a y ftly timesnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/twin-falls... · 2014-12-12 · s i y b i...

S iyB iS :::':;.: is .-.'j 7 •' : ; ' si(Wt^«ij,{NbibBB>m. - 1 “- ' • •' ^ill?D B,p1E<cffW lC'P!0 ^ ‘ -H o U g ^ ^ o jk a -W jic f H ye . , ■ . ^'-AlpulttSv'-''C lcrw i^ .'Club ., ■ •. :^Wp,Hwn^Md P p; ; ■■.•:foiw^’--, ;■ : HOLLYwbbb. Cnilf.; Apra 13—Tl«a ’^o'BtocktJiir eruM don" or.Hollywpotf tfifiincfM thomaelvM (9<toy from ' tho I •tlMks'ot'mlDint'en and club, women. ' - ^ -^AqyXRiri: '.who h u ;bcAiitirul lepi . r «d'-HccJd»'*Hoppor; iM t to Jola Uio ■ . rtokiidf.btro-lcssod--ncrwn Btare. rr'. . •*BetWM, Jt,5»Tw money nnd.Ih inoie \ comf^rtaWi:-:- I : V •,iisjiS±sfe^i^sf5Ks- weiHing;th'*'.old failiJoncrt.cdmcf. 1>> . auit:s«Mon;;]iAalqi7i^Vlll't)0 M POSHO ■ > MVOtdfJroiiiMM.': ' •'Ot.coum.-lh#'bow.JogB«l RlrU wlll .- cmtlona.to/wcar BtockJngs/anil tons ■Vlrtt”:,■> /•-> .•,-,■ .■ • • •" . ' ciM«:Hor(flR (IralbdUhKtnhb mrn , •sUn'v'Mlto^'ftrtt BtraUlng UM teriM'-ottt^d'*clDonia:'.'eJUiilel without downvtoAthelr 'aoWM,-oro’atlracUn* i*” moro atteaUoij'thKi' Wo nro." mmfi - •««' cd CUra.' "rho^aroJce'!" not floaliy. {« «croori:‘yamplr«>. wJi6 ;'l wcttni sten'elia Inatead .of M o c k ln sn. >■>’ V-'SSlSSS3?i5^ ffi r ' **~'tioav0 6 m S w iM \ii9 herl-.ii)tiiiii'and Vii' 'S # ls is^ ^ ® 3 s ii - ;Waa’.vrilC.-r^-d.-jOTt;aB logics How^;foottah.lt w ould'look'todayto •. "\V0ll.;l>«. tapcoo o« m r atocVlnpi •»" '.for *ood~you won't,loo m r piclure * In thrf.hoilojy. it^ any, mow.- ' ^ »*j , nialnt*toloB-nlahHy'Vl*H« orer . the ^ ' • 'oktoitJfe nianaton or Govonior Nellie 5 ^ ' .Tajloo ROMi atocc AprlH. were order- .od rnnoTod'toflay,.-. ■^iS^K s S o S : : " ^ S'] - ,d!a^tloaed;;»He/madO:Bo hddittonal Pf ' • 'explanaM^n.pL (he rooaon fdr lho « • ' -r ^j^*I^U f«:O jerw irel.\n;^‘.. ; KA ', onu >.- '. l l l n ^ H W I c e B l l r l l 'i n J ''''- • COUI ’•'‘iiliyiBH niD llM llU J^' ; ' FAI .dV.in^tlw;iBTMtl«aUoa.to,detaitela« '-■ 5s?aa&?’! . 1^ f’S raitW bniiwbl w tb. .ur- IW xrois^^w«$ ^ :Blttal>»klba oe.tho ftu i bfsaas waa •'*' ctwtM;il£i:.UtU» ahaek oa'tha crm n^ ^ \ . .im ifviR iS& nr.flnr. tt-'diidersnaid . Is btepttal-at ChlCMO. asa i^ .L o d g e M u»t Pay ' .iw j^W O tO N ;’i!prll ji^ A .U r . cullar.taaglo ot,a'Ri)^tarlou^ dia-‘ , APBCArivDco onda:.16djBO'io8Uranco V Versed ,: the :'Nebraaka* . auprbme ■;court decistpn jcqulrian tho Mod-_ .: : cm AVoo(Jmon oT'America, a fm- . ternal abeloty Incbrporaied In 11- Mlnola to pay.|2.000lun(Ier a d«(h £ - benoflt cerilflcale' to Jennie Vtda' .' 'J^lxer: •.'■'•■ '.•••'•- ''Mr*.'Mlxer’ri-hunbahil, a roeni- ' .I«r.^?«V jodi;'b.’'haB b«cn mlan- • ' In* Mr more’ihan'Bovcn'yoari*, ' and., theretoro undor tlie 'laws* df ; . Nebnutko'la lesally' dead, Tbo lodko retuaed tti pay the mdney. . poliHnc to a clauao of Itrt.by-tawa :,.-pr<vldlni;-that-“d{Bapi)can(nco Jn _ , npt « prcaiimptlon ot deatb-.and. ' ' «MB>1 not be^recoimlcod as such. .' In payinentA of MmfrMta.'’ ,<f > ' llllnolll coiirU had hpliI.UinLUio ’ ;<< tiy-law; provlalon was' leeal. 'nnil tv •ptci)ii8'iip®i .- rii Takw iafo tfff' linnk > f iini J!! -..Welglila.Fail to Sliiklib Bodr? Her f* . .IttB?* tjjjem brt ;8l^e«U i C H I(^0'; April 33--Robi)h' Pre*i ton. handioine Sl.year old collcRO atu- ', . dont. polBod'on'abe, d6cH< ai'tho;foot f| of - Madjflon'Btreet,. looked .deop.-lnto I tho plnk dnd purpla'aldryof a aprlni: 1 •«Mnrliu> and tlion. oent ^i; bullet craah- '• 11»K Into hlA- hcad^ Aa ptanned,. tho / body toppled off . Into-U ke MIcW*a» ; . >‘Qut PrealoD'a plan io have hls bo<ly ' sink to the bottom failed-bacaiun the '• tii»o ,vrolnhU ho uaed wore nouhcary • enough, and thus cnmo-'to light .tv. ro; v markAblo human Uocumcnt.ot a^n d - enL'danilncr.youth. who chose,a fowl '- In^etlDB. momenta o( Joyous llrioR aa ' asmlnat A-JonR and viorluroua ' flsht acalBBL'thb dread-dlHoaao of.dlabetes. Ta ^>Th(t^dpcumootr la'.lA -^o..foi^m'- of in thw^dlarlda, -iilartod;>‘;Merch > o.f Se lOa^ Md ift»ea-.*^>J»ld:3)lstarrof the pu tumuU'of’rmtod,'.of Jeapalr, flf tho-ef- J forta to'vdrown out thaikttowlodgo ot. iw tho. certainty .of death. attt(]ra with da « lr la a a d / ' j a u s s l u ’‘. or-/."nocklnK'.' in ' WASlUNdTON. April 13—Prwident qqi pooUdje today; proclfilni6d ,an - In- j„, creaao In the .tariff on . potaaslum _ ' %hlaraRP<a(up.ono.and.ono-half.centa og, per.pound to two and^a auartei; cenU , perpound,.- ..: ... :ii:Tho IneroaBO waa-declded uport after *7 ' an Invostlcatlon by. the.tariff coramla- Blob had Ihdlcat(Ki:ihe oldjariffrdld ««' no^ o quall^ "i*otosjum’ chiorate l8 ''a o ImportiiiH ehl lOBredltfnv in tho maaufaclutO' ' ot g« matches. ' Michigan eonsresaman jo - «« eenUy pleaded with the prealdent’tff* "' mise the tariff to.pi^tect produeora ,u>f there., - - . 4 ; BniRF'CAtJHKB DKATII DRAUOIIT PI ’ IX)8 ANOELKS, Calif.. April VJ Raymooii Tulihs grieved • nver the Icath of hta ount. who committed auU - 1 :ido three monlhs ago by Bwaltowlng iralMtt. Ue U near dnalh today, ao- ' Dordlna to. pollco, from drlaklnc but Dt-the ^awe lyttle. • ' ^ KA8TKR COM .Ii(rrtO\ IH ^ L B N ' PtJKOU),.-Cola. April ■.13—Thlevw . ■. antcred the Trinity Lutheran cburch at. liODLlMl.nlghLaadjioIo_lho_-Cntlco ®“ Baater-collection,'believed to havo . S amounted to several hundred dollars. I aitniflrt was gained OirouKh ihte * Mseneot immnliately. after tho sehr.^ ° Icos; .The colloctio&.hadfhot been . or. PAXnBB'OP WAnrAtt!). ■ : SON 11AM A 8 0 n K ABM ^ 'v COLUiibuS. OhlOrJ^prll- « ; —The ^ Jnt Indication of what 'm a r; hare fe ad .h i* ’wayward aon. Ha!, came. In ^ mnotidweBt that the governor haa , ^ S S iaS w iija ' «V M S™ oaaoB'he would bo nnablo to ptich iie. be fint ball aMho aeaaon opener q * liS S b I s^Mii ’n f. b b M .ltnjm i'B atel iiki u n » ir-im « ‘U .,T t^ ; i... r! ff April ’j Supreme. ’(J^urt' Decision G iV |^ .^byemment V ast IncicM eiirtlntcdm e T axes; .'M ^e« • ^ U ^ti Retf6> i. active iii, a '5ense;Loss' Pri<»X to l?13 l& Taxable. 'WASlIINdTON. D. C . Alirll J3.— Tjio fe<icmi government won uill- }l6ns.,or dotAlN* Iir“«eaai«rtrti5!C>(iloii- Unl ’ Incomo tnx sullft todny Ahon ’ the. imilod States aupremo. courl In two ^ e s vplield the trennu'ry lie- jiorimcnt'B .contention that “jictunl lata" on proi»erty owned previous to . 1013 and sold- nlnco thenYmunt bn ^laeA tu onculotliig tncumoltax'dere- llctlona;- C-X ; Tklnny Ihousands ot tnxpayera nnd , tlie' appeals courts docialnn rovemed • by ihe’,hlgli tribunal todny,'held L Ihdt 'thu fair market' vnluo of tlto brojiorlt on March" 1. 1033. was tlie fiRure required .by-the law lt«elf (or. \iiio"‘ln' computing loaa on property owned- tli?h .nhd; aold since.- . ' The 'treasury department mnlil- t«ln«il the •>etual,loaa'* Ib the baals for'Ueductloiii;.:'..' ' ? ' r. - ' TAX REDUCTION WILL BE ISSUE NEXTGAMPAIGN KANSAH CITY,'. Mo.. A p r i l , 13.—. Tax. reducUnB-wlIl bo the lilg isauo In llio nexT. ca/npaign. according, to SenBibr... Charlea Curtis, ;KnnaBa, re- publlcon .floor leader, In tho senate. .Senator Curtis, who waa hero bo- lw««B’.,trftlnB l9*lay, docJaTod ta* To- duction also would hi thq pre'dom- .iTOniylsayo. heforo -Ujo. hoxi con- I. ''CdtigrMB has . concluded a buc- year ending .July. l.j-lPtS.'was 970>- 000,000 less than for the year end- itig J u ly I,.- 102B. In- addlUon the national ilobv waa reduced *700,000.- 000 laal year."- t ; Consclldatlon.' of hureatu. nnd do- partmentavwlll 'effect a' great aay* Inga, 10 the govemm.ont, CurtIa oal^l. and .-wlii. mako itoBstble further, .ro- ductieh ;in -texea.' • ' i',buM>RKN nnOWNRI) 15 AUTO j l- PEIUJilT.-Minn:; April • la-Tlirco ehlidren drowned. In thn Red rivor ,’ near hero, tato SvQday when- 0«rtha < Heg«on«Bs,'17. learning to drive a car,' ' «na)ied'thrpugh'a bridge tailing. I thhdoatlglng.^Y.lorr . I 'v.\ ~ 1 I WHEELER CASE ...... :■ ■ ':•■• . •« Stalf lias SnmVoBPd'Ovpr!^oriy m u I nmM lor.Tmtlfv r.That -fifaalor £ r Wbi>eler ArcepM VreS^ftier llelng I Kleeted.Sraatort Sepnbllcaa Chair- t aaa Nay Te«i|&< - - ' . p -aREAT PAJ^LS;. Mont, April 13— I Great Falla'today began, to atir wlih - Interest in the approachinic trfal of ^ Sonaior Uurton K. .AVheoler,. which m opena In federal' court Thursday. j. Forty wltneaaea have 1>eoo auramon- e od byitUe'fiovarament to aa effort'to g proreVbarRea that -Senator Wheeler g acceptM feM. for appearlog. boforo the » dwartmcnt'oC Interior aa attoraor af> tJ ter ho becamo aaeatar: . ^ . Much Jnierost«{a.centered In .the . QuosUoB whether Oeorgo O. -Loekr « wood, former,aeeretary, of the repub. « lican'naUonal caminlttoo, and Slalr Coaa. his enplore. will be callcd, to (, ^ w Coan who Visited ® aaljBnUa larU ai^-lSSC InrMtlgaU p ing tho Wheeler eaae prior to the Jun- . lor Montana aeoator'a IndlctmenL Ac- f oordlag to hla own sutemeota. Coaa waa worWag under t^e direction otj TSB(nctflnt./tB&v^oa leaked. ODthei Bt tho ITailM StlUoa dlstrtet Atlorsey^ t MOerhaM tocaaaormaen that theae « ^ wpBld a o t . » » a ^ jo tho ■jtaod w u|1niitt«trr^'«B kod.abM t lho ro> a M >'kls'«aIr'Tt9lr^w «a:- . ' . a ^n-lteff*:<M (UD»mt'jai'to aay oa 1> ^^Sirf^tiesweelwldS^rSetl s', lo ;l , . ' ayft , IDAHlcii|M:dND/tiV AP] ^M lT R IE S II, lfl1M llH ''.v llv .| on Bnaiid'of f ranee Has Been ist' Again. V Named Premier !s; and Is Ttyi^ to Select a •6> Ne\y: C ^ h e t Md* Rehab< »ss' ■ ilitate ’^ each Financial s. . CoUapie.^_ .PARIS. Ap/li^ia;—Ari«il(lo* iJrlnnd. III. Boveiiaimoa j)r}m|er'ot Krunco, huld Ml- jwflU<vil •.«onf«*«<“’» n i . Illa home ion Uiroughoiit tbptmorninn, onduuvorlng in to,form hio .eighth uilnlntry, nt tlio ic- rcnueat ot PrsJIdoni Uoumorgue. iml I’aul I'nlnlovo; first choice us nuc- to ccsaor to Bdqnard Herrtocr-suuio-anc- * bn od na forecaBt|jby.4hv l^ultoiT I'roas. ro- tliHt ho cuuld pioP form a HntUlnc- tory cabinet. KOrtiMjd, : wh<v woutd nd Imvo proforrod|\ oortfollo ns niiulH- ed ter of foroigp: af]fnlra undur I'nln- ' ]ld lovo. then' toqif up Iho (nnk.. ho ; Aa llrlantT: coiiiHltod with pulltical Ile atlll .(iunnctai ; iondora; - Loula Lou- lor cheur, M.. Ma,uiraud, a former min- -ty Ister of the Interior: .M. Uo Monsib ' and -M. tlpbineau, gov'oruor of the Id- Dunk of Franoo, it wus announced Ils by Du'Aloncle thnt it was uecuKsnry .. thnt n govemii^ent be piit togetiior nnd. (hnl tho Uniinclul. sltuniton 'bo * votileil nl’ (Ul eosin betoro Wodnea- . dliy. Anothor stntomoni lu duo from tho Dank Fruncu on Wednusdny . and Du ,Monsle> imld, " It la lm|ion- sllile for liny golornuidnt lo contluiio the . ubnomml ridadonM with thu N Bnnk of Fmnco, now •oxlnting." I U -wan pernibiHlon granted’ the. Sank »f Franco (u imnn Ihe liinli o( ilB vurroiicy Usuo wlilch cuuaud thu dowufall of. thu Ilurrlul' govoru- !r "Sinco -It 'may inko AfSsIlrland i- sovornl dnyn to ’Complete IiIh convor- ” ai^tions," M, Do MonxloRuld, .-I .havo [used him' to'suggest -to' Proaldunt. Doumergud that a provisional gov- . ^ emment be fdrrhed to dbal'wtth U>e < r laattor of the Dank of Frahco;-even 1> g.rif the cabinet'laaui but n few'daya. \v ' ••The csBbnUal U'sK ot.sueh a gov- (n .. ernmenl would be to'prbposb In tho chahiber a lawMregulatlng, tho ques- ^ ! » : j ••■It'Kuld'.io iigroed'thnt this cab- f ,a Inei would enter no geneml'iioliii- g, ” cal debate.” ■ . ^ . 8H irPt\G llOARD ffRTS ? , AS EXTENSION ON J' ' ,|.>JU!<(rWON OF 8AI.K '* WASIUf«Tto0^a. April 13.—: jl? .. JhoJ-shipplDR.'.-boari}—.ioday— wna ° ' . granted ..until April 20.’. t o prepare- .0 IU 'answer to vtho Injunction ault , ' lr brought by the Pacific Mail Stenm- a ahto company to pravenl thb aale . r,- or* five govorament liners to the J. Dollar Unea. Tlie hoard was .10 have-ahown causa today wby a lem- porary (pjunctlon granted the Pn- *’ clflD company on APril S* restraining ' the aale. had nol beon mnde per- r \ -r^a.ent -- _________' ; Strobeck May Be :*^lTOtcd P r ^ i d e n t 7 i" : ' ;.of Umv* Student® ci« I* '■ ''Moacbw.-Aam*S»fmil ir. siro- die • beoki Bon of .Mr. afi^M rs. O. F.'Htro- pn hnck-of^TnJn Falla. has.Jjo;^ nomi- coi > nutodlforprcaideat of the Aaaoclnicd < «■ StudeaU of tbo .Unlyorslty of Jd4ho. firl T KlecUoa aa president of . the atndont tht ^ body, to'tho.W gh^st offlc<' wit.hin the cot . plft.of-the Btudenta.. The primary a*< clecUon w^il be heldiApril IC nnd ilio . y : s? f 'xerwltTv Stneo eomlug to thb univor- wo » alty ho hM.hecn.exceptionnliy active "I lu aludenti, affaira^ having hold u,-v- eil - enU offleea aad-for one aemester waa rea > oa tho-Btaff.of the .Uolverslty Arao- CIb ^ aadt atudeat aeml-mopthiy cewapa- » per.t laWltw o^ tho.facl that he’ waa n T the otolrwaa^aomlaated at the nom- »• • tnaUaf wcBihly. mwUy.. tt la gen- » Bt^lly sa p p e d tbat J»e wlH be elect- ^ o<C -Othw caadld«ei-«ay fHo ihclr • papen. lator If they obtaUi 26 namea- • oa a petition reqnlred by.;he conail- . • tation.. Thoro sp« • of raaalng beforo tho'.primariea. Leo ; Flemlnr ta the iBgumbeot la office. *»i i) Three Die. in./Auto ; Accidents Yesterday ^ LOB ANOBLBS, ciiUf.. .^ r n 13— ^ Three p«ra«u^«a«d-aad.foot oth- iren aro ta a.crttleal eopdltlon aa thd ^ l Uoeaalt- of >autaao6lle--acUdeaU Id X I sonihera-.caIUEn»->om tha'Eaater i|wetii.bad. & pTOlaentLofe I Aagalea aatoohblte^flaler. aad TIb - r .M LY T ■PRIL 13, 1925. ' . P C H A P M A N ’S r j ^ ^ a >> UndiTNVorlir ’pulH of aeruiti'^Clin; D for tli(* m im lt'r'or^a (’oiiiicitticnl j J I>iinii>i{f .nf lilt? StaVuoii Jliiloi- conipii 1 . wliicli iloslni.vt'il the luiiltlii'iK j»mI *'if ■ (KJlt. ■iMisH.Catliorhic J5oimi,.Hecri:t«r; . nKftbiHt fJhiipiimti. i<l?iit(fynig-»imi m - JVfeny-^RRids—Piromiseci S ; Following Death .of U. S. Signal Corps, Man ^A.N . Fn4.S'CIRC0. April wi—Po- U llcv and prcihli>l(ion raidv wnro Hli promiai'ii toihiy us thu .result of lho rix donth of T. P. O'Connor, 23. of tho (hi Signal cnni* aboard Iho U. 8. S. nlc .YiiH)«rbiii;h. ................................. i-oi BhIpmntus d( O'Connor,, here wllh 'I V.lho vlnillnr Aiuorlcnn Tloct, hnvu nlo lurncil III ilntii cm suvoml bllnil plgn iirc ' vlnnoi) by the willnr. If nnalynlM of iim , D ’Cbnnor'H iiUimach ahuwa ho' died in-, of poiaon liquor (hese pinrci* wll] bo nit prosecnkd, authorltloa promlacd. per Fifteen Policemen Go on Trial and 54 "t Plead Guilty of Graft qu< I s .' ______ uno CIIIOAOO. April .13-Flfl4jMi Cln- clnnaii pollcmcn, all thai remain ftf H (he 71 pollr^uun nuci ilry*anrnia tn- dieted In - (ho Kovomi'ionCa Kmrt probo here—went on trial In fcilrrul conrt today. Of the 71 orislnnllr Indlctcd fbr . firlbery nnd .l>oo(-iesKlng, flfty-fou^ . i threw Uicmaclves on tho mercy of ttie court by plcadlna RulUy and (wo dry BRcnla'have nnl hron captured. . ' . Ail of the flrat day in-court wna ex- ,fft, pectfd to bo roqaumed In.thfiJteloetion tii^; of a jSiy from (he 80 vonircmrif anm- inonnd. ' T Tlio Ko\-emm<!n( n(tom«rn annmmc- „i,,j e<l flvo pr09i<cutlun u-ltncs»oa wuro .i,. ready to tell "how craft t^aa kink in Clbclnnati.’V _________ - j.ou Wyomin;8r. C avalry Is. Called tO; t^ight Bigr' ^ Forest ty _^bss nra LARAMIE, Wydi' Aprtl' W.—1 | re- g t sponse to a call Issoed by Oovlmor , Nellie Tayloe Robi tn Cheyennf. the tO nth cavalry of '.the Wyomlni^ Na- / tlonal guard loq,)^ the field atcmld- alghC to flRbt a iforeat ftr« which ^lar was threatening a aatlonat forest reaerre here. » * , srai Tao fire •tartedtsererei dayf ago tlea bitt-ijcas believed { to have I been ; m cheeked.- High wfods aUrto# It w atreah. anrt Gbv^or Itoaa,;when eraj gh* learned of the. aitnaUoa. asked ac« Use gnardaaen to rolnateer ihelr ton - •■ •-■■; - ..l ^ A.S d BN>*EA. CoIi ^; JkprtlV l*:^ »0«0 foot-Plaafb^-te altpllMr-wa* be- JI«t«A to tUa«« cored»lh» deatowa jouj ot-Jloben'Sgben h e r* ,-,.-. ud :a»b«rt trM the hasiMow^- um, iwT&««t Tedurday...^ Ba vhaoy’b a .. d ^ / tor -«0-.ya<n..--;::;^;. , ....^ - ^ ss^issi^s.'^.as Bttgttal:4am m nsorjM -’;'.. v » tr IMES V ' I ’S REVENGE r } niii >0 '^ iji> thl of Tn coi int Jlmpmnn, imndit, Heiitciii’cil lo <iu* jy‘ I jiolipeniiin. uru liUiuicd for the pr< (ijiii.iiy'K KuraRc n t Slouboi'n7 ll«,*. <)., |Ju: 1 f)(i ntiioiiiohtluK nt i< losn of W-V tnr.v. «if tJio coiniwmyi Jmd tcHliticd g I HH nil ntiUiiiioiiile tliiof. . . ' pij to Fix Tariff on . Railroad by Court WA&lU.S'GTO'N. f). C.. A prll^iS.— weri’ ilunlfil a froo hjRid In fUlilK Intm-ntJito frolKht/e''rato» . j through tholr public- service com- T , alons _by n Unltod States aupremo- court r«lln'»r’l'xlnyV ' ^ c-„i Tho high court nivereed lho doci- ... slon of tlm WashrtiRlon stato ' bu- Iiruiiio ouurt which uphold the nc- ', llnn of (lie jH.ito ilepnrtmenl of pub- ift; u'orkn iti mluclng latru-ntale . niti's OP loRH'by 'npproxlnuktely 20 , per cont. ,|,- vTho Norlliorn Pacific Railway ^ " rWpan»- nnd. three olher roads af- ;, fncitml 'iipiMialed, claiming the now rnttm 'wnuld bn confia'catory. The .i court today dlil nnt frtilo. on tlila , qutmt'ion but hold .tho commission jJ: uRod orronenus'taila (islnr nuMods. ------'•----- . ' !" ■.•■• ker Henry Ford. ,^ter^;; Airship! Business . with; AUrMe^-Ship w ’ W’TTROIT, Mlolu Aprli n-jr^lroady well reprcavntc<l upon, the-hlghwa}-a ; anfi ocfana.-Henry Ford today placed —« jaa namo Into tho aky when th b -" ^ - Pl <ren Doarboen” all metal ’ airplane l«l blaxeil the trail, of an/sxphna rauto Ut l»etwcen-ibe >-nrlouR Ford plaata. Tho .nhtp left today-at 0:32 a. m. T nhd. h<‘ado<i for Chlcaen' with one IJ thoiwand pounds of -frclshl; Sho is Jl rxpccicd to mako tbo voyoxe lo threo •' houra. maklDR a return trip thla afl- ernoon.. Later Iho’acbrdiiio will call I for dally two hour tripa betweea D o- - I l>om and Chicago.’> M n. llearr Ford, aaalsled by hor hqabandnoia a o iiri^ l. placed tho N firat freight upoa. lho. atrahlp.. Rai Stock 'Broker Arrested for Jumping His Bond ^ - - --------- . yeai IJOB ASQCLES. April 13-Magv* K. S< Manhall. fODoar.Chicago atock,brok- catli cr, w u arreatad hero today oa a talo^ aitfr grap^ w a rn ^ from Dlloobi cathortr irtM tlea.' ~'i_' : Marshall la wanted la bhleag»-r'la fMb eonnbcttoo wllh aUesed lllagal b ro » M a eran-(4itnuloaBnwHrtiray«anacS Mb BCCOrdiarts adrtoaa tram Bute'S Mr .-SV tomey Roheit:S.'Crowfc .v - - ■ QhI Hr (a slle^ to hsve dtoo te.Los tfu An>»ln sftw .aMtns.-hlPtgada > gil«iagp.r> .. ' ; . ; 4 - .-' -.‘ ‘vl aad' . CLOCO U k S K 'n ^ KofCT ' xVSn LOKDOW.. A»rtl ♦ytlttfS ^ Qoud Bank woe ttaa.‘Qaan<h;pnB«’at ttra K^t6s>Bii(;^to4ar.^lur-'a. .BaV- ^ lottgh'B Sasten.ttoaarA >B a McM^I ab* S 55'#£^^J!r’!^S HTOaal M >tq^i^iM y^B ial;jlftliM 3K ^ IDAHO W EATm ’’ t , ’ I'^lr tonlRht snd 'Tues- dny: modonto tempers* j ' l ’ ■; =^=s=======ip=s^ OLD'VOL. n i L ^6..65: RIGHTTOPliiNT IW T M j? Supreme Court of U. 3> Will Decide Two. Great Issues; First, Has President Right « io Remove Appointees, *and Right to Public Tax R::htm8 . WA.SiKN(1T0N. April 13—Tlie Unil- vd SiaiKA siipri'mc court today waa nilltrd upon (o lay down tn " do un- rnriiilii icriiis n cti<ar. Cdmprohenalvo nnil itni-'iulvocai unnHlruetion” ot (ho rlcU(H nf fn'c npniTh (iiid freedom of lho prcjw ns KUoran(ced in tho firstV nmi'nilnirni lo the conHlltution. t ' ' 1.1 iii’pnriiiu brlofa filed by Ncwion ll. nukur. former ni'crulnry of war. aa rounacl fnr Ihii Oaltlinoro Posl, a , iKcrlpps-Hnwuni newspaper, nnd by Sunninr J aiiii' h A. Itmd, AlisHourl dem- ncrni. counxcl for thu ICnnaon CItjf .Iniirnni-l’oMt—till- n?o pnp'eni ' being proHuriiicd by tijo government for »!•' luced lllneni publlcutibh' of incono Inx rolumn, the contention was made " thni ihrso rlRhia nro iMtlnR abridged: . "The freedom ot th'o preu suatas- lanl hy ihu first amendment conslatB of the rlRlit of tho press freely to print whntevor anyono may lawfully liny to overynnc." Dakcr aald. ' ^ WAsiiis'CTON, d : a. aphi is^ Twit riinjor laauca were brought bo-. foH- .Ihu United . Stales supremo court (mlny for argument-tho right of, tho prnnideot (o remove’ troia affli-u his own or hls predecq^ar'a nitpolntcoa, and tlio right ot news- impura to print Incomo .tax returna muUo public by' tho laat rovenuo* ',; law. .■■; ItoUi tataos aro' hold .to' bo of fQiJr .. . (tjimeninl Importance *and 'a dlstia- ". '.« Rtilalied 'array of legal', counsol will • 'jj tie heard on bolb Bides.-. Tbe.artu* mont will' (ako 'phtea .bbforo Chlet:./ Justice Tafu Seciaioii. la;tte>eaBW , ,v;| probabtr wUr'be . haadad-ao«a;''la Juno,' . '' ' . ' ./uc.,’. ■>'./. ' ’ i-'.'s-.'•’-w Tho caso involvlag'-the preBldta*'. . Hal. power waa brought' by. iF nak ’ S. Meyen, wlh> waa< ’n m o re d - a S ’Vi .pbsimnator of Portlaad." Or«4-'^ :7S Vroalde^ni W l l ^ a ,lh^■M,20.^ cnurl on the'ground th'at. hla •;.? (Contlntfbd oa ^ g a 9) ;• RK.S'Sirjnr KAMRJ) ASStStANT ; . : V • 8T,\TK FORESTRtt OF. IDAHO . J ■fSpeclal to T he'T im es.).' ;'* 'i 'Aj 4.UOISI3. April 13— B. W. ReashBw, ., n senior In the'Ohlvenlty of Idaho .-jJ school of forestry, waa appoialad SoliirdBy by Uirf Kate hoardrof land — cnmmtBatoneTa aa aaslstaQt, state rorr ^ cfltor. ’. '. j" , ' ''.S Mr, Renahaw w ill a«rf« , aadar: . 'if Ren R. Rush of Moseow. prevlooBljr . chosen sa the atate'a tin t' foraatw; ■; £ in Initiating the ' admlatotraUeu. dt. R the. forest conservaUop ' act pSBsad, by tho J92S leglslatdre. Thd aasUt>. ;V^ aat'n.aatary T^lll-b*.|UOO_.s_yBar.'.^•• <a HROKKR niKS XT^TBBIO.USLT /; ->^3 LOS ■ANQEtBS, Callt,'' April 11— • ^ ^ The audden and myBter1ou~'death'at' MlUon J. MtL»«a. waaJthy cottoR.ht^ . .g ker, wns Investigated today’b y stH ihor'lietL . .. ' McUes died from eanrolaloos. ae^’ ' '7J9 cordlnR lo'physldana' nporu-to''^'.' t-Sa lice. A Elaas. half-rilltd--wlUi'llqoor/ ’ wax found al.hlabedeMejuKl Uia ces-> tenu were to be analysed tbdar by. li -il rorooar»V c h s a U t . ... f Railor'.pb|bGgntB^ laad 'had ’tlK ?a»eBeiang m tta (» ^ = g « M ctssloiu ef .1 l^ a y = SW 8S583i»;g* •sti* ’t^at^iSpwS^^

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Page 1: a y ftLY TIMESnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014-12-12 · S i y B i S : : : ': ; .: is .-.'j 7‘ •' : ; ' si(Wt^«ij,{NbibBB>m. -1“- ' • •

S i y B i S : : : ' : ; . :is .-.'j 7 ‘

•' : ; ' s i(W t^ « ij,{ N b ib B B > m . - 1“-

' • •' ill?D B,p1E<cffW l C 'P ! 0 ‘

— - H o U g ^ ^ o j k a - W j i c f H y e

. , ■ . '-AlpulttSv' - ' 'C l c r w i ^ .'Club ., ■•. :^Wp,Hwn^Md P

p; ; ■■.•:foiw^’--, ;■ :H O L L Y w bbb . Cnilf.; A p ra 13—Tl«a

’ o 'B tocktJiir e ru M d o n " or.Hollyw potf tfifiincfM thomaelvM (9<toy from ' tho I • tlM k s 'o t'm lD in t'en a n d club, women. '

- -^AqyXRiri: '.who h u ;bcAiitirul le p i .

r«d'-HccJd»'*Hoppor; iM t to Jo la Uio ■. r to k i id f .b tr o - l c s s o d - - n c r w n Btare.

rr'. . •*BetWM, Jt,5»T w m oney nnd .Ih ino ie \■ com f^rtaW i:-:- I

: V •,iisjiS±sfe^i^sf5Ks-weiHing;th'* '.old failiJoncrt.cdm cf. 1>> . auit:s«M on;;]iA alqi7i^V lll't)0 M POSHO ■ > M V O tdfJroiiiM M .': ■' •'O t.coum .-lh# 'bow .JogB «l RlrU wlll .- cm tlona.to /w car BtockJngs/anil tons „■■ ■Vlrtt”:,■>/•->.•,-,■.■ • • •"

■ . ' ciM«:Hor(flR (IralbdUhKtnhb mrn ,•sUn'v'Mlto^'ftrtt B traU lng UM teriM'-ottt^d'*clDonia:'.'eJUiilel w ithout

dow nvtoA thelr 'a o W M ,-o ro ’a tlracU n* i*” moro a ttea U o ij'th K i' Wo nro." m m f i - •««' cd C U ra.' " r h o ^ a r o J c e '! " n o t floaliy. { «

«croori:‘yamplr«>. wJi6 ;'l w cttni sten'elia Inatead .o f M ocklnsn. >■>’

V - ' S S l S S S 3 ? i 5 ^■ ffi

r' **~'tioav0 6 m S w i M \ i i 9 h e rl- .ii) ti iiii 'an d Vii'

' S # l s i s ^ ^ ® 3 s ii- ;W aa’.vrilC .-r^-d.-jO Tt;aB lo g ic s

H ow ^;foo ttah .lt w o u ld 'l o o k 'to d a y to

•. "\V0l l . ; l> « . tapcoo o « m r atocV lnpi •» " '. f o r *ood ~ y o u w o n 't , lo o m r p ic lu re *

In thrf.hoilo jy . i t ^ any , m ow .- ' ^ »* j

, nialnt*toloB-nlahH y'Vl*H« o r e r . th e ^ ' • 'o k t o i t J f e nianaton o r G ovonior N ellie 5 ^

' .T ajloo ROMi a tocc A p rlH . w ere o rder- .od rnnoT od 'to flay ,.-.

