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Post on 08-Aug-2020






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c.CrN MaiN •u a lunia••• vJ,vhur here .llon~. aft.t l*•t ~ ont tit• ruutt au the tu• a\lfallU ~ilels. IIi t»UtH Ul C:OiiV.thUoA \lr:H t.<dd Ut JbOUl &.at• e121t»u1et. and b1WI\ ,,.,.., · ldr .. ,~,~,_ V .tucu. ot iJ :l:'f-u. · ld.r.. Vttauco Ad tin• U~tvd tc.r · ~llJLct bipl OVIIt LtHolll COiliU) lu tbl. lilhr .. t '(.){ Uti 'lai41(GC8 &c. LJla•lliWh an<l·Jtr. ·aao•• ~r c:uuuty nt.Y wt!l -and . flkU . a&:' "*1 uauotJ, ( -~ ~~til t<ic: ~J!· ~u the uotOII& and ~Uitt."llaUGM. J--.. -,. "


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ROSWELL~CARRIZOZO· .. ·-:~ - ·tRUCK. LINE · . · .

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• • ~ . 1 Contract wtth County Coaunfglcnaetl.

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Sunday, Monda)', Tue:ada1 Hfckty Rooney, Judy Garland, Gil Stratton, lt~tglt Ua11l1nd in

''Girl Crazy" Jud.v'• got rb)thrn· 110 baa

MtcKe.Y. h. B llJI•t!fuJ, toma.nlic nnd fanny. Whut more do you


VOtE FOR Glenn Emmons· .


for. Republican Nomination· . ......... ---- ;;:;.,.., , 1 .......

· · . · Leave ·Roswqll: .. Mdlday~: Wednesday · and.Ftiday

. r-------=:

·· Leave Catrizozo: • •

Tue'sday .. -. · .Thursday . a11d Satu«lay . ' . --

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S. B •. GOLDSTOH, . Muua1er ' .

•• ! .. ~ •t'

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for Governor . .

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R.ep"iblican·Primary,June .. 6, 1944 · ~ ...

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· By VIRGINIA VALE Rel~tn•ed tw We£tcrn Now•popcr Union •.

M ETRO'S going to da big things the week of June

t2nd, tn celebration of the or­ganiZE.Jtion's twentieth b ir tb~ day. Their first big picture was "The Big Parade"; their thousandth, now being shown, Is "The White Cliffs," starring lovely Irene Dunne. During annlv,lrrmry week prnctfcally ever$' ~novic theater In the nation will show 110me Metro picture-a short, a acwsred or a feature. At the litudlo lbere'll be a ceremony honoring lllosc who hove Berved the cornpan~ lor 20 ycara. And a coast--to-coast broadca5t wlll feature every star un­hr contract to the studio. King Vidor's "America" and "Dragon Seed," with Knthnrlnc Hepburn, will reature In the celebration.


Chill Williams, model now under contract 11o RKO, In too popular tor lbe good of her bank account. One photograph in a weekly magazine


br!JUght hor 40,000 rcqueots from ~~ervkl'mC>n for pin·up pictures. Think whol'll hoppen niter they ecc hf.'r ln "lfnvlng Wonderful Crime"!

;f! •

When the temporar:y chairman of &he llepubiJcan national convention ealla the party delerates to order, the National ISroadeastlns companJ wUI hnvc eompleted als monthi of preparation; for the sixth time,, Uuy'll handle both the blr polltlcal convc.nUona.

A prolJram of rPul lmportnll<'l' will ortalnolt' ovrr uhnut 600 radio sln· tlurul thrn month; 1t'o "Tho l,lt(' of J>remwr ranrl l''lt•ld Murnhal Jan C. Smulo ul South Atrwo." The:> Snuth .1\trwnn Br,.ndc·ootlnH eorJtornllon at lohiWnl'Oburu ronde o dramntl:wtton ln 13 oplwdC'o and tho dJOl'D were tlown to Now Yorlt ·ond Uwro r(!­proct'!l!.led anto muotcr rl't'ordlnno. Tho ot>rlco bt'6!lnn w1th the dltJC'OVl'r)' of dlambndo and aold In 8uuth A1-rlcn, tcl'lo ul() lr>gendary cxplotln of the fornouo tleld morc;hol, ends wltb Ut" Un1rm or &uth Africa an one of \be Unltt'd Nottono. ~

RC'IoUvl'o and frtendo In Wmh.>s. boro, N C , of Pvt. Rowland S. Pru. ell had hl'nrd nothing of him olnce he wa• rt>ported erltlcally Ill in an Italian honptlol· ~until they heard his vol«'e wht>n lw epukc from Algiers on tho Allan JonNl Frankie Corle air ahow. lhn witt> and moUter were called out of prayer meeting by lrlendn In Ume to hear his lollt few wordn on the broadcoo(, which Inter wo11 dono over for them by IJ1o1ocal IJtaUon.

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.·Back· Home, Amencans D1scover.

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· · Not lJDIISU&I ''I think she is as pretty as she

b II I . can .e. . · ''M:oSt girlf! are.''

. Qld Playmate . . , · ~· :Motber-SQnny, y01l rnusb} t U4e

11Uch words. · ·· Son - ~ut, Mq~, Sbo1tespeare used thern. · ·

. :M:other-W~, quit playing with bhn.




. ' Nai11rwl rvltkr k ttlll .. -thlfll of • My.tery, non after y .. ,, ef l«ltonttory oxperf.o Me~tt,. It HI ec~rllell _.. hy• ........ , • ., tfl•,. ........... qutllltl., which uvo "*t •• yet Hill 41et-IIIH.·

ltf«• the wOt, 6Q perc;tnt of th• tlret and Jvbe1 Mad• eodl year w.,.wad atf8Piocen~enll,and 10

· · per~t~~tofiM~ttwmQif:lr~d"tcld " replCKtd ~baM OIIIIIIOify KlOpped.

lrtlzll ............ ""'"' .. $3.06 ,. ,., ....... 1f10 .,,_...... the 41en~ of the .M~ 41J. Jatt plaJt!ctfHI to tH .X .. .......... '.000.000 lla"d­vlttfer cvltlvatk• I• 1915, ptevltll•• the ltwlc of the 'WorU'• av,U• ..


BE drieh


' Millions Have Ended Consti­

pation with Sim_Pic Frc.b Fruit Drfuk c

Don't form the laablt of depetld· lttt on harsh, ,;rlp_ingo laxatiYea . till til you've tried tbla taJ11 health· tal way miUioill now UIO to keep ~Jar. lt'afm~h lemon jutco and water

taken fint thing iri the mornintt­ju!t &!! 1100n u you cet up. Th~ juice of one Sunkist Lemon fa • ~ of wat6. TakC1l thWI• on an empty atomach, it atimttlates Urtl'ltJl bowel action, day after day, for most people.

And lemons are actively good for you. TheY're among the iicllMt 10urces ot Vitamin C, whic:b tom· bata fatiguezllel~ rt!lst cold• and fnteetlons. :!'beY supply TitatnfM B, and P, ald dl~on and Wp alkalinize the ~

Tz7 this ~nd wake-up drink 10 morninp. See it it doen't betp ,-oul Use California Suatlat I.emo~ .

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UNIFORM ··. INTERNATIONAL .. . ' . , ' . 5. UNDAY ·L·. . . . . .· .. ·.· .. cHooL. .•. esson.

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· . J!y ~Q;LD L. LUW>QUlS'l' D. D, · · . Ol Tb• .Jolo¢l :Qtble wutu._ !)i Chleaao, Re~ji w W!~ate~ Newapape~ UQ,II)~

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l · K ~s in nollrivi>Qd with tat~nt ~re . · · . ·. . a alme a · doz~n .. · .·· Al>illty 111lone ·

.nevef has ma4e a picture ~~r. StJre l.Hioll -ub3t~ct8 •nd s~rlptuh! titxb ~. V&Q JO~n half;t.Ient •. But hf:! has. · lec:ted. I!Dd ~~~yrlcllted bT Iiltaf!lattonnl IOn:letl\fng mQrl! fmportant-.-WarmtJl ~.:r~~~ ll·~l!lU8 E;duaatlon: UHd • by .. ·

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and A ~incerlt1 of · • · · .· . · t.bat m~es friends,. the . 1itiok JJAUL JN CORINTH through thick and thin. . Is. too · modest tQ.th4tk of . · . · ~star,. .lffss:'~ ~-hets lB:l-4: I Codntht-

. Success . to him il!l ~ . . . . mfr.. . Q(l:LD~N TEXT-1M now abld~tll faith, . acle. He expresses the . ap-. · !lope, Jov~. tl:l~e three; and the area test of

pl:'eciation, and meall$ · . those . llle .. lllovt>-l Corlntl\lana 13:13. · who have believed he . malt~ it. , . • Last J,!al-ch a near-:1.:~g~c autom.o.. . Who f:l a Chrislian? :Qn~ ml~ht

Pq.-ch Soppe.-a T Furnish . Tonic .

. For Appetites . . •veul on Skewers

•p~~• .Greene with Plc;ed Beets Y Wheat lUscuits Butter.

· Raspbercy . _LStrawqerry Me~ingue Pie

•Recipe Given . · · •

' . 1..11 id · t ...... k · j .nswer m a number ot ways, H~ is "' e ace en s..,. .. c • bfm. 4own · usl OJle w}Jo has been saved by the re· Ill! ll~ got ~ ·tQp . r; grace Qf Jesus Christ. He role with Spencer· ls one who flecks tQ live a lite in ao-

' . ,: - '~. .-: -· untU meat is tender. Garnish with ' . ·.. .. ·. · .· · broiled bacon. . - ' ' .

Tr~cy a~d Irene cord with the will of God,· ·He is a DIUUie. in ~·A Guy . witness, to. r G. od, and s. o o. n, S:ut the

-_ · . Sat:e Use\ Fard • · .... , .· l';or a quick supper dish yQu mlght

Nnm!X\ JQe," . The pulse of lite ~nswer that the whole world under .. waver~ within . stands is. a llfe in which the r~ b.lm as van laY deeming love ot Christ begets a true on a hospital CQt. lovt~ for one's fellow man. A nurse held a I. ' All Example of Cbrlstlan Love mask over his (Acts 18:1-4). face, pl'eparing Teaching ancl preaching are God's hlm for an eme~:· 'Van Johnson ordained way for presenting tJte gency ·operation, truth, They are effective, but Qnly A big man with gray hah' walked when done by one whose Ute e~· into the room. ·· emplifies tho truth. In his letter to Sta.nding Bv the Corinthians Paul gives the great..

" est discu!sion of love known to the

try ,this m!!nt pie. fln"jor rlcll and economy-w1se:

Hamburger Noodle Pie, (Serves 6)

1% pounds hamburger · ~~ cup milk ' ~. oup flne, soft bread crumbs ~ t11.blespoons onion, mlnoed 1 egg, sllrlttly beaten · Salt and pepper to taste 1

llot buttererl noodles . . Combme all lngredlents except

noodles o.nd pat mixture Into bottom and sides o' ple plate. Bake in a moderqte oven (350 degrees) 45 min·

14Would you hold this mask on his world, but before he wrote it he bad faee a moment?" asked the nurse. lived that truth before them. The .

The ~Uan did. Later he stood out· Holy Spirit spoke through him of aide the door of the pperating room love, because He had . ah:cndy lived as Vnn was wheeled inside, and the truth out In tho preuchcr.

