk gyu t’hrul yé shey dor jé sem
t’hrin lay yong drub ö zer lang pö zhab
hé ru ka pal dor jé t’hö t’hreng tsal
ka bab t’huk kyi zung ma khar chhen za
kal den chhö dak tsa gyü la ma la
nang drak rik pa kyil khor sum du dak
tsol mé t’hrin lay chhak t’hok mi nga way
dü lay nam gyal go p’hang chhok t’hob shok
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