■ ^ i S ^ K s S o S : : " ^ S']- ,d!a^tloaed;;»He/madO:Bo hddittonal Pf ' • 'explanaM ^n.pL (he rooaon fd r lho « •' -r ^ j ^ * I ^ U f « : O j e r w i r e l . \ n ; ^ ‘ .. • ; KA

', onu

>.- ' . l l l n ^ H W I c e B l l r l l ' i n J ' ' ' ' - • COUI ’• '‘i i l iy iB H n iD l lM l lU J ^ ' ;' FAI

.d V .in ^ tlw ;iB T M tl« a U o a .to ,d e ta ite la «

'-■ 5 s ? a a & ? ’! .1^f’S r a i t W bniiwbl w tb. .ur- IWxrois^^w«$ ^

:B ltta l>»klba oe .tho f t u i b f s a a s w aa •'* ' ctw tM ;il£ i:.U tU » ahaek o a 'th a c r m n ^ \ .

. i m i f v i R iS & n r . f l n r . t t - 'd i id e r s n a id. I s b te p t ta l- a t ChlCMO. a s a

■ i ^ . L o d g e M u » t P a y

■ ' . iw j^ W O tO N ; ’i ! p r l l j i ^ A . U r ‘. c u lla r .ta ag lo o t,a 'R i)^ ta rlo u ^ d i a - ‘, APBCArivDco onda:.16djBO'io8Uranco

V Versed ,: the : 'N ebraaka* . auprbme ■;c o u rt decistpn jc q u lr ia n tho M o d -_ .:: c m AVoo(Jmon oT 'A m erica, a fm - . te rn a l abeloty Incbrporaied In 11- M ln o la to p a y . |2.000lun(Ier a d « ( h £ - benoflt c erilflca le ' to Jenn ie Vtda'

.' 'J^lxer: •.'■'•■ '.•••'•-''M r* .'M lxer’ri-hunbahil, a roeni- '

.I « r .^ ? « V jo d i ; 'b .’'haB b«cn mlan- •' In* M r m ore ’ ihan 'B ovcn 'yoari* ,

' and., there toro undor tlie 'laws* df ;. N ebnu tko 'la le sa l ly ' dead, Tbo

lodko retuaed tti pay th e mdney. . po liH n c to a clauao o f Itrt.by-tawa

:,.-p r< vld ln i;-tha t-“d{Bapi)can(nco Jn _ , np t « p rcaiim ptlon o t deatb-.and . ' ' «MB>1 n o t be^recoim lcod a s such..' In payinentA o f MmfrMta.'’ ,<f

> ' lll lnolll coiirU had hpliI.UinLUio ’ ;<< tiy-law; provlalon was' leeal. 'nnil tv

•ptci)ii8'iip®i.- riiTakw iafo tfff' linnk > f iini J!! -..W elglila.Fail to S l i i k l i b Bodr? H er f* . .IttB?* t j j j e m b r t ; 8 l ^ e « U i •

C H I ( ^ 0 '; A pril 3 3 --R o b i)h ' Pre*i ton. handio ine S l.y ea r old collcRO a tu - ', . dont. polB od'on 'abe, d6cH< a i 'th o ; fo o t f | of - M adjflon 'B treet,. looked .deop.-lnto I tho p lnk dnd p u r p la 'a ld ry o f a aprlni: 1 •«Mnrliu> a n d tlion. oen t ^i; bu lle t c raah- '•11»K Into hlA- hcad^ Aa p tan n ed ,. tho / body toppled off . In to - U k e MIcW *a» ; .

>‘Q ut PrealoD 'a p lan io have h ls bo<ly ' sin k to th e bottom failed-bacaiun th e '• tii»o ,vrolnhU ho uaed w ore n o u h c a ry • enough, and thus cnmo-'to ligh t .tv. ro ; v markAblo hum an U ocum cnt.ot a ^ n d - enL 'dan ilncr.youth . w ho c h o se ,a fo w l '-

I n^etlDB. m omenta o( Joyous llrioR aa ' asmlnat A-JonR and v io r lu ro u a ' flsh t acalBBL'thb dread-dlHoaao of.d labetes. Ta ^>Th(t^dpcumootr la'.lA -^o ..fo i^m '- o f in th w ^ d la r ld a , - i i la r t o d ;> ‘;M erch > o.f Se lOa^ M d ift»ea-.*^>J»ld:3) l s t a r r o f the pu tum uU 'of’rmtod,'.of J e a p a lr , flf tho-ef- J fo rta to'vdrown o u t thaik ttow lodgo ot. iw tho . certa in ty .of death . attt(]ra w ith da « lrla a a d / ' j a u s s l u ’‘. or-/."nocklnK'.' in

' WASlUNdTON. A pril 13—P rw id e n t qqi pooU dje today ; proclfilni6d ,a n - In- j„ , creaao In th e . ta r i f f on . potaaslum _ ' % hlaraRP<a(up.ono.and.ono-half.centa og, p e r.pound to two and^a auartei; cenU , pe rpound ,.- . . : ...:ii:Tho IneroaBO waa-declded uport a fte r *7 ' an Invostlcatlon by. th e .ta r if f coramla- Blob had Ihdlcat(K i:ihe o ld ja r i f f r d ld ««' no^ o quall^

" i* o to s ju m ’ ch io ra te l8' ' a o ImportiiiH ehl lOBredltfnv in tho m aau fac lu tO ' ' o t g « matches. ' M ichigan eonsresam an j o - « « eenUy pleaded w ith the prealdent’ t f f * " ' m ise the ta riff to .p i^ te c t produeora ,u>f the re ., - - . • 4 ;


Raymooii Tulihs g rieved • nver the Ica th of hta ount. w ho com m itted auU - 1 :ido th ree m onlhs ago by Bwaltowlng iralMtt. U e U n e a r dnalh today, ao- ■ ' Dordlna to. pollco, from d rlak ln c bu t D t-the ^aw e ly ttle . • ' ^

KA8TKR C O M .Ii(rr tO \ IH ^ L B N ' PtJK OU ),.-Cola. A pril ■ .13—T h le v w . ■.

antcred th e T rin ity L u the ran cburch a t . liO D L lM l.n lghL aadjioIo_ lho_-C ntlco ®“ B aater-co llection ,'be lieved to havo . S amounted to several hundred do llars. I

a i t n i f l r t w as gained OirouKh ihte * M seneo t im m nliately. a f te r tho sehr.^ ° Icos; .The c o llo c t io & .h a d fh o t been .

• o r.PAXnBB'OP W A nrA tt!). ■: SON 11AM A 80nK ABM ^

'v CO L U iibuS . OhlOrJ^prll- « ; —T he ^ J n t Indication o f w h at 'm a r ; h a re

f ea d . h i * ’w ayw ard aon. H a!, came. In ^ m n o tid w e B t th a t th e governor h a a , ^

■ S S i a S w iija ' «V M S™o aaoB 'he w ould bo nnablo to p tich i ie . be f i n t b a ll a M h o aeaaon opener q *

l i S S b Is^M ii’n f . b b M . l t n j m i 'B a t e l iikiu n . » » i r - i m « ‘U . , T t ^ ; i . . . r ! f f



S u p r e m e . ’ ( J ^ u r t ' D e c i s i o n G i V |^ . ^ b y e m m e n t V a s t I n c i c M e i i r t l n t c d m e T a x e s ;

. ' M ^ e « • ^ U ^ t i R e t f 6 > i . a c t i v e iii, a ' 5 e n s e ; L o s s '

Pri<»X t o l ? 1 3 l& T a x a b l e .

'W ASlIINdTON. D. C . Alirll J3.— Tjio fe<icmi governm ent won uill- }l6ns.,or dotAlN* Iir“«eaai«rtrti5!C>(iloii- Unl ’ Incomo tnx sullft todny Ahon

’ the. im ilod S ta te s auprem o. cou rl In tw o ^ e s vplield the trennu'ry lie- jiorimcnt'B .contention th a t “jictunl la ta" on proi»erty owned previous to

. 1013 and sold- nlnco thenY m unt bn ^laeA tu o ncu lo tliig tncum o lta x 'd e re - llctlona;- C - X; Tklnny Ihousands o t tnxpayera nnd

, tlie' appeals c o u rts docialnn rovemed • by ih e ’ ,h lg li tr ibunal to d n y , 'h e ld L Ihdt 'th u fa ir m a rk e t ' vnluo of tlto

b ro jio r lt on March" 1. 1033. w as tlie fiRure requ ired .by-the law lt«elf (o r. \iiio"‘ln' com puting loaa on property owned- tli?h .n h d ; aold since.- .' T he 't re a su ry departm ent mnlil- t«ln«il th e •> e tu a l ,loaa'* Ib the baals for'U eductloiii;.:'..' ' ? '

■ r . - '


KANSAH CITY ,'. Mo.. A p r i l , 13.—. T ax . reducUnB -w lIl bo th e lilg isauo In llio nexT. ca/npaign. accord ing , to SenBibr... Charlea C urtis, ;KnnaBa, re- publlcon .floor leader, In th o senate.

.S e n a to r C u rtis , w ho w aa hero bo- lw««B’.,trftlnB l9*lay, docJaTod ta * To- duction a lso w ould h i thq pre'dom- .iTOniylsayo. heforo -Ujo. h o x i con-

I. ''CdtigrMB h as . concluded a buc-

y e a r ending .Ju ly . l. j- lP tS . 'w a s 970>- 000,000 less th a n for the y e a r end- itig J u l y I,.- 102B. In- addlUon the na tio n a l ilobv w aa reduced *700,000.- 000 laa l year."-t ; Conscllda tlon.' o f hu rea tu . nnd do- p a rtm en ta v w lll 'e f fe c t a ' g re a t aay* Inga, 10 th e govemm.ont, CurtIa oal^l. and .-wlii. m ako itoBstble further, .ro- ductieh ;in - texea.' • '

i ' ,b u M > R K N nnO W N RI) 15 AUTO j l- PE IU JilT .-M inn:; April • la -T li r c oehlidren d ro w n e d . In thn Red rivor ,’n e a r h e ro , ta to SvQday when- 0 « r th a <Heg«on«Bs,'17. le a rn in g to drive a car,' '« n a ) ie d 'th rp u g h 'a bridge ta ilin g . Ith h d o a tlg ln g .^ Y .lo r r . I'v . \ ~ 1


WHEELER CASE. . . . . . : ■ ■ ' : •■• . • «

S ta lf l ia s Snm V oB Pd'O vpr!^oriy m u I n m M lo r .T m tlfv r.That -f i fa a lo r £

r Wbi>eler A rc e p M V re S ^ f tie r lle lng I K le e te d .S raa to r t S epnbllcaa Chair- t a a a N ay Te«i|&< - - ' . p

-aR E A T PAJ^LS;. M ont, A pril 13— I G reat F a lla 'to d a y began, to a t i r w lih - In tere st in th e approachinic trfa l o f Sonaior U urton K . .AVheoler,. which m opena In fed e ra l' court T hursday . j.

F o rty w ltneaaea have 1>eoo auram on- e od byitU e 'fiovaram ent to a a e ffo rt 'to g p ro reV barR ea th a t -Senator W heeler g accep tM feM. fo r appearlog. boforo the » dw artm cn t'oC In te r io r aa a t to r a o r af> tJ te r ho becam o a a e a ta r: . ^. Much Jn ie ro st«{a .cen te red In . th e . QuosUoB w h e th e r Oeorgo O. -Loekr « wood, form er,aeeretary , of th e repub . « lican 'n aU o n a l cam inlttoo, and S la lr C oaa. h is e n p lo re . w ill be callcd , to (,

^ w Coan w ho Visited ®a a ljB n U a l a r U a i ^ - l S S C InrM tlgaU p in g tho W heeler eaae p r io r to th e Jun- . lo r M ontana aeoa to r'a Indlctm enL Ac- f oordlag to hla ow n su te m e o ta . Coaa w aa w orW ag u n d e r t^ e direc tion o tj

T S B (n c tf ln t . / tB & v ^ o a le a k e d . ODthei Bt th o ITailM StlUoa d ls tr te t A tlo rse y ^ t M O erhaM to c a a a o r m a e n th a t theae « ^ wpBld a o t . » » a ^ j o th o ■jtaod w

u |1 n i i t t « t r r ^ '« B k o d .a b M t lho ro> a M > 'k ls '« a I r 'T t9 l r ^ w « a : - . ' . a ^ n - l t e f f* :< M ( U D » m t 'ja i 't o a ay o a 1>

^ ^ S i r f ^ t i e s w e e l w l d S ^ r S e t l s',


;l , • . '

a y f t, IDAHlcii|M:dND/tiV AP]

^ M l T R I E S

I I, l f l 1 M l l H ' ' . v l l v . |

on Bnaiid'of f ranee Has Been ist' Again. V Named Premier !s; • and Is T ty i^ to Select a •6> Ne\y: C ^ h e t Md* Rehab< »ss' ■ ilitate ’ e ac h Financial s. ■. CoUapie.^_

.PA RIS. A p /li^ ia ;—Ari«il(lo* iJrlnnd.III. Boveiiaimoa j) r} m |e r 'o t Krunco, huld Ml- jwflU<vil •.«onf«*«<“’» n i . Illa home ion Uiroughoiit tbp tm orn inn , onduuvorlng in to ,fo rm hio .eighth uilnlntry, n t tlio

ic - rcnueat o t P rsJIdon i Uoumorgue.iml I’au l I'nlnlovo; f irs t choice us nuc- to ccsaor to Bdqnard Herrtocr-suuio-anc- * bn od na forecaBt|jby.4hv l^ultoiT I'roas. ro- tliH t ho cuuld p io P form a HntUlnc-

to ry cab in e t. KOrtiMjd, : wh<v woutd nd Imvo p ro fo r ro d |\ oortfollo ns niiulH- ed te r of foroigp: af]fnlra undur I 'n ln - ' ]ld lovo. then ' toqif up Iho (nnk.. ho ; Aa llrlantT: coiiiHltod w ith pulltical Ile atlll .(iunnctai ; iondora; - Loula Lou- lor cheur, M.. Ma,uiraud, a fo rm er m in- • -ty Iste r of th e In terio r: .M. Uo Monsib '

and -M. tlpbineau, gov'oruor o f the Id- Dunk of Franoo, it wus announced Ils by Du'A loncle thn t i t w as uecuKsnry .. th n t n govemii^ent be piit togetiior

n n d . (hnl tho Uniinclul. s ltun iton 'b o * votileil n l ’ (Ul eosin betoro W odnea-

. dliy.A nothor stntom oni lu duo from

tho Dank Fruncu on W ednusdny . and Du ,Monsle> imld, " I t la lm|ion-

sllile for liny go lo rnu idn t lo contluiio th e . ubnom m l ridadonM w ith thu

NBnnk of Fm nco, now •oxlnting." •I U -wan pernibiHlon g ra n te d ’ th e . S ank »f F ranco (u imnn Ihe liin li o( ilB vurroiicy Usuo wlilch cuuaud thu dow ufall of. thu I lu r r lu l ' govoru-

! r "Sinco - It 'm ay inko A fSsIlrland i - sovornl dnyn t o ’Complete IiIh convor- ” ai^tions," M, Do MonxloRuld, .-I .havo

[used h im ' to 's u g g e s t - to ' Proaldunt.’ Doumergud th a t a p rovisional gov- . ^ e m m en t be fdrrhed to d b a l 'w tth U>e < r la a tto r o f th e Dank of F rahco ;-even 1> g . r i f th e cab in e t'laa u i b u t n fe w 'd a y a . \v

' ••The csBbnUal U'sK o t.su e h a gov- (n .. e rnm en l would be to 'p rb p o sb In th o

chahiber a lawMregulatlng, tho ques- ^

! » : j••■ It'K u ld '.io iig ro e d 'th n t th is cab- f

,a Inei would e n te r n o g e n e m l'iio l iii- g, ” c a l debate.” ■ . • ^

. 8 H i r P t \ G llO A RD ffRTS? , A S EXTENSION ON J ' ' • ,|.>JU!<(rWON OF 8AI.K

'* W A S I U f « T t o 0 ^ a . A pril 13.—: jl? . . JhoJ-sh ipp lD R .'.-boari}— .ioday— wna ° ' . g ran ted ..until A pril 20.’. t o p re p a re -

.0 IU 'a n sw e r to vtho Injunction a u lt , ' lr b rought by the P acific Mail Stenm- a a h to company to praven l thb a a le . r,- or* five govo ram en t line rs to th e J .

D ollar U n ea . T lie hoard w as .10 have-ahow n causa today w by a lem - po rary (pjunctlon gran ted th e P n - *’ clflD company on A Pril S* restra in in g

' th e aale. had n o l beon m nde p e r- r \ - r^ a .e n t - - _________ '

; S trobeck M ay Be :*^lTOtcd P r ^ id e n t

7 i" : ' ;.of U m v * Student® ci«

I* '■''M o a c b w .- A a m * S » f m i l ir . s i r o - die• beoki Bon of .Mr. a fi^ M rs . O. F .'H tro - pn

hnck-of^T nJn Falla . h a s .J jo ;^ nomi- coi> n u to d lfo rp rc a id ea t of th e Aaaoclnicd < «■ S tudeaU o f tbo .U nlyorslty o f Jd4ho. firl T KlecUoa aa p resid en t o f . the a tndon t th t ^ body, to 'th o .W g h ^ st offlc<' wit.hin th e cot . p lf t .o f - th e B tuden ta .. T he p rim a ry a*<

clecUon w^il be he ld iA pril IC nnd ilio . y

: s?f 'xerwltTv Stneo eom lug to th b univor- wo» a lty ho h M .hecn .excep tionn liy active "I

lu aludenti, a ffaira^ having hold u,-v- eil- enU offleea aad -fo r one aem este r waa rea> o a tho -B ta ff.o f th e .U olverslty A rao- CIb a a d t a tudea t aem l-m opthiy cew apa-

» p e r .t la W ltw o^ th o .fa c l th a t he’ w aa n T th e o to lrw aa ^a o m la ated a t th e nom - » •• tn a U a f w c B ih ly . m w U y .. t t la gen- » B t^lly s a p p e d tb a t J»e wlH be elec t- o<C -O th w c a a d ld « e i - « a y fHo ih c lr

• p a p e n . la to r If they obtaUi 26 namea-• o a a pe tition reqn lred b y .;h e conail- .• ta tio n .. T horo sp«

• o f r a a a ln g beforo tho '.p rim ariea. Leo; F le m ln r ta the iBgumbeot la office. *»i

i) T h ree Die. in./Auto ; A cciden ts Y este rd ay ^■ LOB ANOBLBS, ciiUf.. . ^ r n 13— ^

T h ree p « r a « u ^ « a « d - a a d . f o o t o th- i r e n a ro ta a .c r t t le a l eopdltlon a a th d ^ l U oeaalt- o f > a u taa o 6 lle --a cU d ea U Id X I so n ih e ra - .c a IU E n » -> o m th a 'E a a te r i|w e tii.b a d . & pT O laen tL o feI Aagalea a a to o h b lte ^ fla le r . a a d TIb - r


LY T■PRIL 13, 1925. ' .


r j ^ ^ a


U ndiTNVorlir ’pulH o f aeru iti'^C lin ; D f o r tli(* m im l t ' r 'o r ^ a ( ’o iii ic i ttic n l j J I>iinii>i{f .nf lilt? StaV uoii Jliilo i- conipii 1. w liic li iloslni.vt'il th e luiiltlii'iK j»mI *'if ■ (KJlt. ■ iM isH .C atliorhic J5oim i,.H ecri:t«r; . nKftbiHt fJhiipiim ti. i< l?iit(fyn ig-» im i m

- JVfeny-^RRids—Piromiseci S ; Follow ing D eath .of U.

S. S ignal C orps, M an^A.N . Fn4.S'CIRC0. April wi— Po- ’

U llcv and prcihli>l(ion raidv wnro Hli promiai'ii toihiy us thu .resu lt of lho rix donth of T . P. O'Connor, 23. of tho (hi S ignal cnni* aboard Iho U. 8 . S. nlc.YiiH)«rbiii;h. ................................. i-oi

BhIpmntus d( O'Connor,, he re w llh 'I V.lho v ln illn r Aiuorlcnn Tloct, hnvu nlo

lurncil III ilntii cm suvoml bllnil plgn iirc ' vlnnoi) by the willnr. If nnalynlM of iim , D ’Cbnnor'H iiUimach ahuwa h o ' died in-,

of poiaon liquor (hese pinrci* wll] bo n it p rosecnkd , authorltloa promlacd. per

Fifteen Policem en Go on T ria l an d 54 "t P lead G uilty o f G ra ft qu<I s .' ______ uno

CIIIOAOO. April .13-Flfl4jMi Cln- clnnaii po llc m c n , a ll tha i rem ain ftf H (he 71 po llr^uun nuci ilry*anrn ia tn- dieted In - (ho Kovomi'ionCa Kmrt probo here—w ent on tr ia l In fcilrrul co n rt today.

Of the 71 o r is ln n llr Indlctcd fb r . firlbery nnd .l>oo(-iesKlng, flfty-fou^ . i th rew Uicmaclves on tho m ercy of ttie co u rt by plcadlna RulUy and (w o d ry BR cnla 'have nn l hron cap tured . . '. Ail o f the flrat day in-court wna ex - ,fft, p ectfd to bo roqaum ed In.thfiJteloetion tii^; o f a jS iy from (he 80 vonircm rif anm- inonnd. • ' T

Tlio Ko\-emm<!n( n (tom «rn annm m c- „i,,j e<l flvo pr09i<cutlun u-ltncs»oa wuro . i , . ready to te ll "how c ra f t t^aa kink in Clbclnnati.’V _________ - j.ou

Wyomin;8r. C avalry Is. C alled tO; t^ight Bigr' ^ F o res t t y _^bss n ra

LARAMIE, W ydi' A prtl' W.—1 | r e - g t sponse to a call Issoed by O o v lm o r , N ellie T ayloe Robi tn Cheyennf. th e t O n t h cavalry of '.the W yomlni^ Na- / tlona l gua rd loq,)^ th e field a tcm ld - alghC to flRbt a ifo rea t ftr« w hich ^lar w as th rea ten ing a aa tlo n a t fo rest rea e rre here . » • * , srai

T ao fire • ta r te d ts e re re i d a y f ago tlea b itt-ijcas believed { to have I been ; m cheeked .- H igh w fods aU rto# I t w a treah . anrt G b v ^ o r I to a a ,;w h e n eraj gh* learned of th e . aitnaU oa. asked a c« Use gna rd a ae n to ro ln a tee r ih e lr t o n

- •■ •-■■; - .. l^ A.S

d BN>*EA. CoI i ; J k p r t lV l* :^ »0«0 f o o t - P l a a f b ^ - t e a ltp llM r-w a* be- JI«t«A to tUa«« co re d » lh » d e a to w a jouj o t- J lo b e n 'S g b e n h e r * , - , . - . u d

:a » b « rt t r M th e h a s i M o w ^ - um , iw T & « « t Tedurday...^ B a vhaoy’b a ..d ^ / to r -« 0 - .y a < n . . - - ; : : ;^ ;. , .... - ^

s s ^ i s s i ^ s . ' ^ . a sB t t g t t a l : 4 a m m n s o r jM - ’; ' . . v » t r



} niii






Jlmpmnn, im ndit, Heiitciii’cil lo <iu* jy‘ I jiolipeniiin. u ru liUiuicd for th e pr< (ijiii.iiy'K KuraRc n t Slouboi'n7 ll«,*. <)., |Ju: 1 f)(i ntiioiiiohtluK n t i< losn o f W-Vtnr.v. «if tJio coiniwmyi Jmd tcHliticd gI HH nil ntiUiiiioiiile tliiof. . . ' pij

to F ix T a riff on “ . R ailro ad by C ourt

WA&lU.S'GTO'N. f). C.. A p rll^ iS .— w eri’ ilunlfil a froo hjRid In

fUlilK Intm-ntJito frolK ht/e''rato» . j through tho lr public- service com- T , alons _by n Unltod S tates aupremo- c ou rt r«lln '»r’l'xlnyV ‘ ' ^ c-„i

T h o high co u rt nivereed lho doci- . . . slon of tlm WashrtiRlon sta to ' bu- Iiruiiio ouurt w hich uphold th e nc- ' , llnn of (lie jH.ito ilepnrtm enl of pub- ift; u'orkn iti m luc lng la tru -n ta le . n iti 's OP loR H'by 'npproxlnuktely 20 , per cont. ’ , |, -v T h o Norlliorn Pacific Railw ay ^ " rW pan»- n n d . th ree olher roads a f- ; , fncitml 'iipiMialed, c laim ing the now rnttm 'wnuld bn confia'catory. T he .i court today dlil nn t f r t ilo . on tlila , qutmt'ion bu t hold .tho commission j J : uRod o rro n e n u s 'ta ila ( i s ln r n u M o d s .

------'•----- . ' !" ■ .•■• kerH en ry Fo rd . ,^ te r ^ ; ;

A irsh ip! B u s in e s s . w ith; A U rM e^ -S h ip w

’ W ’TTROIT, M lolu Aprli n - jr^ lro a d yw ell reprcavntc<l upon, the-hlghwa}-a ;anfi oc fana .-H en ry Ford today placed — «ja a nam o In to th o aky w hen t h b - " ^ - P l <ren D oarboen” a ll m etal ’ a irp lan e l « lblaxeil th e trail, o f a n /s x p h n a rau to U t l»etw cen-ibe >-nrlouR Ford p laa ta .

T ho .nh tp le ft to d a y -a t 0:32 a. m . Tnhd. h<‘ado<i fo r Chlcaen ' w ith one IJthoiw and pounds of -frclsh l; Sho is J lrxpcc icd to mako tb o voyoxe lo th reo •'houra. maklDR a re tu rn tr ip thla a f l- ■e rn o o n .. L a te r Iho’ acbrdiiio w ill ca ll Ifo r da lly tw o h o u r tr ipa betw eea D o - - I l>om and C h ic a g o .’>

M n . l l e a r r Fo rd , aaa lsled by ho rh qa b an d n o ia a o i i r i ^ l . placed th o Nfirat fre igh t upoa. lho. a trahlp.. Rai

Stock 'B ro k er A rrested fo r Ju m p in g H is B ond ^

- - --------- . yeaiIJOB A SQ C L E S . A pril 13-M agv* K . S<

M a n h all. fOD oar.Chicago a tock ,b rok - catli c r, w u a rrea ta d h e ro today o a a talo^ aitfr g r a p ^ w a r n ^ from Dlloobi c a th o r tr irtM tlea.' ~ ' i _ ' ’: M arshall la w anted la bh leag» -r 'la fMb eonnbcttoo w llh aUesed lllagal b r o » M a e r a n - ( 4 i tn u l o a B n w H r t i r a y « a n a c S M b BC CO rdiarts adrtoaa tram B u te 'S M r .-SV tom ey R oheit:S .'C row fc . v - - ■ Q h I

H r (a s l l e ^ to hsve d to o te .L o s t f u A n>»ln s f tw .a M tn s .- h lP tg a d a > gil«iagp.r> . . ' ; . ; 4 - .-' -.‘ ‘v l a a d '

. CLOCO U k S K ' n ^ K o fC T ' xVSn LOKDOW.. A »rtl ♦ y tlt tfS ^

Q oud B a n k w oe ttaa.‘Q aan<h;pnB «’a t t t r a K ^ t 6 s > B i i ( ; ^ t o 4 a r . ^ l u r - ' a . .BaV- ^ lottgh'B S a s t e n . t t o a a r A > B a McM^I a b *

S 5 5 ' # £ ^ ^ J ! r ’! ^ S

H T O aal M > t q ^ i ^ i M y ^ B i a l ; j l f t l i M 3 K

^ I D A H O W E A T m ’’t, ’ I '^ lr tonlRht sn d 'Tues-

dny: m o d o n to tempers*

j ' l ’ ■; = ^ = s = = = = = = = i p = s ^

OLD'VOL. n i L ^6..65:


Supreme Court of U. 3> Will Decide Two. G reat Issues; First, Has President Right

« io Remove Appointees,* and Right to Public Tax

R::htm 8 .WA.SiKN(1T0N. A pril 13—Tlie U nil- ■

vd SiaiKA siipri'm c court today waa nilltrd upon (o lay down tn " do un- rnriiilii icriiis n cti<ar. Cdmprohenalvo nnil itni-'iulvocai unnHlruetion” o t (ho rlcU(H nf fn 'c npniTh (iiid freedom of lho prcjw ns KUoran(ced in tho firstV nm i'nilnirni lo th e conHlltution. t ' '

1.1 iii’pnriiiu brlofa filed by Ncwion ll. nukur. form er ni'crulnry of w ar. aa rounacl fnr Ihii O altlinoro Posl, a

, iKcrlpps-Hnwuni new spaper, nnd by Sunninr J aiiii'h A. Itm d, AlisHourl dem- ncrni. counxcl fo r thu ICnnaon CItjf .Iniirnni-l’oMt—till- n?o pnp'eni ' being proHuriiicd by tijo governm ent for »!•' luced lllneni pub llcu tibh ' o f incono Inx rolum n, the contention w as m ade " thni ih rso rlRhia nro iMtlnR abridged:. "T he freedom o t th'o p r e u s u a ta s - lan l hy ihu f irs t am endm ent conslatB of the rlRlit o f tho p ress f ree ly to print w hntevor anyono m ay law fully liny to overynnc." D akcr aald. ' ^

W Asiiis'CTO N, d : a . a p h i i s ^Twit riinjor laauca w ere brought bo-. foH- .Ihu United . S ta le s suprem o cou rt (mlny for a rg u m e n t- th o r ig h t of, tho prnnideot (o rem ove’ tro ia affli-u his own o r h ls p red ecq ^ ar 'a nitpolntcoa, and tlio r ig h t o t new s- impura to p rin t Incomo .tax retu rna muUo public b y ' tho laa t rovenuo* ',; law. .■■;

ItoUi tataos a ro ' hold .to ' bo of fQiJr .. . (tjimeninl Im portance *and ' a d ls tia - " . '.« Rtilalied 'a r ra y of legal', counsol w ill • 'j j tie heard on bolb Bides.-. T b e .a r tu * m ont w ill' (ako 'p h tea .bbforo C h le t: . / Ju stice T a fu Seciaioii. la ;tte > e aB W , , v ; | p ro b ab tr w U r 'b e . h a a d a d -a o « a ; ' 'la Juno ,' . ' ' ' . ' ./uc.,’. ■>'./. ' ’ i - '. 's - . '• ’-w

T h o caso invo lv lag '-the preBldta*'. .H a l. pow er waa b ro u g h t' by. i F n a k ’S. M eyen, wlh> waa< ’n m o re d - a S ’Vi .pbsim nator of Portlaad." O r « 4 - '^ :7S Vroalde^ni W l l^ a ,lh^■M,20.^

cnu rl on th e 'g r o u n d th 'a t. hla •;.?