. · . utes. To serve, fill center wl\h hot, Serve tile famll:r quJekly prepared · buttered noodles and dust with pap-·

coqJ drinks made with flavored pow• · rika. • !lCJ'l• They're e·conomical and oan Don't . forget the lovely spring . be made In a ftash b7 aDJ member greens when lt -comes {a adqlng·col·. of the family. or to tho table and vitamins to your

waited till he came out again. .· Two things appear here: Paul ', That man was DJrecto' Vic Flem· was:

bs&", who bas more hca.rt than most 1, Working (vv. 1-3). The world's folks give hlm credit !or. moat diatlngulshed missloimry ·and & 1111 U;ed F•rd

JBut I'm getting ahead of the story preacher bad arriyed in Corinth. ox Van Johnspn, a husky, typically -where was the welcbmlng commit. Wise homemakers ·Will plan porch American kid with unruly tee or lcx:al dlgnitariest> There waa IUppcn for warm oveninga. Not hair, freckled face, a pair of brigh\ · · none. Whose comfortable hQme only will the !am .. · blue eyes, nnd an infectious smile. would .receive hlm7 None wa• of· Jly enjoy the gay Back fn Newport, R; ~~. be was a fered. His was the lot of the plo.. informality of tho popula.r song-and-dance mp.n from neer for Chrlat. He had W hunt up porch but the the time he wore knee p;mts. He a Jewfab fellow craftaman and go chanzing of meal· wowccl 'em at the· various cluba,_ to work to eaJQ bf,.- breacL.,. .. · time · locale just IodAtes and church sOcials. · Paul, like every other Jewish boy, naturally will peP.

In 1937 Van headed for New York. bad learned a trade, something he up laijlni of aP: LU<:k landed him in "New Faces." could do with hll hands. He. wu a peUtca that warm The .show ran for nine months. tent and aall maker, and wa• not weather brings. • ., uhamed to work at his trade. A Cbeckcd clothS· ln brJgh~ colora ..,,. and Down. more re~ent follower of Christ put wlU ·carey out the .simplicity o!

dlet, · Wilted Greens.

1 •mall onion, ehoppecJ ~ l ~ cup bacon rat

~ ~up mUd vlne;ar Green•

Cook onion in bacon fat until yel· low, then add vinegar. When heated throuih, add greens oncl cook untll just wilted. Season with aalt · and pepper and serve hot. .

' Mb:ed Sprinr Green~ . (Serves 8)

~ p011nd beet rree111 ~ pound dandelion 1rcent 1 teupoon lemoa J11leo

. ~ teupoon .. It •

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Double Duty <r

A SUN·ANIJ..AXR beauty which Js top-notch in . comfort fOF

Jportswear and a flattering street costume when the short and snap­PY Uttle bolero fs donned! Make U ot p[!.stcl plqueo, smart ginghams, or aecrsu,ckcrs.

• • • :Pattern No. MCS Is In alzet U, Ul, 13 14.

1S, 11 and 18. Sl:te Ill. drcc1, requlrt'll 3~1: ra~ ot :li·lncll material: bolero. H~ :ram.: 4 11rd1 tlo rao trim.

Tlten. Van's luck ran out. He ,pa.. It thu1: 4'My .bualnen is to preach thC!me that l9 customary when you troni~d th~ hot dog stands around the 1ospel, but X pack meat to pay

11rough it" on the porch, or if you

'limes square until he heard about the expcnsea•" have them, ft•lnged cloths or brl~ t tablellpoOttl butter , • • z tablespoon~ flour Mother, Dauchtef Vorue

a audition ,for the summer circuits But notice that Paul did not let brae edged onel will do tine-. Ia the Catskills,. For hls audition he th1a work ~eome the chief thing. Centerpieces Qf truU from th• 01'­aang "You Go to My Head.'" Then As the Lord prospered .him he did chnrd or big bow.J, ol. colorful veg .. 1:&1.7 smllcd, and was hlrcd ·for $3 a not decide to "go back into bust.. tables will dress up the table. Fat week, room and board. · ncM." ,No, for' hls real business was: candlCfl in squatty &laS!ie• will add

"Our circuit stnrtett nt Swan Jake, 2. wnnessln• (Y • .C). Hie began. • bomey touch' to supper, and the l.iberty, N. Y.,.. Van said. uwe a• was his custom, in the oynogogue,. family will love to linger over tho were just n bunQh of ambitious kids, presenting Christ tp Jews and tnblc jtl9t chatUng untU the last can­and loved it. I had a broken-down Grecb. The Jews opposC!d him (see dlc burno low. All this promotes a wardrobe that served many pur· v. 6), and then Paul addreB!ed him•. nice oocial atmosphere which we call poses,*' self to the Gentiles. home, and thnt you'll n'grC!e 11 lm·


Back in 'New York, Van mode God prosporC!d that mlnlotry and porlnntl daily rounds. Finally be went to encouraged Paul by 0 vision, oo~ur- Keep to the simple and ·sennible

work at tho Roxy ing blm that the Lord had "much> witb food and try to have foodo com· theater. There be people" (v. 10) in that wicked city. bincd on one plotter c:o there aren't met Luellle Pace, The love of Christ in Paul thus too mnny trJpn to the kitchen. Meat anacrobatiodnnc• forth as a light in the darkness ot and ver:otablC!a ct:~n go on qne plat­er, and one of ·· lin and superstition. tcr, salad in a bowl, rolb In a basket many friends who •Ji.ove was something which the and deosert .on one plate, everyone ·cove him a hand. heathen world of Paul's day had 80 dishing out !or himself in "help your­

Van's singing mlJreprescntcd ~d dbtorted (even sel1'' style. teacher helped as It hal today) that It needed def.# Barbecued chicken is an npP1!tite bim land a job Initio nd x ltl 'So h bracer and so colorful'" "Olden Wl"tb "Eight .. •en n a e pos on. we ave- b it ill nk .., .. ~· rown w m e nn Immediate of ManhJt.tan." D. Ast ExptanUcm ..r ChdsUara bid for attention at the porch cup-

Mar)' MartlM His salary was Lon (J Cor. 13). per: · $50 a WC!ek~ They Thfl II one of the outstanding Barbecued Chicken.

bad a week In Buft'ato, them into the chapter• ot all Scripture. Its mag. ~'- cup eats ..... I

1 cup milk TliE "n)othcr • nnd • daughter" ~ pound chicken llveu, •••· vogue of Jdcntical clothes is In· t~ed ancJ cut crcnoinc=omall wonder, too •. when

Cook and drain r.recns. Add Icm• they both ador~ the oamc t::~ort ot on juice and salt. ,Pack into buttered pinafore play drt>ssl Uoc polka mold or loaf pan · ' ·dotted chambrays, flowered mus-and place in oven lin, candy·ztriped cotton or glng· to keep wartn. In bnm for thio cncaging faohJon. the meantime, melt butter, blend in flour nod odd milk. Stir while cooking u n t lJ - ' smooth and thick. Add chiclten Uv· era. 'l'urn mold onto platter and pour sauce over them. "

•Beet Greens With Diced Beet!J. (Serves ())

1 pc)und beet rreens u~ .caps cooktd beet.t, eabed U up melted butter Salt arid pepper ·to talltt'l

Coole grccru~ unW tender and drain. Add beets, butter, ult and pepper, mixing until blended. SeNt plplng bot.

A eoatlnr of elear lacquer will protect metal plccc!l trom rust; tarnish nnd ntain.

• • • Sprinkle salt ln the bottom of

tho oven, and plco and cnkeo will not scorch on the bottom.

• • • It Js easter to peel old, \Vl'lnkled

potatoetJ 1f you coak them half an hour ln cold water to cover. Thts restoreD Domo of tho mointure • • • •

P~ttcrn :4o. 0015C I' In slz:es 2, 3,, 4, I• nnd I! x.cnrs, Size 3 Tequlrcu !l ynrda of 30-· Inch mntednl: a Yllrds ric rae fpr \rtm,

Pattern 1\;,, OOlG 11 Ill llhtea U. 13, 15, 1f nnd 19. Sl;o 13 requires :}~• yard:s of 31-tnch mat~riQI; 11 yArdJI ric rae fpr trim.

6u11 to an unusually larl!o demand and current Will' conditions, nlllllliiY morc tlmt Is rc:qulrcd In fllllnu ordcfll for a fow o1 tho mo~ popular pallllrn numbers.

S<'nd your 11rdcr to: .. "

-• ., I

SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEnT. 531 /{dulb Well• St. Chkaro ,

Enclona ~ll cents In coins for each pattern d~!!lnd, •

Pattc:ro No ............. ,.Sh:e.,. •• , ••

Na.mll'i ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• . . . AdC:trcu • •••• ••• , ... • ••• •••••••••• ••••

IF. Protect and - abra.N4

C E akin with McxMna, tM

HAF 100lhinr. ww­der. Abo relieve humin&.

ANNOYS lt.chtoc. or l:rltatod aida.

Usc Indian Dialects Tho army often uct'o Indian dfa ..

tecto for meonogco oincc the cne. my ia unable to d!!Clpbcr them.


nac•e~t.-z-· stantlc


1 0:3 0 P.M. E. W. T.

llalnbow rooh:l, where Mary Marlln nlftcent discussion ot the greatest of ·• ~,. ·- was the tout ot the town. · aU themes bas drawn forth many % tablesliOOU Yinetar

"Mary was a peach," Van said. choice exposiUotur. .. * cup salad oti .. Never stopped boosting ror me. She The thought centers around the 1 Iar1e onlan, 1rated bad mol't! faith In me tbab 1 did.'' ~mptlness of the loveless tile, the 1 elove xarUe, crushed

... glory of the lite of love, and the % teupooll!l salt

An oilcloth eonr made to fl~ the Ironing bonrd will be found very m:etul. It mokeg a good protector wbcn tho board is not in use, and vrotects the elenn cover when

, brtl!lhlng and opunglng oult'r gar­ments.

on the, entire BLUE network· CONSULT YOUR



Try, Tey n6ain eternal unchangeable power of love. ~~ teaspoon pepper J'rom then on Van did a bit of We gather it up in three words. Dash Clf cayenne

e-recything, in a choru5 here, doing 1. Indispensable (vv. 1-3). With· Pinch of thJme a song and dance there, finally wind.. out Jove man's attainments arc emp. Chicken; cut bt pieces ing up in Hollywood. There he made ty. He may become on orator with Combine ingrcdlentg in order giV· one picture, "Murder in the Big a .. heavenly'' gilt of speech, but Uii• en~ina until salt in dissolved. House,'' then was dropped. Van was le!!l he truly loves, hi!l etegnnt and Let stand seve:al bourn or overni{lht. packed Cor New York when he persuasive talk ls just a meaning· Brtwh over chicken jugt before broin· slopped in at ChOsen's. He wnJked lC!Ss noise. How true! ing. Broil in a hot oven 20 to 20 straight into Lucille Ball whom he OM may also ho'lle marvelous minutes, turning frequently; and bad met in Cbleago. BIU Grad,., gilts of prophetic insight ond a won· basting og::lin with sauce, until llGK talent scout, was sitting at der-working faith, and find that it ch1cken b cooked thoroughly. U the next table. Lucille spoke up for is aU a vai.n and empty experiehce sauce b kept for more Umn over· Van with the result that he was test.. without Jove. our world leaders ni~ht, remove gariic clove.

'lh1ll veal wheel will turn a new trick for your porob suppers. Pieces of veal, earrots, potatoes and onions all ro on wooden skewers to make up the colorful platter and add! n~w de­si'n to menu••

ed with Doruta Reed and two days could well slu!ly that verse ju~t tlOW. •veal en Skewers. later bad an MGM con~ract m filii Sacrificial interest in the ne~ds of Cut bonele!i9 veal in pieces H~ You'll. Wallt dessert1 that aren't pocket and a smUe in his heart. mankind ~ .a llnc trait In man: but inches square by about :)4 inch thick. too rich and are ensy to prepare.

People liked his .!Smile ~d the way it must bnve the love ot Christ in Ploce · on wooden Berries nre good nnd in season now! be handled himself. ~e got. a chance it or it too ls profltfess-. As we · skewers, alternat- ;s~:P~b:fit MethtJUe PJe. ' to play a flier in "A Guy Named think ot feeding the hungry nations ing meat with Joe." The picture was well under of the. earth,. let us .not . tm!get to slightly smaller . 1 packace vanllla puddln1 way when Van had hlJ accident. make tt worth while by doing it in chunks ot peeled : beiten eu yotka AM the p~ture waited for his re- Chris~lan love. potato, carrot and % teaspbon vanl11a extract coveQ'. .

