a0 application/714… · v 1 1 no. ac cas 3 no. ti cog 2 no. ac cas 3 no. ti cog 1 no. ac cas 2 no....

1 V 1 No. AC CAS 3 No. TI COG 2 No. AC CAS 3 No. TI COG 1 No. AC CAS 2 No. AC CAS 3 No. TI COG 1 No. AC CAS 1 No. BE PE Mix 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21-22 23 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 23 19 20 18 3 3 4 4 4 2 1 2 2 1 5 5 6 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 14 16 17 V V V V V V V V B B V 3 No. TI COG 2 No. AC CAS 2 No. TI COG 1 No. AC CAS 2 No. TI COG 1 No. TI COG 1 No. TI COG 1 No. AC CAS 2 No. TI COG 1 No. AC CAS 2 No. TI COG 1 No. AC CAS 1 No. AC CAS 1 No. TI COG 1 No. AC CAS 2 No. TI COG 1 No. AC CAS 3 No. TI COG 2 No. AC CAS 3 No. TI COG 1 No 1 No. QU RO 1 No. MA JD 1 No. MA JD 1 No. MA JD 1 No. MA JD 1 No. QU RO 1 No. QU RO 1 No. QU RO 1 No. QU RO 1 No. QU RO 1 No. AC CA 1 No. AC CA 1 No. AC CA 1 No. AC CA 1 No. AC CA 2 No. BE PE 1 No. AC CA 1 No. AC CA 2 No. AC CA 2 No. SO AU 2 No. SO AU 3 No. BE ER 1 No. BE ER 3 No. SO AU 2 No. SO AU 2 No. MA EV 3 No. MA EV 2 No. SO AU 2 No. SO AU 2 No. BE PE 1 No. BE PE 44 No. Fa sy 51 No. Fa sy 60 No. Fa sy 48 No. Fa sy 48 No. Th pA 16 No. Th pA 80 No. Th pA 67 No. Th pA 50 No. Th pA 24 No. Th pA 22 No. Th pA 85 No. Th pA 89 No. Th pA 27 No. Th pA 36 No. Th pA 26 No. Th pA 55 No. Th pA 20 No. Th pA 20 No. Th pA Native Planting Mix 3 No. Co sa 3 No. Cr mo 3 No. Pr sp 1 No. Ro ca 3 No. Sa ci 1 No. Vi op Native Planting Mix 3 No. Co sa 3 No. Cr mo 3 No. Pr sp 1 No. Ro ca 3 No. Sa ci 1 No. Vi op Native Planting Mix 2 No. Co sa 2 No. Cr mo 2 No. Pr sp 1 No. Ro ca 2 No. Sa ci 1 No. Vi op Native Planting Mix 7 No. Co sa 7 No. Cr mo 7 No. Pr sp 3 No. Ro ca 7 No. Sa ci 3 No. Vi op 6 No. He RE 10 No. La aM 7 No. Ci co 10 No. Po fG 7 No. Vi da 9 No. He RE 14 No. La aM 14 No. Sa hd 16 No. Ro Su 9 No. Ci co 9 No. Vi da 16 No. Vi da 11 No. Ch AP 10 No. Vi da 10 No. Be cP 7 No. Ma aA 11 No. Hy mo 8 No. Sa ch 10 No. Sa ch 8 No. Sk jR 6 No. Vi da 11 No. Ma aA 22 No. Be cP 7 No. Ci co 13 No. Sa ch 11 No. Sa hd 16 No. Ge mA 12 No. Sa ch 8 No. Sa hd 7 No. Ci co 9 No. Fu MP 15 No. He RE 10 No. Vi da 13 No. Ma aA 9 No. Ch AP 4 No. Br Su 7 No. Ci co 13 No. Ci co 7 No. Fu MP 8 No. Ge mA 7 No. Hy mo 9 No. He RE 9 No. Sa ch 14 No. Ge mA 7 No. Po fG 13 No. Po fG 5 No. Br Su 13 No. Sk jR 11 No. He RE 11 No. Be cP 8 No. Eu fE 8 No. Eu fE 10 No. Eu fE 9 No. Sk jR 8 No. Sk jR 11 No. Sk jR 10 No. Sk jR 7 No. Sk jR 11 No. Sk jR 6 No. Vi da 5 No. Vi da 6 No. Vi da 9 No. Vi da 10 No. Vi da 6 No. Vi da 8 No. Ch AP 12 No. Ch AP 6 No. Ch AP 6 No. Ch AP 11 No. Ch AP 7 No. Pr lO 10 No. Pr lO 6 No. Pr lO 11 No. Pr lO 4 No. Pr lO 9 No. Pr lO 6 No. Pr lO 15 No. Pr lO 7 No. Sa hd 9 No. Sa hd 10 No. Sa hd 12 No. La aM 8 No. La aM 12 No. He RE 15 No. He RE 11 No. La aM 8 No. La aM 7 No. La aM 9 No. He RE 10 No. He RE 6 No. Sa ch 9 No. Sa ch 10 No. Sa ch 8 No. Sa ch 6 No. Co SG 7 No. Co SG 7 No. Co SG 10 No. Sk jR 10 No. Lo pM 5 No. Lo pM 8 No. Lo pM 6 No. Co SG 9 No. Co SG 9 No. Sk jR 35 No. Vi mV 32 No. Vi mV 36 No. Co SG 56 No. Co SG Bulbs 115 No. Ga ni 115 No. Na FG Bulbs 118 No. Ga ni 118 No. Na FG Bulbs 114 No. Ga ni 114 No. Na FG Bulbs 122 No. Ga ni 122 No. Na FG 28 No. Vi mV 16 No. Sk jR 8 No. La aM 8 No. Lo pM 10 No. Sa hd 8 No. Sa hd 9 No. Sa hd 10 No. Sk jR 7 No. Sk jR 9 No. Sk jR 7 No. Eu fE 10 No. Eu fE 8 No. Eu fE 10 No. Ma aA 8 No. Sa ch 11 No. Be Si 