(Contlntfbd o a ^ g a 9) ;•

RK .S 'Sirjnr KAMRJ) A SStStA N T ; . : V •8T,\TK FO R ESTRtt OF. IDAHO . J

■fSpeclal to T h e 'T im e s .) . ' ;'* 'i 'Aj 4.UOISI3. A pril 13— B. W. ReashBw, ■ . , n sen io r In th e 'O h lv e n lty o f Idaho .- jJ school of forestry, w aa appoialad SoliirdBy by Uirf K ate h o a rd ro f la n d — cnmmtBatoneTa aa aaslstaQ t, s ta te ro rr ^ cfltor. ’. '. j " , ' ''.S

M r, Renahaw w ill a « rf« , a a d a r : . 'if Ren R. Rush of Moseow. prevlooBljr . chosen sa the a ta te 'a t i n t ' foraatw ; ■ ; £ in Initia ting the ' adm latotraU eu. dt. R th e . fo rest conservaUop ' a c t pSBsad, by tho J92S leg lsla tdre. T hd aasUt>. ;V^ a a t 'n .a a ta ry T^lll-b*.|U OO _.s_yBar.'.^•• <a

HROKKR n iK S XT^TBBIO.USLT / ; -> ^ 3 LOS ■ AN QEtBS, C a llt , '' A pril 11— • ^

The audden and m yB ter1 o u ~ 'd ea th 'a t' MlUon J . MtL»«a. w aaJthy c o tto R .h t^ . .g ker, wns Investigated to d a y ’b y stH ihor'lietL . • .. '

M cU es died from eanrolaloos. a e^ ’ ' '7 J 9 cordlnR lo 'p h y s ld a n a ' n p o r u - t o ' ' ^ ' . ' t-S a lice. A Elaas. h a lf-r illtd --w lU i'llqoo r/ ’ wax found a l.h labed eM ejuK l Uia ces-> te n u w ere to be analysed tb d a r by. l i ■ - i l rorooar»V c h s a U t . ... f

R a i l o r ' . p b |b G g n t B ^

laad 'h a d ’tlK ? a» e B e ia n g m t t a ( » ^ = g « M c ts s lo iu e f . 1 l ^ a y = S W 8 S 5 8 3 i » ; g *

•sti* ’t^at^iSpwS^^

Page 2: a y ftLY TIMESnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014-12-12 · S i y B i S : : : ': ; .: is .-.'j 7‘ •' : ; ' si(Wt^«ij,{NbibBB>m. -1“- ' • •

' ^ 6 _________ ■

I ^


; r ro p r«njJllloji« nn .r.H > n»irr t 'o RrYli'irtsi Jfr lli-jinrtmi-iil i>f Auri-

rn ltu re of Iiln1i<». *

n O ia e , Ida|jo,.A i> .i:l!il3.-T lio croi.V gffiw a‘'l«i» ‘;i>.

y*; March wore Kurli ok not lo liii«rf<‘rc Tl iw rlm m lr’w fli npitMnal)!.' fnnn work

' r «nd m uch plow inc and ritilni; Af ill'^ ’ «oll w m nccoinplUIicd In. Uio early * dlBirtelii. SjitlnK stoillnK va» flnl»ti-

M In goml nraiiun. Jun t now liioro ir .• aomo complKlHl thni Uio will In dry

nml bnr<1, <ltio tn ilrylnR vrlndn nncl' ' ' ‘ .tho lack of rain , bu l flHd nnd <ircliu^

|f l:‘ . w ork Ik Buncrally vory w tll In JiaJflT . The oxirrtne cold lant U ccunhoi .

nfe ' . cannril connldcMliIo danm so Co cropf Wr. In «oni<* locnIJilPB. W lntor wljoni In» - p a rticu la r a u trm d maicrlally;. i>oil' S ' . trom frodzlnc anil from hcnviTic. tli<R - loflA am ounllnK .^o w» niiicIi an JO u.K . . CO p e r com In aofno conntio#. T ho rt

' x a > «oiT)0 -wlntor kklUns of alCuKa S ‘ '■ a lso , lho iofla bclnK npprozlinatciy Ir

th« aamo ratio ' na lho Iona of whoat 5- ; Dam ago lo f ru l l waa no i on novoro aj< iv WOB a i 'r im t auppofloiJ. Ilowov.-r, Jhorc.

\w aa aoine loaa.-not only of frnli I)ikIh & fo r thla Maaou’a crop? bin bIi«» of thi

j-oimij. irow . Pcacho9 Boeni lo have . •i-;. . nufforort moal. Ihon ponnt. cliirrlow,

and a p p lw .-ln iho order nntnod. Cm- K ' ’ ■ tin Imvo como ihrouKh tho wlntor hi W.- . only fttJr ahari’ In nioat «ocllonn, ih« fe .T hiKh prlco of food lonilliis iiNinnkt-

Ih ln Block. W intur pr«clp»B\li«i .wm au lio favornhlf nnd proijjiuciii fm

f e ' . ahOndanl fw t ftn Ihu rijngu a rc very

V f'so iiJhw oal IilaJio:' A conHldornliliH-.' Dortion of thu rototlivoly iimnll a e rvSf.’ BKO o t w lntor w hcat nown In Ihla «llnI t trifcl walk w inlor Jcllloit. Clo\-cr nlw'?:■ . su ffered henvlly. A lfalfa. In the mnh' /tf.- ' camo throiiBh In fu lr -io fdxxl ali"l>i‘?{ ' a llho tieb (h tro arv dead npoin In iiinn}g '.- ' ficlda. W hether thoM. n n . diio l«'

w ln io r kllllnE o r havo ronttliod fromQ ,'- tlio h e i l anil rtroiiRlil ot U»V ««ro«iotK. II la difficu lt to 'dolornilne. Thcro ua»:J'i bo no dotihi ih a l '/n ilt hiiilB wr-ro dniii

. • aiied Jiy lho uniinuaHy low ti miiorn- lu rea oxporlenced In Docembor. Apri- cola, peaches, and awcol cliorrlos won

K ■ , hotdcaC UU. Ihoweh hy nn inoiitiK i K to u t loaa In n il com nicrclal lirc lia r- , E ; - (llalrlcla. Apple*, p runea and tioui f ^ . chorrlos auffored lonuL l e > • In a fow localUioa calllo nro ro

po rt#d-tW a bccauso « . imarclly a n rM gh prie# of fowl. l)« irfo r Ihu tnon.

R i - i p a r t Ibey bavo eomo throuKh lho winP - ’ lo r sood. Shoop, -w horo propcrl;

p a red for. have wlntenJil woll, Hart?. A inblnir waa carrlcd on iinitnr falrl:

fftvorablo w ea the r conditions wltlI - . ■r,“'e'roi's"s,';»,,ura, -. tho f ro s t w cat ou i o f tho Rround earl}

- In BOMM Tho ^ o im d had hooi deeply ftozen and ntolnUire hlid pcn-

V olraiod well^ An a conaoquonco Uu g;' aoll haa w orked up In oxcolluni ron-

' d ition apd aeed bods hnvo boon tlltoc. w ith-a ralnim uin of otfori. All Boaaon

^ ab le w ork hi well in hand. In ih c hiRl' d ia lricU liio tiolda nro ailH Hnow-cov-

orciL and no tleid ia yoi poanlhjo. Soulijcasl Idah(C Duo to Iin clo

, v itlo n m uch of th la -accllo ii n t thi 1. a ta te U a llll under anow covor nnd li

ia not ye t poaalhlo to doirnu lno tin M len l 10 w h ith w in lor w hoal hna t«?c^ dam ased. IC a t a ll. Ovor ihu nniiihuri hh if o f th o dlatrlct aprInK If woll ail-

• >-ancod and m noral fan n work In l»« o r Ihreo wcoVs iiliead o t nonnul. li thU acclinn w in ter w hoat aiifforo.

- C onsiderab le dainni;o. O lhor cro|in di; n o l a p p ea r lo havo licon danincril Itcporta indicalo th n t In xpltc o t lh< -

• ha^-d w in te r calMo nnd ahcop iiovi cotM th ro u ch Iti very UOihI niiapo 'W inter m olaturo wna nd<'«|iia1o iin< ranco proaiwcla. *ai» f«r an iironr-n' m olilu rn condiilona nro Cnni(;rnod a rc Eood.

society].Tri.C r iiit) 3 I«-I«-T h.- Trl-C rltii.

wna rtrlleh ifu lly rnt» rtnlrnd Sntiiid.ij rvohlnff n l tho homo n t Mion I'ntricli Wllaon. IlrldKo wnn iho ilivor»h)n fn. thb rronInK nnci MIkb ro»:«y Wnll, i jnicat o t Ihe du ll, hold iilsh xrnri! nn< .MIa» U etiy WllBcui iow. At ibo rlmn o t th e Bamo* th e lionUsn da in ty retreahm onia.

^ B ib le nwuglitTSrTbdauT U R LO tlD SUSTAINS.—They lluii i

w all u p w Uie Lnnl ahall ronru- tbolr • f r ^ n t l f t «h*>y ahall w oimt up » lib wiBffa aa pa6l»<: thoy abnll nm .nnd •nol b« w *a»rs-aaiL .'*?'y .

______ and no t-ta ln t.—laaT T * ^ _

, K !tc h * n * r^ M F o r e u ia r n in g ^• I h a re rcBit. or iM-t-n fold, a

atory tha t. lni«Vfilni: tb>* «n-n. li.-«. h. o f K. extx-aod liImM-lf tM B>tBll man. Tboy tiOd h ip b r «nii|-I probably l>e ahm. Uo rojillod: ' N->'

. llkoly. I wa* ivjd •-•me- tlfiVo Bt^-rnr-^ rn d would l>« 10'9>» dri>«l^il at

C urloui Ihat It »boiil(l o-nip injo.—' U»iir Adm iral IZardloyWllaioi. in

^ X i ^ e tew fth Contiry.'

T ^ a T I Iw o ^o d I N Y E r I

I w5*SK^ * W D i r M

* ^ dpiffl


T W « U b .U oe« W w M B tiMIbo aootU og backcrtiaBd c o lo r . , . ! «

, By A . LOUISE 1I palance is a prerc<iiiiii)e of e:•ooll»ntt Toomiu T lw tc is a, (i ,'laken idea Ihat to 1« aooIhiiiK n room mtiRt be moiioUm<nia. Dullg rry walls, noutr.il K'een ciirtainii |( and. tiTiholnlery, pnntcl colureilllBhts—-in ao niany'peopW *' miiifl* j, lliciie .m ean li.miiofty. Ilu t to tUc

- cnl[|{hlL'nc(I aniil il nicniis monoi> „* ouy. T h e rcnl rc.im n f«ir tbe sal- „

infyiiif? ro<fm is babncc, bnlh inline an<! color. \ ' ]i

i In .th e .ibcivc iftW iralion we h.ivc tj ja parilciil.-irly (doaKiiix biibncc. Tbo:{uinrls nre oven, ntul r.iihrV narrow [,'

.ihecaiise ths room i* low oi-illni'cd | |and Krcdii ilic added liciKht w hidi ,|

.oblnincil tIirr>iiKlt lho pvrpoii'tiuii* i!lar linos,' Tbc rcciaiiKular »h»iic of (),the I’AMoIs ia ropcatcii in the lallice* icliVe lincik in ihc wallpnp'cr.HjiH they i«are lirnKfn "al rc««lar interval* Iiy birh.ini<in>r'Umkets of lirlght j:nlnrcd );Ifiower*.' . The - paper i* fnrninl c| lenoiinh’ . for ilila tip«la!rs livlnfr-

. romn. btil of anch hriftht ami happy r<colora tUat the w itok Tnnmyl* tm'ut ntaround ibom. T h e siniiile WfaiRht tilined in rnitiirc and the ohv-inii!i hues aiin the )ari;c^ boarOs o i the iloor ui

~~j[ Tests

Tr*ta made of tho thonannila o f cat hold tn ChleaRo undor the auapleo* o

jK o u n ila tlo n favo a cross soctinn view ^ t ^ a f l d th e Imporatlvo need of to»tlni

eaae realatanoe before nlnntlni;. Tlie -KormlD.itIon t»at in tho BTEI. T he oi te s t mnde of Jt aot In th e oraL n (IS.ahowa tn lho n»s-d*l\ teaior. JCv

I from two pood onra «it oom. aiiltnhlo ( I kornoja from tronk nml dlaonaiil eara ll

T here wero 27.on(t onirloa nt tbe com fn rt thn t mom tbnn ‘JTi por cont o f thi aeodlpg. ' * ________ ^ ___________

PO Pj l-.r-Lr-.-C'. v T .

I • A '.s v' •* Ta CK-L ov V.r;;

O-.C0 r/-=rLC,



■ | j .


eTQoir « ° I« » I» <!<>■ '««>»1* w«ll Kl in its cleTor de il(n . se nLLEBROW N)f carry the rectanRiiIar effcct into the »• (nnn»|iinKS us well as the walls, a I lu l.w c arc then forced lo cop*II >Kl<rr 'h .ilancc. T he room m ust nnt » look iikc a fiitiirintic drawloR. The <1 n rlif t h.ia therefore added a roiinii• table roll ciiabion* a t the ends o l '

tlve cwreli, an«l al>ovc »ht„>ki.k an'' (iv.-il m irror. Theae definite cirelcs• make <ii|r balance plcaiirif;.I* T h e problem of balancc in color’

has also been aoh-ed. The fo rn coN c TTrciI b.i«o of the wallp.iper is ofTwt0 by a rreponderanee of soft gree ''V in the iiiihfdilcry rii«l, llillll the room conld-srtllTie weak If we tl dill not .idd lo Iheae base 'co lors ■ llie hriKbt hliie and oranne of Ihe f flower* in tbe desiKn wilh iU• loigchei of hlack ns accen t There y ia halanco between th^se cxcitinR y hriKhl colors ami ihc soothing haek>'I KTtiiiml colors as well as m th e '1 clever u«e of dedffn. ' .

In the stndy of a well hatanced I* room of this k lnd .it can he readily.I aeen vfhy ItftrlinB derprators' arc t tiirnlnt; f ro i \c o I d . nnf^cilnfr walls s and recommuSlinR ao s troA gly the r use o( color a titt-^ s isn .

} d - c m d B a d , C o m

’ car* Bt tho MbUoobI Seed Core show •a of Ibo Sfan»-Roebuck AsrieuUural lew of tho corn altiiBtloo of tho conn* Ktlotr fo r sennloatlcm pow er and dla- n ie nppor « r la a sood ear. w ith a lO o ther c a r bt a poor one. w ith tbe

nolow aro tb o a c n a l testa made ?Cutat»r I a a« 8 a w Wied

llo for aei^llne. Howa 2. 4 and 5 are I ra tha t ahauld no t bo planled na seed, oro ahow nnd th e to.itta w e a le d tho t tho eom of th e oountrr is unlll for j

'-'.E.'N „ '■ . / ^ - ' r . S - S o vJo,') 5UI1H A

• ; # BC-5-.OE5 iC c'2; ^ ^ ---- — 4 } t MCR CCCVjD-

f L'O C.vT«e5 ^ V '- C DON'T H/ ------

_______________ / ■

_ T W r N F A - U . S D A I L Y _ T 1

Idaho Y . fti. C . A.- J l ' . S i s c r e l i r y S c n d T ' ? ' 1 .

O ut E aste r L etterII III n]iprcachlOK' IC.inier llmo >

wben wo cHpeclally think of uur church ' rehitlonahlp and 'rulullunahip A 10 our Lord. •.

It brlnu'a Intt'iird W lo ull, o f ua whun wo can Jool thut yiiuiiR mon

. 'a r e vitally Intotiostci) In Iblnca »plr> luiil lly ChrlMlnn. q

l)o-thu!io muiin anythlnr.T r: . ^ Nole from lllBokfcNii. . . l,

Ouu huiuU'uil ttuil tt^iy-lwo O t' lUo

ri'iiri'HeniinK c le ru n ' di'iKimnlntjmiB: 7 Mi'IIi'idfnl l>ro«liyierlan, , fJirlatluti.

.nnptlK t. 1. I), .s.. Unl.m, ICiilHcopnI. ,J ConKroRuilonal. Luiherii, Chrlsilan Scluncn Iind OnllU)llc—wiTu j5alherodl„,

' hci'u Pridiiy n lsh l IhrnnKli Sundny. .. diiK'tiBHlnK whnt conalluilon a (uur* fold Hfc. Thyy HUld ibnl n telhiw „ iniiHt Jinvcf a iraliiod mind, atrouK |, phvBli'ul hody. BOclnl cuninct wlih „, hln follow mun. Mid In- wllllnR to Borvn them, nnd Hint lbe Uasla tff ,, a ll theno Ib ii ntronR hplrltiiul llfu, i io miiHi bo n Chrlntlnii. . Mnny ot lhi> fi'llowa w erf.C h rl'ib in ii. hut 12 feJJoiofl nuld tar 'fh o llrgt llinc, *'J am KohiK 10 tnko r iir liti .nii 'm y “ Biihlo.” - . ' .' Tn a loitor Jnat -roci'lved from p '

Ilydornhud. India: . . - - - rI.ji«l nlKhl tho Ilydirnbnd Y. M, "J

('. A. Imd Iht'lr momliiri'hlii dinner,• Tboro woro hnlwooir RB iiml HO Iburu ['«

nnrt It wan n Wr niiceM^. U l» otir': ‘ tn lnly II Kronl IhlnR |<> a.'o lllndiin. Mobnmmoilhina. rnraai'i-n. ChrlHllnna. Indiana imd Rurnpoiinx. indlun nnd Kcnilomon a ll on(lni{ tm.-i'ihol' aronnd,» oommon Inhlo. I t .... .. no l at>om '' '»«v,lv tt woj\tlotfwl tlvlnK l« you l'« t whim ono cnnalduni f.bn Idona. cua- imnn nnd prnctlccn otTIT’o peoido of Imlla. It in qnlio a miirvuioiin thinR. 1' In IhlB wny the Y. M. C. A. In abln 'o

- Io do a sron l deni lowiiriln hreakhii; down lho hnrd ntid taut lliu'H of re* “i ' llchin nnd cnalu' Ih n l' hna ni<ynyn bold lnd[a ln_ lla Rrnnii nnd l« nno ■" o f Ibo RrpnToaJ " ron'aonH Ih n l 'lm lh t bna not ndvnnced nny moro than It hmi. ■


Tho annual olinrRo to r malnl'onnnoc' . “ n t Iota In tho ■Twin Palirt-'om i li iV for . lho y ra r 13211, wlll b<* dim nnd pnynblo “ n t ihP o ttleo 'o f Iho 8o*:r.'inry, Sitmrt 11. Tnyl(ir. 127, Main nvm no i-nat. or 10 U A. Snydor. a t th o Comoler)'. May

, lal. IMC. Tho naacwtiienl la H ,00 for «o n foil iot, $2.S0 for a iinIM ni,nnd $l.no vie fnr a alnslo Kravel 'H o lota will bo ,«rt cnrod fnr .tirileas'lho ajiauaamont* ia pit paid. TUU does no ta{i(ily ' to tola for which pervetual c a re iiaa bcon ' nr^ '

. ranKod. to

The Sensatic


H E A D H U N I7 n \e A dvent\ire U oro D&riai

7b & a F ic tio n .

— ^ A Is o S

“THE B;A dventure, Romance,

,-JOJLDI.- 1 / ----- —H A S a R C ) ( V;v-.--<OCNTMCa ). C a '^ T U k 'E l Tci.l_Ke«iVjC i . vD -tv u iav i N Hivg PC E vous •

T IM E s X '

ipMONAHAm' " H o i c a i i i '0 • . - ' . ■ .;*-

U AU-l>ny Scaalon H eld 'fry T fn in 'F a lla C'uHMly L’omoiut O range a t -Lu*

. m n e Hehnol I Io n M rH lg F eed and 3Iu»y lleuN of In te re s t D iscussed.

Tho Twlu FBllB^CouDty Pom ona P Crunko met Sanirdoy. A p d l 11', a t R< i.iicorno, schoolhouso. tho e,ueaii o t 111 L.uc«rn'u flubordlnata ‘ R ranso. Tho £1

® mouilnK wiia callod 10 o rd e r * n t w' “ lilM U uy .MtlMUif W. h . .^thumbers ST

und th e reports from o lgh t aub- to '■ lirdliiuto KrauKos ahowed a aubslAn* M '■ tia l Krowili Iq momborship a n d li^

tureat. T here aro ;iow lo a local le • «rB«Ri)» lu tlio w w l oml. ** te■ A ti«r a bonntooua Junch a t noon pi ' KrnnEo vo'nvoncd> to onJoy , a ^ood' sp llio ra ry program a rrn n so d t y .tho qu « lecturer, Mra. AVlllliun' V080I. In - - ' oindcd In Uils wns a n ioiorostluiT Tl \ Riid tnalrucitv® ftdjlrcflB Uy, feialo FJ ' Muaior W. W. Doal nnd a short, la lk M ’’ by .Miss R a ih c ^ K o h lc , unlvorsliy Ct \ uxitinalon w o rk o n ^ i^

.A roKolutlon wha udoplod CnvoHu^ p , u Kcctlon a t tho couniy fa ir bdlnic

ftot (wltto to r s ronge esltlblUi anU , pri*c8 bo lnr aw arded for aomu. Tho — - RrnnRO nlao adoptod* a rouolutlon ■

Bltiillar to lh a l paaaod by lh o Cnn* ae yon Counly Poinonn in M arcli con- Tl

I doinnlnK (ho snlo o t Im ilor Kuhali--' ' , . lu to lil Iduho and tn favor o t iw ll- ■

ilpnhiK i«ur locnl m ofchantn to ro- ' frahi from hnndllnR lho unmo nnd I nhin condomnlnR ‘N enn to r Opoiltnir,, :U»|iroHctiia<lvo; AihUaon ' T . Sm ith , I nnd o u r 'c o u n ty . .repraaenlntlvQu to r

Iholr Btiind npon tho BUbJvcC I T . S. NIchnlaon .o t Mnron 'n ranfto <1, r onllcd^K Ttonlinih^o-tho nuooaalty ut

pn im pt nctlon If tho C loar I.jikoa ,« j I power Bllo la to ho ' connervcd fnr H( , thn uao nnd Iwnefll o t tho real* ro ; dunlii o f ibu'ITw In I-'^IIb tra c t, l lo ,, ("ol -forth raela «ivd tiRuroa nIuiwInK , Ihu nninrnl mlvnniuRUH o t Uila alto iiri

inid tho..nnii)im t> of ilovMopmcnt Tu work noceannry.io holil li. nrW a ta l- Cic od -tlint unleaa aucb w ork waa no- lo compllabcd p rio r to Mny. 1!>20. thn rc location would nntnm ntlcnlly pana forcvur Into Iho handn o t tho Idubo I I’owur company. •• Thu uxuQUtlvo commilleo o t tho I’om nna KrauRo wa« nam ed nn a commlUno to mnko nrrnnKomenla tn r e.j*

. Ili6 iv««\»nl KrtittRe p kn lo . ■ o„Tho fifih lloRroo whb con tcrreil on

aoven membora nnd tho KranRO ij„, cloaed. a tte r .necoptlnR an Invliallon ,troin Caallotord lo m o o t, o t iholr nm pincu Ju ly 11. fn

T w in F alla w ill r ro w .la proportion • ! to y o u r co-oporaUos. tn

'• T

. t i o n a l - F i l m F e a t u r e T f J t e i

N S O N e x p l o r i n g 1

I T E R S of th e MSix R eels^of Thril M arvels N ever S<

W hite R

k ^ * 'M A R T I N JCM s Is lho only w hite m&n wbo 0 n r tbo hcad-huntinfr, nuui-c&tine: t

.to photograph Uiem.

Soo tho cannibals, dovii-devils; ' frcoalod danccsl Bee o ther t

ttnimaMiko pooplo; a m u in ^^ _vol(!ano(a. earthquakes and .sha

:K‘/ ' \ Filhi to A m aze, S

Enterts► Showing Five-Reel Comec

8 A T T L I N G O R I Ce. Love and L aughter— A

F ea tu re Shbw

P l TTaT <UCuTb~BE~T74.UMO A U t • TmC Q ^ . ;LM0ME Th in S T q


p r a i i M M d a 1 i ' e d u c a u M

• MEET TODAY-1 ■ . • - ■ Cr

Coitfity.* &'upeitInteniionl Charlolto »{}I PoniUccompanled t by Mlaa Mnr- j)j • RUOflte Lowo havo re lum ed from: llio mooting of lho Inland Bmplro ji.I £(lucalIonal. meeiliiK in Spokane, ija,t which they nllended Inat. weok and er,

. tored from the four atntoa o t Idnho, wl < M ontana. OroRon and Waablniitflii. ai<

Commlaalonur T ynert o t lho Uni* led S ta te s bureau of edURailon, P ro - pa tessor linrm fin. lh o Rreftl'payclmlo* Tli Rial, ond oihorn wero nmonR th<^ Jn<

r speakers. A CTOut educnllonal bun- ^ > quel w nB 'ft-foaturo . .. -4Vn)onK form or•lonchera troni-TwIn '■ f t l la arhool preaout wero: Mlaa Wl 1 F.llMl>eU» SliolwcU, now oC n illon , • ; M on t.,-and Miss Allco Johnaon o t ” ;

Cocur d'A lene. '

I a n n o u n c e m e n ts ' j 2

.T ho O. K. 8 . will moot In romilnr aeaalon Tuoaday <‘vcnlni: a l 8 o'clock, tlo; T hcro will bo Inlilhtloii. iai<

,T ho JllKhland Vlow cluh wlll mool \ w ith Mro. Ilerl Johnaon Jnaiond of Mra. Killlor Wcilnciiday ntlom oon. vn : April IG. » ari

T ho 'd rrtitia nnd lliiirn lurc dniinri-. a' mont of Hio Twonllolb Coi'ilury olub o,,, will Wwtnfwltvy. Ai>rll 15. w llh Z -.Mra, Q auchok, n2M -'iiih avoniio onn;. m Mt*. Itomlnhi will roviow Hu* hw k .

.•■John D over,"-by MnrKniot Cninoron. noil call 10 hc nnawored w llira brlof roviow df aomo Into liook. ^

Thn, cnrron t ovcntn doftnrim-nr of llfo Twonlioth ro n lu ry .c liih will im-<'l Tucailay ot 2:no wllh Mra. II. W. CloHobck. Knoll momhor l« ojiiiioird .Io dlncuaa hor fnvorliu l!i>i:l .ind 10 , rcclle ono iioom. " -

Knlorfnln •I'niionlh—Sundny nrii r* 4)001}. Iho . I.iithornn Siindny iu'ho<d •nlaiiB of Alborl. Ib'obor. kbvh nn Kn;i» lor-proRrnm lo lh.i. lumiillnl pnHrnin. .Haiurday nfiornoon tlio I’roaliyiorliin Sunday aohool ulnaa n t Mlaa Gonovlovo Stenk© w en t 10 Iho boapUnl nnd im t nn a num bor n f into ruatlne admiH.Ro(h onlortntnm enla w ore -woll dono. nnd m nch npprcclniod hy tho pnHonin nnd old folka. wt well na the nui-sea In th a Jn s llln tlo n a .' , ■ »

■ Tbo T lm ca is uacquaiea for n e w s ^ la Sou tbcm Idaho.______________ , >

T oday '[Tbmbrrow •

'M atinee an d N igh t —iCc and 30o P "

ken by the .


u m t K ^ !rilling A dventure j Seen Before by 7%M If5 M an Q

JOHNSOND ever g o t closo enough to g savago tribes of U alolnila ^ S :

' . V■ — - — ■ ' Dils; th e ir head-houscs; th e ir i ^ r strango »igbt*--Brimitivc, . j ^ g o u ^ m s ; iungto beauty. D

Startle, T hrill and «•'i s"

. e d y ----------- . ' : Q ,

lOLES” :A G igantic Double

T Z> -L o u j u g t .-

" r h l ( ^ A '

• , I I

>.VY, APRTTi' in , 1!I2.1. v ' " '

Tw in Falls* Student .' to M anage Livestock

- Expo&iUoh a t Univ. /, MOSCOW. April 13-s.lValtor'j. T-elb. .