1 2. Incomparable (\TV, +7). · The ~hole. !Small on~ 1 !1-ineb baked pll.dl'J' shell

G. ~·a...~ p o·· • • · _ _. •tandard for the life of a Chrbtian ions. Lay skew• 1 cup 1trawberdes l'udauuft ay• at1rdeJK1• fall very high one; in tact, 1t is itn• ers in roa:;:tlng pan With 1 cup hot Gradually add mUk ~ pudding,

· . ''What can l aay about it?'' Van possible ot attainment apart from · water and· salt to taste. Covet and stirring eotUtahtly. Cook over !ow asked. "You can'~ JUcli thoughta the grace and power of Christ. Nat- bake in a bot oven tor .l·llt~ hours heat untu thick •.. Add part of hot

. into. words. But my gratitude to . uraUy; we ftnd ourselves to be im• pudding to egg yoikSr sttr in remai~ J.oiWI· B. Mayer, to Spe11oe, lreuo patient, proud, sU!l'»cious, resentful, int hot pudding. Cool slightly; adi.l D1IJIJie, Vic Flemlat, Keenao WJ)ta, etc. The new nature in Chrbt t. · LYrui sata -vanilla. Pour into shell. Place ~traw· and everybody m the lot who wu tuat the op""slfe, for Iov.e rule!!. berries on top of tllling. Pile on pulling fc>r me to get weU ta bound-

1 Note t.1-J;t phrase "ettdUl'etb all Sptlug Veretable 7ituu . Cut mer{figuq. · Jllss. M,. deb~ can never bt• paid.-'' ibing1.'• We need that in thelle daya string banns with scissors. It For M:erlnpe: . . .. Now van•• pla7Ing f..tetit. Tex when it Is so hJrd to keep -on goink, saves time and ftngers. · 1 teaa))OOJllUlJ'Inorect retatla

· LaWton ... the lead Tokyo t'aider,· b) .. or_ •• .to.· •at.d.' 11to ke. •p· on·. . .,~;,~. rr· 0· ·-· ""el·· •as:t .• u bt•n"'hed. ~ flabJespoo.J11 col4 Water •"lbirt.)' Secottda Over TokJo." · ·keeping on." Love endure~ an """' ... .,.~ "' ..., " .. " 2 err whttea ·

tlifn..... . ln boiling water for two or three ... .. . --•. ·11 ,

··· · h · ._. u · - • llnutes "" ..up ewuee onert •u.rat .Yoer s·oalc:r n~·MQrn ·.s •. In'lm.utable (·vv. "13). AU. n • . lcapetaahoctalrawlterrl ..... .,. ·· 'l'o tetaln the l'ed cotor ot beets. "'" , lf yoU can take Mar&aret o•arJ.. things in life change_ and pass away. · alwa)"a cook them with about two . 1 teaapoe-. tfelltollfWe• -:a dellvef1 of Uneofn'l Getbabutg Love ls eternal md • unchAngeaible. inches ot their atem lett on 'When . Soften gelattn in cold wa~r; dLJ.. ·~" without gettin,J a lump Ul J!ven t1te. apiritual 11fts have their · .bontng. • IOlve e>"'cr bot water. Combine * ~our thrOat lio bla·;,ou Call'Uwllll.:iW, f\t).ftllment and.~ from view, but . OJd coffet percolatot• are eX•. maininl lntredientf. · Beat · l.lntU th.en )'C)U're ahatd-btat~ critter. love ahall e~dure throJJgh .u. eter .... cellent for t®kint' asparago.. · thfck; add gelatin. C<itttinue beat-Ciaatlu t.aqbta. taught bet bow Jb nlty. • God •. t. the .. ~temal One. It Jovt . r:11.-nd a·•·p· •.r· a·1.... •-. . .....··t· .. tor·,. ing urltU nUxtu~e lorma peaks. do .it, and• it Mtitro doem't pUt It ln (I John f.B. US). .. ~'::a· t:.-1119; ... -t-...... Al'JL ·t .•. ... . . "' ......... u'··~.~. ·--·~r • pictute thlln ·~ ~UdiO'Ir ilot U When We ahaUCOfull(fo .that ~t'· . '"":' .. gv '" n.l .,., *lA Us . COVe!: ..,....... - n ... illnart .. l ... Ink it ... ...... t<.ectnesa o.t und~rstan.dln• which ·- . and ~ .. '1'1141> t[pt steam f>eautl . C.t .,.. Ill/H. • :t. tr rllllltl -·r .. ,..., ..... . r ......... r ·ow .... ~. Dfttae•t pa~Pat . • ·· · fi,ea-1 . to bt ouri one day, wh~fi we ahaU .. . fU)JY whUf 1h~ •tems are cookecl IMf rHftfnl oot t!o"i. Mlu ~ ~ ~ .. 8iq · · · hive ~.::: ·bow tWfll $S Qod bOW kllO'W's u.t · to perfect f.e~ffltH· . . . . 6tn: br ~«Ufnl Ut ltn Itt «:!W• •I ,..~,_,.


·.=·· · . · ,·l. ·:!·· .· . ·. . tkls. · .• ~A· ncdC)ib· · ibm "t':• ahaU ·~ee lOve u the .u! To wat.tup ~~ .-e warm ••· . N ... ,.,.,. Uti~M. Z1f S<HuJJ lh•~ · -tnt• ""'ft •*•rnltl '-"··t·· ""W"'r ... .;~ test ntMr Uaan -c:otcL. lt -~ Slttfi.C~ft1Jl.P~s•4f••,_Jif4. a Sa .'BOwt..., . ., · · ~~- · • '" ""' ""' " _. ·~· •tid from the ltivn. ;.1/.IJillh'"" ..,.,,.I., yOflt N/lli. 1 "I# ••••u•• w-w .... ,. w •• ..,.,_. l1111i.. · ··

.. < ~'

• . •• ' ••


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~·-~ .. :~..!-~·-'~-~· ~-__ , ____ ,_·~·1• ~·~·-.~. , .... ':~ .• ~-~~~-~~-:.s.-.:~:'""'-;n~s•:-...... ~. ~~~----~!." .. ~:':-""!,_,.~ .. '-~-~~~:?~.-..,._.-:~,· -="'--~-------~ .. ~~·,;_ ,-· .... "!~. -..-. .• ~,.~---==?Xk~-=.~-... ~~----~ .. --~=~-~-,...,...~. ·•=;-~~~=i-.,.:~ .... ~"1'~--~~"-~--~;.~~~~~~~ .. ~~ .. ~~.··~~-0~. ~~0~. ~O~tJgT~l~OO~--,~K~, ~·-~=-=-=··~' -,-~t _=::_._,;:_~"'.:!=;_~~·.:=~~-·~--=::=· ,=·· =:: .. =:: .. =·=·if"~· ~*·=x~£~--"-~ .. =-~"=' ·=· =• ~~--~i':!!!;n•, ... ,_, , ;.L·:·r '.:' -' _· '

. . . L.

·r~1E OUTLOOK ThThe~~rs .1-•mmou~~d~•eoi ·'--~~-~·~~·--·--····-·---~·--·---~·-···---·~.--·--.---·--··,·· . ------ -,- n furtheranee- ot . thlJS reeom•\ Pendency of Suit ·-nm ow. J-WGE sAY's •• ~·

t'uhhaluuf W«Jalfly in the lnll'IUI•t of d ti · .· ill.. ·· that mv · · · · · · · · C•rr;,o,o amJ Lirtc:oln Cnunty, N .... men.' on w . , I a 'I .. , . .. S'l'AT.E OF NtW 1Jl1JXICO to a J, ~· ·· · · ---··: :··. -~ ...... -- --: .. --~ education comet !rom th_c echO?l ,v_hit•k•'· hnplnile<l wnh ttif follow· .

. \ .!:._B~~~~~!~~}·~·-~r and l'u~ll•he! of experience, 1founded on •l:x. imtmuned defendrmt;"' •"•inst wls(lm .

· ~.!~"~ ~"~cu~-~~~ r-:-. TJ&e (.CJ••tr. yeare in· the 1 tua1 ·of L~tw ahd llullatltut~~ ••r•fce f• her~br•ougbt to IW BSCttll•'i'l()~ .,ATJ:S . I many other vocations - worke~ be obtaln~d, t()•wlt; . 1\leharcl SbeP•

~ b t 1 · • il (10 , . . . . . . . . . ·• pard1 lllllll ~JlQWb •• J).· ShepJ)atd, . , hi "'0 ' 11 •· -n "'vance • fpr Uncle Sam during th~ entue .Margie l'aJne, Marol' :Bc>Wden, 0111~ . )OD ,, ur ~ In ad nne:• .. .:. __ .;., !::..0~ time of World w ,ar land am now :t~andtroop,, Wtn,nle Oa)JorQ Panl!ll, ,rind .ot.ered AI .. cQUd·Cill" mattt~r .IO• and have beeP ever Iince - t h j I to all unknl>Wn periiOilll CllllmJng JIPY .a.ry fl, 1011, .. •l Lb• . p(ltt olflc. at war ttarted workipg for the ~. p, .-lght, tftle, or·'1nto~olit In or t~ th• :arrllo&o, Nevr 1\lulcu, under tbl A~t- Railroad Co. conlldered in the prt~mlse!!}D.VQived In this CMilllo. . , r M areh II, lll'19. · · ' · · GRE.EriNOS: · ___ ...;.... __ ....:..' ___ ...__ fir at line of defense, and i_t elect· Yo!l Allll each ot you . are her.et1y

A j, llrUIIIII( lvrm• cl•"e Wed~l~ldiJ ed, will eontlnu,e to handle b~th notltletl tbat w. J. Sandfer ha• filed • t uooll. N•w• co1UJJIIII elo•• lbuu· eervieel eaUBf•etoru to all until eult aglhiJt vou in the D' ~rl t ,.. rt 1 '' uli!bl. It 7011 do no~ race lye )'QUr · " . · • L il · " . u•. c ""'f)Jl· Jdp~r , caularl)', pl••••u~Llt)' lbe J'ub• t. h i 11 unfortunate atruggle ll o! ~ coin County,N~w Mexico, in eAse l!l'••r. J\l.lllt~rUahtf( r•te• on IPPIIea• over, No. 5100 pr~ylng tbll CQ!lrt foJ: a de•

tlon. ,:1r11o•partftlorunl{ th11 foJIQwln~ de11cdb· · Your aupport will be &lgh)y ~:11 vrovorty bl~ween plalntin: -an:! the

• ttt..;l"~ , - appreciated. . . de(endsn~• 141 their lntere11t. anpy "P'" . ". a¥r ~_'"'A!!':..I'l'~~::a.•N ~. ...... _~ } ' Harry Millet, pilar, towil: . . " .. . ~ ~ J -. ~-c WiSE~ 11nd SEiSEi, Se"t.lonf; SWt·

(ilflte .... ;;;flip, Z4 , . Notice . ' NWi and tbe W6SW1, ~ecthmS;NWr. _._ .. _ ---~·~· NWi,:Section 17; Nf~1Nl1:i, SecUon 18,

Alturat, Calif., Sept I 6, 1940. aU In Twp 10 s., n. 18 E,, NMt>~f. To Whom It May Concern: with the well, fenc!la a tall .bulldlngli

I have bce,p personally acquil· Joca~ed tboreon. BjNE!, SEiNWi·~.