10 No. Be Si +0.25 +0.50 +0.75 2 No. BE ER 3 No. BE ER Bulbs 199 No. Ga ni 199 No. Na FG Native Hedgerow Mix 2 No. Co sa 9 No. Cr mo 2 No. Co av 4 No. Pr sp 2 No. Ro ca Marginal Planting Mix 9 No. Ca pr 44 No. Ir ps 9 No. Ju ef 9 No. Me aq 9 No. My sc 9 No. Si fl Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey Map with the permission of the Controller of HMSO. Crown Copyright Reserved. Licence No. 100019279. The scaling of this drawing cannot be assured Revision Date Drn Ckd Scale Date Revision Project No Drawing No Drawing Title Project 3ODQQLQJ ł 0DVWHU 3ODQQLQJ 8UEDQ 'HVLJQ ł $UFKLWHFWXUH ł /DQGVFDSH 3ODQQLQJ 'HVLJQ ł (QYLURQPHQWDO 3ODQQLQJ ł *UDSKLF 'HVLJQ ł 3XEOLF (QJDJHPHQW ł 5HVHDUFK Offices at Bristol Cambridge Cardiff Ebbsfleet Edinburgh Leeds London Manchester Newcastle Reading Solihull Southampton \\SRVLNVFILES3\Files\26000-26999\26000-26099\26007 - Brundall Vision\A4 - Dwgs & Registers\Landscape\26007 L101 Landscape Proposals Plan.dwg - A0 Check by Drawn by bartonwillmore.co.uk Certificate FS 29637 26007 Land East of the Memorial Hall, Brundall L101 Landscape Proposals Plan 07.03.2017 1:250@A0 B MN GW N Tree Root Protection Area Phase 1 Detailed Area Boundary Site Boundary LEGEND Ornamental Hedge 1.8m height Bulbs Ornamental Hedge 1.2m height Ornamental Shrubs Trees Wetland Grass Marginal Planting Private Drives Block Paving Colour: Silver/Grey Access Road Block Paving Colour: Dark Grey Primary Road Asphalt Hedgerow to be retained and enhanced 1.5m maximum height Trees and Hedgerow to be retained Existing Features Proposed Features Wildflower Grass Amenity Grass Informal Footpaths and Private Footpaths Resin Bonded Gravel Colour: Buff Public Footpaths Bitmac Shared Surface Block Paving Colour: Red/Brown Walls (to Architect's details) Fence 1.2m height Timber Picket Fence Foul Sewer 6m Buffer Inset Plan 1:500 @ A0 Native Shrubs Rear Gardens 6 8 10m 2 0 4 Native Hedge 1.5m height Native Scrub Mix (Planted at 1.5m centres) Species Name Common Name Abbrev Height General Specification Mix % Quantity Cornus sanguinea Common Dogwood Co sa 60-80cm 1+1: Transplant - seed raised: Branched: 3 brks: B 20% 15 Crataegus monogyna Common Hawthorn Cr mo 60-80cm 1+1: Transplant - seed raised: B 20% 15 Prunus spinosa Blackthorn Pr sp 60-80cm 1+1: Transplant - seed raised: Branched: 2 brks: B 20% 15 Rosa canina Dog Rose Ro ca 60-80cm 1+1: Transplant - seed raised: Branched: 3 brks: B 10% 6 Salix cinerea Grey Willow Sa ci 60-80cm 0/1: Cutting: Branched: 2 brks: B 20% 15 Viburnum opulus Guelder Rose Vi op 60-80cm 1+2: Transplant - seed raised: Branched: 3 brks: B 10% 6 Trees Species Name Common Name Abbrev Height Girth Root condition General Specification Quantity Acer campestre Field Maple AC CA 350-425cm 12-14cm RB Heavy Standard: 5 brks: 3x: RB: Clear Stem min. 200cm 9 Acer campestre ' Streetwise' Field Maple 'Streetwise' AC CAS 350-425cm 12-14cm RB Heavy Standard: 5 brks: 3x: RB: Clear Stem min. 200cm 15 Betula ermanii Erman's Birch BE ER 350-425cm 12-14cm RB Heavy Standard: 5 brks: 3x: RB: Clear Stem min. 200cm 9 Betula pendula Common Silver Birch BE PE 350-425cm 12-14cm RB Heavy Standard: 5 brks: 3x: RB: Clear Stem min. 200cm 5 Malus 'Evereste' Crab Apple 'Evereste' MA EV 350-425cm 12-14cm RB Heavy Standard: 5 brks: 3x: RB: Clear Stem min. 200cm 5 Malus 'John Downie' Crab Apple 'John Downie' MA JD 350-425cm 12-14cm 50 x 35cm Heavy