Twin ra il s , lira been'nanied manaitur '■ o t the U llle Iniorna«onBl J*ivcalocIe expoalilon, whlc]> w ill bont«tc<nbrU io ^ Cnlvoralty o ( Idaho CoUesu o t Ar.rl- ' ' cu ltu re April 22, I t lias beon announc-1

"i cd hi>re. Mllo Dnvla, non o f - A. Ai l ' Pavla.-iiiM Iioen named auperlniend*‘ ont o f Ihu boi-r caltle cxJilbKa and W.' II. Pierce, aou of J. .M. I’lerco, ,liaii . boon nnmpd auporinlendcnt of ;iho I eniln bidgliiEi.dlvlglon. . ,

.s?venty anlm ala, Home o t whicji artf i widely known In Ihe ilnlry m d llv«-

. aiivrk Indiiatrlea nf tho norinw oat,\«JII bo oxhlbKoiI nnd will mako up lh«.L

. palado wblch will bo Rivcit n i noon .^

. T lw enllro " lay wlH l» : d ev t^ td ,IB-----< JiidKlnK and Ihn. VJhlbltlon will be ' i e ld In Ihl' cvenlHB nl I„cwl8 court. k

■fholBiior wMl .h.c,eonducted alonR tho •* a a i i^ llnea M n inriie latorn'a tlonal

I c.xhlblt. - - ------ 'JudRi'B for Iho vnrloiia divlalonn

wlll ho nwhrdod Iho w lnuln t;.an lm ala '-. nnd the.monUorH of tliu wlnnlnR Juds- INR lonins. • •

T he followlni: dciiartmonin will ho iiiflldfnm nl: '

floraoa, beef catilc, - dairy caille, ahooji. hosn. nnd ponllry. JndRlni; oonteaia.lu the followhiB division will I,u hold: Crnln, llvoalock. da iry cat* tlo.' dairy proddcta, poultry and po<Iflloca. V

WoalUiKh(iU!-o IJIeolrlc raUKO.'throo- • jibilo and ovon; <\uloiiinllc rleolrlc V nahcr. i-oppur mb..new iiiodcl. Both ' • a rilo lo a 'h i A*l nhnpo. fully B iin ran -‘IRod nud hiirKiihia. KxchauRo Depl,,A. 11. Vhiceiil Co., 207-20U' Slionhoiio Soulh. . » - .


resm u' asdoekwork

” ■ y . yCijUM

D O N T Dip Spuds

Until T ou E jiov{ A b o u t'

S em esa jiThe G re a t Seed Dis­in fec tan t fo r Seeds, Grains', Beans,' Pota-

^ ' toes, etc.E ffectual, for * ^

Smut in Grains;Diseases in Beans- Diseases in Potatoes;' ' Diseases in .Onions;' Diseases-itt^B^eets. •

F o r a n y n tu j n il Id n d s o f Ki-o(Is: inori'.'iairH RcrniinH tinn. K tiiniiluli'a p in n t g ro w th , in - rroascH yioMi;.Snlil TliroiiKli Uie Scoi! Tniilt*

Darrow .Bros, Seed'&' Supplj-Gompaiiy

D ^trib n to rs


. — By Taylor

iT .T C < _t.H C R Y'llll |T t\5 ACCEPT TrtE J,7//b i l l ON VsnTH r - - T ^ (// I W"


' /

...................... r

Page 3: a y ftLY TIMESnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014-12-12 · S i y B i S : : : ': ; .: is .-.'j 7‘ •' : ; ' si(Wt^«ij,{NbibBB>m. -1“- ' • •

• ^iO N P A T . A P n m 33, lf)25.


j o e p a y |T V h o opuDliiK^nmeiTof ilio nmJoi\ t-

lca;;uc ncoflnn aro:xATio.VAr, i.ka(jl'k; ' a;,

SJ. iMuln a t Cincinnati. 7 7 -;• PUtHburBh n t Clilcnno.

Now Vork Bl lloHton. . . tv ; :I'hlliKfclphta a t D rooklrn.

AMKitiCAMiuta'i: I ForC lovuland.nl 8 t. t ^ t i T -

ChlcnKO a l DcuoKTiMoftton ia-I'>>lla>lul|ilila. . . .W aB)iliiBion.ut Now York. ■

. . NIiW YORK; A pril l a - f r W won-lliur nunmcd In proHpoci ijklny for iiio *= :< opuiiliiK 'Sumofl o f tlio N atlonul nnil Aiiiorlcun LcAKiivH nml Ih r A iiw lcnu • i-

• Andoclnilon toinorrciw. llc avy-'iin lo ii / ' S ’- of ilckeiii>rcpo'rto<j l;y tho buHlnoxir uf-(IcIalH o f-n il. tlio cliiM In<llcut»l (ImrInrcK crovrdB . would uoa tlio Honnon ^ ^ 2iKart. TIio ftdyance'xalu of (hi)'open* .IT lioru botwaijp. ilio Nuw. Y ork Yanhn anil- iha-WoHlilnKton SonaloVH wim <l<>> ported to .lio (Iio Iicavl4<»t‘In (Iio liln*

• Jory oL tliflf ilu b . - . . ..■ i .———n.l *BABE R U T H IS 4 ^

F O R B lD D £ N 'T O PL A Y TO M O RR O W

NEW Y 0kl< . AprU 13-IJa l)0 Kiidl will havo lo 'h is juU i5flc<l w llh nowii- piipor roporlH o( llio oponInK Kamo to-morrow liotwofn ilio Now Y ork Yntikn m. ,and th o WftBfiliwioiJ Sonatora. Uln T ‘‘" " I ’ dnclojv Im vo.told hint flDally th a t l l an ilwill 1)0 impoiBlblo for him to pIo>’ and — ■th a i bo w ill-b av o lo ci*nuln In iho m n nbO A ptU iI.for'icvoral.inoro dayn. T11/I

■ \"Tho Oalia aaya Uial bn will bo a l . f f lfan and th a t he 'll bo rolM ni; ?

S lI V X ? ' - H I"R utb iH/rocbvorlDit raplilly bu t ho , |V

will n o l 'b « allowed to re lu rn to lho iDaiii u n tll 'ih o .<loclork.nniiiti;o tm tb a l . lio lian rocDVsred conoMotelyj: i;<i Dar- ’

. nald today.

' ‘S w e d e 'J e n k in g ^ in sW restling TiSe in a « n .h »

Ann*" A rbo r T ourney______ 'ok' . . H aicii

U rle d JcDkInn, prrS ldonl o t tho Twin i r { “ , ra il* blKh nchool clni-n o f -21. a tid , J ^ o di cap ta in o f thil trairk ti>am ban won thn 17B pound wrcnMlnic champloiiiibli> , ,

. ■ of Ibo nUito of MlchiCTn, in tho tour- '|® HOHiunl lant wuck. aocordlnK lo Ihe '

'.■\llcbl6nn Dftlty. lh« coIIoko papor a l ‘Ann A rbor. H e wan n m em ber of (bo J'’ - * foollmll anil tiaiiki-i>>»«-i«Mnn wbllo '

, In tlm Tw in Kalln BClmol. Ho wan a c ^ ^ ' 1 " tlvo in tho Zii Zlin. '

Tho dally nayn: “ W renllorn repro- njt«» m nentlnK Anil A rbor won nIf « (h<i novsn n tato cbaniplnnHblpn In (he MlcblKnn S lalo A. A. U. ^ r» « tl ln is (ournam ont held tanl nlKht n t tbi> lo- cal Y. M. C. A. r iv c m*!inber« of flio •frcabm an w im illnR team carnud ihvli *'* vray In lo Uio flnaln. CeorKO In iho b«avywolRbt c laM 'am i Jcoklnn In tho o'*‘ 1T6 dlvUlon won* Ibc only fronbmon y*** •, * to w in cbam D loublp matcbcn." laii rii;i

. Jenk lna r*c«n(ly won necond place 'n V h r ib e nbot p u t event In the frcBUiffan V'cofftest betw een MlcfilKan * a n d /w u - s"®** coneln. . _ y •

_________ '• nint: whi■ • ✓ ■ Jiwt nark

P E R io ^ N ,< - L S . I i l l " -" .I —V- > cd fa»l IJ . S . 'f iu t io ll camo In fnjm Toca-

te llo loday.Mm. ChrU tm an eamo Id lndav ,frnm '

Pocatello , accompanli-d hf5> i„liand and aon to vlnll ba r alaler. Mm. u . h rarr

•'Ida Seo lt. w ho 1* lit. ^N m . Schrodoy and ilauglitera re* it,ori

Itirfied lo K nnsen laat ovvnlos a tte r puinoK ji a vtflll h e re ., Daltint

Sir*. K enna of Mack. Cnlo,. re* ucup. d . ta m ed to hor hom e^laat nlKbt a fte r y ^ n vlililDK a K fu d d a u g lite r In 1I)U man. r<ei clly. Twin 1

A tiornoy 8 . T . I lam lltoo w ent to Timm. N 'vS o Iio la s t evon las lo appear Iq tbo le llo r ra i

federa l c on rl loday. SummaM orm n H eap l i T li[llnE la &'alt 10: atote

,L ak e C ity. K aielti

M U R E ‘Whciiljic wife w'clcJUiinR houM

bui tbe phunhins aud the nuil L your wslla and (xilinss xvflh Alurcsco havo a, carload ia bulk—buy irliat yc what’,yoa havo IsfL \Ve will loan y< Hotue' Paint 10 p«r cent oil for oaalt-

M OON’S PA IO T iWMmtmmmmmtmmmmmmmrnmm


F THE S iO P iR lN C

■ S>-; b y - UAL- cocv

^ j B H p r

■^'T;:^^''!^.G)rneon, then;, let sanswi y^fJ&sM:be,nirginV.lfi,c umprte-is su 'ir we’ve noLhcard;s!fi(!Wrfiere^no cfiance of doufeijn. ihetfcr '.^':Tliat’8a 2es;|fiefany^e and *or loday.‘Js lh e ;d o ^ ^ to u r feelings’ iTo 'that-nalioniJ sloganr-PLAlfl

nbove i« HhI Cochrnii H nlcij of.llio ml NiiUonul biiHobjil) I^hjik-h, wijieiij

ratfAits \ : hWINS FBOM S -L flM rapS iI Sntnrdnr iVim fVnlnn-iI by TiiJtl IMA)lnK nnd lli'uvy nllthii; hy tb» . ihiHt Fm«i-lli> I'ltchoil Plm> (inmo I Slnick Oul 11. • -„ . IIUIHU WIn Kiinr;.™;!r.v;;:;;:;r.Z7. ?! di'lalln of Sntiirdny-» ta m o w lih I'l'icliuuillon w<Tc no t iflvun in ou r 1>hu<' "I'*''" ' ’JbV Tw in l'>llH funn w.iro Kind cliili soiA-<> Iho ncoro nnd Ibo nioHt liii- lu Uio nt fcatiiru'u of iho ^ o o tho dny bu<«i pinycd. n i l ' flnaiTiroro wa« 7 .roKuturIn, fiivqr of Twin 1‘nlln. Tbi! fo.v.- tbuy r<ii:•ll (Ik? Kitinc' WRII thu jiltchlllK of iviili lh<111' nnd a h o iipli iHllil wftrk b .- ilim.iHo Iml by IMrlKli'wlio nind'’ n i f wuh

fo r blniKcIf In ilio Tw lllr.bl Su-oiil bi;h li'uKiio Inm Hiinim-i'. I'nrliib iti tin-KOod hcmlwork In <uilUn:r fu r c iiarsu i■» niid bnlhi nml plnivd pcs« ,vux |io*'bi'ti men w ent tryln:: lo nloul wimlil il

faci If lho Tw in j;ulln lilub y/J,'' 'II!!'I tonm liovpn linpnivInK ih ry willono «p iho .fai.ioHi ininin In tho '. Thoy nro plnylnit n lr lln r bimo- ' rli;bt now nnd ll In'qtiVl.' early ' nonaon. S atnrdny’n .•Kamo Imll-

Ihut then! woro fn m o p ro tiy T"® Bllckrm am onc Ibo n<iiiari. T he 'hnrRO ■coro cnme In tho op.-olni; In- Ibilloy^ whon ICiIdlo .MaHIn cro»»i-d Ibo charfro i ack . Tho ncoro wnii tlo.1 n’ Utllu >>,lm i Tw in KallH lrd ' pra<;llrnlly Hcndabl o wny. M nrtin and Honra piny- Hvo uf »l Infield ball and Krlvunok did .Mllna IX K00<l woric In tbo ou lflrld . Uvo alilQuay to r Ihevh illon i pllchod fin r nro two m d pulled ou t o f-no ro ra l tic lit Kcnlrd • i. llowcVAi^.hMauned on ly f‘>ur llon In Jn the flfUi w7n» throo mi-n on

-acod and nlrurlc. o u l tbe ncxl i((V:il Uio nccond w as Uirown ou t by Kbmko, lorlnriP and bo fanned tbe Iblrd. n^d So> K Jila team ont o f a tlKht plaoo. - niishl ling ordtT—H nxellon: l i Kobl- ^ j n ,D. Dnmka. u . I-'rooman. C. Un<l- ___ :___

Irndrndobl. .M. U ndney, J . Freo- r^enacbcT.' Nyllle.n Kwlnn, M artin. S«ani. ‘. Nj-e. P r tio ld l. K rira n rk . F ra- Pa rlih .im a tjt -T w in Palln : Kuna 7. blt»lolon Caaea 4; c rrom 3.clloTi: Runa 2. a iolen bM ca 6 ; \

S C O Iac Ulll chaiiffinB evcrj*- . If 7il box you can dccoralq 00 ot a nmall o ^ t Wc I l -S o i yoU;Waut, brjng hack ' you o bi;\uh. . • *.

Ii-'—Got our prices firat. ■ ^

r .sH O P .


■ ‘ • ■ ( T . W I N F i

tP O R T ^Bf.H

S « | ^ IViiKh

i j t ’iI \ l).iskr

Y c i b 6 . < ^ ’ t w u h e a r i l j

w c r i ^ r ■ ; : u ' j

illif c r i i f o f t t i i c j h t J u t n i v . . ' ' - ' ( j j

[1 ^ . IrmU'lf ' II looi'iF'X dALLI ^

loiaairrASi - - '""I"■ K ? * * ‘ '4 r 'U S B u i i '^ ' vhlioi

null and -A

|I"<1 t

Ilnbl " l u i

. ix’iii I

.— JV.,V . ' . - Miiiu I

— — i p a i — — .. Imll f

llioy)im niH K of Iho A m oriiiiiii Mnn ielij>tiil;o.f |ilji<r« lom on-ow .

i- fnmoK9: e rro rs 7 . ' • Kuw 1

ruck oui“*lJy l.IndHoy I; I'.y.'lVii- tlirllln.< 11; bnriu un ballK, t.liiilHuy> I ; ovJilortello 1. . ■ Tboniplrort-StrlkuH : W hl.lM ; biKoH, wfib a'ander. • niral»

j Y M f B A N f i glA Y GO TO BO ISEll

vnu, . • of the

kin Rillti will h« ropreijcniod nt u wltb “ two biindK 1C nlnnii mndo ‘"'L ifitf Twin nillH KIwnnU club boun cnrry. Tbo nuKRi-iilion wnn I. by I)r. K. R .MeAieo Ibal Ibu

sond lllu band io HoIro lo Jnin u'i„«,v bit pnrnilo n flo r J»Up W. Q m - nnroii

bail iitntcd Ibm UolHi) bnd J h o Itur bnml oiiiployod . and Tlinl |.-rni,c, oould not link lo >uvu It pnrndo o in J ir Iho 'fwIn KuIIh county\d«I«Kn- i„ iA ,

A flur'con iililu rnb lo dlHcuinluu )..» ni '■■liH deuldoil lo bnck lho\ Uoy a In ( binid nud tbi>-mntlor wnn. lu tt of tbo hi- hnnilH of tbu co m m lttc i\ III hy no\ KU o f .th o uxcnrnlon to llolnu.. I t l inoHtH

liolnloil n u l . t b n t ibln bandUlubl '1 llo liDMvr lo Iba Mnxlc City Cox.,i. Hint they «nuld pnradu In tbo lr .Mi’t*,- Boiiut uiilforniH' iinil mnko n WljeO] orodliublo nhowlnR. Tho ban'd Hnyn '

lroi:tud hy J . T. llalnbrlilKO and Uakor, nnmo nplendid inualclDua In ll Wlne;i l u n l f l ^ Scully,10 pulilltlty ■ conimlUco had »«U>b. i;b uf Ibu proRram and M. 0 . ' ly^ primunioil Couch lllnKfe, In ‘ 3 " iro or dobalo w ork a l lho .Tw in V,V", " I hlRh flcbcMiI. 'a n d K rnimtb labi wbo spoko on ihn afflrmn- uf tbo ' Uu»>ilnn fiucullon, and

R Dnvl* wbo npnbo-on tbo nc^al ■Illl- of thlH ijuM tlon. T heaa ijjsjjn

two of tbn d rbaie ra 'wJio repre- •ll ill tferrn t aide*' of Ibla quea- ..T f In hiRh Kchool dubuioa. V

k:ill-ST B Il. .V. 'Y .~ ; io w a r d cd^vclko, n tar iiltehcr i n f Ihe Unnlon Why iSox. ta In a hoapltal here w ith now o

ilshl. a ttack of Influei^ta. a ad chanxi.tie confined for neVeral daya. SOU 8 t

U S E li cA T PR I,C ES T H A T \ y iL L

We aiOft Mala Boom for L

S T A R GD ue to A niV e

Cf yon wUl m&k« jjg a reaioaable caa!as w« s n s t make

Som e'R eal B argains in F Dodges

-----^TEaMS too; ip to

R e n d a h l & W t i g lBomt tba Star ^ 2

■ V ■■ , •



----------- ■ t;i'-l!''il '

itKhl(ifttoiriIiii>I> < hnni|iH Mont l>i»ui I u'l.voial lu llofput llor»ro Ilnbl lilrl« hi T n n mivihlni DofcniNt ilulli Won ISolli iiiiini-. in V.iVk'x i l.ii»t (Junrtor. . ' witinil*”

l-i'iid InIJt’UI... j»dnbo. April i ; : -V b o ' ItiiM Kki'lballlulrbi uon ilio j.oi:ond nniiie . . ' >111 .M lllfood. WnfliUisrt.n. h.To l:i..t liirdny •vunlii:; nnd wllb li ih r iiiU' , ' . l l io N~ftribwi.Mi i;h:im|i;;iniiblp , . iu . . . .

ukuibiill In 111.' !.poiill.-;ii »:lrli‘' orm- "'M»''i'I 'II I lin ijp* '' cvr'i’ li.on pUiyi'd on i l i i 'i | f ’''I lll-m il? , 'rii,■ w „ . ;|I I . . . Iibl w.in Ibo fltnUilLit o l>y ijio x ro ir ,j„

r.lko Iho ir k;uii.- .tin- ii(i;lit 1.- fitr-.■ Nlllwood. \V:i!.liiii;;li.ii, cVii.iiitiloiin. 'V >k Ibu lond oiiil.v In ibo li.-ai^l'jii.n'nil I’*'looki'd llki) '1111 oany viilo rx f o i - ' '’?.;*'III. Till' ronilink' ni ll ...... ml of tb r , ‘ ''V ,Hi nnuvior wu-> 10 .lo In ih - lr fn- p. Unt tb o l.i.iiiivork r.r Un- Ilnbl ildoiiH tioKnfl to .i.'ll froin Ik to o n . t’ '' "*' tl ut Ibo oiiil or III.. (ln.i bulf !lii' ,u^ riiiooil iri lo t:: III favor of ilo- . V , lloi'H. w-.ikm-i':)ubl oiinio Imrk in ibi- M-rond li;ilf d .Mot/, mink il ti:uil(.-l ll. i vi-n tb.-mil ...... ll... I............ . .-..r.i.-i. 'ni wild w llb i!..1l-M- •rni.lalu lln r- "Ii-.liin of Ibo \V;iiihini!iiiii ic n n Ibi-n ,;lHlo.. d n ooiinii.r uml ib.-ti \VII<i>xd tbo rco ro ni 17 ull. Wln-ii llio; ' 'n l iiiiarlo r oi.O.-l iho «.'oro unf;bl :;i. Mlllwrtii.i ":i. i',-i,HonIII lho filial |iriIod''«uIil loonrd ibo ..Vi.,,' i II fo r »MVon uuii-.' t>olni;i, whli.- ili.-'11 Iho vlKlloni I iMild 'In wnn u iilni:li- ■o idiol nnd 111.' Kiinio omlod u liii |,bl 31. MlHwo|id :!l, • ,„.„i!;.-(.iI'ho •WuHhliiKli'n l« :im In by fnr lli.< iiilm 'o il outoHl Ibnl tlir Im;il;', Iinv.' mi l tills ir mid Ibo lr loi.ni x.olk wuh iiorfi'.''. i?lr ta il onplnln wum u nun- i.lioi n;i.I a loinM iiutlon ili<viii>'n.'il for u Ion:;IU lo coimiior iI.c lilubo rbi.nipliin:t.I’ho Ilnbl llni'bp wblcb w iirkiil of- 'tlvoly In tho flnnl p.-rlml pinyi-d Mi. "'bII from Hnyii n> WIm-Knr to WII- ic-'in « c to .Mot}; nnd Into Iho bnnkul. l.'oorKo dnuy fnnH altondrd tbi: Knino frnm Nylvii;iln inr lownij ond duclar.- ibo Knnii-ii t!oIli-li Iday nnd .‘ta lnrdny n k h ln woro Jho Kovopmi torn Ihoy hnd . vcr niiin Klrln pia'>. Idoni'nIV boya’ Knmi'K hnvo furnliibod Iho lo Invol 111* nnd faat playa Hint woro In fc.umlnti iloncc horo. - • nllnokin rbo .Millwood, loam camo lo Iluhl cxuoiitlv b n u enviable rivord. They won 17 T h o i: a liih t iKamoa for Iho aoUHou. and tion-lna •ry ono of tholr vlciorlon woro w ltb n:iyri.,.M| .n rc ln of fronv20 to fio.polnla. Thny J.i.in , od up.i-oinuiaf^inr: aedWsa ln 'a l | I 'f tIiu-jiov

•ll !>>• -in po lnt.m nrnlna. Mlllwot.rl ,'1;, i-nlod lho iidloKo, oiiampiouH *of iiibinRloii and p»ca«ntwJ a ri-nl u-nni “ “ " i" " ilnH l'llub l. , . nnwHpni••ollowini; thft-Rnmo Ihn nionil.orii 'tho Dubl li'innd wero proHontcd wiili oxpr.'nel ivonir i:ol«l- luiakolbntlH In rocouni*- I>"‘'iio«in of Iholr wlnnlnit ibu atalo cl...... - Kovernmnablp. Tbi-ae mndala worn furn- ' ' " “o 'I'd by (bo Ilulli'bUNlnoaa mon. I'lil'U foi 'hOHo rocolvlni; n am all bnaliotliall did not i'« No\-n Ilnya, Omn Itnkor. G lad/a <|no«ilon nestir^ Ruby Co*, lim b Wlloox. I;i wboil rothy Mci*. Vorma Soully.. .Mary tbo riKb Iph. A iirrllii S Icw art. VlrKlnln I'ook. locally inccH Scully^ Haxnl M.'ta. .MnrKiiioi iKinan and Jlornlco I'arlHb. ProHou- ^ , (t"i wan mnilo by M. M. Vnn I*ui- B u h l . a iipcrln iindont of nolioolH. ,t. Iinn>|iii-t wna tU<-n-hotd In bonnr Illio iw rt (onma. which wan nltomlod Novoral bumlrotl loyul fana: Mmiy MH wnro Klvon. T " '" *III ( 3 » -I'TJ I T I’F TK I ' ,

f e — s- i ; JICOI. f. 0 0 » o 10 ' o

t il 1 n T K im i « f a r ; r c . '_ fr: ' 0 - u O' n So r, un,Illy. R .------- tt . 0 1 2 I. "■‘"•‘•'I b

i ’ ^ J. i . J:Tolnl--— .....M a ' B fi 31 --------------

Iw o o d lS O I 'tl O'T” I’K TK ' I ' ^nmilinill r r . . f . ____ _ 2 0 0 .0 'I IIIHI]rrlnjfton,''f. .. D ' " 2 0 .0 2D idcrw nll. c... 0 - 0 2 2 0npaon. rc ......J) O' • 1 1 oIllpa, kV___ 0 0 1 2 0:an . c. 0 c 1 • o

. “lo la l ___ 11' 3 C C* 21

Inl your now roK now, Ju a l rocrJv- w lT oi. A xminalor and W llion rusa. ly nn t trado In you r otd onu for a r on«T Prlpca roaaonablo. i: i - n*o Dept.. A. JI, V incent Co.. M7- Sboahono So. *


L a r g e S h ip d ie o t o f ' . '

G A R S .iTe-Soon ■a ia h o f f e r w e w i l l a c c e p t i t , k e ro o m .

F o rd s/B u ick s apd

7 0 U W IS H .^--------^

r h t A u t o C o .


I ,


. . . --------- T »onv iii:.'i-iiv i'-Ai{ii!:i.i.,’ ‘i;,"

i:\V VOltK, .\pi'il l;:, V o .k l '-In;: ,.l.-ki d . . n.-i'ully io •« ^i au : I V t ' , ‘ ‘ ■r oliumpion!.lil]>'bu( li |,Hik.s n . mo ■un opon n ic -.” .tobii A. I lo jd l i r . ' . , Idont of llio .Vullonal l.mKii.-. i:nld * y . "Thl- ciuiii.i hav.- If utronK •aud pi-rliaiu-tUcy di'in'rv.- lo l.o Maro“ »

ra l oliibx Iimi In 'a t'luli'i n iov nmn'i! <'l>i<'-‘l-» hlnc oau liiii.iK'n.” ho^iuilil, •■.S'.'w, vlii;.I,[ M ('liiini'.^ii for um>ibi-r r.'oonl luid»K llvo i'iillhi.'Otillv.- i.i'nii:iiil;i do- Ko.cli'I Inra.'ly upon ib.- nblliry nf .......... In r of.....- Muff I., bold ij|> ihroii':)! II h rdiiy ' ;. buiil i!,;;ilioii. Tbi' h niil. olli.'i'- w. rk-om ' 111 iilionK aud Woll forilfi.'d a i' ..wiiliu*. y lii):ililon. . . .|„ . ,.,11,li'ooMyn. -mor.' tlinri tho <!liini,i', I'lirliuT 'Iivniiniii i.ii.in»r I.lli'hllij; IO iop.':.1 b ' r oi >'.'ai':i |.orfoniiuiin . I:i rliiii.iiu' .rnt.niii '.

ibani|iliiii:i rl.-ur tn th.- win-.I.' I’tilHljiirKh olub In >11111 a ihtcal- Itotnr I ban br.'ii for ;.. v,-iut y.-nrn, Tli" -W.aiiio.tIr,i -.I JIJ «},„ir Oif.H-rr.'c.vif, c n iim -b.',;;orid old fiiidiliin.'d lin't.I.nII 'i . -

pioiutl.-.l.lii-foi-.. Uio KltiKcIn;;

■bl- »'iiti;i .ha.i Hi- nili.fiiriuii.' i..Itiit.Mi .\Ii.i';invlllo for nt. b a n ,

rl ..f llM-^,.nmin. Ili^ will l,o nih..,- ‘'I ii.-.'rMMi lia»o \^ an nil imi.i.i lani'l i t 111.' Inrii'IiI. . r,.'Illl 11. 'la.-liiiiail l:i i<ii|.|irvt. ll 10 hav.' ,,Kui'i',. al fli»t Im,;.. wtii-rr ItiilM. , •''»nloi- Ikvi li...n iiuli.'.l 1.. liilfi. lho <ii'"U IIIIf " f .lull.- Kaiilic l'l. Illll I |,. ||..V.- l.t’i. olii

tbu llo.l!i will l„. v.'ry miirli a ' l ‘'’.r in II... ra.-.., wa.. i.-l.. Uiiiin .lltll baa a powoifiil |.liob-I'liib ami .'V.T.viblni; iIi.|ii.M.bi ii]iiin -1 « "pUolilna. Ilraiirh llloli.-y lold .......iratlunnKill bo bnrl a ii-nm iliin yoar Ibal olooilim111 In- ono of lho iiiiri.rlpii'ji of ilio ,\|l im.l

■ii'i'.' I’lilladolpbla and llcnifin oltilia . i[ '. c.'ltli"Ol. ................... 'll In III.-oliriiii|.lon- Mni- vi>ilintlli' llibi yrur. Iii-rnuii.' Iti.-y a io

n b iil lt aud lli.'li ovviura aiyl m Uw. ia.-t.'li. ni'i' t-iiil<lli:« Ici iIiv ' , .......... an tbo pruiirnt.-t .5<a f„)t,nvln

• i t i u i i r T(» 1‘iiiN ’i' ..........._ j r i . i i ^ i i io . |- / ’roni'pant* D - n.m lial

:il wnn- lIloKal t...oait.io tho m.u-'' noon, ywlilc b ooii(lrnii..l \ llill appiilnl- from lft<

I wa-. m il 'cimHiilloil. Soiiator au lo rm •KO W hnrion I’oppor of p..nu-^i;iln will miponr nn bla aldo. Ibimiiiillrlto r an iio ral Hook, fo r (bo dam aii.aLPmuyt. will nrcuc for 'ihu pron- aKaln«t!•« aldu, duclarlUK IbisJiiirw tlnu *l>‘"nvolvo a prlui;li.bi of ->• .I - •datlon of oiiV Kovornmuirf^ nnd \\H llauiii;klUR lho Inilopuudonci- of tbu n IMlti,, v ^ . V vouiily .-10 laiKOH crow onl of lho publli-ji- ■“ '•y n.•m a t fnll or HhKi o r luooipu .tax ri'pri-nwiionia nndur liio publlc liy pro- 'of am of tbn rov.-aiio l a w o f lUlH. ruHoaia-’ KOvermiiont hro 'arb t nnit nKalimi ^

C i ty ’ llnurnal-I'oni and tbo b r linnro i’o>ii, u .Sorippii-Iiownrd ’l'l" *|.apor. undor a prcvlcnia iitatiitu w hon. I •r i-poolflrally rupoab'd wjiloli tbo dial •I'Kety pndilbltoil revolailon nf Koronln lloalirm .o f (ax jv p m u i. Thn will bo ^rnmi'ni rnnioniU-JllTii thn n^v- (■ l.iw .m on.Iy 't lin 'w (bn lim'ii

for ••InHpoo.iIon" and ibn t llili 7 not nn iborlro -pnl.llcatlnn.” (ho 'He'I Sn llon rniaod by Ihu nowapapcra 'J '’ '" " ' , •boibor lb r proH.i oan b'n donied riKbl lo print what nnyono may ‘ ' lly llfapoc(. .

ihl P lays T w oG am es w ith Tw in x,n

I'o eami-a of bani'I.nil h.ivo Iioou nKockwIih I b ib l jo r tlibi wook by ,b K.ciu' I’lnatlniK flral cnim- will 'Inycd Tiioadny nt Ilnbl nnd Ihr Id ono boro on •Krldny. ^

:ilUR lIA irrK .^in fl.—Tho W hllo under MnnoKor. >ildin CollInK.

d bo rr fo r iialn^'a Rnmc, n flcr „ prrvoniod u coniPM Wlih Uvnna- . yealorday. . ___________ _ H T

START THE i ;I f you w a n t to givd? i

rig h t s ta r t— an d o f coui one th a t w ill m ean a ha] c c s s ^ l fu tu re , encouri have a savings account

L et him le a rn early tag e of sav ing m oney. £ L et us do o tir share , to<

W hen o p p o r t ^ t y re a d y to o p ^ A e door, account i s 4the key.


nKhIrr i r ~ i i ^ r i i - , \ d a i i r > in ‘J J f bi.rn lo .Mr. and .Mrn. (loorKo -

i.'U. April r

1. lli.UH .I'liUiiiioil -A lino lilrdi >■ i.wiK'il tiv i:. II.'iiMiii and an- - il.ii: liy Jll .n iikiiouii owii.-r ( UM-y.|’a

pi.li.i>n.-.l S.iliirday ub-.Iil l ii 'lI i. ' ><bi»t>.p in t of t.Avn. '■ . Uif 1*

............. r-_______ ' . 'Kind ,ristiun S.t U oo nl Mnnm -T b .'ntil- C b ib lla ii .'Iiiir.b i ..'i.li.':i al 'lln- wla rtcUiK.I lu.iiM.. Tii..:o>ay .•\..liili:; :i. | i,.||,li.-i'liif;i. rim.Ini i.'il Uv 11/ >■ I... ll. iK.-ri.iiMi

.lll>ii"c-iiiiii b ’l..''« b l. li illi a il 'i ll- il'.'au -r"" \\'ali..|- <

.i.|i-olo.| i:d lli.r -V iill.T llo. l1- 'i.'j'l, of Ibln-olty, wli.i Wll', her.'>• vlr.lltnkT III'. Iiaroni.'i o v .r Uo- ,•ond, r .'tnn ii'.l In lb .' T-.'. Ii bo-i liur, ill ' bas lii-.-n !..il i» i.nlll.ir^l.ll. ot tb.. .-..ll.-i;.' l ' ' '1" ' '- . l , | , „

■ ; k '',,. 'O. li I.a

•turn- . Knmi llo ln « ar.‘-i:.'O ir.'.' ,I...I1 i.f Wlliiilai-.icni, I).-!,, t'lni: fl. (llf liolao III K'nili.Tl.v ‘ • *'"v.-M-ral yi.;.r:i ..f ati-.,.|ic-.- II.-snwil Uir.'.- v. AV. aii.l' . ir.lii .toi IH ..................... ' wlil.-li IW.. ,. •. w:i. ,.,.rV..d ov..ir..m-.,-. W ith ‘’I ' i,;, -,.'.lni; iiiii.U ot 111,' «lih- « ..ih l ‘,• ..r lli l l . 11 1. iiir-1. iv.'i.-oiii.' bh."• ...__ ....1 I'linillll.iiu lia 'rinni's .|.-bi.> i;*'i I III I..1I- Ihiiii 1110 i:i...':i tn Ito- I,?lln .ii hoiil ihlti iiiiii'iihii;. In r . . i . ciliil nnmh.-r .,nl trom :ill ..in-.-:: ' j ' , " h.'l.iw liuil flKiiro, . • ,

II. llouM or i:a r l)- Tvtn il-nt:!-mil or voti.ra fo r llio riiHnff j;; : ;" ;;: Im. Iiuiw.-oii roinoi3,.Klonor‘ s , S, ,m.l T. .1. DoiihIiih w..r.i pul lUi 'lij.okH Hil.1 Ii.orntui: aa norm ir. ‘ '..Ifloi- of tb.. .'l ly ■li-rh ...... .. ,. 'v,>i,..r .;.il a 't ia l lo t l . . - « r . i an

Ill- v.Jo. Th.' .1«ir.ll:i M -arili>':.' ” " " " ‘ ’ “ 1 Hr. i vr'niii): of ,\p rii a n > ^ W ' ■

will lak.- ........ Ih.- T n .- .> .|^ -« .i 'i :- "

• * » . . _________ K E 5........ lillli li.ios 'nir.mKli -"C;ui- ‘Jv rliia .li l i i i r ll;,li...r u a a In Ibla .iiy to-auri.liin .'b .'il al Toli.-:i oat.- al ""I. m»> blN way l.ii.'li lo .Ml.'bli:au ‘'j '"'•a

lit.' io a a l“\vbon' In- iniidi' i.- iiiH I'lronlan m « ........... j u on

mimr " ^ u iT in i -A milt n .r $;ioo ii;. a ' brrmubi by '.Mllion • Hi.lion 1*1 A. V. W'llllnma In on tr ia l - a lttrn o o n bufnro I’robnlo Jiidi;o ~ .> IIoilKlu. Holl.m ■olnlma tbn l y ^ _ ama ran Into blm IMIIolIni; In- J, U | a on n m r o a r nud InJurlnK aorl- y.- 'W llllama oinlm-i i-onlrlbu-

noKllBi'ni-<> T . n . H aokumir • c«eiua l lo l fw ^ u iid C. WllkiuH lu Vlfm oY Wol>.. t W llklna ri-p- 'vltbnu iia 'W in ia m " . ' '■ ^lualily

________________ o n j u l

aud .Mlsa WInnlo Tnok.-r b-ti ^ inornlUc for I'o riland . Qre,.' „„„H (,

•.. Iboy will roprciicnt Idaho u t 'n ,j„ ,,,dialrlol inoi'tlnK of Homo, and j.filn .Mbialonary anoh'tloH. Tbuy , bo 'Konu *1110*1 of (bo wuck. .