. l



' - ' . . ' --

,, •


·,, ' ' -

. '

• . •

•• '

' . Con Grandmothers join the Elves, Leprechauns,

· Gnomes,bnd Little Men's Chowdor and Marching Socioty, Mr. O'Matl~y?

h u NE18Wl, Srction 6; Lots l, 2 an<l 3 ..

in ted Cor m~&nY years wit '·"'·1 · Section 7, •I! In 'l'wp, 10 s., R.·l8 :E , ~ • Harrv · A. Mlller, who Is noY.. NMPM, and Ei~i. ·flection 12; Twp. · ·


No, Barnaby . .• But tlwy're enlisting in tlw Grandmothers V/c;r C ond Loague.

reliding at C.arrlzrzrt, N e w 10 s., H. 17 E. NMV:\f1 And NEt, N~­Mexlco, ~El, SEtSl~t. -Scetll>lt 8, Twp. 10 s.,

M.r. MIJler ruaided here ot AJ .. Range l& E., NMI>M. Plalntlfl alles:lng tb11t hel11 the owner

turaa several yeares"o and dur· or An undlvfded ouo·hnlt Interest in and lDK bitt re11ldeoce here he wa• to u pnrtton Qf aald property and of an nmployed by the Nevlda.Gall undlved (lnc .. qullrter intvreat fn 11nd to Cornla·Orogon HKIIway CQmpnn) • the r111m11ind~r ot entd 'property an~ ·hat "''erntetJ " railway eyatt'm allo allealn~t tbat M hat a judgment

th u h thf 1 r th lilm again•t the entire property to the .·

rJ) 1: · I sect on ° · e ex~cnt,ot $100.00 wlrh Interest thereof

. , . .-

''Guesa we're p;etty 'Juc;ky in our town, l!lre not P,aVided ·fOr-·tbtm .• Yq~g peopte . Judge, that we don't have the youth always w~nt f.O}be \l(ith others oftb~ir own ,

bl.. d bout in other places." age ... wa,rit tbetrown typeofentertaliUilent. pro ... m you rea a · Town after toWn baa fOWld out that once

••Don't knoW as you e:ao call it luc~y. these "'-"' p'le __ ;. ... _ ........... met_ , t_he IY()blem Harold ••• we saw it coming with the war ...... .. ........ ,.... ... and \Ve did &O'Illethin'g abo)lt it before it bit is well.<in it~ way:to"beixlg lkked." ·_ ... us. We gave our 'teen age youngsters the · ''Gu~ ·I didn't really. know boW far· recreational facUittea they needed,and·reatly sigh~ ~ ·t;ow'D really it, Judge. lfbwdc · wanted. Those .familiar with this wartime Jlacln:t.JOOked ~we woul!ln't have: a


, '

Cltlntr)'. at the rate nf (l per cctm.-t>er annum Mr. M llll'r wu al11o De put 3 frQin December '1, 1942, p:lhf.

~nunty Clerk ot Modc;c ()ounh't WllEREl~Oitl~,)'ouare berebynotlf:• California for ~ever;al yeara and ed thut you mu•t appear Cfr ftlead in allo tu•rved Jn tho capach of •aid eau•' on or before .June lfllb, U44

· problem know that young'fotks go to places ; ~ybodyonnytlnn~tobtamebutO\ll'iClVet. ·• they snouldn',~ only when the pro~r pla«a .Jt:oukt.~~:~~ 1 "' • • •

. ,


BETTY ROSE,COATS at B\ :ruu~ <Hifl' SHOP

Stale of New Mexico Certiftcate of Pilinsr

P'd StntPA of Amerlce) ~tnto of New Mexico) u It h Hereby Ctrlified, t h 1 I

tlwn• was filed tor record in thr olf•rt' of the State Corooratior C ~rnmiulon of the St•te ot Ne~ Mt>XI<'' on the 2Hlh day of At\riJ. A. U , lOU, at Z p. m. a CertiO· "'"''~ ut UinDitUlon of Uuldo1r l•'u.,l CQrnJJany,lne (NoStockboJd· tn' l.lablllty.)

• 'I ' .. . " "

• ·· ·

1 Y · tJr you "lUte !n default 1tnd plalntllf

J Udlfe of tho J uetlce 1 Court 01 will pr"ceed tQ 1ecure the relief prayed JC' • 7 : 1 ' I : •

• •

Alturat Townaltlp, Modoc Coun·. tor by blm. tJ, Calltorola, Jn'ftAZlEft & QUAN'l'IUS, wboae ad· ~-. -----~-~-~-------~--~---~--~~-----""'~'-~~~~~ II!!!"!'!!!!!!!!!'!~!"!'!"

T'o·mY knowledgf 1\fr Miller dru•l• ll!%1. Wellt 4lh St., ltoawell,

. . '

• . -I tt

' 1 • t. hl New Mexico, nre ~Uorneya tor plain·

wu a ways very a ent ve o t mr. tutle• and performed them with Witn .... my haatl and oeal tbl• %1i ,.fficlency and hobesty. I alway• day or April, 1944; ~ :ontidercd him a very capable co. c. . Follx n~rnty, 11an, and a llllh of induatry and (Seal) Clerk of Olatru:t ~urt. lnttRrlty. · April 28~1by 19. -· . ,,-

r·, - - .._ - ·--It ia rny honest opinion that if

h • is elected Clerk of the count)· in which be fa• now reaidlng in N w Mexico. he will handle the om~e efficientiJ nnd with credit ' to the people of hla county •• well aa to hlmaolt 11 I know t1im to be well qualified tor the office ol County Clerk, whtcb otrlee be fa now 1eiking In the county of hl1 realdtnce io the

What is the American

State of Ntw Jltxlco.

W &]l of Banki1:ag ,,

IL't the combined seniee of over }5,000 bankft, aom~ atate·chartered. rome Federal·cbartered. It' a the initiative

.. nnd loyal effort of 280,000 men and womeu working under cur free·enterpdse ayatem, atrivinsr to provide the beat · po11lblo ~trvice to their reapeeUve·communitlee.,


NoYiltfe& Maglilzfn" sOenlo Postc!arcfl CIGARS and OlGARET'tES OF 61.1 niNDS ,

, . . . SILK HOSIERY !or I,AUJI!::O: )fr, MEN

PRESCRIPTIONS C.arefulls·. C mo• Uhdf'd . .

Rollandf• Drug Store, Carrlt:•~zo N M

1 f ...


. .





1'ho Huldoa() Fuel Comofnr.lnc. (N11 Stockholdera' l.labllity,) a; cJrparation orllanlzed under tht law• of New Mexico: and a duh cueuted £On•ent ln wriliog that 11oid cop!lration be diiiOIYcd: and this Gommlaaton belna utbfiecl that all of the requirement• ol Sal'ti•m M • 501. New Mulct Statuttll Annotated, Compile· tbn of 1941. rolatlmr to the voluntar)' d 1 at o I u t I o n of c uporathlllll have b e e n rdu'y complied with:

A. K. W1lle, Jtldge of tho Superior Court "

of Modoc County, Calltornla. Paid pol. adv.

• 7 to· 'C

lt'a the l!toareraive tnantstement of these 15 000 b•nkl, tpurred by eompet(tlon, alert to communitJ need~1 •

eag~r to make fair earning• for etockboldere. lL's the a b .. eeMe of centraliz.,d d_eadeniilg control, lt'B the aystem that bae made our country great nnd, with your eupport, wi.U help tnake It 11reater.



• AR811Fd :W I

Lincoln County Agency Citizens State Bank of Vaughn

Carrizozo, N. M.

Member Federal DepoaJl .Inaurance Corporation

.. -"

" .

' ..


NDW 1'n('refore. uvon tbe ftlin~r with this Ctunmlteion of an affi• davit ahowina: that. lhle Cartlft• cate hun been oubll•hed at rt• quired by l!iW, the aaid corCJor&• tioO' shall be dluolved,

NEW ,~ '''En ---~ -·n- z·t• ,·· -r -·-

. . - ·-· ....... - ·- - - 3<'!.21!.~ , , ! ----~-- -- -- --- -- ~- -- - ·~--· ,_,_ -- . ·-- .


SPRING SUITS . -----~----.;;,;,..;,:;,· 'fhe principal office of the aaid

eorpuralhm In tbl• S t 1 t e I• ln ltuidmJO, and tbe name of th• agent in eharRe thertof · A n d upon whom aeniet m11y be made 111 \V, A. ll M r t lttal.ln~t '• N,,,. Ueslco.


I • 0 .,_ .... ·--

.Wanted· •

U•wd Grtlin Bll!lth Th~ T•bworth · •n., [nr. t•~ttltrm• N. M.-

"';?~n .. uu ,,.,--,, •. -,-. I

In Tiullm · 1· , · , .

State CJrpora•hHI \lnnuntui, • t ATTEhTlON! the S t a t e of N w M Xt1• htJ · Ata)'ut•ll wlabiD.j to bUJ pro•. eau•ed thia t'erlilleat., to b 1E'tty ln Notrllll • tnwaelfe it wlh ai;ntd b7 ih Ch1lrnun 11tul · tbt CJAJ to Itt B. L. McU1nlel at ani of aald Commiaemn to b·• Noral bdort prlcet ••~ tQo hfab. affixed at thn City nf Sant• Ft · • • ··• N• · · •

.Greetinr Carda For

on tbia 29th da,y of A-pfi)j.Ai D ••. 194 ..

Don R. Oa1tdot. Seal Chatrmaa

Atte~t: Ootll1t L. Gatcle,Ol•ttt A'&ll·l$ .

AU Oc;caaions··

Burke Gift Shop

-~' ·.1 I b, L

.A . '

·' . I . '

Carrizozo Auto Co.~ ROY ·sHAFER, l'top. •

' •

' .

. Parts and Acceuories. , ·· · '

G~S, ·OIL. AND GREA&ES " Expert· Automobil~-Repairinl·.

••· .FORD ·_Tr-.ctpra ·~nd·~~quipment ~~-. ' ' - ' l: . .

·---·· ··-·· ____ ...... , 'f~---- ...... _ .• _._. ___ _


.. ' - .. :,:~ ' ~·; ... ~ "_,,l'".i!t

TRAVEL BY-BUS . . . ... . . • ,·: -t:· ' I!' '

"From the Peeoa. to! 1l:t Fit "c, n d• ,. ••

• ' • 4 .

' . .

' . "'"'---v ••. •

· Ro&Wift:carri·Z"o.zo· ~ " ~ '

Stage Ilnes · •

'. • ' ~ ~ {' ~ .. ,.,._ ... ,_ ...

"' D_A. I' " .gE'nVI· .. C"_"' • R""'•.•e·n· ""' · ... . s· . ..,, ... .... • ..., • "'artal()Z() ... otQt•o .

., . •. ' .

' lCABT ·· . x... ••• 5~30 •• .,_ ,, · Arrive 8:00 A. '11~

Le•ve 8:80 P. ill. Atrln 1~:80 ~ 11.

. ,

SCHEDo·· • ~."" , . ~ # , . Socorro Cttrf10so . . .

. C•rtii(i&o "&~t•ell'

I . I

• ·~ ..

Wli:ST 8:15P.M.· Am••

,, ·. &:4~ ~. ·u. tea•i 5:80 P 'II ArrJ•ti

-1:80 P. M hn•

-- . . -, J(! ·..., ._""' ......... ;j. -·. • . - .•. "' ...... • •

. . .




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. .. • '

• " . . . .

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• ·~ "

:Co' ~' ~-. ~. . ' t ' .. '.!!·~ . !•

Jl~ •:•···~······ .. ··.. ... 'ttfPate· . ' ~' · PR Of~SSIQNS P~Plino.AldaJ, .P~~b•t• Jqd•e• • ·

....... ""' ............... Rep. ' ,' . . '\" . . . . . ' .. 'JO. a· N E B. . . . · ~'-bll E. Wn .. ·_,_"t. do. an. t"_ 'l'r~a ..

. . . . . . . . . • . • ALL ' "'" "' ., ··~· urer, ftep. . . . · · . A.ttQfQ!!lY & Counselor at Law Nick: T~ Vega, Sheriff, R~o. ·· . ·

· New .QuUdlnr . . · EleJ"do Cbavl!z, Juatice Pe~:~1' • 0-.T,izo:zo · ....., . ·New M!!XIco Precioc:t U, P4!1Q~ · .. · · · . , ..