Standard: 5 brks: 3x: RB: Clear Stem 175-200cm 4 Quercus robur Common Oak QU RO 350-425cm 12-14cm 50 x 35cm Heavy Standard: 5 brks: 3x: RB: Clear Stem 175-200cm 6 Sorbus aucuparia Rowan SO AU 350-425cm 12-14cm RB Heavy Standard: 5 brks: 3x: RB: Clear Stem min. 200cm 13 Tilia cordata 'Greenspire' Small-leaved Lime 'Greenspire' TI COG 400-450cm 14-16cm 60 x 40cm Extra Heavy Standard: 5 brks: 3x: RB: Clear Stem 175-200cm 25 Shrubs & Herbaceous - Ornamental Species Name Common Name Abbrev Height Pot Size Diameter General Specification 'HQVLW\ Pð Quantity Bergenia cordifolia 'Purpurea' Elephant's Ears 'Purpurea' Be cP 2L Full Pot: C 5 43 Bergenia 'Silberlicht' Elephant's Ears 'Silberlicht' Be Si 2L Full Pot: C 5 21 Brachyglottis 'Sunshine' Shrub Ragwort Br Su 30-40cm 3L Branched: 4 brks: C 2 9 Choisya 'Aztec Pearl' Mexican Orange Blossom 'Aztec Pearl' Ch AP 20-30cm 2L Bushy: 5 brks: C 3 63 Cistus x corbariensis a Rock Rose Ci co 30-40cm 2L Bushy: 3 brks: C 3 50 Cotoneaster salicifolius 'Gnom' Willowleaf Cotoneaster 'Gnom' Co SG 2L 30-40cm Branched: 3 brks: C 3 127 Euonymus fortunei 'Emerald Gaiety' Spindle 'Emerald Gaiety' Eu fE 20-30cm 2L 15-20cm Bushy: 5 brks: C 4 51 Fuchsia 'Mrs Popple' Fuchsia 'Mrs Popple' Fu MP 20-30cm 3L Bushy: 5 brks: C 3 16 Geranium macrorrhizum 'Album' Balkan Cranesbill 'Album' Ge mA 2L Full Pot: C 4 38 Hebe 'Red Edge' Shrubby Veronica 'Red Edge' He RE 2L 15-20cm Bushy: 3 brks: C 5 96 Hypericum x moserianum a St John's Wort Hy mo 20-30cm 2L Bushy: 5 brks: C 4 18 Lavandula angustifolia 'Munstead' Lavender 'Munstead' La aM 15-20cm 2L Bushy: 5 brks: C 4 78 Lonicera pileata 'Moss Green' Privet Honeysuckle 'Moss Green' Lo pM 2L 20-30cm Bushy: 3 brks: C 4 31 Mahonia aquifolium 'Apollo' Oregon Grape 'Apollo' Ma aA 20-30cm 3L Branched: 2 brks: C 4 41 Potentilla fruticosa 'Goldfinger' Shrubby Cinquefoil 'Goldfinger' Po fG 2L 15-20cm Bushy: 3 brks: C 4 30 Prunus laurocerasus 'Otto Luyken' Cherry Laurel 'Otto Luyken' Pr lO 20-30cm 2L Bushy: 3 brks: C 3 68 Rosa 'Suffolk' County Rose 'Suffolk' Ro Su 30-40cm 2L Roses - Cutting: Bush: 3 brks: C 4 16 Santolina chamaecyparissus Cotton Lavender Sa ch 20-30cm 2L Bushy: 5 brks: C 4 93 Sarcococca hookeriana digyna Sweet Box digyna Sa hd 20-30cm 2L Bushy: 4 brks: C 4 86 Skimmia japonica 'Rubella' Skimmia 'Rubella' Sk jR 20-30cm 2L Bushy: 3 brks: C 4 138 Viburnum davidii a Viburnum Vi da 20-30cm 3L Bushy: 3 brks: C 3 100 Vinca major 'Variegata' Varigated Greater Periwinkle Vi mV 2L 30-40cm Several Shoots: 3 brks: C 3 95 Bulbs Species Name Common Name Abbrev General Specification Mix % 'HQVLW\ Pð Quantity Galanthus nivalis Common Snowdrop Ga ni Grade 6/+ 50% 20 668 Narcissus 'February Gold' Daffodil Na FG Grade 6/+ 50% 20 668 Hedging - Ornamental (Planted at 0.5m centres in a double staggered row) Species Name Common Name Abbrev Height Pot Size General Specification Quantity Fagus sylvatica Common Beech Fa sy 60-80cm 3L 1+2; Transplant - seed raised; 3 breaks 203 Thuja plicata 'Atrovirens' Western Red Cedar Th pA 40-60cm 3L Single leader; furnished to base 665 Native Hedgerow Mix (Planted at 0.5m centres in a double staggered row) Species Name Common Name Abbrev Height General Specification Mix % Quantity Cornus sanguinea Common Dogwood Co sa 60-80cm 1+1: Transplant - seed raised: Branched: 3 brks: B 10% 2 Crataegus monogyna Common Hawthorn Cr mo 60-80cm 1+1: Transplant - seed raised: B 50% 