Ihr* Vnnom l Toitny—Tlm "fiinoi'- -SIrfl ' noli*n Conillnnop Mnrnnloy. who • ftiai Snturdny uvmlnK. frndi h m rt

Illo a t Ibo homo of bor pnrontK m d Mra. W llllnm H, Mnenuloy. In uliy wna hold tbia m ornlns from :dwnnl'a C nlhollr rbu rob nml ron - C rjs in

) r e a m s . o f t h e W e s t ”Mnrln Uu1ber*t Cninponor ]

IV niurrd by I

G u s ta v G . F l c c h tn e r

« l I»a:T h i r d A n n u a l C o n c e r t . ’ " 'o 'you n j

O rp h e u m T h e a tr e

Pridny KreBriiir, A pril IJ W o 'bu j

------------------------------------------------- D a n

............... Ss

OY RIGHT J C. . • Hfss Ri

t yotir boy the j►urse you do — lappy a n d sue- u ra se him to'* My dearn t o f IJIS own. After r

ccmplezlily the advan- ^ La*'

T% . I . • »tt<« bad. B nnff him in. twa at>«Compoanloo. _

. " cbM ks f:

r knocks be^, . . • a r a 'T aryDr. A savings ooa

did for 1

•• • T o ' la i

a i u ' I f

M•> ' • .■ .iv' ••-dw-

.......... .. •' -;'d

' . THKHa '


y -l’iirkor. iniplotnrut Conijiniiy i»*>- iho IK<-I.n>;o .Stylu llurlnR f i’i-1-.onl IVi^'ks First o f tho Ild . \r rh o > .lu Cll}. . . - — r—

w ..o l;u j Aprll“ l 2 s ^ liu'a hoon ii-iiih- 1? WtllVH-Ov.'rbnid ' . UK.I.nnl .Six , .Vulluual . Dolfionalrn-________ ^

■r iircanlziiilDn,-' nci.onlluj! tu ..i- c t till- ('iiHoy Va’rkori-iny (II c.ina.'i-lloil wlh tl1o ox- • 'lon .if of II... llra t ■-OvorlamU , ' ^ "ll.' Iii.M-'' .'i.-dan -'bi-ro. • l.r Mil- tlm t itino alni-o prodno- of Ihh. ii.'W ino.lt-1 wa* boKun ' .

■ nioiiiloi 'ai;n tho fnolory funlit ll.i lii.aleni havo hn-n i.fiiply • * '

Ill'll « lili lIii'K.. n ira lo iiorytll •T .irrytii'ifim i "of a pm i;rani un

nil o.\i.'Illlv.' 11 atiilo," Im du- . _ '

Ui.|... IO 1ii> Illlll- to allow thn 'ts,1 an.l >|ii;<:iiy ot ili.-o. new cara * ,

tan:., iic ri.-iiiaui- of Mm m otor- tl. Illlll l.'iritn ry .lurbi;; Urn . ■. .

no. w.'i-h." riinlliiiii-d .Mr. Cnncy. .>vo i.il> "« jJjH .'P PorU in lty uf

iiltlii; :ili InvtlWc.u lo ub.ry mo- .' _ ,I i<. nim o la and drlvu nn Oviir- SU . i;.'Illai; 111.- tool of lho ru-

cil.l.. i.iik ap. pn»i-r »nd »lum-I.r Ih r iiioii.r and i.ooIiik nl i-loau 'r 'lho t.idoiidlil Iluoa n n d .c o u - ’iln'n .if |lii. iirw Hlx-oylindur r 'J

•Innd, wlih.aii ■' lu.'iirrlnto— ib n , * iii.".| i.i.lhniiloii of miy tyk r. I <V; .'.'.ir.llni: lc. r.-porla from To)<^o.iii'iiiin ..f ibhi inoilul hniK nWii^- J'.<nircl 10 2.MI a ian d i.rd '/o m j d o . s . - j '•

iir.liniH. dally und ha« no t yoi v. til'd Illl- ir.'uu'iidinni dom nndi ' !;?II n r r inakInK thoniN.dvvn^ full '

ywhrr... iv'.-; K.-ipli.' ilir f:i..L Ibnt lln nn- -r'lV'. ic-ui.-ni ai Ihu national n b lo rrl.'.w a cainr. nx a lo ta l Kurprlan ^i.- moiiir o;ir Indiiwiry. tbo 0^ cr»- i j7 •Tx■- T-tly nrr-m rftnTTniaH iy ns- 'iii.-ni 1.11 111.' jiart. of Willy#-liiini .............. .. bu t I:i tbu re- 'i>t in-..-^ yrnra of dovtlopuienl }i.'i;tln>:. iSil In thu' Inboruturica •l'.r.-iii.arcb itxporia but un . tho ' . . • • I' -i

nlll anri blKliwnya In Jbo hand* ^ ^

Pir*.iy Ibc pnator. Hnv.. Jlom l S. '•cor. • ' • ■• ' *’ SI

o u C a h ’i R a i s e I

C h i t k stbnu l 'tb e rlRht fcod of Bpod ' allly. Don't try to 'ccoaom lte . . ju b a tliu ic * . tha t m o a n a ^

Wo h a v / ^ i ^ n hand lln s biRh nllty poultry ro fd i o rer alnce a oouniry wan fln it notfled <wd r r yon tbo bcnt on Ihe m arket, ad o n r lUt;

C rrrlan a Ilab r Chlcli Fm 4 . r f l <-uf «aU for llo b r CW rt*A lalcbfonra f!blcken Maah ^

(U ullerm llk) . -■ S«iftN I lw f Sc rap '

Sn lflN »Nil '3 le a l vysinl C rll fu r llrnH o r C h lck t ’

■Honn,.Meal r » 3r«alCharcoal ‘

. (IjkUt HhHllliatrhfArd’* Etns Maah.............•niA irhfonrK Calf )Teal ^

Illp tchfonra Cow M laera la f.lllatrhtord'« . llofr ’'S

lila irh fon l'a She^p a ilnen iU . -Vo 'a upply y3u wlUi ao y tljln g ' - I lu-cd In r o a i t r r . Feed* .-antf- .< •-< ^d» of ro D lir r Bqnipm ent- -sr IT Jce . A re. A lwaya B ^ t ?

buy only la B tralclil carloada . -

a r r o w B ro ? . S e e d & >' ' a

S u p p ly C o m p a n y . , - aIkho'a, LM dlW . Foaltn- Sappir . 9

T ffl.T E A l i ^ IDAHO ,

s Rogers GaiiiBil . .

15 Pounds la S ii W e d s - - mnr Hen Oafa|./li*eoBj ii In.SO Dar«:«r Xaii^r.

er‘ m ^ a tu c k - o t Hn I waa tb ln . lown anil weak. 1 bad a .a itltaw ' ilezlon ..m r cheeka w are a ook In .

oa m r ‘ t o i u ^ . T feU a^tatir bad iM l my appM lta.-- t a b o a i McCor'a' Cod i W r p t t -

w and T aU tU aad ...«ed S i . : t e th e n I ' :b ^

-TlTc f ^ - aa ippattt*,i««i 01 (Vlad o a i a a 4 . sty cemtferv: .. l>«cama'beaitlir lo o U a s 'a ^ l, '<) IS poGBdt la alz' . V:

Uka grewvlteroas. bMka asd U nr

» : J M g a f U e r x tka

Page 4: a y ftLY TIMESnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014-12-12 · S i y B i S : : : ': ; .: is .-.'j 7‘ •' : ; ' si(Wt^«ij,{NbibBB>m. -1“- ' • •

h \- ■ *^FWTin^ > b = = s = ^ ^ = s = = =

I TW IN F A L L S II ■ O fP lO IA l H X W 8PA PE S 0

V' * ' Vhh. snxDM B u -lobre readerai , ^ pob lic«

7 ' P r tl to h itf M n r r »T B alar Bxcept E• ' Com p«jy, Twla

. . i ; B . X A 8TK R8 . . , ' „ .I_ _ _

I . » iU M « »t tb* Twi&.PaUa PMtoftt I ; ■ ■ DaJlr PubllcalioD.

P ' ^ V ■ SUBSCIUPTKD aily , one y e a r ----------------------

• . • • Daily, nix i i io m lm ........ .................., D » ^ ,y o n o nlflatli. »_— s£|5-------



;v . '^ M a rb le -rS p c c im e n of tlie ed by J a m e ^ lc P I ic r s o n ii^ u r S alt Lake, haW m ade st ich :i inarb le firm of th a t eity th a t i i a t once. ^ . A

i- P latirium -^A ccording t o '{-— .lio n , the u pper Snake R iver in

' ores^of a-richness th a t promise im m ediate prom inence. Sami

■ ;platihum i'worth well iy ‘. abou t $75 to the ton:- [• y . '’Phosphate— “Tiie jiotentiji

'-Idaho, if properly developed, w ' • d 'A lene-m ining d is tr ic t -"‘The

. . ! the largest in the U nited States largest in the w orld.’ “ Tho fu

.ture is guaranteed througli the ’4ts.” Some quotations worth th qualified geologist. M enry Fi

.. a f te r he w ithdrew his o ffe r to. bi N itra te p la n t N itra te is a ferti

•' Ulizer. Ford w as in terested in sw itched from Muscle Shoals ft

— ^Exchange.


; ; • Do you kno^^ th a t Wisconsi can , Ohio land Pen'hsylvania w(

* they nm today i f i t w asn’t fo r tli . Mihn^.ot«r? .D o you realize thal

o th er 'c itfe f in those s ta tes won proach their present day iiniioii

" th e M esaba iron range in Minr yourself and see w h a t a n imp(

p lays every day in the huge ind citiCB.-.

Do you know th a a t over ] M innesota iron deposits hm l ]u

. quentia l? Do you know th a t J< a huge lot of th is iron lan d anil s oil business-? T hen A ndrew Gi steel production on a b ig scale

•' OTe’ beds built the nation’s basic ti-y which has m ade possible tlie R ockefeller w ould never liave b(

C a ^ g i e m ade thousands o ly m i^ o n s of prosperous fainilioj soil-«^.a slate which w as cnnsid

• a s a vast w heat grow ing area, hi? slogan.'

How does thi.s apply'^to Ida ■ T h a t w as an ei*o o f iron, co;

.an cra of coi>per, load, eloctrici an d air|)lane.s.

T h a t w as an era whel^^Iinl ■ sylvaSfia coal and coke at-conver

G rea t Lakes.. This is an eni wIk m ateria ls of tm? in tennoun tain gen era ted by the stored up on s^ 'eam s to satisfy the dem ands o age.. Idaho is a ver>’ hivgo and vi ta in w e s t

B u t you sjiy we Iiaven’t an O h, yes, we have. The b ig pn x 13 H e n p ' Ford an d he has alreat lead m ine and for $15,000 secur sites on the Salmon river. . Kee have fa ith in Id ah o .'

Id ah o can be to the nation w h a t M innesota and Pennsylvani the natioh d uring the p ast fifty ; skeptics in'M innesotJi f ifty year

... - th e itfea.of g rea t n a tu ra l rosnurci a re doing today. B ut during tli

T iron has produced m ore millions gold m ines in tlie U nited Suites more. i.

Study Idalio. Know your Itl Idaho. Believe in Idalio.— I(lah(

« r « > i,K i< * . r r o j w■jM H abci'v '■lltad" VIrslVa \1‘

.. -•"A a^r UiC.lBhabi(«BU of Tro2^4n vti.r A m ctIM 'm IrathruU brmr#, pstnoOc paui

TImi h r« W a t . i>r<aU e t« a r « a n b ffo rr U>«i CII7 ■> <rl

t tk v a aad iium i (o ih« c n ’un L* r.<n«iV ! • allMloo lo lh lt fatnotfB • I>rr. m.al^ . M ' w b o work* wJth ro rrgy aoil h«.l

la n t d to work “like a Tr«- w<nii•J tn ." U k e« ta* a flslitcr i« ItH M id t» flsbKTWk* • T rv jan ."—IU-

• /C fc M iC ‘ r l -


D A l i y t l l l E S "o r TWIN 7ALLU o o u im r

ra ia tUi t!ty tU n «a j othir lication. ' • >It' Bttodair b7 th a T ln a a Pnb lU hA f rla Fall« . Zdiho. . . '

. ‘ . . r r t l t o K ^ b lU h ir

oftlco M 8ec6bd Claaa aCatUr.aii a on. A pril U . 1118.

nON RATES ■_____________________ »6.00

rZ Z " '" ^ , I ’fiO.- • <■........................V


,lie m arble recently discover-* ir Arco anil sen t by. Iiim to a favoralilu impressiiJn on a t li'^ a rlo ad has becyi ordered

:)'advices Ix'ceived iiyLewis* m ining region Jiasyplatinuni ises to bring t h o - ^ t r i c t into inpUis-of ore o n A v h ic ir tlie 11 as. gold and silver (Voith

tial phosphate r^soiirces r>f will dw arf Uie fam ous Coeur

'he. Idaho phosphate f ie ld ,is :es and so fa r a s is known the future o f Am erican agricul-

he e.xistence o f these, depos- th in k in g ‘a b o u t M ade liy a* Ford eritere.d Idaho shortly I.buy the g rea t M uscle Shoals ■rtilizer. Phosphate is 'a fer- • in fertilizer.. M aybe he has • fertilizer to Idaho fertilizer.


nsin, Illm ois, Ind iana, Michi* w ould n o t be tii«-ftqtes th at ■ thb huge b ed s of iron ,ore in la t Milwa'ukee, ChicagOy Jol- „J5itU»burghl^ind-a-hundrod- — 'ould not have begun to ap- oi-tance if it hadn’t been for innesota? Take a trip for iportan t p a rt M innesota on? . ndustHes of those s ta tes and

r 100 e.Kiieits looked a t tho ' juiSsed them us a s ' ineon.se- John p . R ockefeller owned

tl ^ I d l t cheap to go inlo the Gam egie siiw the vision <»f

lie and on these M innesota ' iic industry, the .‘iteel indiis- le juitoniobile w ithout wh'jeh been so wiealthy.

3 bf niillionaires and liferal- lie.<> o'ulri)f the reddish brown | iidered 'only of conssequenco . Q uantity production was

ilaiio? Ju s t this \vay-= ieoal and stijel rails. Tliis,is ieity am i tnulsniission Hnes ,

innc.sotT iron oro niefe Penn- ‘ /en ient cities ;vil an tund llu*' i.•hen copper, lead an d olhcr ; '11 wost will m eet the i)owor )energy jn f ou r .nm untaiii ^s of an eleclric:U and flyina ‘I rich i>art nf the intermoun- J

II A ndrew Canic.uie.today? \ i-oduction exjiert of this era . L»ady t;iken over in Idaho ;l « :ured one (/f the l)est jiowjer | eep your eye on F ord -and ^

:ui fo r lho nexi fil'ly yeai-si ^ [ in ia com bined have heen loy yoars. Tliero w ere nianV *.‘a rs ago, who poo-booed at 'fees, ju s t a s ;n a n y in Idalii) ttliat fif(4 ’ yeai-s M innesou , {

ns in wealth than a ll o H h - ;les com bined— m any Unit's *

Idaiu). Tell llie UlUb aboiii . c lho Plo^ieiT. «__________________ ;________________ . I

Cat*a Self-f^o tec tion 'l lM l nf o . wc.ulil tiM l)r iihlf 10 n ; *

rli.T a rn t Jt* Jn»r» aad ’ *«tt« Inmirdl.it.-lj- n f lr r a ro«^il. It I* f<au«p In Ih r .Jay* wt.cn tlir ra t wn»

trIM Aaliiiul aa.! klll.-.l na.l fiti* » • . .n a -. It-W..ulcl iiniufall.v nnl»li n I |

i.-nl ilrtpplne « llii t.l<.Hl. If n ir .-at I »il B.n lK.«l,^n.l-.‘lK>ur-|UI«. tl .r I , <nili1 h a ir r--lray«^I I ti I.U lns I.larr ,. It- ••i.-.nl.-i -Ti.m-f.ir^ 11 ,,n .h n i lU.-lf r a n fuliy. an J II Uaa n. t- ll>.t ll.r J..I.II.


j r Published by arrflnQemant with 1;^ * ^ and W atterson

CHAPTER Xltl—C ontinued Ixird aoxton wont on w llh bU

ilory.-J th ink TOO linvB had the nmann .

of your llfu, younR fulldh my lad. ll wua ca ich ln ' emHii Indlads th a t ' Iiut yuu cluan uu i o t t b d r bcadb. u!au ihey w(>uld liuva boon buck , in llio catiiD r»r you na auro (t4 fi.io ami Katliiiri>il. you In. 01 cnuriio. OK you aalil. Uicy Imvo bocii Wulcliln' Ul tfrfm the txielniiln’ oiil 1 of thtti truo. anil ihoy know jwr* 1 tnctly woll th a t wii wuro nno ahorL .

' Howovor, thuy cuiild Ihlnk onty ot-lhiH DOW hanl: so It wiui I. nnd 1 Iiot A bunch o t npon. Ihat dropuuJ 1 Jn on you In , lho momlnB. 'Veil, ;

‘wo had a horrid bualnons ntiur* c wordn. My God! whnt u nlchi- ' nmro lho wholo-.ililnn l«! Yon nr- J

J inumlmr the Bri'Ul lirlallo o t illiAfp ’ , caofii down holow whuru wo '

found Iho ikoli-lon o t thu Am<>i;l- I 1 c m ? Woll. Ihul In }iist<^id<-r n|«>- I

lown. and thn fa Ihn junipln'-off • jilaco of Ihelr prliionor#. 1 erpi'Cl <

j ln j r e ’a hunpa of Rkolotona thnro. I J Jf Wo lookod for 'em. Thoy hnvu '

a nort u t cJuiir piiriido-Rrouml on ’ .tho top. luid thoy niitko a prnptir i ■ c tti^ io n y nbout ll. Ono hy ono 'I I the po<ir dovlla have lo jum p, nnd J j Ilia itiimo Is lo noo whothor thoy f

a ro muruly dnahud to. iilucon or n whiilhur thuy Roi nki'worod on thu I cunoa. Thoy took un ou i lo noo e

-ll. and lho wholo irlb-i Iluod up oa v I Ihn oiIro. Four o t Din Imlliius r

jumped, nnd Uio c.nics 'wi'Ul t throiiKh 'om Ilku kn litln ' nuc-dlox p llrrouRh a pal No won. Iilor wo founilXMSTiioor Yiiiikio’t » nkuli'ton wlilj’ ihu ciiimrt nrowlii' i' bulwuntf hlH rllin. Il wiii hi.rrlbli' 1 —but 11 unn dooccdly Inif.ri.ntlii'. ■' loo. \V« woro ull fiindlml.id ^1 «••<- i'

, thom Uiku ihtt dlvu. ov«n when w.- < U.ouKhl tt would .ho our tnru noxt h

*ot> Ihu aprlne-bonrd. •■^Volt. It waan’L T hry kept al* t

of thu Indiana up for toduy—Ihnfn ii how-1 undurntood li~ b u i 1 tiincy u wo woro to bo tho Ktar porformurn li III .tho ahow. ChallonRur nilch t gvi atr, bu t Summiirluo und 1 wuro In « tho bill. Thoir lansuago Is mot^i c lhan half alKna. .Ulld It wiw nm t hard to fntlow tl^om. So I thouRlii I< II »9a tIinu wo- iniulo n .b rouk m r v U. 1-had hooD p lo ti ln 'l l tTftl a' hll. c «nd bad otii< nr two thlnca clinlr In a

ium inarlco wni\ ntii-li'nii uud Chilly - .i-uror uni much lii'iivri Tho only t. '.lino they koi loi^ithur iliuy r.ul uliiOBla' hociiino' llu-y coulUu-l c «Kruo upon lliu a«l/?Dil(1c L-Ia»sll1.

..cu tlo n o t UiMo r<'a.h.-;i.lfil iJovil; : .hat Iiud Rul hold o t‘ini. Onu i.alil ll waa Ihy dryopltlntcim uf Javn. I: ■iip“o lh .'r KnId It W.1K plltnM-.inlliro- «

Mudnvsn. I call ll-U x in i.-n . d, ?oih. Dul. nn J aay. I huiJ O n.iirlii T

'■ au t one or two polnln lha l wi-m ll lirllifiil. OM.1 wiia th a t H,i--:io I’ OTUtrn caxM no t run o.» tu«l u» !■ "•Ull lu the oprli. Thi'y havi- nhorl. Ii ■«MtiiljL.Jt?S.i. you fi-i:. Ulld lioiivy fodles. • Kviiii ^ m ll . ;n i : i i r c«ulri Klvu a tow yurdn In n Imiuln-d to ^ lho hchL o t'T Iicin . (jnd you . i t I wimld h o 'a jH>rfoci Shrubli. .\ii- > oihi-r polnl Wltli Ihnl they kn<-w g ro lh ln ’ nhoul. KUB!i. I ilon’t be- “*lirvo Ihny iivrr ..................1 how ilio _fi.Mow I ahol camo ?j> hln hiiri.If we fould «.‘i Ul i.ur cunn tluT.v wnn nn naylli' whiit we c-cuM.do.

"So J l>ri.ko.ii«iiy rurly iliH • •moruln'. navo uiy Koanl u kIrU InIho tuniniy (bul Inlil ............ it. an.I

,>«Tirt«itt.»l Jor lho caiom T lu r . '. I• you Ulld Iht. K unv'nftil '

wo. aril." • J‘ '/Hui Iho profi'anoral" I crIcd, I.i {

.conniornatlon. . ' .. ,V '•W.-II,-wo munt Ju-‘t r.o k mrt" it

tolch •cm. J <-c)ol.liri l..ln^ •.•11;• Vllh n.u, rh-U l.-iir.r w;.» op ih-. '' tree , and Suniim.fli'.^ oaxT i'ii m

for tho .ctfcrt. TIi.. only *ua to K.:t lho ciin:i iin.1 Iry a r..;* cue. Of cour».i Ih.-y may Ihrm n l \ ’li.-.i lu r. v..iir.'. I >l":.'l. I th ink OK-y woul.l to...'li < ;...lli.HK. r. 1 hut 1 wotililo'l f.,r sUi:;.r'crli'O . Jlul th ry wouM hav.- lia.i 1>- hlm In nny ca«... Of, lUiil I ,iii. certain . So J lia v rn 'l, n.;..l.' .nu l ■’ torn any w or.e Ly t.ollin'. liui ».• : r.ro houor bouo.t 10 ko h.ic-k .>0.: i'.

w ith thrm . So >uu r^n tn-.V.i ui> i"your aoiil. 'yoiinB frlluh n y t.i<l '>■for It will be onu way o r 'th r olh..r "

- bctor.' c t . ian-." . «I hav.. irl.-.l 10 Itnllai- h. r.- I.01.1

lloiloa-a j.Tky l.-ilk. I.h I.alroOK n rn ...... lb.- h-U f*i«..,f -

oua, h n lt- re rk lr i ' li'i'.- I lu l r-;. throuKh It'a ll. llai U.' un-.-. I.u.-i- -•I .ad -f. A . .Inoc-r ilii.l..-.;.-,! lil , Jauniy in.ii.niT ’n.-r.-.-.-.x hi '■ aprrcli I > In. .-..-.I •> ry ra Kliitrr In f. .iH . ’,r.- ..oO h'.n IV.n Ui.lx..rr in..u::j.»i<0.r1vlli. •

■ . , t h J,- Ct r ta a c '/ . h i- la im .o ai.prr-r'J^r.n

of Ih r .Irama of af. udvroiiir.- - nil Iho reort' inlr-ii*.- fur o.vna tish lly i n - h : . .-.'n*!. ; .n i v io r tha: r r r r y prrll in l;fi» l» a f..rm of I' ai.nrt. a Orrc* cai.i" run

• BBd Katr. s . 4 |,.ff.-ii, Iv m ndr hln. a Wor..l..rr..l ct.:i.iuo:on ' Ih a t •»u.-a ir llnur f ra r . l,. ih r f..l- nf ..,;r v. r.: 1 M

• r i .n lo n n . I, -....M h .r ,- l .o r :, V.I I . e w n . r - i : w i , h <u, r. ■'t

' a r .an In!" . . i r i sn ..T ..lr V.'.■ .rrr rlv.fic from o-.t l.r htdlBrfl'lncj' »uJ.|i-a;x I f .- i i ; '- 'h i. cr;p i.iv,n ‘ )


T W I N F A X L S n C T ^ Y

flth F irs t National P leturaa. Infc, on R. RotHaekar. . . _____.;:

" flr ba whispered,‘Tsoro they coofel!*

From whom wb lay we coaid look d o w n .a brawn* alnlo. arched

>0 vrllh r r ,« n frvrmr.l hy tl.n ---------d. nnd-branchea. Alontt thin a iu r iy . , < r the ap»-men w ere ^ n ln t t . T h a r . w ent In alnjtle fllo, wltb heal leira • n id rn u n d o d backa, fbol'TEanda oo-

* cniilonally loiiclilnir' Iho cruund.- Iholr 'heads tu m ln tr 'io loft, nnd

)f rlithi aa ihoy' t ro ttu j (tluiii:. Thoir 11 c ro u c h in g 'm il iuoK u'vav fro in ,.^- il Ihelr hclRhl. h u r l ahould put thorn ' r. ut Uve tout o r ao, .With Iuur a fm i L and vnormuua chonta. Many ot y Ihnin currlcd ' a6uk». .uud u t ill**— d itlttUnco thoy luokbd' Ilko n .lln-i d o f vory hairy ttud. deformod hu- I. man buloRa.- Por a Miomont I■ • ('(iurIii Ihln d o o r Rllmp'i- of. thom.1- Thun thoy woro lout umour: tho f hunhiin. *• .p ’ "N'ot ihin tlmo." «ald l.ord Jofio. " "1} vrho had cauiiht up hla rlUi.. "OurI- l«-<il chuncu lu lu Ilu .iiik'i until

they havo rIvcii up i!i'> i>furch.If *I1iun wo nliull nr.u 'vli;-lh.T wut can 'l Kot hack to the ir lown and>. t-Jl 'nm irhuru ll hurta loi.xt. Giveu 'em nu .tiour Jind wo'll im irch ."/'n We tilled jn Iho tlm.- by oiVt p - ___ ^r i r s ouo o f our food lln;. nnd muk.9 ‘InK nuru o t nur breahfuKi. l.ord -J Koxioo had hnd nothlni: hut aomoK fru ll iilncu thi) momlni! heforo andr nio llko n stnrvlUR umn. Tlion. ntu hint, our pockolH boFKliii: wllh' cnKrIdRon nud a rllle In curli hund.1 wo i;uiricd oft upon.our mlimlon ofJ nncno. Hufore Ju.-xvliii.' It wo car.hI fully markod ■ o u r lltilo hldlnn- 'i pluco nnioiii; lho hruiih»n«»l aud li;i. U-arliii;. lo Kurt Chall.'OKor. Ihal< no tnlrlil llml ll BRaln If Wo n.u-d.- ed It. \V.. niuiik' lliroi.uh Ibo. liu.ih.’R In Hllcncu unlll wn onmu. 10 lho viTy «.(lKo o t Iho cllft. clone.• III lU irold camp. T h rm »o hull. ■■ <il. Ulld Lord John ruvl- 100 somo I h'.(.a of hla plann. _ - . /

"So luue an wo nrn umou/; thn /I thick treea ihcnu swUio-uro qV1 tiiuailjr*.*' nalil ho. . " rh o y can noer ur. aod wo cnnnol'aeo ihem. Hut> In th e .‘open il. la dlttorouL TboruI wo uin movu fnaler than thoy.' So 'I wa munt' ntick to tbo opun nil wn. can. ’Tbo' odRu lot lho plal...-vu bnsI to^ 'o r liirKu Iroia than 'iu rth u r In- •I land. So. Hint's our I ln o 'o t ad--f vuncft. lio slowly, HcTP your «y«a. cpeu and your rl/lo ready. A boreI a ll, iiuvor let ihom Rut you prin- , .