,J~ Jl, Lath~.,. $~eriff,. De~Jl •... . ·. · T E . :KELLEY ; ·.· · · MJrlball Atkinson, Commil!l• ..,,..,.,!>~~!<>~ ,,.w.,. .. -.1""" •toner, Dlall'ld !!>·Rep, ' .

' '

·· . R•alda.-e• ,Pbqae 81$ ' . ·. J... · $. (Dan) Conley, Slt$dtf, Oaulsuso • . Na,r · M lou ' Of!m, · .

·. Alit~ M•ry.J. Lumpldne,Ra1m • . . • · •~~\.-ttve qistl'i~c lG, Rep •.. · ·

Dr. R •. E. BLANEY t . Will 'l'· Goe, Repre1ent.ativ. DP.ntist . . . · ·· Oi$nic~ 16, Rep, · (J.. ·

- L.ut$B,,U~I~K- F~ed Met:eiiue, Commieaiori r IJIArrlll~lll .. Naw Ma;ctca . Dittflrt 1,, o~Jn. . •••••••••~•••+•••••c · LeUoy' McKniaht. Comm• -. L a· . o· '. ·G· . ' &' s. 't .• . . •loA;t'l)ittriet 1,. Rep, . ' . -

JW · Ol{ntn~ ai. Wilcox, Joet•ce •••••••••.(••••·•~•· ~~ace, Precinct 14. Rep, __ · -:o_U,Kktzozo. Lono• No, ·- 41.- . Roy Sbafel', Commi•elont~•. · · narrizozu. New a.lexteo. \ O.atril:t 8, Reo.· • . . . · ~:-{1', & A,·_ Pot', . Harry Miller f!Jr County vie- .. ,

Re,8alar llaatlnK• •If•\. .mucr~tt. Second Wedlle•d~ . . utio. H. t!eele. J P ., . Pet, 1~

of JCacb ,. 0 mucrat, · .. ·· · , J.l<~rstb · E, W. Wade, .Conatable, Pc


A. L'. (ddt~) P.l'n"a&eu,. W. tVi • 19; Dem • . ., E Le ul • Jull~ Uamdel .. ria, uon.,~ .... .,, . \,, , mon, ..,ac, .

14, Rep.- .

' .,

G . atttzuzo l~ouu• No.:IU,l:~·u·•t T. !!.l. Ka,lley;. l.ouo&y L:omlbl • ' i.-rrt.~ooz.u, ;J"w 'Md.liCI'o - ,1 ., .. uer tJitt, 8, U~au. I

A. L. Hurlle. Pcoc~•·"' t)l&lca4u, "'uruma.aM.~ Nollie t.i'raau ; er Daat,· 1, Ru". Jubn Wriibl, L~~llle lireni!baw Pat.teraun

u ··dec'y, • ...:uunLy 'dchool Sup·c., Rep. Special meetlna nlabtt St~co~tt. l!ltarao Gomez, frobate Jud"'"' . "

Tueaa&) of each montll. • Pdw. . . _ . . · ·· --------- ti!Jd ~b!!f·· &p. QJat, 16,Dem. CarrJsozo AllembiJ No. 7 · ~~buft, Oona~~ablt,Preca,

Order of Rainbow for Glrlt 18. Rep. . Crnli&ari•, JP,.l'ct. lB,Rep.

WortbJ AdviiOr-

Dorotby' Hoffman

~. !!}, l.hfllltiiDitA, liOUUt) A'ltlllor, Rep, .

MIIUluul Onts. Co, A11111ur, Oem. · Gloria Campbell,. Co. . School

Acttna Sec.. llaaarette llJtra Sup~t, Dem, . llotberAdvltor; GraceJout• Mlld.ratd RameJ, Co. Cl11rk1D lleettDJt-2nd 6 ''~ 'ibtJrldaJ'.• 61n Gr•l~eo, Co. Olerk, !top, ' I .... , : .. •• '*""*'""'·''"R--JI cft,E. K'11C";itep;16thditt.,Dem •


'Cott;OJI.l Louo•·


COMII1' CUAn•• MO. ~ OKDElt o~· tilASl'JilRN STA!t

Carrizozo, N••· llulco,

.ttaOULAil l .. ll'l'IKQ

l.tlret Tllluriday •f'•itlt .. u..

• All VlaUtur Staf! Cp~4{an,. _ . luvtted Lorene timoot, W. Y.

Jeanette Lemon, Sec' • ' ' , ' .

• • •



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·Mor•· . . II ' .

•• •

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,. . ''f -- . ' ·. ' ' . . . ' ' _·

n. IID;S. on our. Warpath •

. ' ' . - ' -


' ,,

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·, I



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•• •


Their grandfatlwrs foug1•t f{) halt the w1airo mau.'• u;cstu:ard trek. JPlrcn the first transcontincnt,pl railroad avas under construction Indian raider$ were a con!tant threat to t1re tvorkmen.

But descendants of tl&~c first Am~ricam today ma~ common came u.•ith all Americans. lndiam are serving in tlzc armed fore~. ·Irzdiam arc also raising needed food crops, buying war bonds­arzd helping to keep tflc war trains rolling/ •

A! OUI LOCOMOTIVES eomo whistlin1 around Kintner curve eaatofYuma-and at other points along Southern Pacific , lim•e in Aritona~bands o£ Indian brave• . wave grcctinga from beside tho trackt.

To all who recall .our country's early ld .. tory 11his is a heart-warming eight to aee. ·

Navnjos, Hopia, Pima& and Apacl1ca are working on our rigl1t o£ way-the railroad'e warpath. Thcac men came from rcacrva~ions and from ecattcrcd hogans in answer to our warumc call for extra mnnpowcr.

Garbett in purple nnd IICarlct eltirts, wearing bri~l1t headbands, the Indians form America's moat colorful and unique section ganga. Updcr tlae brilliant Arit:ona dc8crt slC.y they swing pit>ks and tamp ballast with the grace and endurance for whlcll thtl Indian ia famous •

• D~tNG nus \VAl EM'£1CENcr American& or varied back• ~unds and skills ha\'C rallied to tlie railroad's aid. People know tltc trains must r1m, and tl1cy sec that· we'

" I

Qall.Piad~r SUfferers Sb11


BuyWarBonds · · ••Guarantee• Water*' .

' - 1 ~

~w~u Drilling and R~)lairhig _ "We Go Anywhere'•

--T fJ II A J!-· ......,._,

· .. For Future Needs·· · I " . • -

.. Ca~ltin, New Mexico,

J L"GRAVEs~,, f • . ' . '


Noa•l •. Ntt• · M~xieo

Lemon Joice AT HOME

· .. TOREUEVE ' .


' • •

• 'I


are ltandicapJJed by el1ortage o£ help- tl1at Wf' h:,,l), need more men and women workere. .

In many communities along our 15,000 ntilca ()f

Sou them Pacific ia the main war industry •• , oCtcu tho only local industry (Urectly engaged in war work.

59 :!broughout tbo Weal and South, thousands wl•o never did railroad work bavo como to help out in our offiws, shops, stores and yards. Women l1avo stcppt•tl into many S.P. job• form(!rly handled by men . ·, Without this fine cooperation from the folks alontt m1r lines we railroaders could l1ardly bopc to carry our wur load eucccte!Wly, aa we aJe now doins.

FaoM NEW OlLUNS', from tho PaciGo Nortbwest, frm •• Chicago and all tho great Midwest, S.P. linea com·ctf:c at bJJay harbors of America'a Wcat Coaat.

~ ,,

To tbe&e "tako olt" points we hanl a largo ptoJlortion of all the troops, arwe and aul,pliea necessary lor tbe great ~ac\6e oftcnaives: No raUrdad ia more atrategi• ally attuatecl to ltclp 'Wtn the war than our own.

" Ancl in the postwar world, wl1cn good railroad service wiJl also. be v.i~l, we will bo a a~nger railroad. Stronger m facilities, and able to provade heater tranS. portalion. Stron&er, t.oo, in /ricnd&hip& gained tit rough public undcr.tandins of our' problem~, durin& tlw u:ar.

• •

The lriendly Southern Padllt Dig doum deeper-buy more War Bond•




Resolution ****************** ,.

' .


' '

Buymore~t&Atoow for !idlltf security, too!

A good rPeollltion for th.- New Y .. ar is to keep well dretlt'd and t•• kPPJl your rlothea well cleaned aud pree!!ed-Let us help 10U to

• make this u!l!lolutlon good ******************

' • '

NU· WAY CLEANERS, ·Phone 81 - - :

EL PASO·· PEco·s VALLEY · Motor Truck- Linea

. . •

.El.Paso,,. Texas


~~ . ~ ~ '

TYP.IWiUTP l'APlR . - . . Eby Perry· & ·sonl l·~Depe,ndableExpre•• ,S~rvice to. CaY•.

rizozo from £1 Paao & Alamoa·otdo • -at.Bat~J 100 ShettJ ' 11 atO,ttoot ' '

' .. ~ --•

... .-. , .. , -, {['""' .... , ___ ··/q···· ·---·~"' ·•r~···' : , _nq _J.I!IIIIIa .;: •• -,_,r;±y • '

.. ltn.War.~• , ... " ·, ..

• •

Wat•r Wctll• Drilltd an.d ltet~alred, " ·

' · 15 Yntl SenJce fn· Lincoln Count, .

Gleam - New Me:d~o ·;.- I o •

' .

'ot . 0 • .

_,_·- · · . 3 Times Weekly ·· .· ··. . •

t '




~ 1 ~ .. : .. _- -~-----.,j ~~-llili' i• ... 1 -·;i' .. h ... li_l ___ -·-_;·" .. •'..-.-·~--:..~-•.. --------............. 4 ~ ~.,,_~,~ . , .. "" v '

' ! ' ' > . ' I • t t .. • •••

. l .

. .

" ' ' -

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\ ' '



" I '


Nazi Rail Lines l:fanunered- by· Allies In Pre-lqvasion Softenip.g Process; Lend-Lease Grants Total30 Billion;

~ . . I ' ,

Stilwell Advance.~~ in Northem Bunna ·- '.

(J!:DITOK'I MOTIIll Wlln IJIIIloao are u:preaoe• Ill &bue e•l••••.1 Iller are tiltH., -Wulna Nowap&Jer t111l1a'1 I!~WI 111illyo11 .... aet liec,aalltllJ 1r1 IIIII H'II'.I'I'Cf,)

_ Rtleued b7 We•IC'rll Nowo~J~apor Vnwn. · . . . .

Beachhead-There'• mor• to o•t•bllablna •l benchhoad than· merel1 forclna a landlna. At Altape In [ilu~ch New Gulne.a1 OouJhboyo are ~l1ow• brlnrlnl up luppllet ror continued operation•· . .