9 Corylus avellana Hazel Co av 60-80cm 1+2: Transplant - seed raised: Branched; 3 brks: B 10% 2 Prunus spinosa Blackthorn Pr sp 60-80cm 1+1: Transplant - seed raised: Branched: 2 brks: B 20% 4 Rosa canina Dog Rose Ro ca 60-80cm 1+1: Transplant - seed raised: Branched: 3 brks: B 10% 2 Grass Mound Proposed Features Marginal Planting Mix Species Name Common Name Abbrev Pot Size General Specification 'HQVLW\ Pð Mix % Quantity Cardamine pratensis Lady's Smock Ca pr 50cc min. Plug: Established Root min. 2-3 Months: Sept to April planting: British Native-origin: C 2 10% 9 Iris pseudacorus Yellow Flag Iris Ir ps 50cc min. Plug: Established Root min. 2-3 Months: Sept to April planting: British Native-origin: C 2 50% 44 Juncus effusus Soft Rush Ju ef 50cc min. Plug: Established Root min. 2-3 Months: Sept to April planting: British Native-origin: C 2 10% 9 Mentha aquatica Water Mint Me aq 50cc min. Plug: Established Root min. 2-3 Months: Sept to April planting: British Native-origin: C 2 10% 9 Myosotis scorpioides Water Forget-me-not My sc 50cc min. Plug: Established Root min. 2-3 Months: Sept to April planting: British Native-origin: C 2 10% 9 Silene flos-cuculi Ragged Robin Si fl 50cc min. Plug: Established Root min. 2-3 Months: Sept to April planting: British Native-origin: C 2 10% 9 Emorgate EM8 Meadow Mix for Wetlands (to be sown at 4g/m2) Wildflower Mix Species Name Common Name % Mix Achillea millefolium Yarrow 0.5 Betonica officinalis Betony 0.4 Centaurea nigra Common Knapweed 1.0 Filipendula ulmaria Meadowsweet 0.3 Galium verum Lady's Bedstraw 1.8 Leucanthemum vulgare Ox-eye Daisy 1.5 Lotus pedunculatus Greater Bird's-foot Trefoil 0.5 Plantago lanceolata Ribwort Plantain 1.0 Primula veris Cowslip 1.0 Prunella vulgaris Selfheal 2.0 Ranunculus acris Meadow Buttercup 3.0 Rhinanthus minor Yellow Rattle 1.6 Rumex acetosa Common Sorrel 1.2 Sanguisorba officinalis Great Burnet 0.5 Silaum silaus Pepper Saxifrage 1.0 Silene flos-cuculi Ragged Robin 0.3 Succisa pratensis Devil's Bit Scabious 0.4 Vicia cracca Tufted Vetch 2.0 Grass Mix Agrostis capillaris Common Bent 12 Alopecurus pratensis Meadow Foxtail 5 Anthoxanthum odoratum Sweet Vernal Grass 1 Cynosurus cristatus Crested Dog's-tail 36 Deschampsia cespitosa Tufted Hair Grass 1 Festuca rubra Red Fescue 25 Emorgate EM5 Meadow Mixture for Loamy Soils (to be sown at 4g/m2) Wildflower Mix Species Common Name % Mix Achillea millefolium Yarrow 0.5 Centaurea nigra Common Knapweed 3.0 Galium verum Lady's Bedstraw 2.0 Geranium pratense Meadow Cranesbill 0.3 Knautia arvensis Field Scabious 0.5 Lathyrus pratensis Meadow Vetchling 0.5 Leontodon hispidus Rough Hawkbit 0.5 Leucanthemum vulgare Ox-eye Daisy 1 Lotus corniculatus Birdsfoot Trefoil 0.5 Malva moschata Musk Mallow 0.5 Plantago lanceolata Ribwort Plantain 1.0 Plantago media Hoary Plantain 1.0 Primula veris Cowslip 0.5 Prunella vulgaris Selfheal 2.6 Ranunculus acris Meadow Buttercup 3.0 Rhinanthus minor Yellow Rattle 1.5 Rumex acetosa Common Sorrel 1.0 Trifolium praetense Wild Red Clover 0.1 Grass Mix Agrostis capillaris Common Bent 10 Anthoxanthum odoratum Sweet Vernal Grass 1 Briza media Quaking Grass 2 Cynosurus cristatus Crested Dog's-tail 32 Festuca ovina Sheep's Fescue 10 Festuca rubra Red Fescue 20 Phleum bertolini Smaller Cat's-tail 4 Trisetum flavescens Yellow Oat-Grass 1 Abbreviations: C Container B Bare-rooted and bagged RB Root-balled