~ —lh afa my hint word to you. youuR r follnli.- / -. • V.'h*«uu^ rr.ichod Rl* of the 1 cliff I looked OTur and saw ^ j r . coihI old hlucU / jm b o nlltlni;

i.inolilni: nn a roek J>i-I»w u:i. 1 I wouhl hnvo Klven a e ro a i deal to • ,

huvo hnllrd him and lold him-how wo WLTO phiced, hu j'fl* wnn loo *'dunR<.riiui, lunl >v.i tihould bo heard. Tliu.w oodn nvum cd 'io bo full o't i.n Ili.i aiic-men: p rain and aRsIn we . nilv I'imrd Ihelr curloun cllcklnR cbnl- j,, te r. A l au rh , tlm rn wo pluncud „( Inio ih«. m-sreni clump of buahc< ..-iiid iny 411III un til the a ound 'had

I ».1W our (jood old lilacK Zambo ait- tlno emok.ro on a reek below of.

li.i'.ni cl .i.v.iy, t»iir ndrSJici*. tht-n-.............. V , , 'v . . u . . . , „ d tw o ho u r. , J '.1 I .a .i i.i.i.t I.,..,- luianrd b.-foro ; l.y 1.M.M J.,L„-a. cau lluu . .

our d.-:.t;n.’,'l , i; 'l lo lIJoAourd V "'"1.. I.... 10 M- M.n. ho crawled (..rx-ar.v 1.111,.H f II, a mlnulo iTo

harl. cKaln. his fjco quIvurlnR Kith . .a r .r iu " . ■

■ »..i,i Iw. -Corae quick!I iK.;,.. Irf^ilu. 1„„.J «g aru nht too no'm

alr.-a.!yt~ - «'»'*I fu;in<l nv>n..lf >haklnB w llh .to n .

-.TK..1, .-Jl II. Mi r,! a-. I nerambled1..r«.ir<l nn.I lay d ..w n ,be-ld r b lia. 'IT.

...Jl lhrou,:h Ibo bnahra a t j,,,. rb a r lo c «!iich i.i.-,iched beforeII - ". II.'*.?. a -.'-hi whI.h I ahall Bovrr r . ^ . . i ’ ...I.T my .lyla* day— 0 ...■Inl. ii:i[w...!iil.-, m a r l de'TKit ‘.iinw I .,m 10 maki. yoo rcaJ- Of ir.- 11. ,ir h.i« ;n a tow yrara I -hall hriuc my».-If to bellavo la ft Twin I ' I livr to .<1 .,nr.. mon> oo s ’.-.in^r in III.- s . . i , e r Club and

.u r ..n I’u. d r.:h 'no lld lly of Hr;Ih.- Kml-m-^in-iil I k o o w .th a t jf__andv.;i" ...... . to I,A >o«e w l l ^ :i.ilil.

I M iM m :.- . t . .I^'irlum of f r r a r . ' Ma»|. : V,-! I u-ill -.-t II '.lo.. :i now. whllo • «wor : 1; I- r i l - tr n m r m rnnrfy. - :ni! 1

rin.I i.'u- raan »ho lay.'.i ;.- . !.» my m dr. - n j

; ^ 1:1 Uru* K I |,p,^I l l o 1>

I’h T .


T IM E S '^

' D sB ly I_ ICon'elM tiy Unlud Pnaa)

> J ^ 0 £ S U A Y , A PA IL 14

r . U w t Featorea• ^ -t tuimaora- and

. ^ .M« a « j l* ^ K _ a n U i ,^ aour of

s s if s . S ' a s S S ; *....

■iiiSo !•; i, NKW vniui_n9ii.o

m m m . .

■ i . is;is if 5=sss-sr,s.''!;,sr,.- :

n'-io'*• *V‘ZwNiViIS‘'i .^ ’" o ‘ ^ ' , ■■

s i i i i 'p S L S f a f e s i s : ' ' ’^ loTtir p. S —Oraii.1 0 |wt:i. -rtn n n ." '5*

l i l i l l s l g K g r s!i?s if ii, i . ,- ..n :2 ';s ;,K 're s^ * ■:! i : ! i f b i E « i ^ , r f i : ; . . .

• IW JJtaK W ftS K M * ! !•. il.Mi) |.. >I —rii.1. U>i.i.M;i.'r R.H'h.l.'.. lin:

r — - ■ _ ~ L - i- » a i .

. . . A T T H E . . . I.V^ T H E A T R E S 1 ;

• ' ot 1' , JI.N I 'l 'll.S U T OK T IIE HAVAtJK. of

ItuilKlMi: Ihe th rill of .doliheruloly cdll r.cukluR IIUI III.. ii'iaii-eatliiK eauiilbul r l.n Illn oM’n Kriniiul! JiiinRluo tho I'''iill nilventur.- n t iiulilift; ihe .Soulh Kean 111 nelioouc-rH. .vlih un urnieil crew<>t tintlve boyc?

luiuKlife ih.- uerv.- of mliiRllnR wllh tho fl..rrriil nuil' crili-I.-iit mail- ■Mllinr k;iv:ikc-« lli-th .- woi Id—cnnill- T u i I'iiln Ihat 11 rlvlllc..'d Rov.Tnuiefll Iiud 2- wiirn.'.l y m t.i hiny nway from — imni Huvii^ei. lhai you hud h.'iiril a ll Hortn own ut Niirrlblo luli-a uhoul!

It l«n 't' ncioBHnry 10 uho your dr.-x lioaRiiiallim. All you hnvo 'i.l d» Is10 uti.-ii.f lho urTilieum thealro to- mini ihiy or lomorn.w w1i<.n'tho ti'iiliirc. u.r„ ."Jlr'iid Iliiiilprn o t Ihc South Henn." t wlll. be Hhown. It Wlin mnde hy „ •, .Marthi Johnnon. renowned worhl frnv..!rr, adVeiiluror nn.l explor«r011 bin Mci'onil vW t to M:i|..kula. kuoivii ilirniiRlioiii ihi> H^uih K.'on un R'iCC :i cannibal Inlnml. then

----------------------- 1 - J .f . trn * 0^' T ji.t> K s 4.

\v.- i1..«)r.. r„ ,.xjr.-,r< iitii- iilnrernihanlin 10 nil our fiin .iln und ni'lKh- hc.is for i.ynipalhv nnd a* li.lanc .- ' iliirlnt llln'.n... nnrl d.-nth of ,\|rn. i'harl..H c . nhmnii aud for ihx many l..uiillfiil fl.Iiiil offerlOKH rrrelvi-rl 011 OS H llu- o.-,a»i..n ,.f h ^ f i i i i . r a l . iho

rhaile>r IJ. oTO.un und r i i l h l r e n ------Jolm l Vi.-n.oii-.-_______. m

The “Ada" of Old. ' • I f< *Advenl*Jlii: In not n new nrl hy nny

nenn-. AdvrnlNenienI- nf n kind nt>- i.ninchlns .m r uirnl.-rn lden« were In .-ncuu In nndleijl ICkTPt. (?rcero ami lloiiu-. These, hoivevi'r, w.-r.» tao-tly "'I l.i*rripil..nn of runawny nlnveR. ofT.-ni '>f re \lan l for lo«l proiK.rly. nn.l w> on.Hie |K-«|i1e o t romlx-ll w ent liiueh - | 'urtliiT. On Ihe <-ie:ivnted wnll« uf ihe . ^ lurlcHt rliy have I.ii-n found nu- ; loiinc.'ini-nt.^. nf Rlndlnlnrlal »h.'«-«, | a. vllh n.iish p icture- of tnvorlte cladla- ' t>i o rt. et.*.. Ihut m dat'l .e In k .^ a - an- J hi lel|iallou- o t the ini«lem pl<^ire po*- 1 WJ ll - : ---------------------- _____________ _ -i*”U atrmrBl o t Ihe O nnrr>hlp, » « « . ' b.

•se in rn i. n rcn la iloB . I te . ‘ uqn lrrd by Ihe A rt o t Cot>inT<s o lAnRn,t SI, imS. • .

Of th e T w in - t 'a lln Daily Tlmea, .uhllnhed daily., except gunday n t 'm V ln I'uila. Idabn. to r April I.

Sl.ite of IdJiho,' counly ef Twlo ^11*. n«. , ■ ‘ . . . 'a t

nrforo roe-, a no tary puhiic. tn V n.i tor. Ihe jR h T a n d couniy a fore- ^ aid. pcrniHially nppeared I. H. ta» lrr» . whot ha fln * been duly ( a w orn aecordlnx 10 law. dapo ira . nd say* tha t h« ta lho ow tter pub . Ia> Kher of the Twla Falla Dally Time* ! « nd Ihat th e tollowlnc la, :o tho ra t of h ll knowledcv aad t>tll(t. a y me sta tem ent o t Ihc ow nerahlp. ranafremrnl (and If a .lally p.-l>er. ' le rlrru la llu n K r l c . ot Ihe a fore- d>

'y - J '

l ? a d i o P r

“ :: l E h c s r s ™ ^ II

I»:uii J". M.—Bnutwlek Hour ot Mwta. 5 ^

. - „ . . . Higlru.1. lUjeajj^jopTMyi O^k, JMck- l.OlBO 11.. .10 i7'%T.1.^SU(fi]m IUU O rvM n. ' ..oa,

• »vwi. w traoiT -«#a.» ‘ S;??:

" " 1"! l ***'** loitiii J'! M,'^'nu>.f tft-ra. " & « « .” 7:M

~ , 5 S ! f S S « ? a .m. WrAU. CLKVIUJ*Nl»l-.-w#,« . P:«#

s i f | i £ & ' £ i i S ^ -10 00 •, XI >-Cr>nt <Wft. "oiSJiL" Si.iS

(C onlral S tandaH Time) fP«

" K.|m I*'"'*!*' 5rmi2?*‘B?~*‘‘“ "*tl liO !•; X,'—tirant ."OnSJISi,- ®=®'*J! :? s¥ s :S S S r '“ ■ ^ ■ i s ^ ! i 3 S % S = ^ . ^

s iiiSil-i:: . " S ' :

llwlll M „ I- ™.. S'iiu 'iK 'S 'SS’-” ■ >

'I S !; S != S ;W B lfi,. '"Z ;

i r r ? I’ M,—ABi-rle»n L.«jnn (tenrm, vi?!!--!p s;ss P

s ;

inld..pi>I4toatJafl^fap-tl>»:-di>lo.BltownJ-Trhg In .lIio uburu cnpilon, rcyulreil by boldi tlio Act o t AURiial a<, 1012, «ml)odled In nocllou 443. iioatnl Juwb nnd ros- ulnllonii, printed on tho revohio aide ot thin form , to - w li : ' of 1

1. T hat thu numcn nnil nddresscaof lho publlshur, eilllor, manuKlug * ** cd lio r.'and buniuoiiH maunRoni v e :

Piihllnher, I. H . Mnnleni. Twin n'f, ‘ Knlln, Mnho. •

Kdlior, J . 1). .W hclnn,,clly editor, " ’Il , rivIii Knlln. Idaho. ';Mniiup.Srf){ e.lHor, 1. 11. Jlaalora,

rw In I'a lln, Idaho. j,lIunliioBn ninnuRern. I. II. Jlaslora,

r u in I'a lhif Iduhu. ' r2. f h u t lho ow nem nro: /( itlv o

mnien and uddrcsnon of InillTlduQl iw nem, o r. It n corporation, slvo " I " I . an.l i l „ „ .m . , .d - Ir.-wcn o t riockholdura ownlUR or ,, mIdInn 1 p e r cen t o^ luorn ot Iho \ oinl nmoiinl of a tock ; I. 11. .Man-: ^ ern. Twin f'ull*. Idabo.

3. T hai tho know n bondholdora, P " ''" norlRaRccH, und olhur accurlly hold-ra owulnR o r hold 1 pe r ccn t or liorc (if lolnl um ount QfJwnda, morL HRCB. or o the r necurlilen a re : (If " '“"'P Here aru- none, so etate.)J . A. Crom, Tivln R illa , Idnhfl;4. T hat Ihe tw o pa raR rnphs'nex t •

bov-e, RivInK Ihe nam ea of Ilia own-r?i. BlcH^klioIdcrn. and ai'curlty bold- m. It nny. roainlii no t only thU list t nlo<-klifildern and accurlly holder* / g , - n n they appe/tr iipoti the booka of 1)0 compaay bu t a lso , ' In caaea jo ' J3

iVASHINGTON DAILYB Y H A R R Y B . H U N T *>k^. S K A Serrleo W riter “

WAKJIINtJTON'—It takea more th a n 'a dlplomol. In the Opln- lon of Dr. 1-avel Hlmniky.

■M«ond »ecr»lary of tho Caceho- niovak leirailon. to appredata I ^

• American humor. th< Humor. Dr. Blraiiaky aay*. la ^; auppcw-1 to be Tunny. Rut to data Wllbu■ BO ona haa bean fcbl* to eonvlne* o«»er I him thar* waa a ny th ln r m m i- p«y 4 1 bUne ft(n In lbe i>rank to r which UcC

ba waa mada th « ^ c t ,A p r i l 1. ,h « *I " I knew April i I* Rippoaed lo, to tlx' be a UnM for iohea.” Btrmnakjr pro* aeeertI irat*. “b u t why plek on meT' could' The aeoa lan (or the diplomat's lie

, dUtrra* wna the s a th m n x a t • »pll« 1, fsahlonable aupiwr- d u b , on the partmI cvenlnc o f A t^ l X o f aonte JO ATMI in>«a^ Includlnc detwlantm dlplo- not re'm a t ^ W h l l a Houae atiW« .and Dcfitr■ ftT R^and B»vy omeer*. JusUc : “We here.- iBeTTiaJd. / to Ihat c -a ttend Dr. Stranaky'a lUnncr." tlve d<

. **Tba doctor haa made no naerr theae‘ vatlona." exptalnod the heodwaKer. tW Then «be alxnldcanre o f . tbe had &

.d a ta dav n «1 - upon U ^ c u n t a . S m r ti amneone co t Jn tboch 8<rso< acrlbn’ aky to confirm or dlaproVe that petidaiI atuplckm. lla wa* pm atraled with Cart."' eonfiaton and r««i*(. mada. , “ 1 aent no lavtuUaw** ho aatd.' The

’*1 am aatonlahed. SdmeoM U*«athooRht to plajri-w hat yoa a D '• flctitajoka." ' t w m

PrtratelfT h < w « r . Stranaky praaMdaaoot rata r ta tba m atter a r a aOaiia

MONDAY. APRtr. 3!!,, 3fl25. ‘T ' , ^ = = = = = = = = = a c = = s = a '-

r o g r a m. w . - . E a i ' s s - g a ! . ’ ,i

r. » 'S a i S ! '£ 5 W « .T ^ r i tJ is s sT 'S is s S '* , . . . . p . ' s s j a H ' s s a f ■'> f

S f;

a K .S p liff l S B 'S -- . -

i;^ R CfDoM

P:«& P. M.—Mew ArlUKUu OreWra.vrrAA, ttA U J k t- trM a-an r. m.— ikktc-* uoroe- •

j :ss i •T:0«r.SSi'DSS?'?S^*

^ :« P .^ if i .‘i , S ^ " 5 I n ? S ! e r « a .

( r t d f i c CooM sundard Tltne) .

;!i'P: S ^ S S .'W S S i. ’ ■ i K « . f c > ! ! S S .B K S . , , •

i .• tn . ion r r - ~ ‘ ~ r t**

;(S }:•. 8 '; :35U !^ iS S s a r ^ s a - H :

iu? r: S j :3 5 n « i£S ’'*>nfi.'fc*~

TnshAT-a WMt.s-r.aTATiO!«i

»l. WT.M1. W-WAV. - . ^ • rn —illalinn ni*n«fn»«ili r««<eve‘rl:tilJlw-pro'Ttmt al tlielr dlKnUaa. .

~~ '______holder nppenr* upon the booka o tlho company on fruRloo o r ^ a nnjr.................olhor fiduciary rela tion , th o name of th e . roraon o r corporation for whom nuch trusteo la acting. Ja , liven; alno th a t tho aald ,tw o para- uraph* contain a ln lcm enl* ' ombrac.IIR ntritini'H full knowlfldse and be- \ lot na to Iho c irc o tn a tan cu and . Minaitlonn ttndor which alockboldera md nccurlly lioldera w ho <Io n o l aj>., loar upon ttie hooka of ttio comtMny in Iruatoes. hold alock and aeeurU . v Ii-a In a capacity olhor lhan tha t ot I hoiia tld ^ ^ w n o r ; and tbla a ttlan t ins no rca ron lo bellero Ih a t atly ilher pAWnii, annoclatlon, o r cor. lorutlon Iiaa (toy Inlorost d l r ^ or ndlrocl In tlio laUl .stock, bonds, r o ther a 'ccu rllles-than 'as ao atated y him.C. Thot Iho a re race num ber ot

ople* Rrbss o f each Issue o t \h la lUbllcatlon aold o r Ulatrlbutod, lirouch ih« m ails o r otherwise, lo aid aubscrlbenh .du rlnx tb e alx lodths precodlnr Iho dato abowa Imvo Ul 33:'5. (Thin ' Infonnation In iMjulrcd from dally . publications niy.) ^

1. II. MA6TEIIS.R.wnrn lo and ' aubncrlbed before

ihlii mill day of A pril, 192G.J . K. w n m : .N otary Public.

3fal).-My^rommlniilon ‘expire* Feeb n u ry

r N E W S m i E RIke. Ho can only ^eacrtt* It Cweh 'w onl o f tourt«Mi o a ea » . .

u iU and tbreo vowela V h lcb :>unda Uke a mlna«nw«r<»r azplo- - on.

r ill2.tax««t cooflkl.botwaan a Jf: ecuilve and ted aM tra M . - thority In th* te<ara«»«W to ­

te detkanco. by SaerecvT «< M ary nibur. of ordw* by CMBptreOar; eneral - UcOarl re ta rd la* te e k ly doe certain naVy oOoara.UcCarl bad bold tba u a ^a ta r e t .

>«M men frotq.abo r a n la r M v y '» the fleet iaaiif»a tu d not baon x on ilnc to lioyte and tb a l tAay ■>uld not Wcally be paid, lie plenlaled In thla decWlOB d a - ,

»lie a conuary report.by tb* t>e- artment of Justlca.A ner a ll. bo aald. hla oA M 'W H l ,

Bt reaponalble t tf 'a ltW tb* Navy ( » / iTfatrtment o r tb* Dapartiaaat oT>Iisuce. but only to Coocreaa. a ad ; lat deeplte an y th ln c ,tb a « o w - - r . .,ve d rparunenu ooaM do abOM I t : w w btlla weald not ba aDowad. • t w tnor* tb aa two y a a n M eChrl.

ad Mocked tbaaa pam oBta. N « w ^ rn r ta ry w u b o r. la wimi la «a>, rrtbed aa - a darta ia ttaa «< fcida. rndaac* I n a tb a r«l* o< Me- a r i" baa ordarad tbe payaaeeta lada. . _____^ . • 4

» Ithtar, BMy aiaka M coBtaatk ba- j r m evfa tb* fcnat* -aod tb»L ^eaideat aeaaa Hk* cotori aaa. t a a * 'rauw. J

Page 5: a y ftLY TIMESnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014-12-12 · S i y B i S : : : ': ; .: is .-.'j 7‘ •' : ; ' si(Wt^«ij,{NbibBB>m. -1“- ' • •

M O N p X T . A P n iL 1.1, 1025;

B n t i n e n D i r e c t o r y |

’.A tto rney .J . H . S A lW E 3 ~ 6 v c r CUy Cafo.

• PORTEH—W ITHAJ!, Law yer*. ‘ O rarC lw Book Store. ' ^ ■

0 . 0 .- ! iA L L -0 v « r Oto«, Poofc B tort.

Ja n es . IU Botbicolt — O rr C hapouo BOTHWELL ft CItAPUAK

Wooda BIJg. R oom i' 6. 0. 7. .8. », 10

^ . SWEELEY & 8W at£LBY—A llomojB ---------- — » r«t»-l>&>UoiH>t-B*nte^H«Hin----

. Shoe Repairing'_____^ nOYAL 6H 0H RBPAIRINO. T.

M r«ri. Prop. 180 2n(i-SL. EuL W> n ito - c a r ry , now _______

Transfer ;• ' l i n O ^ l E 'S tRANSFER.* frb. 130^.

CROZiER TRANSFER COMPANY— Phono 8<8. Storago and crating.

McNICHOLS TRANSFER & ’ STQR- ■y. AOE CO.—O arbsgo .bau led dally >

nrARQERG- TRANSFER & STORAGE CO.<-StorBco and Bpoelal carload ■htpmcnte to C a llty m la .P b o n e .u a .

* Blacksmitliing ,

■ • . I S s c „ - -B l a e k i i ^ l n g S prfiw W ork i <

. K rongel H ochlnlt Co. i• PhoBo 1808. ■ ' giQ.sao Sccond Smth. t

Chiropractors - ^• ' ” DR. a p. WYATT ^ <

. , Cblr^ractor . • I»1 3rd Ato., Wo. Office Plyno 4B7 •

DR. BULA O.'SA'WYBR 1Oiteopntblc Pbyaloln'n (i

. . . SMllB-1 BTfiJ 2, Gon BBBldln*?lione l.GiO»W. . Rea. 164Q.J ^

Auctioneers” COL. MUNYON ,

F ile r Tw in F bHb jPhon* 6S . HiPBe 9^9 (

Paints & Roofing' M ia iT B B S SUPPXIEB

'F o r 8«1»-P*ln t» ,, OHb. M nm po . KolMmtoe lB bu lk ; B ee Suppllea, Berry boxes, A ulo WIndBblflldf, FJat» a n d W indow G U ci u d W alt Paper. H opp 'i Bbdp. • __________

.M weUaneous2S7B SPECIALIST—D r. WoL 'D . Rey. “

nolda, B u e c e u o r 'to D avis Optical ^ Co. 209 M ala EaaL'' N ext dbor toGolden Rulo.. • d

• TOR m L L IA M > S -T ry - M acauley’a. '

, olB. R obber. Hldea, P e lta and Kura. 2

. ARMOUR CREAM STA TIO N -334 M ala Soutb. T w in Folia. Pbonea . 1648 a n d 1074. See ua bofore aolt- . log creain, pouU ry o r e g g s ,. Y m. r wo 'como o u t a fte r y o u r ' poultry , t O pen ' S a turday nlghU u n til 10 .o 'clock. Cbaa. Underwood. ■ ^

Piano Tuning ' ' }‘. & 0 . n u L L "

80 ycara* Experlenco. T ' ’ n . ^ Phone 317J . 1?. O. Do» 803. i.-

Typewriters'• -We nell *«ro. Rent 'em . Fl* ’flin. »


■218 Main 8L N„ T w in F ttll4 1

F o r S a l e - M i s c e l l a n e p u s ir' FOR SALE—Wo b a re .a num b 'ir of , aocond hond aowtng maeblBca a tfT c ry 1' nMuoBofile p rlcea w hile tboy J loat 1 dlQger Sew ing M achine C o . l a t M a f j But. .

FOR SALB—Kooc c tc A gravel. C.0 . Markle'a Blaekam lth hhop. 4th 1» aTc noe-w eat Phone 26tW ._________ ot

, in a n - A L T m n jB g r o w n f r i h tand abadft IrccM. am alt f ru lta , a tin ib i. a t roaea. vlQes anti pcrennlala. D eal o( — atock fo r'Jo w ca t prlcea. .Saleam en - w antg)l.^C ata]0Kue la f r e a KimberlyNuracrlca. K im berly. Idaho ._________ i

POR SALD-Slngle aprlng wacnn L and atnslQ hamniM, S35 S^avcnue .

■ w m o r p h o tf a T T M . . ^FOR aAI-B-l<ur»«*ry atock of a ll f *

kind*. ' OgaruntMHl to p lfaac you. a t _ ?07 8ih jivm ue w a t . P hone 122BJ.DH: Peck' Co. y _________ P(

“IT*8 HOT A HOMK IfK TIL I T S “ rL A N T K I).- _ ]

Add l>cauty. pleoirtiVe and p r o m to r ‘ your bomo by p lan lin e om am cnial ^ trcfta, a h ru b a t ln « ^ r«*ea aad peron* niala. F ^ r th e coming 60 daya wo j,? w ill haro tb«M> p lan la f a r you a t ou r _ IMcklBC p lan t and will t>e open e te - - Dloca a lso to aerve you. O ur atock la gn bome t i o wn, frm b ly dug und fine. Ktn;b<riy N ur»crlea, K im berly. Idaho, j rbooe,46 . Vo

'r a n S A L S—6000 IbH. home g ra irn ^ . ' a lfa lfa aeed. te« l 9552. No nooloua t ,

■*reda. C Je a p e r than anybody, .fire i- t -mrf for prlcc* on la rg e quantltle*. Se<* — aeb d a tT w laF a lla .F e« ^ & Ice Co.. or ^ 1 n t my home H m ile eas t o f old foun* bo dry . W. P . H oag . K Itnberiy road. .

■ FOR 8A1.E—I J loch carri*ge. neV- m t model Underwood. Inqo lre T , care an Tlrt«-fc ' ■

FOR S A L O -L om bfr. aeeond hand, soi la rge alock o f a ll kinds. 4 tb ‘avrnu* A — 4th a tfw i- aontw A. S. G lbbc Pbone 1smn. i . 1 . •_______ _ ^- FOR SALB Dill pkk leo . & H ' 1

■ Crabtree. Pbone 81SJ0. _________ ^FOR SALE—Rocking cbaira. U a- —

tb e r davn iport and ch ina c lo ae t t » l >4th aTettBe e—L____________________ •*»

POR s a l e —Ble c tr lr vacuum clean- on #T, "Ohio." »l7.8a. i:*M 'llent w i l l - hoi Iloo. Pbone n i J . Or


' 'bra Do ifiL '1 '


r. ■ I f e ’.'-’

y ■ 11 I. — I I — <— .— 1 " ■ .

j- T I M E" f p r Sale-Miscellaneous 1

r o u SA U J-^RwIfuneil.H ord wli.oat.I3.C0 i)cr Imndred, two Iliiff cockcr«^ln j

. nml one Ooldon WynnilolU. CIS 2nd ,i w eal. \ ; ;

FOK 8 \I< K -> ^ lT K t» ^ K M HKkT» ‘ . r O ’i 'A T O K ^O n o y inr- from M ontana ;

certified need. Seo C. IJ.' Tc.-tlor. Po- (la to AjiDOclatloft cclltir. llannun. Idu. •

I F O rt’ SA LI5-110, c sgT o irt'T 'n ia T y jIncubalor and No. 4 aiinrploiB cream ttinpyn to r. Pbone. 617J11. • -

, F O R -S A h H -F lv e .a n d One mlnltiK .• ,7V4 contn a : aUare. Phono 20H .

FOR.SAT.k■ ■ P a ln l 10 pe r coni off for cnuli. Kni- .

aoHiTno In bulk. Itctiirii wlmt’n left, tiruBh lunncd froo. -Ulunond Ildwo. r

■ • ■ ■ «

.Eoodquflrtors ^for P l i te n s lliug is I’iniH Beai^ngs< n

Y nh fH -nnd OnskelK t o ; f ll any \• mnko Or model. IViiy n n il. PhonoH Sim. • .

• SUpljea Oyl. ‘Grind. Oo. i

; • TOR SA L E -P la tona . ptna dnd'rlnim . '. on well on bcarlnga fo r'iflr'm B ltfii'M . j’ cnra. J ^ ln d Automobllo Co.’ ,

> F-OR S A U - ^ e o d barley. C. Flower- dew. Sr.--. P ^ 0 S R 2 . , _________

• ■ FOR SALP^-Bal'.y durkV', black, re- I M ^erelble-bedyt—* 4 -w n d H ie ttH 6 l-5 r* -■ nvcnue cast. ’ Phone 607W. I'

I I For.fient 1,■ , Fd lfU K N T —T h rU nillr'a from T « ln | , P rII*. n largo o r m inll trac t. Kdwin - . Dnn;w an. Plionb 7^8J.

• FfjR R B .^ —5 rrion* ntodom bung- - . alow , bntmmont. ajerplng. porcb, two

Iota. Ruena Vlata Add., fac ing DIuo p I.Jtkea Blvd. Plione 102W.. • -

FOR RRJ.'T—Two room p a rt mod- FPrn. ijirnlHhrd houao w ith alocping Oin rc h ; '" C a ll ..466- Cth avetiue ciwt. ' “

' t o r RKNT—O ne nicely f i i t ^ I i r d aifron t bedroom, alao 'garago ond lit)«rd ac If dealred. 351 4th at-onue weat. ^{ '

r'O R IUSNT-;-Front bed room. Phone • C50W. ■ '

.TOR RENT—Room and board, closc ; In. 33S 2nd north . g,

FOR RKNT—2 ronm boiijp Tor Ilcht hnunektrplng. 403 2nd avcuuu nnrtb.' 3 P 7 J . ___________________ _ $4

FOR SALB OR •KOU R K N T -R oal- K ^ou t-room ing houae. 222 C t l y ^ t . _

FO R RENT—Fura lihed bouackocp- >, Ing apartm enta and garaito. 610 Sec- ond avenne no rth , o r phone Q52J..^

TO R R E N T -O orago . Call 45TTtb “ a renuo weal.

Fura lahed booaekpeplng apart- on m enta, Oaala Home, 403 Main Avo. ca WeaL Pbone 97L . -

FO E RBNT — S room m roU hed J!?; apartm en t, reaaonablo. Dongalow A ptg. Cth « tn M and Sw ond avonne mrnt___________ ____________________

E ig h t room hon /e to r /e a i—P o ^ o r , Rnal E a u te .

r O B B E N lW H oukeeptng apart-, n e n ta . com pletely turnlahed for Ugh( booaekeeptnc, one, tw o and room a oIo m tn . a ad low ratea, by WMk o r m onth. T b* Oxford. 4St M ania W._________________ ^

. T O R R E N T -S leep lng rooma. SU 6 lh a ta n o e e o g t < ,

' FO R RENT-TW O fumlahed. bouae^ keeping rooma. C46 2nd A re.-North. P hone 484J. ___________ ,

Livestock and PoultryTOR SALE — RfKUtcrwl Duroc

boar*. .F o r p rlcfn and brM ^Ing w rite J . P. H unt. R oute J . Buhl, tdaho.

W H IT E LEOHOR.V n \O Y CHIX . a n d cuatom hatch ing ; order now Tof April IS n t t ln g : 'c a p a e l iy jaggo. G ra n t A ngell, 1 m ile -w f« . m iles * •ou th . .

T O R SA U >-Bufr"~brpInBtiB eg"S E. E . C rabtree. Phooa. S1SJ3." ^ ^ R a ^ : - - Cowa, one ree«»tly . freah. glS*2nd avenu<> west o r phone ■ ,775J. . ________________ •

TOR S A t.^ 1 7 S - purebred Taacred atralB W blle [.ngbnra bcna. and Smith a tra ln A nronaa. a lso eockereU. Klgb g rade stock. p rIcM right. Tw o ineu- haior*. Two mllea weat of RouthTark 0n>cei7. * . . . .

•' ' t m n- .................

UP FATHER ,.. I l ( e>'f. c o u u 'y ; j 'h 1 . ( T T n , J l C ,O N N ^< U T . \ I

T O O T H } IP O U L e O l F ' / ' I

■ - ^ 0 ^ J ,■■■

I W W A HIS Livestock an d ' Poultryit, j.'OH 8 AI.I>—CoHH nnd Icnm of

miiluti. T lirco mitcii cniit on Kliiilx-rly rn n d ., Two nouth nnd wont. W . It.M iller._________ • _________ ^

■> FOU BALi:—Mtik i;ont Jiinl fnn li.ii'llo" Boiitli of South I’a rk . Oroc-

O' cry. H. I.'. .Mnlono.______________

- TOU SAt,l>-M amini>th Ilronzo tiir- ly koy» from iirl*o w inning Mock. Mra. '« S. 1.. Malty, Un'KiTiiftn, Idnho.

- ~ F O i r ^ J > -« 0 aerV onK y farm and 40 a c r^ o rcha rd land. Pbone 617R3,

“ • KOU .'’Ai.K.iOi^tcTilnKTtiim, niso wliotit. .Pliono ClfiJl.

FO R ..‘'A M >—Smno flno nlioiip diii: «• pupa clit'iit). John Itoilinan. Uca. 1

nillo M. 14 Houlh Tw in Fnlln: Hftutc2.