EUUOPE: I PACIFIC: . ' Nazi Pr(:rmrations Stilwell A(lvrmres

As It vmn r"port(•d that the G<>r· l,wut. Gen. Jovcph Stilwell's mann WN(' prPpr..r<>d to -nocritl1•e milccd U. S., Chlncoc ond nnlivc 200,000 1J11·n olung the "Atlantic Burml'!JC troopo·•d the Japs tar· Wall'' to nlt~w up thP Allil'n' land· tll(>r boelc In northern Burma In Inc opNntwnn und allow the Gl'r· th<>ir dr~ve to cle>nr n new nupply mnn higfl commond opportunity to rood to distr<•occd China, while Brlt­ahlft lnrg!' rt•ot•rvt•o to the mm.t loh nnd lnd1nn forceo continued to erlllcnl battle .nrrotJ, U. S. ,and Blow up the .[apo' determined cam· BnUsh Lombt•rll eontlnut>d lht•lr polgn to vcver the Annnm-Bmr,al non·~top bup1twrdmt>nt of cnc•my do· raU line f(•edinr. G('ncral Stilwell's fener lnl'ltnllottonn nnd cnmmunlca- army. -tlon Unt•n tn blar.t a fonvnrd path In tho South Pacific, tr. s: troops tor thP lnvnoton rorct'o. ntrmcth('nt'd thC'Ir hold on tho llol·

AtJ thll tcro hour approarht>d, the Iandin area In Dutch New .Guinea, Nolin oou ~ht to nsourc naalnot Allied wlulo Arncnl'on bombera ranged up londlngo u1 Jlollnnd by' prrpcmng to and down the Inland amanhlng at nood tht> lowlondn, part ot which ol· J op banco oupplying strnegllng ready hove b'-'l'" lnundatro follow· tnt•my lroop:J. 1ng the rt>rnovnl of th" lnhnllitontn. · In addiUon to threatening General

Hravy U S and Brsttoh nerlal Stllv:cll'o supply lines, • th~ Jap · d drive In IndJo reportedly was do·

bombnrdmt>ntn rt>port«'dly rnze -otgncd to cotnblish India's . Col· Nn:rs rail llm•o 100 mllfltJ Inland from loborutJoniot Subhos Chandra Bose tht> charmPI "onot, putting 0 11011"rc on native ooll for on lntcMivo prop a· c.mmp tnto thr trnnoport ayott>m over gando drive to nrout~o the llindut which ttw Nnr.hs hoprd to ru!lh to re\•olt ngolmst the Britinh oraofmPd troopa to t>ncuuntcr early • Alllrd londlngn, pocslbly modo tn I END LEASE • t'Onjundtnn With a great Ruo::Jion or- .. • • fPMIVl' In the ~a.8t. 30 Billion

~'>· I •

• . '

- I . -CHlNA; •

· l«p$ Tighten: Hold . . . _ -_ . - - . . _

ba~~!:d g; i:::e ~~:es~~e~~~:. .Ju-sf~lc"e ·IS ·sole 4 Pr·tlln· cip'Je. ·' ' the Japanese presst!d their dnve to · . . .. · · . . . -. , · -· · . ~

~:ar ri~~k~:~~~~IJ ~u:~tr~ . Gu.tdt".ng St. eps o· _f- - UN-R-RA ___ -_-northeal!tern China. · - . _ · _ . · -

J ap;uJCae sqcce#lll would clear a . . . · · · · · ·· · · considerable belt o( the ro~tJ. tor

north-south traffic. ~Strengthening Ule enemy's · stranglehold on , eastern Cbfnq, which includes all of .that 11trJcken country'• principal iJea- -.PQrts. - ·

Since ·overrunning _ea13tcm China,

tRelie1 and Reh~bilitation ProgrAm. Claim~ -. · -Support of Co!Jgressmen Noted for ..


Internationalist. Viewpoint . .


NljW$ 4na~ysc a11d Commcntl!t,m:•

• ' . r --


" .

! I . ; ; I . : _· ; . I , , : 1, . , : . _ •. _ . !

the Jpps have worked hard to estab· lish new industries in the occupied territories to capitaUze on the~ coun· try's moterial and manpower re· sources, and there have bt:en. . re-. ports that the Jnp war mnchlqe has. considered transfer ot government~

WNU Service, 'Union Trus£ n~IdlnJ· _up rp,w1utioos sd).)11!lUnt~ g out wh~\ . . _ - ·FARMERS . · - washington D · 0 · · woulq l;le done un -cr ,,e ~gre!lmlln • - · Fa.rm,_Maeltin.eq for Sale -

' · · · · · · ' · ' · · • in · Since they knew- tb¢ bl\ternes$ - ouver 1033 model .11\~ndn~!l .row "l'llP -tr11c- · and economic admlnlstrntlve offices to the ChlnQsc mainland in the event of sustained U. S. bpmbardment of

WhUe the pombs are burst g oy!!r .a_ ·nd con_t_ rove:rsv whi_ 'ch gr_ ew_. out 9f . tor, eood COJlC~IUon an_d new ruJ>ber, Ollve.-E 0 it ts pretty hard to think " 1 t Gril:in.Mn!lter 12-!oot combine .. 11138 model, _ ur pe, - · . - . . · the qnpaid war loatl$ of the as_ naw ~re11 nnd cornplet~l$' tt:buUt. Qllve" ·

. the .home islands. of pos,twar actlvtties. A.mersca just . war ... one prim.e purpos_e .... ia to a_ cllieve, . 28 ;lC; -.. ro.ctor on 'Kood rubber. ;John d t lik t ~ It ""urthermore .. 1 t Deere #D combln!'>, 12.fQot nu11e~r tn>e cm oesn - e 0 ~0 • ~ - ' · · ' . th!lir- aim without r1lilning up a . o .· .. atcel. New Mali~Y·Hllrrls 101 au~r J."aw

·it js perfectly natural that, after our · of unc.ollec_ tible. debts.. In 0+~e_ r <:lOP .ttacter 1m mbbcr, equipped WIUl MEXICO: i 1 th last W"r When We t'\._ lltc.fter !no PCI.'rnit J:equlr~d), l'!tnssey. : exper ence .~ .e. , ., .. ' - · word!!, they_ got down ~ l:>rass tac_rus : Hl'\rrla ll-f0<1t CIIPP!!I' epmlllne. some ·eOOIS

Ends Snoo:;e , talk about relief for Jilurope, we __ "nd dec'ded that ·their effort to_ re- used onewa.vs, Bn; s~.,.,l'llone~ Hll, .B, T. t 1 d 't t t 1 y the role .. " ~· LE>Bta::Ih ~··- cu:r, ~•nan•. ·

', ee,, we on ~an o P a . store normlllcy in th!'l world' 13hould .

·As one means of saving tires by CJf UncLe Sap again. . _ be accomplished on a. very simp.le . .

FOR SALE cutting down 1 travd between busi· Tbe one or~anizntion whJch has principle of 3·ustlce'. 'f}ley diVided up neos and home, and of conserv· h · d th vc"'-' detlmte spe~ -• Fi t gone a ea Wl •" .. • . . . ·· the world intc> tw.o categories. . fli , - . For Slll• Wltltane nauon cer&Uie,.tea: tTaed inc electricity by avoiding the neccs- clflc:ally delimited pl~n~ for c1vil• those who have enough of the things l',.,.z.5Q.Tubesre... pity o! worlting later 'nt night, Pres. ian. intcrna. Uonal actlVltY, is bt'hl~ nen. dnd ·~,feed a_ n_d clothe and houlie Jllodi)Jcd to ftl. llb•r.~· nr••·· KIJIIltall, NQJt, Manuel Avila Camacho arderl.'d u t d N t R Jl f d Rchn 1 1 "' ,. "" h •t "n end of l\i"cxl·co'a famed midday m c a to.ns ~· c an • their people, and·· those w t)) don , •. HELP WA_"'-t_T-ED " ' tntlon adq~imstrntJon. For~y-tour na- · Then there is another division lxl~ .1.'1 siesta. for government and intlus~ry. tions ~av~ combined to abt up this tween those who, while they don't

Beginning June l, go'v!'rnment of· organu;otton and finance Its work. have the basic resources, neverth~ llccs . will open at 8 p, m. and u · d s • i thi · · f run throu"ho.ut the day; storea will The_ mte tates purt n s or- l less have. the money to pay .or

'-' ganization has thQ. specftlc nuthori:z;a~ them. opqrate !rom !l 11• rri. to 3 P· m., and tion of C(}ngress. But It never could -AU of the nations which have factorle:J will worlt from a a. m' to _ have had this bucking if it hadn't · enough to t;rlte care of their own 2 f~ ~~tUng an end to Mexico's mid· been for the wholeheart<Jd coopera• people are to contribute 1 per cent day !lnoozc, President Camacho oald tlon of certain men in Congress of their national Income as of th~ that bccnwm of the time conmJmed whom nobbdy .by the greatest year ending June 30, 1943. In trav<•llinc, few pl'ople got in a ntretch ot .bnagination could labplas ThOse nations like France l!lld real nap, nnyway. Chlcl, objection to lnternntlon•llllts. One of them HolLand and Belgium and Norway the new· order io expected to come largely responsible for the un. nod •others which have been able to tram conductoru and drivers, who opposed authorization by congress get gold or other wealth away from receive 0 llhare of fares. · .for the $1,350,000,000 which is Amerl- the Axlo robbers and into Allied or

ca's contribution \.to the UNRRA neutral countries expect tp pay for WHISKY: .- fund waa Sen. A~thur H. Vanden~. the· supplies they set. N 0 Prospects berg, a member ot the foreign rc- Tbose countries which have no

lations committee, who cannot- be toreign trade or, credit balance Unl~oo there lo a oudd~n reduction described as on "internationalist," abroad will receive IUpplles and

fn requiremcnto fo'ft nlcohol tor syn• Ht! supported UNRltA in this way scrvJccs to bring their people up to . --· -·- 1 thctlc rubber and after a long and careful consulta- a rather stem standard ot llvin&:

· other wnr peedf!• tlon with the State department con· end get notrnnl dally life stnrted there is no tmmedl· ccrning the administration's oblign· again. The SUJIPUes contributed will ntc prospect for a tloM whi<'h the United States had to be put into regular· busines:J chan· resumption of whls- accept if it joined this body of 44 nels nnd most o! the people- who ky mnnutacturc, ~natlon1. Vandenberg wns supported iet fhcm will pay in thelr ·own Wnr Production 'by representntives of the delegation mpney. Of course, this money would Chief Donald Nelo from Ohio, among others, a middle have no value outside o! the coun• son aald. · western fltnte not noted for Inter~ try Involved. It woulc!, however,

"I'm opposed to national tendencies. have value within Ute countrr and tho uso of any faciU• I asked a member of the UNRRA UNRRA would take, we will say In

Donald Nelson tlco f~r production starr why he thought these people the case of Greece, drachmas for of civilian commod. were convinced that the United the supplies delivered. ·

mcs it it I! not fensiblc and might State• ought to t_akc part in th1a No Bi6 Pcayroll intcrlere with ncccs!lnr~ .war produe· hurnanitnrJnn movement wbleh al- Those drachmas would be spent

WANTEl>-A·l MECJIANJO P~l'IIUIMI'lt, town 2,5QO, AJso other holp, statl'mCnt ot avallnlllllty n~c:esaary,

CARROLL MOTOR CQIU'./lNll Drutb • ~ · Coler•••·

l"mST·Ct.AS$ liJECIIANJCil bn!l body and lender men for ea!lentlal nutolllDblle lndll$­tl'Tf.'VIUt n .cood postwar tuturo in a llve)7 and pleasant communtiY of 03,000 noputa. tlon. · Flrat·clnllll salpry. J!'or particular• Write l'J, Q, l'lUCE MOTOR COIIIPANY, :tl• B 8',1.'., BAN D£RNARDJNO, CI\J.D',

LIVE STOCK POR BAU: ll'ha bell In Poland China 110181 ·Pll•· Gilt•, aorvl~a boar• tncl~ tho cnnmplon and crnnd champion. Also tbe

. beat tn rehl~tared Jarzwy bul ~atve.. . IIIC<IURDY 8CJIOOL

la•ta cr•• · • New lleala•.


