2-lec 2 - org structure

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After studying the chapter, you should be able to:Identify the factors that influence managers’ choice of an organizational structure.Explain how managers group tasks into jobs that are motivating and satisfying for employees.Describe the types of organizational structures managers can design, and explain why they choose one structure over another.Explain why there is a need to both centralized and decentralized authority.


  • 7/21/2019 2-Lec 2 - Org Structure







    10Managing Organizational


  • 7/21/2019 2-Lec 2 - Org Structure


    10-2 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserve.McGraw-Hill!Irwin

    Learning Objectives

    After studying the chapter you should be able to! "dentify the factors that influence managers#

    choice of an organizational structure$

    %&plain how managers group tasks into jobsthat are 'otivating and satisfying for e'ployees$ (escribe the types of organizational structures

    'anagers can design and e&plain )hy they

    choose one structure over another$ %&plain )hy there is a need to both centralized

    and decentralized authority$

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    10-* 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserve.McGraw-Hill!Irwin

    Learning Objectives

    %&plain why managers must coordinate

    and integratebet)een jobs functions and

    divisions as an organization gro)s$

    %&plain )hy 'anagers )ho see+ ne) )ays

    to increase efficiency and effectiveness

    are using strategic alliances and net)or+


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    10-, 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserve.McGraw-Hill!Irwin

    Organizational Structure

    Organizational Architecture he organizational structure

    control syste's culture and

    hu'an resource 'anage'ent

    syste's that together

    deter'ine ho) efficiently and

    effectively organizationalresources are used$

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    10-. 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserve.McGraw-Hill!Irwin

    (esigning Organizational Structure

    Organizing he process by )hich 'anagers establish )or+ing

    relationships a'ong e'ployees to achieve goals$

    Organizational Structure /or'al syste' of tas+ and reporting relationships

    sho)ing ho) )or+ers use resources$

    Organizational design he process by )hich 'anagers 'a+e specific

    choices that result in a particular +ind oforganizational structure$

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    10- 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserve.McGraw-Hill!Irwin

    /actors Affecting Organizational


    Figure 101

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    10- 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserve.McGraw-Hill!Irwin

    he Organizational %nviron'ent

    he Organizational !nvironment he uic+er the environ'ent changes the

    'ore proble's face 'anagers$

    Structure 'ust be 'ore fle&ible 3i$e$

    decentralized authority4 )hen

    environ'ental change is rapid$

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    10-5 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserve.McGraw-Hill!Irwin

    he Organizational %nviron'ent

    "trategy (ifferent strategies reuire the use of

    different structures$A differentiation strategy needs a fle&ible

    structure lo) cost 'ay need a 'ore for'al


    "ncreased vertical integration or diversificationalso reuires a 'ore fle&ible structure$

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    10-6 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserve.McGraw-Hill!Irwin

    he Organizational %nviron'ent

    #echnology he co'bination of s+ills +no)ledge tools

    euip'ent co'puters and 'achines used

    in the organization$

    More co'ple& technology 'a+es it harder

    for 'anagers to regulate the organization$

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    10-10 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserve.McGraw-Hill!Irwin

    he Organizational %nviron'ent

    echnology echnology can be 'easured by!

    as+ variety! the nu'ber of ne) proble's a 'anagerencounters$

    as+ analyzability! the availability of progra''edsolutions to a 'anager to solve proble's$

    7igh tas+ variety and lo) analyzability present'any uniue proble's to 'anagers$/le&ible structure )or+s best in these conditions$

    Lo) tas+ variety and high analyzability allo)'anagers to rely on established procedures$

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    10-11 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserve.McGraw-Hill!Irwin

    ypes of echnology

    S'all 8atch echnology S'all uantities of one-of-a-+ind products are

    produced by the s+ills of the )or+ers )ho )or+

    together in s'all groups$Appropriate structure is decentralized and fle&ible$

    Mass 9roduction echnology Auto'ated 'achines that are progra''ed to

    'a+e high volu'es of standard products$/or'al structure is the best choice for )or+ers )ho 'ust

    perfor' repetitive tas+s$

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    10-12 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserve.McGraw-Hill!Irwin

    ypes of echnology

    :ontinuous 9rocess echnology otally 'echanized syste's of auto'atic


    A fle&ible structure is necessary to allo) )or+ers to reactuic+ly to une&pected proble's$

    "nfor'ation echnology 3"4 ;no)ledge 'anage'ent

    he sharing and integrating of e&pertise )ithin andbet)een functions and divisions through realti'einterconnected " that allo)s for ne) +inds of tas+s and

    job reporting relationships$

  • 7/21/2019 2-Lec 2 - Org Structure


    10-1* 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserve.McGraw-Hill!Irwin

    he Organizational %nviron'ent

    $uman %esources 7ighly s+illed )or+ers )hose jobs reuire

    )or+ing in tea's usually need a 'ore

    fle&ible structure$

    7igher s+illed )or+ers 3e$g$ :9A#s and

    doctors4 often have internalized

    professional nor's$

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    10-1, 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserve.McGraw-Hill!Irwin

    he Organizational %nviron'ent

    $uman %esources Managers 'ust ta+e into account all four

    factors 3environ'ent

    strategy technology

    and hu'an resources4

    )hen designing the

    structure of theorganization$

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    10-1. 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserve.McGraw-Hill!Irwin