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Post on 02-Feb-2021




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  • 1


    1 No. AC CAS

    3 No. TI COG

    2 No. AC CAS

    3 No. TI COG

    1 No. AC CAS

    2 No. AC CAS

    3 No. TI COG

    1 No. AC CAS

    1 No. BE PE

    Marginal Planting Mix




































































    11 1213
















    3 No. TI COG

    2 No. AC CAS

    2 No. TI COG

    1 No. AC CAS

    2 No. TI COG

    1 No. TI COG

    1 No. TI COG

    1 No. AC CAS

    2 No. TI COG

    1 No. AC CAS

    2 No. TI COG

    1 No. AC CAS

    1 No. AC CAS

    1 No. TI COG

    1 No. AC CAS

    2 No. TI COG

    1 No. AC CAS

    3 No. TI COG

    2 No. AC CAS

    3 No. TI COG

    1 No. AC CAS

    1 No. QU RO

    1 No. MA JD

    1 No. MA JD

    1 No. MA JD

    1 No. MA JD

    1 No. QU RO

    1 No. QU RO

    1 No. QU RO

    1 No. QU RO

    1 No. QU RO

    1 No. AC CA

    1 No. AC CA

    1 No. AC CA

    1 No. AC CA

    1 No. AC CA

    2 No. BE PE

    1 No. AC CA

    1 No. AC CA

    2 No. AC CA

    2 No. SO AU

    2 No. SO AU

    3 No. BE ER

    1 No. BE ER

    3 No. SO AU

    2 No. SO AU

    2 No. MA EV

    3 No. MA EV

    2 No. SO AU

    2 No. SO AU

    2 No. BE PE

    1 No. BE PE

    44 No. Fa sy

    51 No. Fa sy

    60 No. Fa sy

    48 No. Fa sy

    48 No. Th pA

    16 No. Th pA

    80 No. Th pA

    67 No. Th pA

    50 No. Th pA

    24 No. Th pA

    22 No. Th pA

    85 No. Th pA

    89 No. Th pA

    27 No. Th pA

    36 No. Th pA

    26 No. Th pA

    55 No. Th pA

    20 No. Th pA

    20 No. Th pA

    Native Planting Mix

    3 No. Co sa

    3 No. Cr mo

    3 No. Pr sp

    1 No. Ro ca

    3 No. Sa ci

    1 No. Vi op

    Native Planting Mix

    3 No. Co sa

    3 No. Cr mo

    3 No. Pr sp

    1 No. Ro ca

    3 No. Sa ci

    1 No. Vi op

    Native Planting Mix

    2 No. Co sa

    2 No. Cr mo

    2 No. Pr sp

    1 No. Ro ca

    2 No. Sa ci

    1 No. Vi op

    Native Planting Mix

    7 No. Co sa

    7 No. Cr mo

    7 No. Pr sp

    3 No. Ro ca

    7 No. Sa ci

    3 No. Vi op

    6 No. He RE

    10 No. La aM

    7 No. Ci co

    10 No. Po fG

    7 No. Vi da

    9 No. He RE

    14 No. La aM

    14 No. Sa hd

    16 No. Ro Su

    9 No. Ci co

    9 No. Vi da

    16 No. Vi da

    11 No. Ch AP

    10 No. Vi da

    10 No. Be cP

    7 No. Ma aA

    11 No. Hy mo

    8 No. Sa ch

    10 No. Sa ch

    8 No. Sk jR

    6 No. Vi da

    11 No. Ma aA

    22 No. Be cP

    7 No. Ci co

    13 No. Sa ch

    11 No. Sa hd

    16 No. Ge mA

    12 No. Sa ch

    8 No. Sa hd

    7 No. Ci co

    9 No. Fu MP

    15 No. He RE

    10 No. Vi da

    13 No. Ma aA

    9 No. Ch AP

    4 No. Br Su

    7 No. Ci co

    13 No. Ci co

    7 No. Fu MP

    8 No. Ge mA

    7 No. Hy mo

    9 No. He RE

    9 No. Sa ch

    14 No. Ge mA

    7 No. Po fG

    13 No. Po fG

    5 No. Br Su

    13 No. Sk jR

    11 No. He RE

    11 No. Be cP

    8 No. Eu fE

    8 No. Eu fE

    10 No. Eu fE

    9 No. Sk jR

    8 No. Sk jR

    11 No. Sk jR

    10 No. Sk jR

    7 No. Sk jR

    11 No. Sk jR

    6 No. Vi da

    5 No. Vi da

    6 No. Vi da

    9 No. Vi da

    10 No. Vi da

    6 No. Vi da

    8 No. Ch AP

    12 No. Ch AP

    6 No. Ch AP

    6 No. Ch AP

    11 No. Ch AP

    7 No. Pr lO

    10 No. Pr lO

    6 No. Pr lO

    11 No. Pr lO

    4 No. Pr lO

    9 No. Pr lO

    6 No. Pr lO

    15 No. Pr lO

    7 No. Sa hd

    9 No. Sa hd

    10 No. Sa hd

    12 No. La aM

    8 No. La aM

    12 No. He RE

    15 No. He RE

    11 No. La aM

    8 No. La aM

    7 No. La aM

    9 No. He RE

    10 No. He RE

    6 No. Sa ch

    9 No. Sa ch

    10 No. Sa ch

    8 No. Sa ch

    6 No. Co SG

    7 No. Co SG

    7 No. Co SG

    10 No. Sk jR

    10 No. Lo pM

    5 No. Lo pM

    8 No. Lo pM

    6 No. Co SG

    9 No. Co SG

    9 No. Sk jR

    35 No. Vi mV

    32 No. Vi mV

    36 No. Co SG

