
Post on 23-Aug-2020






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Mission Statement To be a community in the

Holy Spirit glorifying God by proclaiming His works

IC CHURCH & MONASTERY 11700 McDougall Street

Hamtramck MI 48212

Website: www.icchurch-osbm.com Email: icchurch.osbm@gmail.com

Pastor & Superior

Fr Daniel Schaicoski, OSBM


Cell Phone 586 907 8552


Fr.Roman Hykavy, OSBM

Fr. Joseph Kralka, OSBM

Divine Liturgies Schedule Saturdays: Ukr. 8am & Eng. 4pm

Sundays: In Ukrainian 8:30 & 10:00am, in English 12 noon. Weekdays: 7:30am &8:30am Confessions: Before all Divine Liturgies

Office Hours Monday-Thursday 9am-4pm.

Telephone Numbers Rectory 313/893-1710 Fax 313/893-2160 Committee Room 313/893-2160 White House 313 /366-3594 IC SCHOOLS 586 /574-2480 Www.icschools.org Www.icschools.net

-For the Sacrament of the Sick (healing) call the rectory at any time. -To arrange for Baptism, Funerals & other Sacraments call the Church office between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm. -For weddings make an appointment with the Pastor, at least 6 months ahead.

Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Catholic Church Basilian Fathers ЦЕРКВА НЕПОРОЧНОГО ЗАЧАТТЯ ОТЦІ ВАСИЛІЯНИ Heb. 11:33-12:2, Mt. 10:32-33, 37-38, 19:27-30

Volume 62, Number 24 JUNE 19 - All Saints Sunday

Неділя всіх Святих

Поздоровлення батькам Мабуть, ще слів таких ніхто і не придумав,

Щоб в них вмістити щиро все про Вас:

Ви - доброта, порядність, скромність.

Ми дуже любим і цінуєм Вас.

Живіть в здоров'ї, злагоді, любові,

Подовше радуйте всіх нас.


Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Catholic Church June 19, 2011, pg.2

Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Catholic Schools 1936 - 2011

Divine Liturgy Intention Літургійні Відправи

JUNE 19 - All Saints Sunday - Nedil] vsix sv]tyx

Father's Day - Den/ Bat/ka 9:00AM - Special intentions for Volodymyr - family

11:00AM - God's blessings for all fathers in our Parish

Monday, June 20 - St. Methodius, Bishop-Martyr 7:30am - Special Intentions for Olha - friend 8:30am - + Roman, with Panakhyda - Oleksandra

Tuesday, June 21 - St. Julian, Martyr 7:30am - Special Intentions for Olha - friend 8:30Am - + Dr. Roman, Nadia and Danusia Hura - Maria Diakiw 6:30pm - Moleben to the Sacred Heart of Jesus 6:30вечора Молебень до Пречистої Діви Марії.

Wednesday, June 22 - St. Eusabius, Bishop-Martyr 7:30am - Special intentions for Olha - friend 8:30am - Thanksgiving for Nadia's health - family

Thursday, June 23 - Holy Eucharist 7:30am - + Roman - Oleksandra 8:30am - + Osyp Procyk - Olha Procyk 11:00am - God's blessings and good health for Bohdan 6:30pm Moleben to the Sacred Heart of Jesus 6:30pm Молебень до Найсвятішого Серця Христового

Friday, June 24 - Nativity of John the Baptist 7:30am - + Roman - Oleksandra Souls in Purgatory - Mariya 8:30am - + Paraskevia Zubar, with Panakhyda - family

Saturday, June 25 - St. Febronia, Venerable Martyr 8:00am - God's blessings and good health for Ala, Myroslav Dovhan, Tania Clark - Vyacheslav 9:00am - God's blessings and good health for Lubomyr, Christine and Ihor - family 4:00pm - God's blessings and good health for Irene Grenda - Jaroslav Grenda

June 26 - 2-nd Sunday after Pentecost

9:00am - Maya Maritczak - Lukasik family 11:00am - God's blessings for all our Parishioners ————————————————————————————--

ATTENTION Organizations that plan picnics/events requesting a priest for Divine Liturgy, please contact the church office at least three (3)weeks in advance.

IC CHURCH RESTORATION FUND Two new share (savings) accounts have been recent-ly set up at the Ukrainian credit unions to accept dona-tions designated for church restoration. Donations can be made directly to these accounts: At the Ukrainian Future Credit Union (Future), the new account is identified as "IC Church Restoration" and bears account number 13194 S20. At the Ukrainian Selfreliance Michigan Federal Credit Un-ion (Selfreliance), the account is identified as "IC Church Restoration" and bears account number 17263. As of June 14, 2011, approximately $37,000.00 in dona-tions for restoration work has been received and deposit-ed into these accounts. Approximately $300,000 in dona-tions is needed in order to finance Phase One of the church restoration project. It is imperative that the first phase of restoration work begin this summer in order to avoid further damage to the church building (exterior and interior) that would be occasioned by any significant and unnecessary delay. Without your generous and timely donations this simply cannot be done. We need your help and we need it NOW.