.'•FOUf SAM>-Yi.iinK )iiinn-«. Miint aell. Q uit rnrinhiR. Will tiell on tlmo:

I nliio Trolil Imrlcy for nowl nnd ford.• W. H. Ilo tir, Klniiiorly Itond. •

' FO R SALE—noga, aome ^ood fccdr era, 1 b lo c k .o as t o l rock. c ruabcr.'E . g . Pu^ketL '___________^ _______

^ ■ Wantea-M iscellaneousW AN TEb—Kurokn- aood potntoon.

- W .'O . Hong, Klm licrly rond._________

WANTKD TO R U t—Uat«l furniture.- riidnti UlilW before noun._________ _■

I’liono' 7D2W.

WANTKD—For rjudt o r trndft. lioftur^ ho ld-fam U nre. rnirros, ruga. Me. Kx-

- chahge Dept., A. H. V Inccnt'C o. 207 » Shoabone iionth. Phone 40S.-

W -XNTED^Stoek p»ga. .Pb-one 398. ; W ill come and got them w ith truck.

0 W A N T B D ^Poiiltry p f n ti klnda. Top0 prlcca. I i . C. H un te r. Phone 903W.

- WANTED—A t once for caah. naed- Ford cara. Phoao 147W. J .B .'W W te ; S C!o. 9ZS M aln.B._____________________

WANT1-:d —A yowng lady' lo room1 and board In 4-i^flnod home. Very roa- J aonal>lo. 4GK Ctb avonuo oaat.

; .' . : Miscellaneous• llOAIW MMV OI’K.>\ ''■ Uoftda a n t now oped to Magic IIo l

S|)rlnKH. ^

I MAUltY-^Iiiialriefta Rirl, 27. w orlh -' r s .o o o : widow, 48, *36.000: s lr l , J9,

$40,000. W rite for pholda. Mm. W nrn,■ COT Lnnkoraliim -Bldg., Loa ABKclea,• Cnl. . . - ___________ ■• siToo Inveated a year ago re tu iit» l

*1.2flu, Thla opportun ity ia youra lo-' day. W rite ua. D ot V ernon Co. U3C

N. 18tb St., Philadelphia . Po.

Lost and Found'LOST—rjK bt bay m arc, -1>" brand

on left a liouldrr, wolirtil aijuut 1400.Call 33::JS. Uuhl, Idaho._____________

l.OST—Jeraey heifer, y ear old. Ilch t 'g n 'y , no brand, nno horn ahnricr tlian o the r: sn t ou t Monday or.T uea- day. L. M. Moyer. Kimberly.

‘t h e o l d .hc

i in m irUM > tCWLYO»H'W*«-«-'VOU

ITMOCUPS Y B IwflTHSeoa f t t t y rueti^j 3 ]•»


o w ; v y iL u T n \ r ) O E.NTI-OT E V E Ca C I T * ^

T H R O O siH W tT H T H \ T ' ^ P /ST IE N .T .? I C A M 'T

m a OY Jmtx F«Tw iJstnvicc. (ns.] , - [ '^C»c«l Diiuin rfititi m «r\td .f“ * . — .

I T A D S Ery ■ Lost and Found I

of l.OST—I i'IhU iii’IKt fcitiilli' |iu|>. •riy Wtiltd apot on i>i<.'(iHi. i’hon<i l"2(>. g

It. ' ■ g_ Money to Loan ' r•00- MOlVrOAOR-I-OANSr^wm i-& Co. ’

:__ _• s ix P o r ccnl—If y o n ’uaxo a goodur- farm and w ant lo. borraw on It, wrlto ir i . m iy ./B o t 62, Tw lu Fnlla, Idaho. ,{4

L . OH PBR CtytO'-.MOIvBT POILFARM 5ind LOANS—Can get yuu the money InI le n ^ ^ ra ^ f r a o date o t applicaUoiL C: j

MONEY TO l-OAN-Frtrm’a T ^ i ; p roperty . C lA .Pallor, Ileal KaUto. ■“

llli: Phono 374. . > . J, . 1 -------------- . -----------------------------------------U

Ji: Situation W anted i„nt ■■ ' ------J—.------------------- 1 Tno: WANTICD — Ilniine rin in ln i; ii|ul 11 ird. Iiouanwork o t nny kinil. aOu i>vr bour. p

Phone C21J._________ ■ ___________ t

cd* . WANTED-^SUiiailou by young man, jJ • l i ou ld o o r-w o rk 'jire fcrro d , no fnrm »

w ork dcBlrod, Cnll C2K Sccond nvo. K. J

“ W A i^T B D -^^ rk by. the hour. CaU *' U S 748W. V ■ • ■ - V

'Help 'Wanteii . ^ire. WANTJCD—A hoiist>kooper In n mod- H

■ orn bonnr. No woinun lioiia. M. O. II— Winkle, Ul. 3, J eromo. 8 mp —^ —" '" '' ' - 7 ^

WANTliD—Houaoktrciiet r bn riincli, c— good nccomuio<latlnnB. Alan nno- lo H :«r- care fo r nsediadi-. K. 11. Ilolilw. Cna- h

tleford. . Phono ICFbl/ • • ' m

**’' MXN WANTED for Detceflvo work. ^ —- Experience, unneccasary. W rite j . „ 98. Ganor, form er G ort. Delcctlve, 326. *?— SL U u la . Mo. , ■ ^ 'op BALESM AN--Eteepn«a*l oppon tm - B

Ity. H uatlera' earnings big. • W rite B ~ McCleery Calendar Factory , W ash- S(

______ ________ g— For Sale-Eeal Estate' J;-•a- TOKSALE—T w eu e ta tm aa n d acrea, jj,

fo rty mllea northw est o t B llllags. jj, M ontana, near B ro ad tle« . . F a n a ln r Pc a n d -o il prospecting tn rlcln lty . Ed- Pc

_ w ard Corlett. Jo lie t. IIL ■ Ef

■oi TOR SA l.n Oil T itA D E -160 acrcB IU lir Boutbeaaiem Kanana In oil dia- Ai

— Irlcl. w ith, to room houao ond good a Ii lh iiarna ami abeda. iJind la no l Teaae.l19, fo r goa and oli.'. WIll trado for good •n, Idalio -ftinn. Addreaa XYZ, caro ol ' w. Time*.

" qus:, . To T rade , |30 KCONOStY— ^ t » irouraelf, your J

c a r and your pdclcotbook by trading 1— in your- old tiros for Qoodyear Ual- 1

loona. U nd Aulomoblle ________

— “ t r a Di : In yon r n ia tlrea on Good->d year bnlloona. L ind Aui'umobile Co. I0. . I '■ I ■■ - — ,i„.. For Sale-Automobilesrr TOK SALi;—rb e tro le l inurlnR ear.I- In Kood condition. 1923 mo<lel.. I’rico *‘’-

1325. H. G. lleoaon. Doyd.HnildlnB. mo

** cor

4 0 M E T 0 W N , IV,( ofcc

I ^ ' - v ^ i a r S \ i J S ) o »

wa 1 Q fff '

■ "*■


) ^

k ^ MVHI

‘ 'Fll ^BPv 1

B R IN G TF o i ^ S a l e - A i j t o m o b i l e s

>. • TOU SALK—Aulo vnt>dimictda,^oor gioaaca, hoadllght ginas and window

' glaaa. Moon's P a in t Sbop. ^

- ^ ^ T W I N F A L L S

1 . M A R K E T SO SELLING r itlC E S ' '

^ iK n r, enno ...... ...................._..JS.Ofi ,T . ^ - a r , Ixii-t ------------- ------- -------- >7.80J Cream chcoao ______________ L _ ..2tfe2 C e k ry ...... ...IStfiUc~ l.«tluot>, Cniifornli. ........ .........2 for 2Gc *'•*. Now ciilil.nr.«, 111..........................- ........ 7c K''y ('arfotH, n o w ,......... ......;______" for 2Iic

■heota, now --------- 2 for 2IIc 'Tuiirlpn, new ..........................2 for 25c wItadhibea, 2-buBchea g« IPeppcro, ib. — r.t- nn B r e a d ____ _— •___________ __-J.lO s «u

• ' Turkoya, d r a w n '__ _____ _____ :_.J2oll Hnm, allced ____________ L__46«fr0c lli<'. Pork aauaago __ ___>-....................

T-bono atonk _________I_l______30o nn■ Sorlolq a teak - .......... - ______.«««

Round o t e a k -------------------------------2Bc? Lomb c h o p s '__________™ 2 B O S6« Mj" H o n s _____________.................... 5“ll Pork.chopa_B ---------- ,.220300 s«- B a c o n . . ....... -,,n<...... ..............,30c 1

. {ineun, sliced ---------- ----- .............- 40e

^ i i u Y i M n w T E S h. Wlioat—No quotation,- Uny (In a tack) ....... ...................»Bf?il2 <,). Hi)k:« .......................... ........ yjM H ViM " ;

S t e u M ____ ___________________ Bc06 i"- u n r f i a ■ t ; - ------■_------------I, C0 7 B ■■ ■ ______ ____304e^ CtilTos • --------- ;______________ 6 - o Oc

• Lam ba' 'Mj ^ CMICKC.NS AM I F0WX8.• H eav y . bena ....................................... IBe M<• Lfght boBB ........... ....................... ..... l ie

Legborna ----------— — ........_ ,,3eBroilers ( L e g l io r n a ) .... ....... — ....lie ' 1Brollera (colored) '_______ .— -..12c n-|iS t a g s -------------------------------- ----------7c 41,Capons -------------------------------- 190B1C <Duct(B ______ _________________ -10c

S p r i n g * I ' '• • • p i i o n c c E •

B ntterfai. a t fa tim y '....................... 40e i?llin tcr , ranch ........ ................,...*....36cPotatoea, -w h itfl_______________ 11.00Polaloes, R u a a e ta ______________$1.40Egga ;............ ...................... ......... :____ 22c I '” ''Kkkb, ClWih............................................2ic whUnd clover. No. 1 IAlfalfa, No. 1 ------ ---------------^^_I1«.0« 1Alslke clo re r. No. l ------------- liB.60 I

----- ' . C

H A Y Q U O T A T I O N SDB.SVER. Colo. M arch- 14.—Hay • c

quo ta tions: ' col|No. 1 South Pnrk, :|1401C. SScNo. 1 .O unnlson, |14(/>1B. | J 2No. I P ra lrlo . Vi<Pl3. dluNo. 1 Alfaltir. |ia « f l4 . woiNo. 1 North Pnrk, 130>14. ■ llgl

--------- . ■ 0 1 ;• I'OllTI.A.MJ LIVKSTOCK, ! ‘ i

rOHTi.ANI>, Ore., Atirll , 13.—Cnt- l\i. ttn—UecoltUfi, 1880; tono of mnrket lilRhcr: Mcorn. kwxI grade. »S,60© “ ^ 10; medium, tX.75( f 9.BO: common, |7.60<rH.76: cannora nnd cu iters, l ”° |C,r.O<r7.t.O; lii'lfen*. gcH.il. J.SWS.M: modlum nud cMumon ,|H .7S|f'J: t»eef cowa, goml. »7.jOCh; medium and * I cnmmon S6V7.B0; ranniira and cut- tern, I2.B0V6: bulla, cannors and bntucna. )3.B0O[>: • calvi-a, medium, nbolco 1!K) pounda down IHffil.B p: iLj- 190 txiunda lo 2«0 pounda }7c/>t0.fi0:280 pounda up W.50O7.

Hoga — Uoceliita. 24C0; m arket Inw rr; medium, good.'cholcd 160-200 pounda »l2.60013,fi0: SOO-ISO pnonda $I2.7C»J3.M: 260 ponnda up. $12.26 O IS .M : pack ing amooth. heavy, $13 " 7 « 12,M: packing roegh. heavy, |114H|0 1 2 ; a laagb ter pigs, f)301S.7C: feeders and atocknr* 310011. ” ,

Slieep — Recelpls, 800; m arket ■Icady: lamba. 84 pounda-dowtr, me- dium to cbnlcp. 113.60016; heavy- weights, mediOm' andV holce 311.SOO IJ.CO; culls "a'ad commona. a ll welKhts. l lo e » 3 .M : w etbera, >gJ0O 10.S6 ; —ewea, common to choice, t7.S0O»-W. . 17s,

P a t r o l ^ O m £• . • " ■ T r ' 81

Adyertii^ .SiT h e y a r o b l I I w « b o o s t e r s a n d n d e s e r v e y o t i r • „

b u s i n e s i s . '

. *iigt

HBY GEORGE 11SgOI) L ^ | :

% ' ^ m■IL— JFiliiil ^ r-'tinlll


G rain M arket Weakena^;«, on B oard o f TVadejJ|;,,

' — iI i'hrillC A C O , A lirll i;i,-{lenVr;ii iii i ||.] f l 'i

Ing wimIk'iumI thil cn ilii ll;it iiiid ‘‘f" lirim ghl n lower oIoho on llio biiiird Ilf irixlii tiMlay. ; l'»>

Lliiuldiitliiir In ttt ira t wnii led liy.•:uit,Tn .. .............fnn li...im-«. Th.iKralii • w:i>i I'uadlly iilmorlji'd by l&»ul bullM. ‘ ll.i

<\jru f*-ll wi-akn'viH lu the Ii-ndlnn ' x-ori'iil luu held mimi'wliiil iilriim;er on <■ HkIIIit ri'ri'liilH iiuil r'-|iur1n nf nn iicutii iili(>riiiK« i>f Rmxi i;Mdo ■lUpiilli K lu the i':iiit, 'il-

(Illlll iiiiniicd llif « fr.^clliin liiw.ird the rlon... '1.

I'rotliibinii wuakiinc'd wlUi liiigh nnd i;ralUH, irai

0|>oiK JIlKh. Low. .Cliwu. ""I W IIEAT— nw

Mny ....... 102- 1C2VI K.B ir.fi!); onlJu ly ....... iH !'/i I 4r,»; h j ' 4 142U

Mny ....... liO '4 m ' 107% 107% nrrJu ly ....... n n ia IM l l i '4 'IWH. «»lBi'pt ....... li;p,4 114 I I I '^ n i iJ i nia

OATS— To)^ t» y '...... ; 41*i 42',i 41 1.Jn iy ....... 4:;'.<i 4:1'^ 42%

'^ I tY I- i- ■ •“ " i tMuy ....... 11!’ i i : ‘l4 llfiJu iy ....... 112 112V4 lO.s-V lo a i i S'"

LAllI>— . "le'May ...t..,. 1CS3 ' L W ir>7<» . ir.72 "ftl

llIIUS— (riiilM ay ......... .N'omluni 1712 Ir

('»I('A(.'(» C.tSIl (JIIAI.V. CHICAGO. April 13,—Oula—No, i '•’>’1

white. 40O'46c; .\o , 4 wblte, 38U ©41c; atnndnrda, none. ’"■'I

C orn-.N o, 2 yelli.w, JI.15; N.>, 3 yollcw. • I l,0 .s? in .l.l4 : .So, 4 yellow. KO'! |i,06«i> l,0S^: N o .'B yellow, ji,02O 1.03: ,N'o. S yellow, i»7099i:: .N'o. ninnil mixed. *1.06^1.09: No," 4 , mixed Frh »1.02»i«M.0r.: .Vo, & mixed. $ l« i .n 2 ; !'« ' No, C mixed. 06®9:e^ No. 3 white, en^ Jl.tt6O1.0914: No. 4 w hite. »1.04« »nr I.'OC; .\'o. B white, £l5?iO'97i:: No. C *2., white. 97c. one

Hurley—7SWM14C. S T lm olby—IG,40©R,I10. •- ' C a l I ly c -N o , 2. Jl.lfi-H . . >'ro

. Cloror-^l20e28.C0. ‘riu ______ nnd

<;IIICA(J0 LIVKSTOCK. »len • CIUCAGO, A |)rll 11,—Hoga — Ro- colptii, .43.000: . m a rk e t moally 2B® *--5' SSc low er: lop. 113; bulk o t aalea, 112.60012.90: boavy weight,' me- dluni choico 112.D0O13: motilum wolKhl. medium.-Giioice. 31160013; >• ; light weight, common choice, I 12J 0 ** ‘ © 13: light llg h u , common cbolce, 2 " " I11.6B012.76; packing Iiorb, aihoolh. v6c » l1.20« l l . r .0 : packing hoga, rough. y in .7C & llJ0 : a laugh te r plga, mo- , dIuni cbolcn, $10.76O12.2B.

C ottle—fiU-era, 1100 pounda np, q „ i, choice and prim e. - 310.90O'12,CO; n , good, $10& llj;0 : medium. $8,900 l s 10.76; a lre ra , cliotco ■ and primo, a i c $11.600 1 ^ 0 ; goo>l.- $10.7SOUJi0: g t medium, $H.7CO10.7S; common, tfi.76 ,<.>1. 08.9I>: belfera,* good , and— choice. $8.7601I.7S; commoa medium, $ 6 0 rn 8.76; cowa. good * d cbolce, $8,600 s , „ , 8.76; common and medium. *4J0© ij!, 6J>0 : canners and en ttera , $304.60: ealrea, cnll choice $6013; medium hii choice. $4.360 8.60; feeder and s t o ^ - . r i n er ca ttle , $5 .»O 8X 0. p”

Sheep—Lambs. me<Uum, 84 pounda «■«. down. $13.7SOl«: c ^ - c o m m o n , a ll relgbtB , ♦1L76013.76; canners and ! ; ? ; calls . I6 J6O 9.60: coBtnoo lochoice. $306-23; feeding U ntte , range a to c k . $14016.36.

O A n i L ITESTO C K ,- ' O M A H /f^ 'e b .. A pril 13.—ColUo— '

[lecolpu, ^ 6 0 0 ; n u r k e l inoatly lOO I6c h ighe r: y«arltttgs, W OILSO;Iteem. $ 7 .2 8 e tt.l« : cows and ba it- a i :rs. $2010.60: s tockers and feedera. celpt I4 .M 034B: a iv e a . $3,60010: bolta atanc tad a tags, I3 .M 0746- ' *« !«

H ogs — Reeoipta, 7700; s ^ k e t E c Oa low er; bn lk o t a a le t. $ lS 0 irW 3 arie* OP $1160.. ' . t»U<

Sheep — Recelpta, *700: m arked Ch rea k ; yearliags. 3 U 0 1 1 2 S : w ethera 24c. 9J0O H I-M ; U m bs, $10.60016: awe* PW r iJ0 O * J0 . ' , 87c;

IDARO POTATO v Z u B T ■ - . ? ! L [Market Newa BerrSce, U. 9 . D e p t of

A grlc«ltnr«, B v re aa of A g r te n ltm l CH Beoaoaaica).- , - c m :

■ --------- • 01:11IDAHO P A U ^ A p rt t. 11.—RanH s u t»

i g s m ederM e; m oderate « lr « ta* n e c i n r t f T r ^ a « i i l good; ..M rlr u p tillgbtly atroBger, w eaker f M l ls r « t O u l

• ■ r H v B .J

• M’MANUS . UT^HO U U D ^^tT

I AM • c :,ooo '. • C c v e : )

i S s u _


riosii on riMnieiB. liu ru ia m nrkot ' w tm idy; ciirluiiilM f. 0 , b. i-aah truck : , l r . s . 1 KiioiitMl L'iillfbrnin pack rua- jiieiH nidHt Hiili>» »l.fiC; It. 8 . 1 aackfld ' •I'iiHicrn inic;l( riirnln very fow anion , l l ‘I»l,ii.’l; ' wiiRonloiidB' tiiah lo grow- iTii; u . a. 1 hulk runaola tl.3C«»1.40: ' ' ' nai'ked Il,4lii)i’1.4r.; aoinn ;dealerB l>»ylng baulliig. 11, H. K aaeked ru r- ' -■ all! U riuftfi. 8ntim hiy niornlng: WiiKiinhuui m arW i ailgli/ly w eaker; iic'iiiiTH pttrriiiK moatiy** 'u rouud V li.:ir, for IT. H. 1 bulk ruaHota.

Vakliiiu. W iiiiN|;.u;nrl.....ta f. o. b.iiiiial iiTiim: ^ff^ked iiolted gem".I11.T ton U. S, 1. j : in ^ : i l , comblua- tlou cnid.i (T:. |ie r c.-lit No. la ), $28 lr:?. . •

.Kiinnair CHy: Old a to ck f Colorado .1. Mliini'iiot.n.. in. .Vnrtb Dnkoia: la, a rrived:-K J cnra lilvorlod from team irai-lin; :i;t unhroki-n .earn on trnck: iiii|iljIli'».'n'ii)dor)Uo: domnnd alow;'iiCTrfcPt-Htnurty;-trnck 'Bu1ag ~ c ffMoTg-------- --iiuiwclkbt: Mlnnoaotu U. S. I ancked llcil lllvor Obloa SOOOBc, pa rtly i* n d e ii,^ 0 X 6 c » - f ln ® ^ q u a l ity and . fnud lthn f^$ l; Now a lock ; T e m 3 nrriw d :. 3 unbroken ..cara o B 'lrk ck ;

laiippllea m odera te : dem and alow; mnrkol wonk; solea to Jobbers:'Texaa anckcd J J I I a s . T rium phs U. S.1, $4.7B©6.. .----- .

s^ 'urt W orth: Colorndo 6, Mlnne*

9 eara d ivorted; 23 unbroken earn on track : Bbppllea m m ierale: demsnd Kodii. trnd ing m odem te; ' - m a r k f t ." aieady. Old a lock: Brokers c arlA

, aalc'K dDllvereil F o r t W orlh: Colo*(rado anckod whilea .U. S . 1 and p a rt­

ly grtiilcth $l.SSO1.00; Idaho aack­ed ' rurnia C. 9 . 1. $2.0603.10; Mln* neiintn and W lacohain Backed rouod whilea II.. 8 , 1. $1.76OL80. N«W KiiH.-k: Texna aackod B liss Trium phs, aeroenuil, moatly a round .$404.25.

Lna Angolea: W nahington 1. O i^ -■ gnu .1, California 4; Idoho 14, a n ir* oil; 1 c ar d lvortad; 31 nnfiroken nml 13 liroktn cnra on track . Salon '

I Frldny: Dewtand alow, trad ing ilm*Ucd: m arket a teady; trac k Bales cnrlota outw elght: O regoo sacked IlnrUanka reii aoli i%colvers asking $2.7B: -Idalio aackod ru sse ts U. & 1 ono c n r $2JB.

SAn Frnnclaco; . B oat a rrlva lsr California 3, W aablngton 6 ; 6- Iirokrn nnd 2 unbroken cars cn iriick: luippllea m odera te ; dem aad nnd trad ing m odera te : m arke t oboat atendy; aate» tn jobbers : California aacked long w hites, fancy branded 12.90; ldabOs.aacked m saeU U. 6'. 1 12.1 002 ,20; fancy b o n d e d $3,260 2.10; W aahlngtnn sacked ne tted ' gema coniblnairon pack and U. 8: .- •1. $2.1002.16; fancy branded W lh aa I2.2B; aireM aalea: New stoc)^:Cam oia. Chtllir 5 0 7 c ;. T rinm jb* 8 » ' 0 8 c;. while atock « 0 8 c pound.,

TOBK PB O D rC E . - NEW VORK. A pril 13. — -F lo n r t

Quiet.P o rk : F irm : m esa, $4L60.’ ' - L ard : Steady; m idw est'apo t. $1»«^

OI8-60.Sugar—Raw, qn le l: a p o t M ' te s t

delivered, dn ty paid. $ 4 .$$ ;'r a fla o ^ - ' steady. • gT»anlaled S6.7S. .

Cotree: Rloo No. 7 ob sp o t M K et ' Bantoa No. 4. :4U O > 4H e.

T allow : D nil; specia l to ex tra , SK 0* !4c. • • - ' T,

H ay: Q uIetr No. 1, $ 1 J6 ; N a '-.* ,.. — -j i6rO$1.0B. . ■

Dreaaed p o n ltr r : D nil; tarksT>. C 3 4 0 4 4 e :\c h ic k e n s . M 0 4 4 c :. .to w t^170360: d n c k s ,^ l8 0 3 t e : ' t o n e ID * - inda, 30O31C.; ;• : ^ -01 ;'.'3

U ve p o B llry ; 'Q o le lt RMSt, - U 9 ' .il 1 ; dncka. 1 6 0 ^ ; tnrk«yB. 4 ^ . •

Cheeoel W eak'; a U le . w h 'o l« 'a l t t i , . -v] ;omm<m - to gpe d o i; t lQ W ^ f t V ' , '

O liC lC O PE O M ICE. a n C A i ^ . A pril » ^ -B a t t« rK IU * .

relpto, -IL tS S ; c ream ery , « S K e :- . .r . -M rtandards. 4 3 ^ : nn tB '..« n K O < « a) ,lecdsas. n o S T H e . ,-r " '4 ■’ ••••- 'if l

Egga - R e e e lp tt ..4 a jlM : OT<I^ iriea. 16c; n n U n t f S T H e : oMtM . t»Uc. ' ' ' i '•

O n e o e -T w la a . IS q i .- .N 'h A e e W .; .;

t7e: ducks, m e'.

M l a » w U x a * S * 6 g S S * ^ M *lU tftO U S:

Page 6: a y ftLY TIMESnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014-12-12 · S i y B i S : : : ': ; .: is .-.'j 7‘ •' : ; ' si(Wt^«ij,{NbibBB>m. -1“- ' • •

■ . S L T ’ ^

i i i o nW K K E IS-CflMPLEIEl

_______ _ ' I

B f lg ln a in g w ith C liu rc b O o ln g , li'u

■ -th e P e r io d B e T i l l e d A rfu J ’

• M a n y . I n te r e s t in g ' P c a tu re s I n - ' l / j

oludjD ff G ra n d P o ro d o a n d | \ !

C o n d u c t o f C i ty a n d C o u n ty

A ffo ira .s —. —

Proirrnm for tho liny 8<-i>iii w i-'k iKSlnnliiR SiiixUy. A pril rii, uinl eiid- InR flktiirilny. Jfny 2, wnn niiiioiinoiil icxloy liy JnmcB McMlllnh wim Imn

■ cIiarKO of llio Rcni'rnl .|>ri>uraiii.' ‘I” ’ •Tlio nih lpdc Htiinl* hro belnR nrranu - ' 'J" « J h r D im rlel Scotit HxrctiUu-. K j '" '

■ DouRtnn H nwlcy wiiI’ I’mfcimnr I’Ibb- tino and w ill bo coinpklv<l. tliln o w !»■■<

• nlnK.•Tho followliirt In Uiivrmnplolo Krn-

oral-proi:n>ni r<]|- ttiu u'cvok;(In to I 'Jm rcli'U nx. ’

' 8coultii«M{crn will kU u m itrirlcni \ no tlco .'tu tn lu lM on o t cliurcli icwij* . . ’ l •• ; UcBlrcfi to aitoml. ' , '

' - X nnilnrt .ItcKl'itrnlliin I ln ). • :, ' M r».Ii M. W olfe uml iiwiitilunln u lll ". .liavo chnm o of Hit* ri-Rlntrtit|i)n'<if nil ",

^ rfB lB tercd-flcout*..nflor nclmol. I’lnco , ^ WHI l>o announced Inlcr. xrnnilliliiio 1 ' '

- pe tition blnnkn can bo oliinliilil from ' • tne rcRlMrnr.

M'wlncmlay, FW d Dny. '^C^pjnln P . \V. .McHoUt-rln. .;ii|i«ain ni

• A ll liiniipn will f i jT ln lino"l.y nHm- '".'1 bor. carrylnR tronp floK In fron t nf ,

. ’ c o u r t bo iuo on Slionhono«Htmpi. n t :i p .ni. iiliorp and iimrcliliiK iiriilfr <>c-, d o n io f a n ia m lw l l . TIio jiirlr^a• m«n<! | i f .

•will ho a t lho In icm i-c llnn '^r Mnin l i l l ' and 8t)o»tiono whnro Iht-UnR |lr<rvldi-<l WUI

by lho acout council will be nrtiMfni- «1 to tl{0 w iniilni: tronp by I{i«y w , ’ i , Oardnor, p rm ld rn t of tlic 'iiro iit cnun- n ' l

' c ll. T ho Judtn>;i u f tho pnmdo n re ibo I |l• nftlcars of>ilio n illitia ' C'ApiaIn J. 1>. U r

•••:-nod«tn , W . N. Rowborry. nn.l 0 . I).Guffey. A fter tho proMcntnilnn of ihe f * i -flae tho paM do w lllproceed lo I.Jn- L / l coin field wlioro pi'Uea will b o 'c o n - f lH

. '....tended f o r 'l i t a num ber o f- »coui l *J a tuni^ . H . w . M errjll wlll rofcn-o lho ' p tu n u antiatctl by Charlea Hrown. .i, B tarlw . D atM A W ord;. cirri* of

•courso . Mr. A uailnr n n f lu n h .r . ' ( ^ . t . J,! ,' Swoolcy and olhow ; JiidR.rs. J t ' ‘ .T lnintday K lecllon Iht). .

. Mm. a M. Wolfo and bcMi«n(iiiant» "r w in hav« c h a rso nf tho ulortiou. nt ..T^,

. 'Iho aamu Uiuo and p laco wbcro rcK- : ia trsy o n .w aa .m ad o and a ll M-eltiiurcd

aeouut^wlll'^bc eniltle.l lo vote. ,

Tbo onflro proRrnm fnr ahlii <tny I» [{!!.'? In th e bandH of i^upvrlnicnduni Ki nfni ■D. niooin. and 'will be aiiim uiicid l>y/,„

' - blm la ter . • • * f ,,|| ,S a lnrday . H ly nnd f o t i n l / O f / l e r « . ' Scout o ffU m i duly e l.c i.i l wlll i t i - l ' , ,

sptnhle n t c liy boll o r tn m i l u m i - i - . i , w ith ihe lr arinliitntiin. ri-iuly for bun-

' Ihcna a l U n. ni. Hlmrii. ■


■ DISIRICI COURI'i iirfe renee nf Iteflnlllon f^ilerx Inlo]■ . tf tlu n t Uu«*|l<>n >Vbelbrr PH iif ..t-iil

1Va» Due l» Cnnlntrler*-. N eK lI-ib .'ii

fi'ne«> o r N ol AlVo J’a ri «if Ih r frl.Tn W . Mnrn

T be dvfinmnii nf tbo Icrm y:inl liiil» eiilcrc'-l Into Ili.r iilra.liiin;' in lho u lil tb w iii..nill.-.l fi.r i r b i .lo<Uy w lirrrla (!. ,C . HHI. a Mlb-I.""- ‘ conirnctor. In j.Iiilntirt ami Tl.-i.luu brulliiTs ttuU .uu lc in’uirti. u rc <U-- ‘ fendnol*. On Ililt fo u n t, the iilaln- tllf tlulm n J#ayiU .^.w !illo lb.- *U- to |ir fnndantn iinxcrl 'T hutllboy .nve.'i>»ly fu v »Sh<.09- Till- jil-.li/iffn HlPi. «-l"lni IIV..T J7:.6 <m acroiint t / .Jrlny. A lliir.l Inr- i) bill cjniin.'il in udniltt.'i l In fu ll by nn.l I tho .lefciniaMtK. . hH <■

Tlio IilnliilKr cl^ilnx tbnt bu «<'Xt }l7>;r.■ to tho p lm r wor.' Rravel wiii l.i ib.-y (Irawn for tlie hn|irf.vc-men( of fiu it trn ilr In NVvniln in .(miieiiuencu of i<n ill i. umlerntaaillnK nml by rea:<on of IH>! tlip r f il lu rc o f lho tie lrndnai. ii*r'inori>bli>|itiiin

B o i s e !^]W e d n i e s d a y , A p r

R etu rn L im it A]

$10 RounReservation must be'm:

Rogerson or Pcrr

The Blue LiiE .E . SMI*

■ ' • ''

K null B ap tist ChurcK. | C alls Rev. W . J . A gee 1 as New P a s to r SundayUi'V. W. J, Ar.-.. wnn I’nllvd .Jin

|KiKl»r Ilf l^c Kiitill llii|iliHt (:hurt:li. >-.i.liTil»y lit ;i .■r.iiKrc'Knildlinl hit: .’inil U'lll iirrlve III a uliori tim e Pnt» tall....... . h)!. duile-*, Itev. Mr.Ai;ri- li><>. itaninr nl trn i l rk . tor Minir- U m e,' Tlii) mTvli.-in n l Knull virT.irriliiy tt-.Te crm'liii’ti'il hy

“W . A. Shiiiilir.. ytiile iiuperlnlendcul (if n iiiiil" wiirit In Miilifi. . ,

Urv, Ak'.'i! Iiii'i ln'cM III liliibo many .\.'»rH ami In favi.rably known* nnimrK . l l i i | i H t i l H . - ____________________


» . _____ ■ tb.