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    10-1 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserve.McGraw-Hill!Irwin

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    10-1 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserve.McGraw-Hill!Irwin

    he $ =$ Oldha'

    Work Redesign3=eading MA! Addison-?esley 16504$

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    2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserve.McGraw-Hill!Irwin

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    2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserve.McGraw-Hill!Irwin


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    2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserve.McGraw-Hill!Irwin


    #he Functional "tructure of +ier 1 ,mports

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    2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserve.McGraw-Hill!Irwin

    (ivisional Structures

    'ivisional "tructure An organizational structure is co'posed of

    separate business units )ithin )hich are the

    functions that )or+ together to produce a specificproduct for a specific custo'er(ivisions create s'aller 'anageable parts of a fir'$

    (ivisions develop a business-level strategy to co'pete$

    (ivisions have 'ar+eting finance and other functions$/unctional 'anagers report to divisional 'anagers )ho

    then report to corporate 'anage'ent$

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    2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserve.McGraw-Hill!Irwin

    ypes of (ivisional Structures

    9roduct Structure :usto'ers are served by self-contained divisions

    that handle a specific type of product or service$

    Allo)s functional 'anagers to specialize in one productarea

    (ivision 'anagers beco'e e&perts in their area

    =e'oves need for direct supervision of division by

    corporate 'anagers

    (ivisional 'anage'ent i'proves the use of resources

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    2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserve.McGraw-Hill!Irwin

    Figure 10-

    +roduct. /arket. and eographic "tructures

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    2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserve.McGraw-Hill!Irwin

    ypes of (ivisional Structures

    eographic "tructure %ach region or a country or area )ith

    custo'ers )ith differing needs is served by

    a local self-contained division producingproducts that best 'eet those needs$

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    2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserve.McGraw-Hill!Irwin

    ypes of (ivisional Structures

    lobal geographic structure(ifferent divisions serve each )orld region )hen

    'anagers find different proble's or de'ands

    across the globe$>enerally occurs

    )hen 'anagers are

    pursuing a


    > >

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    2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserve.McGraw-Hill!Irwin

    >lobal >eographic and

    >lobal 9roduct Structures

    Figure 10

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    2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserve.McGraw-Hill!Irwin

    ypes of (ivisional Structures

    /arket 2Customer3 "tructure %ach +ind of custo'er is served by a self-

    contained division

    >lobal 'ar+et 3custo'er4 structure:usto'ers in different regions buy si'ilar

    products so fir's can locate 'anufacturingfacilities and product distribution net)or+s )here

    they decide is best$/ir's pursuing a global strategy )ill use this

    type of structure$

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    2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies Inc All rights reserveMcGraw-Hill!Irwin

    Matri& (esign Structure

    Matri& Structure An organizational structure that si'ultaneously

    groups people and resources by function and

    product$=esults in a co'ple& net)or+ of superior-subordinate

    reporting relationships$

    he structure is very fle&ible and can respond rapidly to

    the need for change$

    %ach e'ployee has t)o bosses 3functional 'anager and

    product 'anager4 and possibly cannot satisfy both$

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    2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies Inc All rights reserveMcGraw-Hill!Irwin

    Matri& Structure

    Figure 104

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    2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies Inc All rights reserveMcGraw-Hill!Irwin

    9roduct ea' (esign Structure

    +roduct #eam "tructure he 'e'bers are per'anently assigned to the

    tea' and e'po)ered to bring a product to 'ar+et$

    Avoids proble's of t)o-)ay co''unication andthe conflicting de'ands of functional and product

    tea' bosses$

    :ross-functional tea' is co'posed of a group of

    'anagers fro' different depart'ents )or+ingtogether to perfor' organizational tas+s$

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    2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies Inc All rights reserveMcGraw-Hill!Irwin

    9roduct ea' Structure

    Figure 104

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    2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies Inc All rights reserveMcGraw-Hill!Irwin

    7ybrid Structures

    $ybrid "tructure he structure of a large organization that has

    'any divisions and si'ultaneously uses

    'any different organizational structuresManagers can select the best structure for a

    particular division@one division 'ay use a

    functional structure another division 'ay have ageographic structure$

    he ability to brea+ a large organization into

    s'aller units 'a+es it easier to 'anage$

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    2006 The McGraw Hill Companies Inc All rights reserveMcGraw Hill!Irwin

    arget#s 7ybrid Structure

    Figure 105

    :oordinating /unctions!