Реставраційний фонд церкви

Непорочного Зачаття Ми створили два нові банківські рахунки в Українських Кредитівках, щоб ви могли пожертвувати для реставрації церкви. Пожертви будуть переводитися безпосередньо на ці рахунки: В Українській Кредитівці «Будучність» відкрито новий рахунок під назвою «Реставрація церкви Непорочного Зачаття». Номер банківського рахунку − 13194S20 В Українській Кредитівці «Самопоміч» відкрито новий рахунок, теж має назву «Реставрація церкви Непорочного Зачаття». Номер банківського рахунку − 17263 З 14-го червня приблизно 37,000.00 $ пожертвували для реставраційних робіт ці гроші переведені на депозит цих банківських рахунків. Приблизно 300,000 $ потрібно для того, щоб розпочати фінансування першого etapu реставраційних робіт. Стан церкви змушує нас, щоб перший крок реставраційних робіт розпочати як найшвидше цього літа, для того щоб в подальшому уникнути більших пошкоджень інтер’єру та екстер’єру будівлі. Без Ваших щедрих і вчасних пожертв це просто неможливо зробити. Ми потребуємо Вашої допомоги і ми потребуємо її негайно!!!!

Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Catholic Church June 19, 2011, pg. 3

Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Catholic schools 1936 - 2011

IC CHURCH DONATIONS $150.00 - Jeffrey and Kimberly Munro

IC CHURCH RESTORATION FUND $500.00 - Lidia and Joseph Bondra, Gary and Christine Ste-bens $100.00 - Walter and Maria Brunec, Oksana Dzonyk, Mykhaylo and Lilia Boyko, Ihor Harasymyk, Julia Chereson, Eugene and Olga Kozak, Lesya Lukasevych, Petro Myshelov $1000.00 - Anthony and Annie Sciacca, Lubomyr and Lydia Jachnycky $50.00 - Stepan, Roman and Vira, Yevgen and Mariya Ko-valchuk, Katerina Spiewak $200.00 - Olga Kitsmey, Volodymyr and Mariya Huzij In memory of + Iwan Daczyszyn $150.00 - Emilia Daczyszyn

Молебень до Найсвятішого

Серця Христового Під час місяця червня, кожного вівторка та четверга, о 6:30 год. vечора, відправлятимемо Молебень до Найсвятішого Серця Христового

Moleben to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Every Tuesday and Thursday at 6:30 p. m. during the month of June.


CHURCH PRESENTS “Faith Building Film” Series

Presented by the IC Church Evangelization Committee on

the 3rd Saturday each month (after 4 pm liturgy unless

Church event scheduling conflict) in the basement Hall at

Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Catholic Church.

PRAY FOR ALL IN THE MILITARY SERVICE 'In active duty" Michael Dal Pra

Christopher Kushner (Afghanistan)

PRO-LIFE PRAYER VIGIL On Saturday, June 25, a pro-life Prayer Vigil will be held on behalf of the unborn in danger of abortion. This peaceful and prayerful vigil will begin at 7:30 a. m. mass at Assump-tion Grotto Church in Detroit. The mass will be celebrated by Father Eduard Perrone. After mass, the Rosary will be prayed in front of two abortion mills on 8 mile between Gratiot and Kelly Roads. Benediction and refreshments will follow back at Assumption Grotto. Call 313-530-4539 for information.


29500 Westbrook – Warren, MI 48092

Tel. (586) 574-2480


Povnyj den/ - prohrama Pered'kil] Povnyj den/ - Sado;ok

Po;atkovi klasy 1-6 Akademi] 7-8

Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Catholic Schools 75th Anniversary Banquet

IC Schools "Diamond" Year Banquet is scheduled for October 23, 2011. The guest speaker for the Banquet will be the Right Rev. Bishop Hlib Lonchyna. The celebration will begin with a Divine Liturgy at 10:00 am at IC Church sung by the Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus.

Brotherhood of St. Michael IC Men’s Group

2nd wednesday of the Month at 7:30 pm

Wednesday, June 8th Wednesday, July 13th

Wednesday, August 10th Group Facilitator

Jerry M. Grenda - 248-202-2094 jerrygrenda@saintly.com

Відвідини хворих - просимо телефонувати до церковного офісу в будь який час, тел. 313 893 1710. Тайна Хрещення - просимо звертатися до о. Пароха 586 907 8552. Тайна Подружа "шлюби" - просимо звертатися до о. Пароха не менше як 6 місяців до дати шлюбу.


In memory of + Ivan Preweda

Stefania Zilinka, Michael and Anna Lukasik

ВАРЕНИКИ My budemo robyty varenyky v Bilomu Domi 24 i 25 ;ervn], po;yna[;y z 8>30 ranku. Duwe potrebu=mo va'o\ dopomohy!

VARENYKY We will be making Varenyky Friday, June 24 and

Saturday June 25, starting at 8:30 am. We need

volunteers. Ladies and gentlemen please volunteer

your time for our Church and Schools.

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