PLANTS 1M'J'()MA'f0 .!.ANTI. Auorttd ni'UUH. Poetpald •• 00. n~duced prlcea OCl l&rJrar 111'4•r•. £all• •••• r•r••• o"ne-. H•"•


II. S. SEIZUH£4:: t!on," Nelnon declared. though it proclaimed ultra:prncticaJ within tile eountry and will help

Including opccJnl nl.lsiatnnco given PROF-ITS.. aims might naturally be doubted ell....., out the princinle which Gov• by other novemment ogcneic:J, lend· b"' the cynical ~-, "' leor:c old Mw-opproximntes t:Jfl,3!i2,• G . U J • ernor Lehmann has laid down-that

RANCR~a~DMKYMEN: • J'neu Lockera, Commercial netrlrfifa­tou, ChtUera ror meat cr milk. IIJid coa blnnlbr..e ct all or M:l' ret~Uircm.llla IU'e avallab!e. Wdto ua 'for lnformoUoc. Conar(l!U A ru

Sttrrl'd by U ~ troop arbure of C07,J52, tho cNmte wna totd sn con- orng -P "Nobody who bas read tho limitn· · UNRRA it!Zolf wUl not develop a big n~dcrtnn l'Xlcnawn ot tho oct. With como induotriNl lllte petro- Uon1 whibb this organi;zaUon has payroll. It will help tho people to

tht' Chkngo plant ot MGntgomery Ward and company rrlttor the lotter'o rc· fuool to extend o GIO unlon ,..rmtrort upon ord"r o! the War Labor board, both the r:cnnto ar.d the houco movl'd to review the whole field of wnrttmc nrculivc authority .

nrohl'n dm . ..-n into lonnB, grnnta, Jeum nhowJng n 40.6 per cent boost placed upon itceU could have the help themnelves: Let me glvo you lm;cotrncntn, coMtruction, pur. in net mcomM, nnd others like the · crUilt to oppo::o it," wop biG an:;wcr. nn example: choc('o 10 !orclctl eountrico, current wholeaolc ond rctnll group report· :scllin6 Point The Grc~ks hnven't ~nough food. Ncpcncco and olher aid and expendS· Jng n 10.5 pt!r eent drop, profit ot " A I i!ll 1 Thclr various public uillili~s aro turl'o, the oprciol o:oolotonce alone, 259 IC'od1ng bjg busincm:cs for thlf' ·_ t that mom~nt, took til rat ter emash~d to p!ccM, they have no rlllf:'fly cxt('ndcd by the army and f1rot quarter ot 1044 amounted to 1 categorical statement \Vith 0 gr'!in cltoes to walk on, tltdr hcspitnl! nnd novy, amount!! to $0,500,000,000. Ordl· - $2'14,032,000, 0 per cent hlnher than i of flalt. r.ntcr, after talking Wtth other health" iMUluUona havo been nory trnd·Jcoee assistance total• lost ycor, but f!J per cent below 10ft.. lforsc Snllilbury, who Ia well krlown destroyed or disintegrated. AllrJght.

At the snmo time, an anatynis of over tho air to many of the rc~~ders UNRRA Will li1t down a certain sa~J0J;~~~~~G2.~,S62 •pent, Great operations of 50 manufaeturln& eotn•. ot thi!J col~,rnn and aU of tllc hstc~; number or pairs of shoes in Greece Britain hM rccdved '10,100,:m,e74: pnnles for 1043 .showed that costa ·er~ to the Farm .and Home IIour, -Jt will set down a certain amount I• •u .. 1 .. ""l ... ,. So A " heJn~~d to eounterbalnnce Income, al muat admit 1 was sold. of food a certain amount of clotb-

In tntrodudna a rcoolutlon for atudy· IDI tho Ward coso which woa quickly adopted, Sen. llurry

~unnta, ""'" "•"'" •""-Ji ,, ~"" l ., n .._"o-o g~u-bury ""VC U" ... 1m ' t- f . b•• 70 1 Chin .,...,,. 3'9 -"" and proflt wJ:~a ho d to o.l per cent · .Ill ... -~ •"' _., "'" " in&, • ccrtaw amount o mac u1t!r)' $2,327,3 • C3; a, •;,....,, ~ ,owl, t J '""'od·•t ""'!lltlon fn the d""•rtmA"'t •t. 11 tl t ill"'- ·aid p~t dollar o sa cs. . ,...... uu• a-v "- ~ and o.,.er aupp es- ta w IIIC P

SURPI ... US MATERIAL: For lnstn,nce, it was reported JD-43 "of &Jrlcullure wbieh he bad held tor in drnr:hl:nu wbleb ate nothing

l-.1_ .·~~ Con•t'd"'r"'d wages and salarh!.s took 'I:U per cent thr01J&b various admJnistratlort. to more than pieces or paper as tar u

Byrd <Va ) sold: With U. S. sale• cf aurpJu1 war " . . Tho rncollure goods nlrC'ody running bt!tween $12,• . • • ahou!d lead to 000,000 and $18,000,000 monthly, lht correction ot Jegi~J· knotty problem of aUowin* pr(Xluo­lntlon under whteh Uon ot civilian com!!!, with t'nw rna• title (tho W a r d) tl'rlo!s ami scrap rcvcrtinl to the

"·· ..-. ~ " ot gro!l! Income, btfore taxea but handle the public relations for tM rest of tlle country II con· arw other costs, C()mpared with M UNRRA under former r;ovcrnor of cerncd, but which have a cn!lh value

Sen. D1rtl fte~p. Dewcr

aelJrur• of • private buolncos wao flovcrnmt'nt through tC!rmlnntlcn of made " war enntract!l, h'os.arlscn.

Prl'vtouttly, H€>p Chari"' Dewey Although some flatiron~, alal.'m ern ) call~ upon Ull! houJJC to I dDC'ks, furniture, ldtchtnwarc, radio authorlz.e ~n lnvesUgotlon of the ' tubctJ, electric fan!l, stovu, kitchen a:ovl'mment 8 oet'Upotlon ,ot the ranees and balbtub:l are achedul~ Ward plnnt, a ecl:zW'c nation s t~o. 2 for deUvl:'ry in 11J4f, they are but 1 moU order company cont"ntcd In drop ln the buekd compared with federal c-ourt on the ground It ls civilian requirements. ntJ wnr lnduotr)', and an octton UJe . __ u a dc>!ttndcd on the ctrl'nttUt of its Dcap1te the ad_mittcd aurpJU!I ()f claim thnt Ute bullii!U.'I sells produe- monr row motcrutls, the War Ptdo uvo marhlnory to formt'rs In nd· ductum boord has oppost!d their ap. vonrPmC'Ut ol um war effort. procinble use In eivllian 1000!1 en

the grounds that ouch manufacture !\fF.AT: would aggravate U1e manpower altu. Plt•mv on lland aUtm.

per ct"nt in t!HO. 'l'axes claimed 20.1 New York Herbert Lehmann. its ad· in Greeco. · per cent agalmt 1&.8 In JMO, mlni!ttator. 1 broke fn on him when They will take tl!o.!lfl drachmas

AIR TR-AVEL•. .,be was punllo1 over the qu.csUon, ot and hire personncf, people \Yh() will

an emblem or ltag or a dcsignatson arrange to load the suppllM Into •'an·opoliV_ -De· bated tor UNRnA-somebody thought it truck!~ at the porn where t1NRRA "' >J cught to have' a dW.Ingui!lhing in· sets them down and bMdle the dis-

Burning quc~Uon in aviaUon .tlgnfa but he was uneoovinccd and trib!JUon of lood and clothing circles today is Y~hcthcr varicua I then he snld something to me wWch, -through the agetlcies wiUlin the U. s. Unc!l shall Corm a ainxte com- .Ill important to remember, country; they wm do the dirty work p:my for inlematlonnl service or 11Here ~ one governmental in!U· of rebtlllding the waterworks and whether they aban compete for bmi• tution - governmentnl in tho zeruro electric Ught plants, the JtUbllc nens as separate orgnnlz.ntfcruJ. · that 44 nations arc backing n- schools and othM" btillditl~! neees­AJthu~gh only two cf Jg U. S. which, instead of wishing to ~r- satY for an crdered life. ThUs em·

lines tnvor a 5inglc company, there . petuate itself, M most burcnu~ra~c ployme'nt will be tumbhed cut of i~ strcniC pressure for .such a setup units are oaid to do, hns tor its ehiet the nattnn'a own wcnJlli: on U:c grounllg that it$ operation on aim-sclt liquidation. LikE! tbe hoys 'l'bfu fs a very brief nltempt to a volume basi.J toul:l allow it to in tbo front lines, it wo.nt!l to get s!row bow tmnRA works but u 1 compete ngatrurt foreign air liM5 the job d~o and then QUit.U · sat in the Du Pont building on Con· which ur.doubtcdly wiU be- linl\i'l· The obJeet of mmRA fs to do nectfcut avenue nnd henhl Mr. dally !Upporled by their go'tern- wllnt it can to resolve to normaicy Saltsbury, who is one of the most ments. - the cba?S produced by the war and practieal•mindcd government offi..

In cppo$lng the singta c:.otnpany then qwt. " cials with whom I hat<e dealt in

l'UU:S l'EAK FKEEZEKI 1.-,UI N. Nnaca.Caleratla 8'tl•l•• Celt.


TRUCK. FOR SALE lnternationoll\lodel A 1 Truck llrta 11X::O dual, 10. OOn.:ln tn:tlt, ExnJ. tent t(llldlllon. Strnlnht WClllUruthoullft alr tlrllkea With al:l~ll: ndJuttmcmt. Vu:1l tr.ana­Cl.leslcn. Elllht•.Yilrd ntccl hydrouUa dun~~:~ !loll !I Ill J:ood condltwn. P.rlco htlow collin Jr. ltEKIC.(;OCBJlAN, l,'fJJ. MID II.UT.INOS

• tJ XOl'OK TRl/CK ClO,

u •r• • Ne•r•" ..

Limitless Campaigns ~--

Nine stntcs pl{lec no limit on the amoUilt ot money that mat be spent by ol.'" on behalf of a candJ. date for a state, county or city offico during his cnnlpalgn: ner ... ware, llUnois, 'Moine. Nebl'llska, PenneyMm1n, Rhode Island. South Carolina, Vermont and Washing· ton.

ltt'd~etlon ol cm..ernment (lUr· POIJTICS: l'hnceo o1 meat In the race or _ Army Impartial crowdfd werohouses and heavy ho~ The ticklish problem Qt aupplylnr rcr('tpt!l at markob ~aulted In U. S. aoldlera With political Jnforma• OPA'a removal of meat ratlonlnc .tlon 0;1 the 19« naUonat elecUon1 ex•·"pt on beet eteaka and roast~. - was bravely approached bt the war

idea, no leu than 17 u. s. lines feel For._ that- rea~n, !orm~r Gt>v~r· my 3() years ur>erlcnc:e in. Washing• that compelution routd b6 expecttd nor Lehmann has set tts cr.c of bis ton, detail UNRRA's activities. I be­to rdult Jn imprtwed setvlce and objl:lctives tbe kecpirlf of the ntttrt• grot to teel quite an l!!fi'lotional up. promotion of air tra~Jel, withQUt let- her ot administrative ~tl1pleyees: surge. SaUsburst may have felt ~~ Ocean Is·wasb 1'111t tetltag free enterprise. down to the ab!!olute mln1mum. l'll - too but, of course, he wouldn't show Because little rain falls and the

On April 1, warehouaea held a department, wllh empbaal• ftrnUJ ncar record of l,t4tU13,000 pounds plaC<>d on lmp_uUallty, . , of meat compared wiU1 780,B06,000 Allhou•h douthb()yil wllt bt per .. 1'0-Unda • year aao. Packing facUI- mtttcd to r~ad their- fl!lVorlt~ tn•l•• Uea were heine atretchrJd to the ut. dne or ne.wapaJH!r, thb wat depart• most u farmer• continutd heavy ntent ruled that ln radfo broadcaata boa ahlpment1, partly bccaUH of and 1e"ke poblrcatiasw, tqUal tlmt tho tight feed supply recentl7 anra.. or •P.ll.'t mu.t be rr•nttd to bOth vat«l by tha &ovC!'rnment'a embat«o aldt•l · _ _ on au private com nlea tn 123 tnld· Notlort pleturtt and Mtertalrl-o wttat countlea t. dlvtrt atocka to In. m~nt. alSd dr•w tht att~nt~ ot tht duatrlal proceuort. war d&Jitlrlmtnt. wi\b t10 Pll'tlal tria·

Aa • tuutt ol tho covenun~t'a tttlll· to· bt tolerated m tllhw pro1ram, vlrtuatt1 aU Wtt e«n~ 10\lrc:e, W c:ornmaft<lltll otrlc:= Co mlUora were operattnc, with tt\OUJh · . clOH11 ~atclaialn.M ~ ttva · Cll 1raln pledJed tot tour rnoo\hl, · _ .aetlptl yJollf.lni tbt J't.llilatlo&t.' · ·

BIGBLIG.BTS • • ........ , ............. ·. ...... .