    56 No. Co SG


    115 No. Ga ni

    115 No. Na FG


    118 No. Ga ni

    118 No. Na FG


    114 No. Ga ni

    114 No. Na FG


    122 No. Ga ni

    122 No. Na FG

    28 No. Vi mV

    16 No. Sk jR

    8 No. La aM

    8 No. Lo pM

    10 No. Sa hd

    8 No. Sa hd

    9 No. Sa hd

    10 No. Sk jR

    7 No. Sk jR

    9 No. Sk jR

    7 No. Eu fE

    10 No. Eu fE

    8 No. Eu fE

    10 No. Ma aA

    8 No. Sa ch

    11 No. Be Si

    10 No. Be Si
















    2 No. BE ER

    3 No. BE ER


    199 No. Ga ni

    199 No. Na FG

    Native Hedgerow Mix

    2 No. Co sa

    9 No. Cr mo

    2 No. Co av

    4 No. Pr sp

    2 No. Ro ca

    Marginal Planting Mix

    9 No. Ca pr

    44 No. Ir ps

    9 No. Ju ef

    9 No. Me aq

    9 No. My sc

    9 No. Si fl

    Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey Map with the permission of the Controller of HMSO. Crown Copyright Reserved. Licence No. 100019279.

    The scaling of this drawing cannot be assured


    Date Drn Ckd


    RevisionProject No Drawing No

    Drawing Title


    Offices at Bristol Cambridge Cardiff Ebbsfleet Edinburgh Leeds

    London Manchester Newcastle Reading Solihull Southampton

    \\SRVLNVFILES3\Files\26000-26999\26000-26099\26007 - Brundall Vision\A4 - Dwgs & Registers\Landscape\26007 L101 Landscape Proposals Plan.dwg - A0

    Check byDrawn by


    Certificate FS 29637


    Land East of the Memorial Hall,



    Landscape Proposals Plan



    MN GW


    Tree Root Protection Area

    Phase 1 Detailed Area Boundary

    Site Boundary


    Ornamental Hedge

    1.8m height


    Ornamental Hedge

    1.2m height

    Ornamental Shrubs


    Wetland Grass

    Marginal Planting

    Private Drives

    Block Paving

    Colour: Silver/Grey

    Access Road

    Block Paving

    Colour: Dark Grey

    Primary Road


    Hedgerow to be retained and enhanced

    1.5m maximum height

    Trees and Hedgerow to be retained

    Existing Features

    Proposed Features

    Wildflower Grass

    Amenity Grass

    Informal Footpaths and Private Footpaths

    Resin Bonded Gravel

    Colour: Buff

    Public Footpaths


    Shared Surface

    Block Paving

    Colour: Red/Brown


    (to Architect's details)


    1.2m height Timber Picket Fence

    Foul Sewer 6m Buffer

    Inset Plan 1:500 @ A0

    Native Shrubs

    Rear Gardens




    0 4

    Native Hedge

    1.5m height

    Native Scrub Mix (Planted at 1.5m centres)

    Species Name

    Common Name Abbrev

    Height General Specification

    Mix %


    Cornus sanguinea Common Dogwood

    Co sa 60-80cm

    1+1: Transplant - seed raised: Branched: 3 brks: B

    20% 15

    Crataegus monogyna

    Common Hawthorn Cr mo 60-80cm

    1+1: Transplant - seed raised: B

    20% 15

    Prunus spinosa


    Pr sp


    1+1: Transplant - seed raised: Branched: 2 brks: B

    20% 15

    Rosa canina

    Dog Rose

    Ro ca 60-80cm

    1+1: Transplant - seed raised: Branched: 3 brks: B

    10% 6

    Salix cinerea

    Grey Willow

    Sa ci 60-80cm

    0/1: Cutting: Branched: 2 brks: B

    20% 15

    Viburnum opulus

    Guelder Rose

    Vi op


    1+2: Transplant - seed raised: Branched: 3 brks: B

    10% 6


    Species Name

    Common Name Abbrev





    General Specification Quantity

    Acer campestre Field Maple

    AC CA 350-425cm 12-14cm RB

    Heavy Standard: 5 brks: 3x: RB: Clear Stem min. 200cm


    Acer campestre '


    Field Maple 'Streetwise'

    AC CAS 350-425cm 12-14cm RB

    Heavy Standard: 5 brks: 3x: RB: Clear Stem min. 200cm


    Betula ermanii Erman's Birch BE ER 350-425cm 12-14cm RB

    Heavy Standard: 5 brks: 3x: RB: Clear Stem min. 200cm


    Betula pendula

    Common Silver Birch BE PE 350-425cm 12-14cm RB

    Heavy Standard: 5 brks: 3x: RB: Clear Stem min. 200cm


    Malus 'Evereste'

    Crab Apple 'Evereste'

    MA EV 350-425cm 12-14cm RB

    Heavy Standard: 5 brks: 3x: RB: Clear Stem min. 200cm


    Malus 'John Downie'