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    2006 The McGraw Hill Companies Inc All rights reserveMcGraw Hill!Irwin

    :oordinating /unctions!

    Allocating Authority

    Authority he po)er to hold people accountable for their

    actions and to 'a+e decisions concerning the use

    of organizational resources$

    $ierarchy of Authority An organization#s chain of co''and specifying

    the relative authority of each 'anager$Span of :ontrol! refers to the nu'ber of )or+ers a

    'anager 'anages$

  • 7/21/2019 2-Lec 2 - Org Structure



    2006 The McGraw Hill Companies Inc All rights reserveMcGraw Hill!Irwin

    Allocating Authority

    "pan of Control he nu'ber of subordinates that report directly to a


    6ine /anager

    Managers in the direct chain of co''and )ho have

    authority over people and resources lo)er do)n$

    9ri'arily responsible for the production of goods or


    "taff /anager

    Managers )ho are functional-area specialists that give

    advice to line 'anagers$

    #he $ierarchy of Authority and "pan of Control at

  • 7/21/2019 2-Lec 2 - Org Structure



    2006 The McGraw Hill Companies Inc All rights reserveMcGraw Hill!Irwin

    Figure 107

    #he $ierarchy of Authority and "pan of Control at

    /c'onald8s Corporation

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    2006 The McGraw Hill Companies Inc All rights reserveMcGraw Hill!Irwin

    all and /lat Organizations

    all structures have 'any levels of authority andnarro) spans of control$ As hierarchy levels increase co''unication gets

    difficult creating delays in the ti'e being ta+en to

    i'ple'ent decisions$ :o''unications can also beco'e garbled as it is

    repeated through the fir'$

    /lat structures have fe)er levels and )ide spans

    of control$ Structure results in uic+ co''unications but can lead

    to over)or+ed 'anagers$

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    2006 The McGraw Hill Companies Inc All rights reserveMcGraw Hill!Irwin

    /lat Organizations

    Figure 1010

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    2006 The McGra Hill Companies Inc All rights reser eMcGra Hill!Ir in

    all Organizations

    Figure 1010

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    2006 Th M G Hill C i I All i ht M G Hill!I i

    Organizational Structure

    Managers should carefully evaluate! (o the organization have the right nu'ber of

    'iddle 'anagers

    :an the structure be altered to reduce levels:entralized and (ecentralized of Authority

    (ecentralization puts 'ore authority at lo)er levels

    and leads to flatter organizations$?or+s best in dyna'ic highly co'petitive environ'ent$

    Stable environ'ent favor centralization of authority$

    " i M h i

  • 7/21/2019 2-Lec 2 - Org Structure



    2006 Th M G Hill C i I All i ht M G Hill!I i

    "ntegrating Mechanis's

    Figure 1011

    / f " t ti M h i

  • 7/21/2019 2-Lec 2 - Org Structure



    2006 Th M G Hill C i I All i ht M G Hill!I i

    /or's of "ntegrating Mechanis's

    Figure 101(

    St t i Alli

  • 7/21/2019 2-Lec 2 - Org Structure


    10-,* 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserve.McGraw-Hill!Irwin

    Strategic Alliances

    "trategic Alliance An agree'ent in )hich 'anagers pool or share fir'#s

    resources and +no)-ho) )ith a foreign co'pany andthe t)o fir's share in the re)ards and ris+s of

    starting a ne) venture$9etwork "tructure!

    A series of strategic alliances that an organizationcreates )ith suppliers 'anufacturers and

    distributors to produce and 'ar+et a product$ Bet)or+ structures allo) fir's to bring resources

    together in a boundary-less organization$

    828 B t + St t d "

  • 7/21/2019 2-Lec 2 - Org Structure


    10-,, 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserve.McGraw-Hill!Irwin

    828 Bet)or+ Structures and "

    :oundaryless Organization An organization )hose 'e'bers are lin+ed by

    co'puters fa&es co'puter-aided design syste's

    and video-conferencing and )ho rarely if ever

    see one another face-to-face$

    ;nowledge /anagement "ystem A co'pany-specific virtual infor'ation syste' that

    allo)s )or+ers to share their +no)ledge ande&pertise and find others to help solve proble's$


    828 B t + St t d "

  • 7/21/2019 2-Lec 2 - Org Structure


    10-,. 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserve.McGraw-Hill!Irwin

    828 Bet)or+ Structures and "

    :usiness to :usiness 2:(: 3 networkA group of organizations that join together

    and use " to lin+ the'selves to potential

    global suppliers to increase efficiency andeffectiveness$


    M i % l A ll 1*

  • 7/21/2019 2-Lec 2 - Org Structure


    10-, 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserve.McGraw-Hill!Irwin

    Movie %&a'ple! Apollo 1*

    ?hat organizationalstructure does

    BASA use

    to handle a 'oonlaunch