- - ., - . .. -- . ' ~ . -- r.

.. .

.• ,,

- --· -S have _more to say •bout that later. it any more than Xi would aince bdtb landscape is parched, native ··: ftnt Just a very bdel ~mary of cCt us are-laeoi'lie middlc•westerner~. en ot Cur~cao, oft the coast ot T-- t z· 1· 97·- 81fl- Yiblt UNRRA baa set as it. obJec-- I said: ••tsn't this whole idea an Venezuela, do their washirlg in the 0 a - -~ · 'f' · Uve, how it M_pe, to obtatn the ob- hlitorical inno\laUop?u He .teplled: oceatt and hang tbe .clothe& to dr1 tlJUtt!l 'put '0'. e. clsuutttcs fectlve, as ad fotth in its l().(!a'"~ .. "Welt,· ye!l, But don't thifik the « on. tnctus . plants or rMf prong, In World War U •t lrt,Ml~ with "blble.u containing the omcial ttate• mern~r • natlorul are! laying ·any _ nearby. · • thfJ armY stitrt!tinr 1113,302 and the ment ot the re!KlJuUotU! of the pattern for po!twar planning ilJ _ 1 ~ .. . .., • ..,., . ,.., tai\'1 •4,.539. . · ~t •. • ortanb:atlon. This- is th6 d<x::utnent UNRnA. They have created here an WNU'-K · .. · 1 · - •

Of ti-le lltm)" • t:ltUaltiett ~,5'15 Which 1 Was told it an)'Ona 1read htt otlat.dzttfon of a pUrel)' k~8itlo-nal -wete repo~ kUitd. ea,31l wound• would not h•w• the cruat to oppose naturt. It'• tnereiy an attempt ·CMl ttt. 33,814 mlnlnl and 30,Gol ptla- the UNRRA program. · -- the part ot the IUltioM -which bav• -~ra. Nan k*~ included 18,D!I2 On Novernt>er t, lG43" the tepte- -aotrtethinl to offer' to provid_. it. If killed, U,$91 woundtd, 8,182 mle• • eent•UvH ot th8e 44 ttationa met the othera can _par tor--the food aild

.-lrll and 4,4~. -ptlaOMra. _ tn the While bowie and al&ned u clothlt11 and olber thbtgt the:; 1e~ WPb .e;&at «Sta\he 1llteadt report-< aareemtnt to CO()petato tn , bind· the1 -are wUUnt to par tor tt;

ed• tne death toll altt•d1 neated- we us> the WOWJdl ot war. Later, u -they can't~ the coatrtb\ltlng na­.'Wol'ld. W•r- l'•, whtrt G3,000 ~ they rrtd Jn Atlantic Cit, _and ttre• tiota are &oinl to Itt lt to them .. • c.Ut<l kl ~\k$ or <It ~. . _ _ __ .. _


. 'ro rno•• a of thtlarto 110et.- • Pll• of Wf>O\ ottMi'ld, tbt-Cornmodlty a.......---......., ........................... ......, ____ __........,......, .................... __ .....,.

BRlEFS • ir • by Baukhase · . .

er.c\it corporatlott bN dtcldM -to · v_ nat m_·..,· · •-.-· - ....... ...... .... t-~ •-.......... ~ .,._ .. 1 ...... _ . .~~_ . ...................... , ... __ ...,. ... 1_ a··t· a···. At Pl'••ent 1t ptt cent ot .;the .... -· -··.t~n~ _. - .. .._ ....... - Q\1'1~ ..... -~ tt®b CX\ the told are •t hast 10' rn~• .... traintd do•a w_· · hen - ........ ll'a.~~l, ttl::!.~~~ t: J"t*rt old. uct ._ minimum ot I· ptr wire..~~ • , • •- . ........,. '*·~ .~t.o._- _ ._ __ ·ll __ ........ _ ...... _. ·a . ......,__, c:ut art rnort_._tha.-··~t.tll.1Utl old. .. """""~ • .. _.. ....,...,.. . _ An ~l'N.M_· ·_ of #1_ ·- ...,.r Ctilt 111 ........ -,_llPif libMl • ~~~~. · - tbloa'• hlll»etvkt tlm~titute n~ber ot. ~trtlrill:" a.~ _

· loiNr" ot ~•J>PtOldm&telt m dtlrtt• -e .... ·~ ot bt· ~tt•• · -.~. _ !'t.llttt\hett. Ctf•tl1-ex~ Wit Juftiill41 ~~! -wu tbt- ' · ttOOI' -om.. .. ·tt otbtr lhttmopltstk'*, hQ ~b- -ltd ~· I&· ···· · · 1tt X.t:lltriDe .

_.ilt"hldt .ut \lk<l to 1M~~··~-~ · .-. r•toOt.. thW i:if -t:!M- -t:~lkbm"t • 1M-. . tv Wlt *• - -;bl.nau. u~ & Dti*dmiM fll t.bor.--, .

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Pel1(1Jinli ll'ncllc•pped · ' '

· Pcpguin!>. ca11not fold Ulcir ' wipgs', ns.·othcr llirds do. but mt~st 1. Qatry them . c~tcnded. . · · · ·


matcpc:s. lMtont;d bonnet is Jnfi\de ot one fiat plec;e· tor en~e !n iron· . - . ' " . m•) . ... . .

'J.'Wo . •ppllquea aro, given:-a . bri.sht t\llip and a tilly kltt~n·~ . ·

· head. Let littl~: Sister choose Which one she Will\!$ on her .,play suitt •

'' . . •. . ·. ' . · To qbtaln $)att!!rn tQr pla)' auU plnafo~e, 11111 hat and tWQ ~pplJqu~· pllttern!l (Pat• . tern No. 53311) l!ldJUStllbl~ tor •Jzea :1·3 .. 1 · acnd 16 centa tn coin. your name and ad· dress and tl!e pattem numbt!r.

Send yQur ordef to; •

' . ' . - .

I'I~WlNO ClltCI.B ~JC~t.JCWORlt IISO 69Utb· Well• 8~ Cbl~aco: . .-Eticloae lll cimts (plus one cent to cover coat or malltnitl to~ Plltt!lm · !lo.,, •••••• ~·••••

• Namtt ....................... , •• , •• , •• , •• ,. _.d ' I .. n drell ............................... ~

Beating of Surf S4akes. ·All of American Contiu·ent . The beating of ·the surf against

the coasts o( North America pro­duces a constant vibration ·in the ground throughout the continent, says Collier's. Whill! this pulsn· tion rarely varies in deserts, it is joined and gtently increased ln ur· ban areas oy the vibration of mn· chinery and traffic. ' .

In New York city, this activity causes the m:ound, the natural pulse of which Is 10 beals a min· ute, to vlbrate.morc than 200 times a minute during tho busiest hour.s ot the day-; . . ..

KEEP 'cmalooklnlt attractive-. and cool and comfortable on hot From the Dutch we get this rc.

• A Bomber Reports

Ioyst This pretty p)ay set is quickly ·port turned ln by a Netherlands :ut and sewn from n small amount pilot after he'd bombed n Japn­•f material. Airy: l,ittlc sun-suit is ne$c nlrott'ip in occupied Nether! •uttoned on ahouldern--makcs It Jnnds Enot Indies: "Beg to report imptc to launder. Tiny tie-on skirt honorable nirotrlp has 1oat face."

. -II

FIRESTONE traction bars are built into the tread of a farm tractor tire to serve jutt one purpo~e. That plU'pOIJe iJ to • • • ewe tractton.

Because the traction bar lt the source of pulllng power of tractor drea, it iJ obviom that lf'tatet traction bar lingtlt fi'-'e• grratn tractiort. By the same token(a shortentd traction 'bar design, .ruch a. the brol«!n cent«, gff!e.l len traction.

Fi.reltone. Ground Grip Tracto-r Tires provide up to 21S extra inchea of traction bar length per tractor at no extra cost. And the ba~ are joined in the center to Conn a powcrCuJ, triple­braced, leakproof traction unit.

That'• why f'armen prefer tir~s built by Firestone, the pionur and pacemaker ln putdng the farm on rubber.

IJd,.,lt~lh Vciu e/llnltotl# .NJII RkMl CnDII .u . F~UJION S~ID•., Ortk1lrt1, ftilw IJ, tlirnlh•

Hwn 11M1•w, N~ wirll•tl, tnw N. IJ,,C.

~ uu, -n.n ... - iino a .. !>WCJe.


. ,_------------------~ Mt1 fattti frt~eiiM r•l'rhentl the btrli .... t•• tltet llwu Jvperler. ••ut•• ... .., ... •• ftiU1'oNr ~IOUH·D OJIP ·'IIACt()t lilts.

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KIL .. ,. Many




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• ·.;

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.. . . ..

... • ••


Ladies Ready ·to ear.·· •

' . .

Shoes .

Dry Goods

. ,

· General Merchandise \ ! .




QUALITY PRICE SERVICE · J. F. Petty, Prop. Phone 62

. j



. :.:sa ~ - ~- '·-·-~~I '.2!,1-1 .9

- .... '- _ ..... ......,- ·- J_Ln

Mrs. E. L. (l'eeperman .of! tere11ted in riur locality and let Blrmma bam Al11b•m•. is here 1 us hope that he mar be induced '.hla week. visiting· ut .the home to take up bll permanen~ re· ••f Mr. und Mra. Hurry Miller. aldence :hcl·c •. We need 1ocb ~1r11. Miller Ia Uut daughter of Kood men like Mr. Fouat to ad ~1rs. Fe1pttrmon. to our arowlnlf pOpulation.

I 0

Cheater f.'ouat, who hna been vitJit·nK ua tor tbe 'p11t ten '/~~-te and a aueat • t tho A. IJ K'!~.·.~,r ranch home, b bert aKaln thl8 weok. He hns ahvan bet!ln in·



' I ' I

Dealer in •


• t •


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are to.

The telephone business is deep in the war, and the farther American forces advance the more telephone equipment they need. At home folks have wahted more service too, and reserve equip­mentis about used up. No more cnn be made- for civilian 4se. . Although we can't ·fm orders as fast as we did we're doing all we can fo serve people by • • • , ) · Rtconclitloninc tvtry

facility. that will JIVt lood service. · · Convtrtinl ont·P.• rty ·

(' .. ~

. . '

, . lints · to ••rv• two or - .. · more families when ....... ... • r

llblt. . ~- ., . . ......,.. Optratlril tome of · ~r ~ '.;.~~ · :·

central offices ·\ ,., _ · f . ·; thtlr normaL · . • . . ,~~~~ · t.

U w&.a. h~ to bt .walfir\l·fot a"'~~ wefii" ~· Wt'U fill ~- «dft. M·.tbOn . . .. h sw (..... . "':-..-

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ne Black • '

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Blackleg . .

Vaccine . I \

. '

Dehor-ning:_ •

· ·. Paint

Pint{ Eye . _ Medicine·

Blacksmith Coal

' '


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• •

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• • • •


Distelllper · · . . ' · · , :.. cure

• • • • 09

Chicken·- -'Feed· • •

·a·· -.. b·· · ar •• ··1re n •

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Chicken. •· 1re .. • •

·Roll -Roofiug

Lime • ' •


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. .........., ___ _ laYttt .fO'lr dlltlst1!lU ·­....... ·ltt J.1Ml. .....

. W.O. BONDtk ltftJ ·..-a . ...tld•C .(l.t Attaok.


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