    Crab Apple 'John Downie'

    MA JD 350-425cm 12-14cm 50 x 35cm

    Heavy Standard: 5 brks: 3x: RB: Clear Stem 175-200cm


    Quercus robur

    Common Oak

    QU RO

    350-425cm 12-14cm 50 x 35cm

    Heavy Standard: 5 brks: 3x: RB: Clear Stem 175-200cm


    Sorbus aucuparia

    Rowan SO AU 350-425cm 12-14cm RB

    Heavy Standard: 5 brks: 3x: RB: Clear Stem min. 200cm


    Tilia cordata 'Greenspire' Small-leaved Lime 'Greenspire'

    TI COG 400-450cm 14-16cm 60 x 40cm

    Extra Heavy Standard: 5 brks: 3x: RB: Clear Stem 175-200cm


    Shrubs & Herbaceous - Ornamental

    Species Name

    Common Name Abbrev


    Pot Size Diameter

    General Specification Quantity

    Bergenia cordifolia 'Purpurea' Elephant's Ears 'Purpurea'

    Be cP 2L Full Pot: C 5 43

    Bergenia 'Silberlicht' Elephant's Ears 'Silberlicht'

    Be Si 2L Full Pot: C 5 21

    Brachyglottis 'Sunshine' Shrub Ragwort

    Br Su 30-40cm 3L Branched: 4 brks: C 2 9

    Choisya 'Aztec Pearl' Mexican Orange Blossom 'Aztec Pearl'

    Ch AP 20-30cm 2L

    Bushy: 5 brks: C

    3 63

    Cistus x corbariensis a Rock Rose Ci co 30-40cm 2L

    Bushy: 3 brks: C

    3 50

    Cotoneaster salicifolius 'Gnom' Willowleaf Cotoneaster 'Gnom' Co SG 2L 30-40cm Branched: 3 brks: C 3 127

    Euonymus fortunei 'Emerald Gaiety' Spindle 'Emerald Gaiety'

    Eu fE 20-30cm 2L 15-20cm

    Bushy: 5 brks: C

    4 51

    Fuchsia 'Mrs Popple' Fuchsia 'Mrs Popple'

    Fu MP 20-30cm 3L

    Bushy: 5 brks: C

    3 16

    Geranium macrorrhizum 'Album' Balkan Cranesbill 'Album' Ge mA 2L Full Pot: C 4 38

    Hebe 'Red Edge' Shrubby Veronica 'Red Edge'

    He RE 2L 15-20cm

    Bushy: 3 brks: C

    5 96

    Hypericum x moserianum

    a St John's Wort

    Hy mo

    20-30cm 2L

    Bushy: 5 brks: C

    4 18

    Lavandula angustifolia 'Munstead'

    Lavender 'Munstead' La aM 15-20cm 2L

    Bushy: 5 brks: C

    4 78

    Lonicera pileata 'Moss Green' Privet Honeysuckle 'Moss Green' Lo pM

    2L 20-30cm

    Bushy: 3 brks: C

    4 31

    Mahonia aquifolium 'Apollo' Oregon Grape 'Apollo'

    Ma aA 20-30cm 3L Branched: 2 brks: C 4 41

    Potentilla fruticosa 'Goldfinger' Shrubby Cinquefoil 'Goldfinger'

    Po fG 2L 15-20cm

    Bushy: 3 brks: C

    4 30

    Prunus laurocerasus 'Otto Luyken' Cherry Laurel 'Otto Luyken'

    Pr lO 20-30cm 2L

    Bushy: 3 brks: C

    3 68

    Rosa 'Suffolk'

    County Rose 'Suffolk'

    Ro Su 30-40cm 2L

    Roses - Cutting: Bush: 3 brks: C

    4 16

    Santolina chamaecyparissus

    Cotton Lavender Sa ch 20-30cm 2L

    Bushy: 5 brks: C

    4 93

    Sarcococca hookeriana digyna Sweet Box digyna

    Sa hd 20-30cm 2L

    Bushy: 4 brks: C

    4 86

    Skimmia japonica 'Rubella'

    Skimmia 'Rubella'

    Sk jR

    20-30cm 2L

    Bushy: 3 brks: C

    4 138

    Viburnum davidii a Viburnum Vi da 20-30cm 3L

    Bushy: 3 brks: C

    3 100

    Vinca major 'Variegata' Varigated Greater Periwinkle

    Vi mV 2L 30-40cm Several Shoots: 3 brks: C 3 95


    Species Name

    Common Name Abbrev

    General Specification

    Mix %


    Galanthus nivalis

    Common Snowdrop

    Ga ni

    Grade 6/+

    50% 20 668

    Narcissus 'February Gold'

    Daffodil Na FG

    Grade 6/+

    50% 20 668

    Hedging - Ornamental (Planted at 0.5m centres in a double staggered row)

    Species Name

    Common Name Abbrev


    Pot Size

    General Specification Quantity

    Fagus sylvatica

    Common Beech

    Fa sy

    60-80cm 3L

    1+2; Transplant - seed raised; 3 breaks


    Thuja plicata 'Atrovirens'