Tbe Kiili;ht.<>.Tein|iIiir fle.'lliii;. hu! Tliu‘ iiiinuu l/l-n iii-r ri-I.Jtrniloii nf nih

Uh- Kniviiin •iVniiilur nl lb r .M.-lhndlM r'e,, c-biiicb wnn Inrxriy iiII.umIpiI Sunilay ;if lr r« w ji nl 2 ii'vJorH ■ uoi} tin- m rv - lec Wllll v.-ry lMi|ir.;iit.1vft. The clKilr m„i unitur th e (tln 'cron-hlp o t .Wn. K S. ' tk-ll. Xiirnlnbetl ’iniiiilc. A rniiir.nlin -Illo .-T il.- (1oM..n i;.-»iei( Are l.irii.l,-' ^ l>y .MiKK Ilenul.- Cnrlnon nniL nn nn- ''-'I ib i-m .-T b .'y T bn l Tnw i h r ilu- IJoi rl"A’ure npeelal feniiirun. ‘‘*>1

In bin u.lilrrHK lln- [minor. Il>-v. If,fi, Iluinjihn-y tijM.ko on ..................... ..I <>f'be Il.-iiiirrfril..n.‘''nn.l mii.llr.l tbo |.-n- «'■' xin to ibe KiHr.btH T<iiii|ilnr. llo rtni.l tbni till- duly nf*nr.- 'reiiiiiluiii -no '-bii imiKor rimiilHl.-<l In tb.r x.-iirrb. 6 ir ili.'^vliu Holy Crnll .ir lu i l i o 'r u ra ib ’i- fo i . r - ] r n i UUI tbe tii-jiiilrlir.- from Inlniii. Tlii' ii'm luly of Ihe KnlcMn' T ritip tnr trxbiy low van io ilrloud ib<> <1ii<iiUiiii m iili Ji-K iiiltlniil Ihoiir wbo wniild i)K:<uirit.niiil '.Iff.0 )ii- iiliindnid benrrni of iJu- Iru lh of h|tnl•<«lr • ' thei

.Mrii. R..1). S io v rr wa« l>lj«- oritniiW My hirliiK Ibi- iuui.lc«\ iir.-K rniii,^^.,.^

iR K B M lIi km RECEIVES Em . injuries!


Jim my l ' l r m \ 'w h o full l'nii> Itock unit reek c.inyoii n e a r ibe 'C nniln rn in l nml >11 cmiiimny tunkn. ille<l Inni n liihl u t tru In' Twin I’nllH frnunly (ieneral hoit- (ron Iini nt ihu URU of -IL' yi-nrn. finiii bin iJiTtled. TcleKinnln Hcnl I'l . Sih!*{Ull/'.uni IIAn.. w here bo l» nnW lo bavr, i-.-|n-

r .by Sheriff M. 10. I 'lnch. nnd <:or- 1’. J . CTroiuimnn bnd .elicited no , , ® ni.If.-HjIili. afi.-rn..nn. Kiinernl

innemenin aro b.'lil up iiencilni: fur- ier word. PJrrci-m em rt t<i bavo lirrn :>mtiliiK In ,l l i r (-nnymi nn.l in trylnu i.i:('i liver ib.- rorh.^ ^arnrtlay n iulii It'»> 'II ibiwn. I |» wnn iiihril lo tb r Iiox- >I>". llnl u liirrr al flm i bln injiivlcii w rre I'lln.

Miwisht tnVnl. liv wtin i51t»-nv.'ii:il W. y .n ib rn i cnmiK'in In ilio i-iiii).iii. .Mr,

------------------------- . J'He


' ■ ------------ — ................. ,lr l r.i - | |t i - . \ l ! 0 - 'r i ie fiitiaillnn .-lul. i,.k- I’rini■I- tram nrl\fiii(-i-.l lo Ib.' Ibliil J'cluiid sllll.1 Ih.- l-1-.'l CIIIII (-iiiiiii.'liU.ill bcr.- yiai- nrrv 'iilay by >lpfrailn;:. llu* S».'.lb ,b- w ar nierlr nliii. :i lo I.' i;bo nbcuiMu;; of uuiri ir l'lilllli.tc. CnnaiJlap r . n l . r . . wa« innt ,ri;c-1y i.-:.i,.m„|bl.- for Hi.- vin.iry .^ ™

C IllC A tai ^WllKi! Ull'jla. I-liiNlnb

III. wlll K .i'afliT .llie i.flr'*Th(|.-TiVn'rd B

I- iiniiiial rbli-m:ri l^.n'l.i r : . ' ......I ‘ii.-i.- jHrl.Ti-iJ.... . . ^ ('ilbrr liit-iiittfioiinl H

ST. i;o ir iS A flrr v iijjl 'liir 111.- H ly f f l rl.-i_.«lUi lb-^^llr.»viin. ibi- I-.-.r.lliiahi ^

lul AinrViran AMnln'laUoli r:hili.‘ W

' w .'ta ‘'.il’l l i 'I n r ^ Till- ...i.li'niliiiil'rt .-.Tl lb;.l llr li / l l l l l- Ih rre iirriiia- r.iy aiiO wllli-iul iiiilli-r,.,r rrritii-«t .1 l l i a n .n y l . .- . b r nUHlalnnl wnn ' ..« ii f .i i i l l . ' Tfie plalluJlf ■liilm-i r'lr-'Ji. wbll.- till- .I..f'-n<Iunt» ri.iyI-y ..............lly JTI'.i.T:'. wbliti Ibeyriilrr .-l.to blm jirrMitially and la te r

i.n ir l, K.' V. I .» :r in Ji-|irei.'M tn [• pla intiff an.l Il.ithw rfi-ft* Chap­in thn . l . - f « ; i . l a p l H . ________ -

I p e c i a li r i l 1 5 t h O n l y

A pril 20 th

tid T ripmade Tuesday at irrine H otel'

ine Stage[ITH

Easter^^T" Observed i

M any N ew Membc B Tnkc'h In to J M uslcAlo''Prog nuis Together iircd th e D ay Large A ttend F low ers F illed tiio Air.

. I 'rn rtlciiliy ivory . lu rrli lu ' Twin Knlln -held n' niievhil Kanii-r nervier ;^ ^ k l l^'ly, 111 ' ■.•lie l/ r iii ' .11= 'nnoililir. .Mnny |ieo|ili^. w b i/ Huldoin intend lihiir.Ji n l lill veutjfre.l forth •yculer- day io h e a r tho /plenitid munlc or HOO- Ibe new croifl/oHB In tho Jnlllln- ory o r nuU Hn.i .Mohi of the cburchen hud flonjcwbuT' of nu cvaii. Kolliitli: nurvli-o ilnd n Kr'eiit iiuiuy united Wllb Ibo c lu rc b c ither by lul- to r o r on \-xi>«rUtne«. In wmty ol tbe rliurobea M|ijeliil lui|rtisuui| ex- cri'lni'ii w ere bcM nliit (|Ulto n tjuui- her n in ie Into ahu rliu reh lu tirl’i, i i l i in H c r _ l iu « e l r i . ibo* oiiiiiiandini! fealuro of iirn.Aleally every rliureu wail* till- ni'ierlal uuihIu wlik-h Man not <i^y of il IiIkIi claim liui wuii ,fnii|ilratlniial nil well. i

Al llie-.M ethodist I'hiircb. tA l Ibe murnlnK Her.vke yvulerdiiy ' baiiMjiliuil ord lnanro wun a.liulnlii- » te red to ii tinniber of Infanin and c folbiu'biit iblH 54 'O'nuuK foUin wero , •.-unflniieil nri fult-fledKcd membeni ( o f 'Ih l* .Melbndbit K|>li>copn] church, .' fiev. II< ,G. Jiuu;|ibr«y exii-ndeil io | ea.'h of ,lbiiiu ibu Iiiind of frUow- T iJil|> nml uelcuiiied ih'ciu Inlo lbe j v liu rrh / Aiiblim. uuiierlnteiid- ,'|r n i uf' Uio Huuday neliool. look IIil* i liuiiieii lit ihbl 'lnu;u num ber. Kol- )■ lowiiiRMblii iioven were rcrelvud by i Ji-Kfr. T he vested rh n lr ’ und e r-lh o i; .i/K-uthm of .Mrn. K. ft. Ilyll. reii.lereil ti hi^nlden th e fo(:n)nr h yn in ii 'thu un- r them en titled . •“rhIn W orld Ih Nol e .My Uoul." from W lldemeru. Mrn,'V S. II. Slovt-r renilurcd lliimlel'n "iTn Ifmiw T hn t My llrdeenier Uvelb’.” T ax an offerto ry un Ihe bli; orKnu.'i! Kov. iliim iihrey ]>rearb«d ou iliit.v Hll1>^rl ■‘CbrlHt’K of I MUlfi-." . • ' iri

In the cvenlnn ilir naer'tfil eon.rVrllT WUH r.lVeii )>y tho eulnr^o.l ebolr a u iljr ; Dr. U, A. •1‘n rro ifn o rc lirn lra .-.Ja iu ii iiIutnlnR num ber tvnit by ibe. (irrliuH- ll irii. r n t l l l e d . "Soldlern' Cborun from U Kamil." .by Oouiioil. • ThlH wiiii r; H|)lendblly roiideri-d. T he cbnlr dl- ri reoled by Mrii. Uoll nanit. ‘■Hiirkne«H at TtnTKtiod” -from ibu— uiiitiitn,- Llfu KvcrlBHtlnK. • by I’eirlo. Tho. nolo jturw w oru 'rendo rw l by Ml«» Kva'ik j. nnd ‘Mm, 0 . W. Illco. Tho orchi-#- |,| trn rendered " In tho O rcnt llcyond." from llrookH, A -nm ln qtinrlcl. eon* i> from llTOokfl. MIkh llennlu. Crtrlson nuns n aolo which wnn Krcatly en- jc loycil.Tho d io lr nans. 'T hlB W orld H -Not 1 My (iojil." Tho o r r h e n t ^ rendered j ,

hnunrr. by •\Vnrni-r. 'w il lo ir I’l-rk jJ! "unK k u K'«id v,.lru, •rn lv iiry ." by i, llo.liiry,. Tlui H ioru»,jinuK -‘'l*ov.i I*Ibn tlrea ten l of All" nnd Ihe Hido- j , bilH w rre Or. C. I), W eaver iind' K.W. Svale. Miw tlwftle t*iul,iwi nu't Mr, IC, ) t . IiniiK brny nam: n 'i l u n 'ln iijilrndld vo lrr. Tlut I'loi.lnK num-. l ii-r 'l iy the orrlicKira wat. i i i i l l l .d ,,, '.Soiilbern l.lyl': by .SI.k-hki-1, ,- -

SI. K dnnnlN r iilh o llr. . i„' Ili'auiltiJl iniink- a'ml n brlof, IukI.'-

rl rrriuoii o n 'I b r rniiirr.-cllou liy 'tb r to HP.nlor. Ilev. Ucml S ..-K ry re r. ron- Mliuli'd dellRhffiil fealiir.'i. of . thn m ir rv it.i a t hiRli niaiiii al. ibi- .>1. J-il- nf ward'H C alhollr •rhu rc li ^Sunday Ut norn'lnK, Tbo nilnr. deeoratlunn a r- be innRed by tbu (-•albi.llt: Wumnn'n «r

I A n n^ W c a r e p i d - u s c d t

^ f r a n c h i s e J ' o r l l i e w o

S ’ h i l e . s .

I - T h e W i l l y . s - O v c r l

a u t o m o b i l e s t o d a y i

,■ ( l u a l i t y .

See tkTs c a r on dis]



Fittingly ‘ sin Twm Falls,

_________ , bl

o M o s t o f tb o C h u rc h c s a n d S p o c la i

c r w i th C h i ld re n ’s E x e r t i s w I 'o a t- '

•n d o n c e a n d P r a f f m n t Pc rfu incH . of

! ■ 'i>i

- I — IIIIn !<'ai;ur wi-r>- exijub.iie. Tbo cbolrte reiideri'd th e tuuHs of irt. AKneit.- - ^ lipTSieii n r y -'liru ‘ iiaT lni^' T lio .'tiu- ^ 1(1 iiriiiiou w err Mlaaoir KiUu n n d . Honor- Oaly and .Mlnit AiiKeIn' lluckw llb. j r alio : Mm. II. C. ’.MaRUlre nnd MImh J '’ ;i- .Mary Owens; th e tenor. ThnuinH , l IC .Mel'IIwalu: Ibo barlioiie; l»ni Oaly. i. Illd th'ii himn, F iiink K leffnor. 7 r . ly I’ro f^ J . T . llninbrbliio w.ih illreclor .I- .If tb e .eholr; Mrji. I), 1C, IlcKuny-or- „„ i>l v.iailttt. und 'fc ru tt* ' I 'llufnut y,,c- .iiul l><i^iiliy Nuok-y, vlMlnlnta. At jj, I- llio orfortory. M n . II. C. .Mniiulro m Is, sanK. "l.'nme. U n to . Mo." comiioKeil \v ■f b y K aiher Keyxur. wlih 'DrKnn nnd Mi It vl.ijln •in!i/>miinnlniriit. .Mlnn M arie O. N Irady iiuiif; '■^Ayo Alarlu." townrd Ibo ,\li If -lii.Mi, of . inuua, ; All tbu miiiitoil Wi

nuuiberu K ore ilullub'.ful; .^ChrNllMt Cbiirch.

y ••T lilrly irem born of ibo Senior iif. I- I'.hrlxit^ i li^n.leavor Hunday HeliooI tei d claiiii.tm ik i«iri In iho jiriiycr onu rtcrvU'e yi-nierday m.irnliiB iil tbo llu « C hrl'iilan rliundt.'. 'I'lilti wun riiH.fw* uic I, rd l>y a(i l-Ianter bii'akfiiHt. A t^ th e Mi D blblr nchool which riinvuned n l 10. nui • The nlm of , fuo nn ' tb o . ninxlnium lal. I' iiruveil too l'<iw nn 4{:i nlteniled, Mr- ,T bere wai< niuidc -by a ladli-H’ iiiinr-:-[.• irilH 1-om.ftinril .MIiihch •■Joronia t|";- K rlvnnck. TrIT^W5iiu:ur. .Mny I-'rnnk- '>■ Iln a m i. Klorlou ilri;wer. AL the0 l':aHier toniiiiiinn)n'-t.ervl.;e, tbu pun- l '" ‘1 to r lUiuke «iu "Tho Mantur'H Jtenur-■ rerllon ." Thnro" wun n|)T-clal miiihIc * ' I :onnlntlnK of lho anibein. •'On tin- ''| '^WlnsH of M vlmj -NlKbt." .Matlbown: . l iu n d a trio , "Ooni*ldrr Iho Llllo".’’■ T oiillff Lyiie'n. hy Mcndaincn O.. I), . 'l l a r r b i i J, U. Wbllo an.l K, S, Kllr- • - i.w iil rr ,. • At -lbe rvriilUK C lirlsllan . ' n K ii.Iffl'or tiirrvla-.. "'Wliui Ibe H onnr-.jr.'rtl.n j-M .'allii to ,Mr" wan lho l.)lik. I 'h .t'evruInK ni'rvlce and niiitile cent- ij ,r r i 'd aniiind Ibc . r rm irr r ri lu n .'" B j*uew lUuiiibrrH' united with tbo Clirln- ilan eh u rrh la sl uvi-nlni;, ninkiiiR a «, j m ini of iliirlnt: tfie 'pr.t^K nnler ({n, rnni|iali:n . -Tho iiuiii o C . .^ n '-w a« -i;], 'rulnril n t tbo offerlnR N fi ijunduy uuil uchuol. ’ nn

I'Cj^shylcrlan Cliiirch. ' TinThe Biioclnl -i-:ntitor i .e rv lco ,u i tho ‘‘‘ '

I'runbyiBilni)'' cJiurch wns prcm;nleil lu>it ovenlnR U y 'll io Sunday Hcbool N , under tbo ill re ^ io n of Mrn. A. U. I’eariion. l l connlaiud of nn uifinode cntU led "A .Song ijf D awn" by Iho follow inc cnnt of cbu ru rle rn : . . .

a ik 'iiK . Ooralil W allneo; U n . VJr- kIuIu Y«>'unR; S ta r ef .Uuak.,- liolon Jobmiloii. .Sinr’ of- Huly Nl»bl. Ile- l.dt..! M lllrr. S lar ol Unwu. Je an “ Hwe.'ley; Too. W illiam D ucker;'.M ni, H D.iroiliy r to w H t; I'Trni .O lrl. M ar- Huk Ki ir r t MelKn; K lrn l.lJo y ,. Wlnntuii In'i Jones! . n riond Klrl, Miriam . Itah- coi-k^ second btty. U oberf Dawsou.

••Jciii'in Ctirlhl Ih lUnrn 'ro .lay" nn.l -'Tbo IXiy of Keniirreeilon" w as *' HIIIIK by llie VUIIUR reu p lc 's cborun dlirliiK ejiUude. • ■

Siiui:—"A I 'a ir W hllo T ulip ," I 'rl- iniiry drt|iaiim enl, ~

"O ur l-:ai.i.'r Clfi fo r Slam ," C lin -] ' -|- ton i;vann, nnd

A t ibi- nionilnc nervlee 17 now i-nn ni.-mbi'rs enirtr bno ibo ehuri'h ; Kour \ \v Ilf tben.’~ t> r-'ttn irr luid ll! fur ba|>- |*rii tlniji. »V''. l*uarrN ^inptl*ed a nuin- i-oT- b e r of In fan in-iili 'o u t - lh o morulUR

Is r rv lee . The ijin^^rloi n»nK "Uonan- It

io u n c e mto announce tiia t we ba

^-onderl'ul W illys-O vcrland

'rland lino i.s the m ost co ■ in price rahgc, and they

isplay in- o u r show room . the a llrs teel Sedan.

The N ew Home of th e . .

W illy s - K a ig h i a n d O T c r lu td Can


nnh” from* G nin ler nnd MIki Mar- P ' Riiorlto Vnn Aiken snnR n nnlo, "Cal­

vary,'' frmu Itw lncr. Ilov. I’eamon delivered n Hplvndld ' -Hurnuin on 'TdkotiH U f l by lho Itlnen I» rd ." .

^ lluiillst I 'hu rrli H en ic r 'I Al Iho cnnclunlon of tbo Cnnler I• I'niKrnm butt, iiluht «ov . K. O,' I lu iir r '

bnptl;;ed len eandldnicti nnd tbU wus '

Jlnrnely the reau lt o f lho I're-lCnsier ' nrrvlcen whleh hroiiKbt nbout ran- < V dlilnteH In u derision nnd tho tminl nf J

' .tbi-Ho w lircb in o Into Ibo church by- f lii itrr o r upon bnpjhun. Itev, U uilor _

Kave n;ntk-<m Imuilmn laa l nlnUi and. f l . tunny'prcm-ni- a inied thn t It wna the I ,

liurent iirusrn ta ilon of fbB rn ih jc c t V Ihry bnd ever benrd.

r Al th e SiinMny'.ScbnoI hour I n Ibc t | (. mornlnK tlwr eblldren from iliV’ lirndIo | |

B jiK-niH «a»o Hperlal luuiilriil nuiiibcrH ■ i_ unih-r ib r dlrecU uii'o f ibe Irfldera of , Ibeair ili-parimruiji; 'A t ihe reKiilnr T „ mnrnliiK ncrvlcu Kev. Iiu ilcr .n ilverrd I

bis serm on to a c row ikd bou;>e. .Mi.>, I ' ICalpb . Ib 'ur nnd Min, Cleo. llubrrln ,• nlnt(-rn, nnnjt 'n iliiui. • • - •

In th e cvonliiK a enniain wnn nlveu ; under tho direction of Mru. J . A. f)y- I-e

Kor.l uutliled :'SoiiK o t HeiJempHnn" by . i ‘ Holden. T bc sottf iiartu' o tn b ln eau- J Inln weru rendered by .Mrfl. ,(IeoiKo I .Wll.-y, Mr. n . II. MiiHHor, Mrs. 1. IJ. ' I M asiers, Mrs. Koherl O. Hennon. Mr, 1 -‘ O. J . JohiiHOU. .MIhh Kilna (irahniii. j I .Mrn. H enry Niinanmkor. , Mra, Geo.

W o.ilrolt nnd .Mr. Djorllnc.Aseensliiii MplMeopal.

. THe AncrnHlon I'^tilneoiuil ehu rrh fl’*'' ' held nn liiipii'iiHlvfl-;imter Hervlce yen-:

te rday : IhiMi Hi n-Kard to lbe serino-. " “••i nn .ihe KuUiect, “If a Mnn D lu,’Sliftll Hu M vc.'' by Ibu iiaiitnr nml tbo liiii- <ini nieal i>rn;:rnni iiiirfer ib r dlrii-tbin of " It Mik. O.-l*. D iiv a ir a i eboir drrtcioi-, H " nnd Mrs. I>. I,.- A lexam lcr nn onuin- " tn lal. At ib<- iirnei-Miiloual. lbe nolobi.i. Jui: Mr. Snlmoii. ntid ,M«-ndami-H .Smlib and seli Dwicbt. j:avo d.-llKhlftfl noloti. A fler inn the "Kyrlu lllitls.on" nud lbe "Cloi'la- .■■.eu Tihl" lbe hm oU .unibrni, •^^l tho r]if: Ijn iib ’n HInb IV ast." wnii r.-nder«'i „ liiipreiinlvnlywiih'M rii, T. J. W.iodH tin nololnt. At ibe n ffr r tn o '. iV iio lo ls ln , ; , lo r Ibo hymn. "They Have TnUrii Awny My l.ord" wero .Mrn. Dwlnbt nnd Mr. Srilnion. T he I-:.inter dneorn- * '' Hons were' licauiiriil nml ap jirnprlale und Ibu c titlre iir r f l re ekvailnc .. j','’';

■Tlirvii w-na nii i;anl<-r prl.uram in Iho Keroiid W ard/ l„ D. .S. yeiiirnlay •iiiornln« ni J0 :n0 . ibo niibji-rl of Ihl- <! ri-nurreeilon ronsillu ilu ;: tin- w n ie r ilier.'of, lU'Kubir nervleen w .ue lirM ‘■•eni tn bolb \vnrdii, -

•• In Ih r niunirtiK th o p.ijitor, Ilu« . J, (•lliriui.'. iirrnrbe.l ou Ihe m ibj.^i, •■i.'hrlsl In Klnrn: Ho l.lves J o r Yon . uud .'Mr." Thu Suttdny school Rnve nn I'lnntrr proRram nl 7:3i)' p. lu: T h rro wlll be servlcen Ibl.t uvenluR nl 7i30. wllh huly 'rotiimunloB, n u d ^ ' i I'^antur BeriUQii oi>a 4fcJoclwr ^ ’


INIilANAI'Ol.l.S. liid .-l'M dlo Cnl- Ilns^lH ven blii While Kox nKnlniU.ibe IndlniiTmoiln Amerlenn nns.j<'lnll<-:i le.tm h.TC In'.lay, ho|ilnr; In' win bin IKih ’itrnlKhi |>rr-tienr.nn s»«ie. |

KA.NHAS .•f ’lT Y '- rb b 'n v o 'a - (’ilbn iiieel llu- Kniuinl; «-|Iy Uturn n ta in h e rr l.ulay, Allbou/Hi oiitbil. tbe IiIk l.au iiiT s came Ibioiicli wllb n f. to 1 vk io ry over lb r Illiicii ymierilny.

Tak .' 111.- bnby tmi in the warm nlr nnd tiuni.hiii<-. S|>tJni; a rriva ls of Imli}’ ennlaKfri. imw d. slcuH n u d rolurlnKH, We.iL'li lb.- fauioiis •■l.loyd" mako,' I 'r ir .'s r.'ai;oiiiibl.', A. H, Vliicvni C a , 1’o:-:m;i Sbostionr Soutb.

Hend TJmen W ant Adn.________

te n thave secui-ecl tlic y id line of automo- ?S

complete line of y a‘i'0 all of proven S)

T he N ew ’

Overlandi SIX I[ - is Mil- .o iits ii.ii ilii ij^

■•-.rnsali.m u[ i ||. . ill iu i- t..r r;ir>.

n T uesday; also

S l— I• I I I '111

/ ' : .

-if= t

; ri,i:TcnfiK«,ro.NCKirr ' jj T IS ro«Mtr<)>Ki>-T« I

, ^ ’I l l l t u OK J I A Y i l J

OwkiK lo the provuloiico of Hu ilfrom which H ei'ernrnf thu leailln,-: I P cbarnel.-rH In I h e P l r l e b i j e r o r- rrlie-Mm and nKHorlaiud inuslcianN I I*nru mifferliiK. the th ird n liiiun lccn- IIJ re r t Iiihi burn imnliioneti fruu iA pill

J 7 . i i n i l l Mny 3. ' L .


TOTHEFORIII.eH er’ ’Aceom|i'iinlM' illn n tis" lo Hie ' . riium hcr o f ro;iim i-rcet (Inly |lo{

M'lIJ llfl’ .tccihuihoiinfed; ,tii |in T h i. '„ „ j Him n f >'«rH.i.jin|>crs ’ik Khown; lllniilis fo r ’.tppl/eailiins Hnve ,Ma, Heen lleei-lTi-d.Toibi}-. 'j'.' i


; HlanJiB fn r'np ld lcn tloua hnvo been rerrlvVii lodiiy by .S.-crelnry CJinrles ' t K. DwlKlil o f Ihu cham ber of ciiiii- reii inerri-. from thu cham brr 'of com- d rh nitrre.. o t Cheyenne; which, by ro- „„„ .jiiesi In nsKlniliiK Him Kuvernnicnl h,,, wllh lla co-oitoratlon In necurhit; hmi Hll biya lo r en ierlu lnu ien t nnd In- •]' fllrutlb .u a t I'’<irl I). A. Uu^wU from ' June la to Jn ly t l . Hoys will ho 1 ,„ neli'cii'd from Idabo, Nevada, M on' tlm mna. r ta l i nml \VyomlUB. Tbo ciil- .'■-enn .if Cbeyeiiuo tiroinlsu to ro - r]iernte In eHtortnlnlni; Iho hoyit..- _ _

Only 140 will bo rccolved.. The — I'hiiiiibur of epminorco In f 'heyenno r i nbows l i t nppriiclallon . of thu valuu ( J 'If n.-wMimiier udvortlsInK ns it aaya: — " I’b-nsu Klvu tbin I d le r ' to ^ lu r nuwn|inpern fin- piibllcatlnn. 'Wo' be- llrv.- ibln will l.« a . in o s l effCctlvo r,., ■A'uy of rontUlivt; nil v i'r- ,-nfl

________ / • . mt)

Coltl Si-nl ('onrioltiiini vf^n i'u n il 1! i| xUtii. I'rIcus'ivuNtuiablf: A. II. Vln- Jam ceni t'o „ :'n7-:Hll _gl><*mioue Smiili. iior

, N p T l To' Automobi

I .ain now in the ofIludsoia an d E& ex G a r ^ e .

r aiii n m an with aixtcon v •_aiiti)niobilo husiness, h 'lv in g g

• McelWinics' Scliool in 1909. gr Govehim(.‘n t School of M iliti S la te U nivefsity a t Austin,, the \ I . S. Governm ent Schoo! Unu at;D icese, F rance. I alf French* ScJionl o f A viation a w as 2nd L ieutenant anri Pilot fliiring the war. I have heen of the lead ing garages ia-Iov

So you see I havo been siiff: Iierieneed in the autom obile rep a ir o r ad justm ent on youi class running condition.

W hen .vou g e t sick .vou ca _ ing am i cxDericiicii. W hen ' why n o l take it to a m an wil

cnce? Give us a Irial. Satl;


[[AreYouPI to Trav

K I f so, it, will lui worth y< the F oreign Exchange E)cj T W IN FA LLS B.4NK & l^ANY an tf let us assist yoi a rrangem ents.

W e sujijjly d ra f ts , Trave C ircu la r l e t t e r s of C redit ' ed everyw here, and we can F oreign Exchange ttansacl -• O ur com plete facilities j

T W I N EI B A N K & T r a

II U n d e r B o th T I ' State andI Federal R cM nv J W l g j l C

III[Jl S o p c r v ia i o a

m h r ■

.MONDAY. APRni-13, 192.=> ! - - '

i H ip R iE T ttM :f f l t t M i rj Amtngotncirta CompletMl' B e - •

. 'tween .FedenU Boprcsontativo I and CoQstf OommlseionorB To- .

day: Many’Kanffo <JatUo-Yct ' Untoated;, Porcentogo* of "Dis-

I ease* Hero Low.- ^

I Tho cniiuiajsn lo complcto tho nn il-iu lierru lnr drlvo htnunn thu cal- Hji of Ibis, eounlry w j l l 'a t n r t ahoul.,Ma>- I A u -^ n i'< (ito u cp of arrantfo- \ nicutn Im itjj^todny by .' D i\ V/. A, .Hulllvun flf tlio W roau of anlm nl tn - diiiitry w ith thu bonrd o f ' county rnmuilnHlnnorn.^ ♦ .

T bcro n'ill bo a federal nnd Hinto reprrsL'titnllvo’ proneut'. durluR thu- drlvo au.l lwo Im nl men w |ll co- opurnir.. , I t wnn nluled toda)* by ihu boiir.l ihnl Ibn local votorlnarlan hml «.*t live«v^ttKCc«rt' «n. 1

T hcro aro n Rreat nfany m i^ro nattle in tho Sboshono baaln. Hose-,•^orili nnd o ther onilyliit; jiu rln of tbn cuiinty ibn l bnvo no t yol beon certified. The pe.reonuigfi of tuber- culOHln In cnlllo horo la vory low.

cussiBtD ADvatisaaBRiMMlMUta rw OMWrt^ ~

fO i: 8M ,I'*^3 plcco ree.1 p a rlo r nei, . fotlitd onk dliilnjj Inldo lyid 0 rhnlrn, inn lb. Cryntftl .refrlRornlor, Hur.hrn , .'let-Irle 'rnUKO. 3 beds and inaijreimi's,:: ilrr«Hom, nevernl oibl pleccH. f ru i t '

Jam and canned fiull. -101 7th aventic nortb, - ______________

IC E}ile Owners' of the Guttery, Servici2— •}. . ' n vears* exnoricn'ce in the > g graduated from an Auto. T ~ . g rad u a ted from tbe S . ' ( ilitary Aeronautics a t, the 1,, Tex.'ts, g raduated from lool o£ -Motor T ransporta- also gi'aduate'fT from the '

n a t Charles,' France, and iiot w ith the French arm y ,‘cn shop forem an o f some Iow a and Kansas. ufficiently trained and ex- - ile business to m ake any o u r-ca r to put i t in first- ' '

call a doctor with tm in - . en yotir ea r needs repair, willl tra in ing and expert- ialisftfction guaranteed.

V. CURTiS. -------------------^ -

laiining : ivel?I your while to visit > m Eicpartment of . t h c /

& TR U ST COIilf you in the n e c e s s ^ ’

avelers C heques a n d rlit'which a re hon'or- can assist you in any • sacUon. • es a rc a t,y o a r com-

F A L L SR U iSf C O . y