    Western Red Cedar

    Th pA

    40-60cm 3L

    Single leader; furnished to base


    Native Hedgerow Mix (Planted at 0.5m centres in a double staggered row)

    Species Name

    Common Name Abbrev

    Height General Specification

    Mix %


    Cornus sanguinea Common Dogwood

    Co sa 60-80cm

    1+1: Transplant - seed raised: Branched: 3 brks: B



    Crataegus monogyna

    Common Hawthorn Cr mo 60-80cm

    1+1: Transplant - seed raised: B



    Corylus avellana

    Hazel Co av 60-80cm

    1+2: Transplant - seed raised: Branched; 3 brks: B



    Prunus spinosa


    Pr sp


    1+1: Transplant - seed raised: Branched: 2 brks: B



    Rosa canina

    Dog Rose

    Ro ca 60-80cm

    1+1: Transplant - seed raised: Branched: 3 brks: B



    Grass Mound

    Proposed Features

    Marginal Planting Mix

    Species Name

    Common Name Abbrev Pot Size

    General Specification

    Mix %


    Cardamine pratensis Lady's Smock Ca pr

    50cc min.

    Plug: Established Root min. 2-3 Months: Sept to April planting: British Native-origin: C

    2 10%


    Iris pseudacorus Yellow Flag IrisIr ps

    50cc min.

    Plug: Established Root min. 2-3 Months: Sept to April planting: British Native-origin: C

    2 50%


    Juncus effusus Soft Rush Ju ef 50cc min.

    Plug: Established Root min. 2-3 Months: Sept to April planting: British Native-origin: C

    2 10%


    Mentha aquatica

    Water Mint

    Me aq

    50cc min.

    Plug: Established Root min. 2-3 Months: Sept to April planting: British Native-origin: C

    2 10%


    Myosotis scorpioides Water Forget-me-not My sc

    50cc min.

    Plug: Established Root min. 2-3 Months: Sept to April planting: British Native-origin: C

    2 10%


    Silene flos-cuculi

    Ragged Robin

    Si fl 50cc min.

    Plug: Established Root min. 2-3 Months: Sept to April planting: British Native-origin: C

    2 10%


    Emorgate EM8 Meadow Mix for Wetlands

    (to be sown at 4g/m2)

    Wildflower Mix

    Species Name

    Common Name % Mix

    Achillea millefolium Yarrow 0.5

    Betonica officinalis



    Centaurea nigra Common Knapweed


    Filipendula ulmaria

    Meadowsweet 0.3

    Galium verum

    Lady's Bedstraw


    Leucanthemum vulgare Ox-eye Daisy


    Lotus pedunculatus

    Greater Bird's-foot



    Plantago lanceolata

    Ribwort Plantain 1.0

    Primula veris



    Prunella vulgaris

    Selfheal 2.0

    Ranunculus acris

    Meadow Buttercup


    Rhinanthus minor Yellow Rattle 1.6

    Rumex acetosa Common Sorrel 1.2

    Sanguisorba officinalis

    Great Burnet 0.5

    Silaum silaus

    Pepper Saxifrage


    Silene flos-cuculi

    Ragged Robin


    Succisa pratensis

    Devil's Bit Scabious 0.4

    Vicia cracca Tufted Vetch 2.0

    Grass Mix

    Agrostis capillaris

    Common Bent 12

    Alopecurus pratensis

    Meadow Foxtail 5

    Anthoxanthum odoratum Sweet Vernal Grass 1

    Cynosurus cristatus Crested Dog's-tail


    Deschampsia cespitosa

    Tufted Hair Grass 1

    Festuca rubra Red Fescue 25

    Emorgate EM5 Meadow Mixture for Loamy

    Soils (to be sown at 4g/m2)

    Wildflower Mix

    Species Common Name % Mix

    Achillea millefolium Yarrow 0.5

    Centaurea nigra Common Knapweed


    Galium verum

    Lady's Bedstraw


    Geranium pratense

    Meadow Cranesbill 0.3

    Knautia arvensis Field Scabious 0.5

    Lathyrus pratensis Meadow Vetchling


    Leontodon hispidus Rough Hawkbit


    Leucanthemum vulgare Ox-eye Daisy


    Lotus corniculatus Birdsfoot Trefoil 0.5

    Malva moschata Musk Mallow 0.5

    Plantago lanceolata

    Ribwort Plantain 1.0

    Plantago media Hoary Plantain


    Primula veris



    Prunella vulgaris

    Selfheal 2.6

    Ranunculus acris

    Meadow Buttercup


    Rhinanthus minor Yellow Rattle 1.5

    Rumex acetosa Common Sorrel 1.0

    Trifolium praetense

    Wild Red Clover 0.1

    Grass Mix

    Agrostis capillaris

    Common Bent 10

    Anthoxanthum odoratum Sweet Vernal Grass 1

    Briza media

    Quaking Grass


    Cynosurus cristatus Crested Dog's-tail


    Festuca ovina

    Sheep's Fescue


    Festuca rubra Red Fescue 20

    Phleum bertolini Smaller Cat's-tail 4

    Trisetum flavescens Yellow Oat-Grass 1


    C Container

    B Bare-rooted and bagged

    RB Root-balled
